Leeds College of Art BA (Hons) ILLUSTRATION
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OUIL505 ILLUSTRATION 2: Applied Illustration
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Module Brief Title: Product, Range & Distribution
STUDIO BRIEF 1: Project Proposal Project Rationale What do you intend to do and why? I intend to research the Retail & Packaging and specialise in soft home furnishings. In order to achieve a valid understanding I will analyse the role that homewares play within society and specifically the ways in which they can alter a person’s mood and behaviour. I will create two homewares= collections, both focused on natural elements and communicating a subtle narrative. The collections will be Spring/Summer and Autumn/ Winter themed. The collections will comprise of a duvet cover, two pillowcase options and two throw cushions. I will create a wall print that overlaps the two collections in order to tie them together and complete the story about two characters. I will also illustrate a placard to sit next to the products in store and online. It will tell the story of the two characters in order to connect and resonate with the potential customers.
THEMES / SUBJECTS What Themes/Subjects will form the content of your work for this module? This should include theoretical and non-creative based content and concerns. This section should identify your consideration of the social, cultural, ethical and creative concerns of contemporary Illustration practice. GENERAL THEMES: - Nature - Character - Whimsical scenes SPECIFIC SUBJECTS:
Homewares Interior Design Warm colour palettes Trends Seasonal collections
PRACTICAL & CONCEPTUAL APPLICATION What areas of Illustration do you intend to investigate in relation to the practical and conceptual, production/ distribution of work in response to selected briefs? SPECIFIC DISCIPLINARY AREA: Retail & Packaging: Sustainable home furnishings and environmental design AUDIENCE/CONTEXTS: An audience of people whom live potentially busy lives and treat their homes as sanctuaries to escape their busy, ever-more digital world. Specifically for young people (16-35 year olds) but due to a colour palette nostalgic of pastel, child-like hues, the duvet cover set could come in a toddler size for a children’s homeware range. PRODUCTION/DISTRIBUTION METHODS: -
Digital print onto fabric Screen-print Embellished by hand, e.g. sewn thread to highlight areas and increase tactility Create design boards to demonstrate the range to clients Potential distributors: Anthropologie, UO Home, Zara Home, H&M Home, House of Fraser Home.
CONTEXTUAL REFERENCES Identify areas of professional/creative practices that will inform the contextualization of the work that you produce. This should include specific illustrators, studios, practitioners and products as well as broader creative disciplines and methods of Production /Distribution. ILLUSTRATORS / DESIGNERS / STUDIOS: Molly Hatch - ceramic designer for Anthropologie Elly Jahnz - lots of branding and textiles work for Seasalt Charlotte Mei - communicates personality and exuberant characters in homewares Rifle Paper Co. - heavily inspired by natural elements and trendy colours Anthropologie - artisan goods that are reminiscent of handcrafted products, but sold on a larger scale WGSN - trend forecaster CREATIVE SKILLS What practical skills do you intend to further develop and apply during your project? What do you intend to use the skills for? Consider extending the use of skills that you already have in order to deliver work of a higher standard as well as identifying new skills that you will need to develop.
- Printing onto fabric - Creating professional presentation boards - CAD Skills - Photoshop, Illustrator and using digital brushes to mimic analogue quality - Combining hand-drawn images that can be scaled up and digital brushes
KEY TEXTS List a selected number of books, articles and texts that are central to your proposed area of practice. These should include a combination of design and non-practice based books, theoretical texts as well as visual publications. You should include a list of relevant websites.
- The Power of Colour: How it can reduce fatigue, relieve monotony, enhance sexuality, and more - Faber Birren, 1997 - Theory of Colours - Johann Goethe, 1810 - Effects of light and sleep stages on heart rate variability in humans - M. Tsunda et al. 2001 - Zara Home Magazine - Elle Decoration magazine - trend bulletin - Delos - wellness - informed by seven categories: air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort and mind. - Trend forecasters WGSN: http://www.wgsn.com/content/introducing.lifestyleinteriors?lang=en - Elle Decor: http://elledecor.com/design-decorate/trends/news/g3429/interior-designtrends-2017/ - Vogue Decor: http://www.vogue.com/article/home-decor-decorating-trends-2017 - Vogue Living: http://www.vogue.com/living/homes - Hygge House: http://hyggehouse.com/hygge - The New Yorker on Hygge: http://www.newyorker.com/culture/culture-desk/the-yearof-hygge-the-danish-obsession-with-getting-cosy - Book - Hygge: A celebration of simple pleasure. Living the Danish way. By Charlotte Abrahams.