Columbia College Smartphone App

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Market Research

CCC Smart-phone App Prepared for: Columbia College Chicago Prepared by: Megan Koval May 4, 2010

Market Research

Market Research

Survey Research Report Part I. Background Columbia College of Chicago is a media arts college which prides itself on its diversity and up and coming media relations. It is important for Columbia to stay current with the up and coming technological advances. Ultimately with many students owning smart-phones, a Columbia College application offers quick media links which will further enhance Columbia’s accessibility and events. • Analysis of Idea 1. Competitive Evaluation indicated there were many more strengths than weaknesses of the CCC Smart-phone App. Strengths


1. This app would carry a strong brand name

1. Students unwillingness to purchase app.

2. Easy for students to find and share the app.

2. Not every student has a smart-phone.

3. Reliable service and successful among target 3. System errors on Columbia website. This market. 4. Apps are already known to be user friendly, convenient, and reliable for on the go lifestyles.

problem is more associated with the Columbia website than the app. 4. Students already have internet access to Columbia resources on their phones.

5. App will attract prospective Columbia students and increase media awareness.

• Focus Groups 1. Our group conducted a focus group which involved selected Columbia students in our Market Research class. Below is the concept statement which we evaluated:

CCC Smart-phone App Proposal


Market Research

The Columbia College Smart-phone application will offer all students and faculty the ability to access to the Columbia College radio station 24/7 as well as the availability to Columbia’s oasis account and email. The app will also include world news, US news, and Columbia announcements updated every 30 minutes.

2. Focus group indicated positive results • The reaction to the app was extremely positive because students use apps everyday. Many respondents loved all aspects of the app, and the one person who didn’t think it was worth it changed her mind by the end of the focus group. • Eager participation was expressed through non-verbal communication including smiles and head nods. These gestures were especially apparent as the students envisioned the possibility of using gmail, games, weather, maps and news connections with the app. • Respondents said their favorite element is being able to access thing they need. • The verbal communication was light hearted and the respondents described their smartphone like a dependable friend. • Respondents displayed a dependability to technology therefore the school’s app would be successful among not only current students, but prospective students. 3. The ares of concern from our focus group which should be addressed:

• We talked to a small percentage of Columbia students, all of whom major in Marketing Communications. The lack of diversity in majors may have biased our results. To expand our idea our group turned to quantitative survey data to get the most representative results.

CCC Smart-phone App Proposal


Market Research

Part II. Survey Research Objectives • Below, our team met and determined that these are the most important research objectives: 1. Identify what percentage of students like the app. 2. Determine how much consumers would expect to pay for the CCC smart-phone app. 3. Measure the most popular attribute of the app and the percentage of consumers who want that as the start page. 4. Determine what layout is most effective. 5. Determine the number of consumers who would access the Columbia Oasis. 6. Determine the percentage of consumers who would access Columbia radio station. 7. Measure the number of consumers who want a post-it reminder for activities coming up at Columbia.

Part III. Sampling Plan • For our survey research, we chose convenience and judgement based non-probability sampling because they’re quick, inexpensive and met our time constraint. We intercepted Columbia College students in our classroom and used the Columbia library located at 624 S Michigan. We also conducted 50 surveys at 618 S Michigan, 50 at the Congress Columbia building, and lastly 100 at the 624 building. We conducted our interviews between March 31st until April 12th. In the afternoon, we planned to conduct 200 surveys and each team member planned to conduct 50 surveys. • Below describe advantages and disadvantages of non-probability sampling. Advantages





Non-response error

Set time constraint

Potentially not representative

Part IV. Data Collection Methodology • We used self-administered survey method as our data collection method because they are cheaper than mail and each student can complete the survey at one’s own pace. Students have time to consider their answers when they do not feel pressured by time. The goal of sampling is to select a representative sample, yet it wasn’t. Therefore, the disadvantage of this survey method is sample selection is biased. Students can opt out of the survey which results in nonCCC Smart-phone App Proposal


Market Research

representative samples. It effects how representative it is. This could lead to self selection bias and non-response error. • Response error was apparent within our survey because some people did not correctly follow the skip pattern or they misread the question. We also had bias because of the certain buildings we collected our data from which resulted in a lot of Marketing majors.

Part V. Characteristics of Final Sample • We had 200 Columbia College students who completed the survey. In our survey, 72% of students had smart-phones and 27% of students did not.

Percentage of students who have smart-phones n =200

Percent of Students

100% 75%

72% 50% 25% 0%

27% Smart-phones

No Smart-phones Students

• Our demographic were students who have smart-phones vs. students who do not. • We had mostly marketing students who are technologically advanced and in tune with upcoming trends. • We did not focus on if they were male or female because that information was considered insignificant to our outcome as well as grade level in school.

Part VI. Summary Results • Overall, virtually everyone liked the idea of the CCC smart-phone app. Below are graphs and tables calculated from our survey data which address our stated research objectives.

CCC Smart-phone App Proposal


Market Research

• Research Objective: Identify what percentage of students like the app. 1. In our research, 52% liked the idea very much and 87% said they either liked the idea very much or liked it. Only 11% indicated that they did not like it.

Students’ Attraction to App n=195




Attractiveness Response

Like Very Much Like Dislike Dislike Very Much



Like Very Much









Dislike Very Much




195 respondents


• After asking how much they liked the idea of the concept, their attraction was reinforced by the results of how useful the CCC smart-phone app would be.

CCC Smart-phone App Proposal


Market Research

Number of Ratings

Usefullness Rating n=216








2 1 5.0% 0%





Rating scale % Rating Scale from most useful (5) to least useful (1) n=216 • Our survey indicated that almost half (48%) of the surveyed population found the app to be very useful. Only 5% found it to be not useful. • Research Objective: Measure the most popular attribute of the app and the percentage of

Number of Students Interested

consumers who want that as the start page.

Features of CCC Smart-phone App 100% 75% 50%

94% 88% 65%


31% 31% 25%


Oasis US News

CCC Smart-phone App Proposal


Total surveyed: 200


Email World News

Campus events Columbia radio



Market Research

• The three most important features for the CCC smart-phone app. 1. Research Objective: Determine the number of consumers who would access the Columbia College Oasis. 187 students out of 200 want this feature. 93.5% popularity rate. 2. Columbia College Email: 88.0% 3. Campus events and announcements: 64.5% • Research Objective: Determine the percentage of consumers who would access Columbia radio station. This was the least popular feature which 50 people wanted, putting it at a low 25% popularity rate. • Research Objective: Measure the number of consumers who value the weather and newsfeed on the Columbia app. 55.5% students value the weather and 31% are interested in the US News and 30.5% are interested in world news. • Ultimately, over four fifths of CCC students would purchase the app and only 19.4% showed a disinterest in purchasing.

Interest in purchasing App

Percent of interest

90.0% 67.5%


45.0% 22.5%

19% 0%



n = 196 respondents

CCC Smart-phone App Proposal


Market Research

• Research Objective: Determine how much consumers would expect to pay for the CCC smart-phone app. (Students expected to pay less than $2 for the CCC app.)

Expectation of Application Cost n=200

10%2% 45%

Less than $0.99 $0.99-$1.99 $2.00-$2.99 $3.00 or more


1. We wondered if students’ attraction to the app had anything to do with having a smart-phone. We conducted cross tabs on students who do not have smart-phones but would still buy the app.

Interest in purchasing who don’t have smart-phones 50.0 37.5

45 n=54

25.0 12.5 0

9 Would purchase Would not purchase

CCC Smart-phone App Proposal


Market Research

• Research Objective: Measure the number of consumers who want a post-it reminder for activities coming up at Columbia.

Interest in post-it reminders for activities











• Due to administrative error, we did not survey app layout preferences to the students. Future research should indicate these results.

Part VII. Recommendations for Management • Future research should indicate results about the layout of the app. • Change sample from survey error. From this change, the skip pattern will be easier to understand. • New focus groups with smart-phone users only. Students who did not have smart-phones were unsure how to answer the second portion of the survey because it was all anwering to your opinions of an app, which they didn’t have. There should be a direction to tell students to continue the survey if they hypothetically had a smart-phone.

CCC Smart-phone App Proposal


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