Encourage culturally engaged young people aged 20-30 to experience ballet for the first time.
Questionnaire Important aspects: cost, accessibility and opportunity Give it a more contemporary feel.
Trip to ROH and Ballet School in London Traditional. Consistent branding. Ornate. Professional. Guide
Stickers Map
Leaflet with info and map
Audience: -
20-30 year olds Students and young professionals People that go to gigs, exhibitions and the cinema People that haven’t considered ballet People that presume ballet is old fashioned & expensive
Methodology - traditional, textural
Campaign ideas -
Map of the UK - journey & prices - location specific? Stickers around London - cultural areas & accessibility Animations - GIFs etc for Instagram, Twitter & FB Leaflet with map & info Snapchat filters - icon Social media content
- Mockups for more products - tote bags
Initial ideas - fjhdfj
Planning production
Queries - Is the colour palette and illustrative style (vectors) appropriate for our audience? - Is there a product we haven’t considered? Could tote bags be appropriate? - Would you feel compelled by our campaign to go to the ballet? - Is the production method appropriate?