Realising that sex and gender do not have to match up – they are different. Considering the idea the gender is a construct – as suggested by revolu;onary agender model Rain Dove.
Rain Dove’s Victoria Secret campaign -‐-‐-‐ targe;ng the brand for discrimina;on. Photoshopped her own photos in order to make them more ‘acceptable’ Inspired me to create work that communicates this blatant discrimina;on.
Discovering the inspira;onal author and gender capitalist Kate Bornstein. Iden;fies as neither man nor woman.
I LOVE LEARNING THINGS I was en;rely engulfed by my topic – it is SO INTERESTING. Absolutely thought-‐provoking and it really has changed my outlook on society/life/gender. Determined to learn more to validate my opinions and to guarantee I communicate the points as effec;vely as possible.
Tying together both the wriSen and prac;cal aspects of my work. Including contextual and prac;cal research and how I used it to develop my own work.
Realised that adver;sing has subliminal messages that suggest people ought to be a certain way. This is presumptuous and maybe the media should stop an;cipa;ng what somebody is like based on their genitalia. Served as mo;va;on to communicate my opinions effec;vely.
To make my opinions more relatable I decided to come up with a narra;ve -‐-‐ Inspired by zines such as OOMK (made en;rely by women of all different backgrounds).
Turned quotes from inspira;onal people and quotes from my own essay into a liSle informa;ve zine -‐-‐-‐ explains the theory that gender is a construct of society.