Clown Care
healing power of humor Michael Christiansen created the program in 1986 based on his desire to provide children undergoing treatment in pediatric facilities with entertainment. Partnering with the hospital’s staff, they conduct “Clown Rounds,” their own version of medical rounds to entertain patients.
Performers collaborate with the doctors to fit the needs of each hospital. Currently there are 80 professionals conduct clown rounds 1–5 days a week. The clown doctors are trained in hygiene and protocols and issues whe n dealing with hospitalize d children. Clown Care brings special attention to inpatient and outpatient, intensive care, emergency room, physical therapy, bone marrow transplant, pediatric AIDS, and hematology and oncology.
C i rc u s o f t h e S e n s e s i s a u n i q u e performance that enables visitors with vision, hearing impairments and other disabilities to experience the magic and joy of the circus.
Wireless audio headsets, which utilize a state-ofthe-art infrared transmission system, feature a play-by-play description of the action in the ring by Circus Founder and Co-Founder Paul Binder and Michael Christensen. American Sign Language interpreters are strategically positioned in spotlights to sign throughout the performances. Audience members also have their choice of a large-print or Braille descriptive program, distributed in advance, each of which describes the various acts in detail.
Circus of the Senses
experience the
Circus After School
children through the circus
The mission of Circus After School is to provide a unique opportunity for at-risk youth to develop life-enhancing skills such as teamwork, commitment, and responsible risk-taking through a structured program of learning and performing the circus arts.
Approximately 25 students participate in each 12-week unit,which takes place at either a community center or a school facility. A student showcase at the end of the unit complete with costumes, music, and professionally crafted routines - attracts friends, family and neighbors to support the children. In addition, all of the participants take a field trip to a performance of the Big Apple Circus, where they can appreciate what they have learned through the inspiring skills of the world’s top performers in their respective disciplines.