Behaviour of Colour - Practical Investigation Proposal - Sources of Inspiration - Plan of Action -
Inspiring pantone colour palettes made for the blog:
Ideas - What do I want to discover? - What relationships can colours form? - How do they alter perceptions of items or images? - Do colours play a crucial role in our understandings of art, media and fashion? - Can other variables alter the impacts of colour? - Black & white vs. colour; the differences and resulting impacts.
Karel Martens Untitled, circa 1992 letterpress monoprint on photocopy 8 Âź x 11 â…? in. (209 x 295 mm)
Main points from my theoretical work -
‘The Effects of Color in Store Design’ by Belizzi, Crowley and Hasty. 1983. Journal of retailing, Vol 59, Issue 1. --- Suggests colour can physically attract shoppers toward a retail display and have certain perceptual qualities that affect store and merchandise image.
‘The Power of Colour’ by Birren and Faber. 1997. Reported that the colour red increased blood pressure and pulse rate of participants in a lab setting.
‘The effects of store environment on shopping behaviours’ by Yin Lam. 2001. ‘People in different cultures prefer particular colours because of the meaning that they attach to these colours.’
Visual Merchandising in UO Orange County - Christmas outfits NPgBH3hDtg/?taken-by=urbano utfitters
Points continued... -
Scandinavian Outdoor Clothing Store by Unbounce. They had a 127% increase in conversion rates after changing the headline on the site . ‘How do colours affect purchases’ an infographic by Kissmetric. 93% of customers rate visual appearance above other factors when shopping. 85% place colour as a primary reason for why they buy a particular product. ‘Profit of colour’ by experts from the Colour Marketing Group. Febreze Air Effects used synaesthesia to evoke a sense of light -- in 2005 they won the P&G award for best brand design.
‘How do colours affect purchases?’ An Infographic by Kissmetric ?wide=1
Taking inspiration from my theoretical work Themes of my practical work will almost entirely be informed by my theoretical work -i.e. research/findings. SUCH AS Experimenting with colour moodboards - Evaluating the emotional responses - How have other elements influenced perceptions of colours? E.g. texture - Do my discoveries relate to the reports I studied for theory? Etc..
Material Inspiration for Cafita 53 By Studio Lievore Altherr Molina deas/design-for-living-saya-lievore-alth err-molina
Moodboard / Colour Palette
Pantone palettes | Nature 3D | Photography How has working in the 3D realm altered the presentation of colour in this image alone?
Informed | (Art) Movements - Colour
Left to right: Balla (Futurism) Derain (Fauvism) Picasso (Cubism)
Why? - Topic - Colour | Texture | Composition | Power words - Intention - Discover and analyse how these topics interact with each other throughout my visual journal and outside - photograph flatlays? - Trends - the role of colour trends in the art & fashion industries - Why? I want to inform and further the progress in my theoretical studies, mainly because colour is a broad and fascinating subject. Sometimes it just works, and sometimes it really doesn’t.
Plan - What? How? - Slowly develop my ideas in my visual journal. Alot pages to experiments, developments, finalising and evaluating. - Do this by experimenting with a range of media and colours. Play with photographing flatlays - arrangements of things I’ve made and found? - Blog in order to document progress and transformative moments. - Self-evaluate frequently, so that I can see which areas of my practice need improving.