Visual Journal Transformative moments
1. Drawing from research Research is paramount to my practice as it allows for a stronger concept to underpin the subsequent work.
2. Roughs - Process Feeling free in my visual journal allowed me to experiment and develop my concepts fully.
3. Surreal motifs Embracing the idea of not always drawing literally was fundamental for my practice during this module.
4. Resilience Playing with ideas to make them the best they could be; involved redrawing each concept a million times.
5. Confidence Changing direction quite far on was daunting but necessary for my project. Time management was crucial afterwards to guarantee completion.
6. Character My work has become very character-focused and ways of communicating personality & atmosphere.
7. Concept I learnt I don’t need to make everything obvious. It’s more magical to read something and put your own spin on it. I.e. I didn’t need to have a person in my narrative.
8. Storyboarding Being prepared before launching After Effects made the process of animating easier and more efficient