Greenwood House Manual

Page 1

Table of Contents 2. Mission Statement 4. Logo 5. Typography 6. Colors 7-8. Business Card, Stationary, Brochure 9-10. Product Packaging 11. Image Usage Guidlines 12. Ephemera 13-14. Website 15. Employee Uniforms 16. Vehicle Wrap 17. Store Interior 18. Store Merchandise 19-20. Magazine Ads 1

Mission Statement At Greenwood House, our goal is simple: create an environment that invites one to come in and just be. No frills, no gimmicks, no rush. We invite the customer to hang around and actually enjoy their tea, not just get it “to go.” We strive to combine elegence with comfort, quality with familiartiy, and toast with chocolate (still working on that one). We hope your experience with us is one you’ll remember, for all the right reasons. Those we hope to serve: Both men and women, mid 20’s +, who enjoy a relaxed cafe atmosphere and are not afraid to pull up a chair and sit awhile.


The Brand


The Teapot is the foundation logo for Greenwood House. It comes in two variations, black and white and green and creme. These are the only two ways the logo may be presented, no alternate colors or color combinations may be used. The teapot must also always be facing to the left.


Typography Colonna MT is the Title Font for Greenwood House, and is to only be used for the actual name. All other text is to be Century Gothic. These font’s were chosen for spacial compatability and the ease of readability. Colonna MT is the only font to be used with the logo, and should always be placed to the right of the teapot or directly under. Century Gothic will serve for headlines and text.

Colonna MT Century Gothic


Greenwood House


This is your cup of tea

Greenwood House 5

Greenwood House

Colors Main C=1.57 M=0 Y=14 K=0

C=46 M=24 Y=98 K=48

C=17 M=66 Y=100 K=37

C=24 M=0 Y=0 K=41


Accent C=0 M=100 Y=81 K=66

C=0 M=7 Y=60 K=0


Business Card

Stationary Brochure

The business card, stationary and brochure all reflect the brand identity of Greenwood House in color, imagery, and design. The brochure is a trifold 5x5 square, to be printed on glossy paper. The business card is 2x3.5 and includes the green logo on the front in a tea tag, with all contact information on the back. The stationary consists of a letter with letter head and tea bag graphics on the side. The letter, printed on cardstock, will also double as the envelope. A seal will be placed on the back, and addresses will be written as normal. All outgoing letters will be taken care of at the home office, where training will be given for proper placement of word content and folding.


Greenwood House Dear Guest, Greenwood House would like to extend you a warm invitation. An invitation to come and enjoy a cup of tea in a way that will have you thinking, “this feels like home.” At Greenwood House, we do things a little different. Our pace is a little slower, the mood a bit calmer, the tea a lot better. Our food, well, lets just say it will have you coming back some other sunny afternoon. Our Tea makes us who we are. Only the finest, only the best tasting, only the rarest makes it onto our shelves and into your hands. A good cup of tea can make an entire day better and for us, it’s a must.

121 Knightley Arbour Rd.

Greenwood House

So if ever you find yourself on our doorstep we invite you to come in, have a seat, and enjoy. After all, it’s your cup of tea.


Management and Staff at Greenwood House



121 Knightley Arbour Rd.

The packaging for tea gifts will follow the two types shown here. Our tea is packed in our own Greenwood House “tea houses,� and groups of three will be placed in trays for gift sets.

Earl Grey

Greenwood House

Earl Grey

Earl Grey is an blend of bergamont and fine black tea, with a pleasing aroma that will have you curled up with your favorite book in no time.


Product Packaging 10

Image Usage Guidelines OBJECTS All images of objects should be cafe or tea related, and a warm color scheme is prefferable.

PEOPLE All images of people should show them having a pleasant time in a cafe type setting, prefferably waist up shots


All images of food should be cafe style, fresh and healthy looking


Greenwood House provides several ephemera products, including graphic tshirts. We only have a line for women at the moment, and these shirts are based off of the employee uniforms, but with the supporting colors of yellow and red. Shirts come in sizes xsmall-xxlarge.

Ephemera 12

Website The Website for Greenwood House features a simple design that takes you to our four major pages-food, tea, gifts, and contact. Each page is filled with graphics and details that reflect the ideals of our company, as well as the different aspects of our company. The website will also be featured as an app for cellular devices.


Home Page




-Menu Breakfast Lunch Desserts

-List of Tea

-Nutritional Info.

-Link that takes you to checkout

-Merchandise Shirts, Emphemera


-Company Info. -Link to Map

-About Each Tea

-Tea -Custom GIfts

Greenwood House App


Employee Uniforms Employee’s have two shirts for their uniform, a short sleeve summer shirt and a long sleeve winter shirt. The men’s summer shirt should always be green with the black logo. The men’s winter shirt should always be black with the green logo, both in the top right hand corner. The women’s summer shirt should always be green with the green logo super imposed upon a creme circle, with cirlcle graphics on the lower half of the shirt. The winter shirt should always be light blue with the black logo, with circle graphics on the lower half. Both the green and black logo should be in the top center of the shirt. Employee’s are allowed to wear dress khaki’s or dress jeans. 15

Vehicle Wrap The vehicle wrap for Greenwood House is a three piece adhesive set, including a set of cirlcle graphics for the front and back of the vehicle and a complete logo with title. All vehicle wraps are to be placed by professionals at car dealerships and all delivery cars are to be outfitted with the vehicle wrap.


Store Interior

The store interior for Greenwood House is always warm and inviting. The furniture is all wood, and natural and diffused lighting set the mood for a relazing environment. It should always be fresh and unstuffy, but at the same time relaxed. Bookshelves, lanterns, large urns for flowers, and muted apholstry will be used to compliment the interior space.


Greenwood House will stock store merchandise at every store. Two of these items will include aprons and suger bowls. The apron has the green logo on the front, and the sugar bowl features the name of the tea house. Both items are simple, reflecting both the ideal and standard of quality of Greenwood House.

Store Merchandise 18

Magazine Ads The target audience for this ad is women who like a fun, modern approach to ways to stay healthy in all areas of life. The magazine with this kind of ad is known for it’s vibrant colors and eye-catching articles. This is why a color background is used for this page, along with fun graphics to keep the customer interested. The content of the text also plays to the modern woman’s interest, and appeals to her need to trade in her normal drink pick for something healthier. The logo for Greenwood House enforces brand identity while the comment about tea lets the customer know what product they are dealing with.


The target audience for this ad is women who want to live life in the simplest way possible, with creative ideas for how to un-clutter and de-stress their lives. It is created for magazines who have a unique layout that emphasizes white space on the page, which is why the choice was made to lay out the pictures and text on a plain white background. Research was done to determine what images would get the point across with minimal text, and kept the color scheme in line with Greenwood House. This article appeals to the uncluttered view of life and also helps the refreshing quality of the product to come across.


Š Megan Morrow 2011

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