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Emotion is the Language of Cells
Emotion is the Language of Cells
The feelings we attach to what we think are the real catalyst for manifestation.
Dr. Habib Sadeghi
When When it comes to consciously creating our lives, it seems we talk about thoughts most of the time. However, the truth is that the feelings we attach to what we think are the real catalyst for manifestation. We live in a feeling universe and therefore, emotion is the language of our cells. Emotions are energy in motion, and we can direct that energy to our benefit by choosing what we feel in any given moment. Instead of struggling with which thoughts to think or not to think, the fastest way to plug into the energy of what you desire is to be it now. Whatever it is you want, imagine what it would feel like to already have received it and then step into that state of being right now. When you’re feeling that you have your desire right now, collecting your thoughts is unnecessary because your conscious and subconscious minds are aligned, and they’re sending your cells a new blueprint for how to be in this moment. As we consciously change our being, this ever evolving being will eventually become our constant (subconscious) new state of being. In his book, Feeling is the Secret, author and teacher, Neville Goddard, reminds us that, “The only reality is consciousness, and consciousness becomes what it knows.”
Whether you call it “acting AS IF,” or “faking it until you make it,” there’s much scientific proof behind this spiritual principle. One of the most amazing examples of this concept comes from a study Dr. Ellen J. Langer conducted at Harvard University in 1981.
Dr. Langer placed two different groups of men, all in their 70s and early 80s, in an old monastery in New Hampshire one week apart. Unbeknownst to the men, before they arrived, she had transformed the entire place to look and feel as if it was still the 1950’s. Leave It to Beaver, Ozzie & Harriet and similar iconic ‘50’s shows played on all the TVs. The news reported on Nikita Khrushchev and the sportscasts on Mickey Mantle. The radios only played doo-wop music, and LIFE magazine was scattered across the period furniture. The pink Cadillac parked out front was the finishing touch to her time capsule.
The first group was told to have fun and reminisce about the good old days. One week later, the second group took their place but was given a different set of instructions. They were told to be as you were in the 1950’s. Don’t remember the past, but act as if you are there now as your younger selves. Feel the way you felt then. Dr. Langer’s original intention was to study how preconceived ideas about aging affect the body. Her results were completely unexpected, and truly exciting.
After one week, the group that was told to simply reminisce about their past showed improvement in all their biomarkers including skin elasticity, hearing, flexibility, systolic blood pressure and sight. Bone density increased and their posture was dramatically straighter. Arthritis that had gnarled many of their hands had begun to loosen its grip. The second group that was acting like their younger selves, instead of just remembering old times, experienced all the same improvements but at dramatically increased levels. Skin elasticity improved so much that their wrinkles started to disappear. Scores on intelligence tests improved, as well.
Dr. Langer’s study shows us that how we feel about anything, especially ourselves, is what drives the power of manifestation. Her work is proof of “As Above, So Below.” The mind doesn’t just have the power to halt illness and aging, it can reverse them too. The most amazing outcome of this study was the biological evidence that showed that the men who felt and acted like their younger selves, were actually physiologically younger when the study concluded.
Like Dr. Langer’s test group, you can “feel it real,” so to speak, in big and small ways each day. You may not have noticed, but at the top of each supplement label from Be Hive of Healing is the affirmation, “What a balanced and healing life you are living.” It’s our way of helping you stay grounded in a healing consciousness. Every time you’re scheduled to take your supplements, you might want to say to yourself, “What a balanced and healing life I am living.” Say it out loud and make sure you FEEL like you’re in a robust, healthy body. Then go about the rest of your day trying to embody as much of this idea as you can. Each time you imagine feeling healthy and strong, you send your cells a new set of directions.
Dr. Langer defines her unique brand of work as the psychology of possibility. For her, the quality of life we experience depends on understanding the difference between what is and what can be, releasing all preconceived notions and consciously acting on a new assumption. Imagine how it would feel to have what you desire. Step into the feelings of this new assumption and inhabit that state of being now. The powerful energy from the positive feelings generated by this new state will speak to your cells, and they will respond. Dr. Langer certainly agreed in a recent interview with Harvard Magazine:
“Wherever you put the mind, the body will follow. At the end of the [monastery] study, I was playing football—touch, but still football—with these men, some of whom gave up their canes. It is not our physical state that limits us.” 1
[1] Feinberg, C. (2010, September-October). The Mindfulness Chronicles: On the psychology of possibility. Harvard Magazine, 42-46. Retrieved from http://harvardmag.com/pdf/2010/09-pdfs/0910-42.pdf
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