SUSHI in Slovenia Megumi Yoshida
What is sushi ? In Japanese cuisine, sushi is vinegared rice, usually topped with other ingredients, including raw fish, cooked and uncooked seafood, and vegetables. Outside of Japan, sushi is sometimes misunderstood to mean the raw fish itself, or even any fresh raw seafood dishes. In Japan, sliced raw fish alone is called sashimi and is distinct from sushi, as sashimi is the raw fish component, not the rice component. The word sushi itself comes from an archaic grammatical form of a word that is no longer used in other contexts; literally, "sushi" means "it's sour". There are various types of sushi: sushi served rolled inside nori (dried and pressed layer sheets of seaweed or alga) called makizushi or rolls; sushi made with toppings laid with hand formed clumps of rice called nigirizushi; toppings stuffed into a small pouch of fried tofu called inarizushi; and toppings served scattered over a bowl of sushi rice called chirashizushi. In this book, I will explain how to make makizus.
Ingredients (for 5 people) Short-grain rice ... 500g
Soy Sauce
We need short-grain rice because it sticks together better.
I recomend “Kikkoman” and “Yamasa”. This brand is famous in Japan.
Rice or apple vinegar can be used but rice vinigar is used traditionaly.
Raw salmon or tuna ... about 400g
raw salmon
It can be paste or powder wasabi.
Nori ... 7 sheets
raw tuna
You can buy it on the open market. Fresh fish has clear edge, but older fish has broken shape or very wet surface. Buy it with ice, so it can stay fresh.
Drobnjak or Green onion
Cucumber ... 1
Sesame ... some
Salt / Sugar / Oil
It is dried and pressed layer sheets of seaweed or alga.
Eggs ... 2
Japanese ingredients .... in Ljubljana you can buy it in Zrno do zrna, Kalcek and Maximarket.
How do i know which fish is fresh enough? When you buy. Good fish : It has clear shape clear edge, not getting apart. Bad fish : The layer of fish is getting apart. Tired shape. Wet surface. Not good smell. Advice : You can get good fish on the open market or E.Leclerc in Ljubljana. Ask for some ice when you buy it, so you can bring it home more fresh.
Advice : Good fish can stay for 1- 2 days in the fridge.
How to handle fish? 1. Keep the fish always in cold. 2. Wash your hands, dishes and tools carefully.
Pot for cooking the rice
Soup spoon (tablespoon)
The pot needs 2/3 of empty space when you start cooking the rice, because the rice become 3 times bigger.
It is for taking bones out from the fish. If you don’t have it, use your hands.
In this book we will use soup spoon which you use for eating soup. We will measure vinegar, sugar and salt with this.
Big mixing plate
Bamboo mat
Roasting plate is useful. It is for mixing the rice with sauce.
You can buy it as table mat in the kitchen shop.
Flat mixing spoon
It mast be sharp for cutting the fish smoothly.
Anything flat is okay. It is for cooling the rice down.
Preparing the rice ( before cooking )
Wash 500g of rice.
Leave the rice in cold water at least half hour. (It is necessarily for making softer rice)
Cooking the rice
rice 550ml water
Put the rice without water in a pot. Add 550ml of water.
Cover the pot and cook with biggest fire till it start boiling hard.
Bigest fire
When the rice starts to boil, make fire smallest and continue cookeing till the rice soaks all the water. (Do not open the pot too often and never mix inside.)
Smallest fire
When there is no more water, turn off the fire and wait for 15 minutes “ without opening the pot�. Wait for 15 minutes
Making a sauce for the rice
rice vinegar sugar salt
During the rice cooking , make sauce for the rice. Mix these ingredients in a pot... 5 spoons of rice vinegar 4 spoons of sugar 1 spoon of salt. Warm it till sugar melts completely. (Do not boil it because vinegar will evaporate.)
Spoon = The tablespoon which you use for eating soup. 1 spoon means not fully on the spoon but flat surface on top.
Mixing the rice and sauce Tools you need.
Big mixing plate
Flat spoon (make wet)
Fan for making wind
Wet towel
Open the pot and put the rice out on the big plate. (The rice should be still warm in this process)
Sprinkle the sauce on the rice.
Mix the rice with sauce.
Make wind on the rice so the unnecessary vinegar steam will go away.
Cover the rice with wet towel.
Chopping the chives (or long green onions)
Chop the chives (or long green onions) very thin.
Cutting cucumber
Peel out the skin.
Cut into 1cm sticks.
Baking the eggs
Put those in a bowl... 2 eggs 1 spoon of sugar a little bit of salt (1g) then mix it.
Fry with oiled pan on both sides.
Cut into 1cm wide sticks.
Burning the sesame
Burn the sesame till it slightly burned.
Cutting the fish (salmon) Tools you need.
Sharp knife
Cutting board
Take out the bones with pincetter or fingers.
Cut the skin out.
Cut in center
Continue cutting horiyontaly to cut the skin out
Cut off also the other side
Clean with cold water then dry with kitchen paper.
Cut into thin slice.
Make it into sticks.
Keep it in the fridge.
‘ Cutting the fish (tuna)
Cut the tuna into 1cm sticks against the pattern.
Keep it in the fridge (if you don’t use it immediately).
Rolling the sushi Settle on the table : Nori, bamboo mat, water (It’s for weting the hands), and everything which you prepared in - . If the rice is stil warm (warmer than body temperature), it sould cool down first.
You can cool down with cold water.
Raw salmon or tuna
bamboo mat
Prepare the Nori on bamboo mat.
Fit the nori and bamboo mat. longer side of nori
Make the hands wet with water. Place the rice very thin on Nori. Leave the space in last edge.
Side view p13
Lay the fillings in a horizontal line : fish, egg, cucumber, chives and sesame. (You can find your favorite combination as well.) fillings
chive (green onion)
Hold the front edge with first two fingers. Then place middle fingers on fillings and roll till the end of the rice.
Hold and press firmly until you form the rolling shape.
Leave last space of Nori
Put water at last edge of Nori.
Roll till the end.
Cut Sushi with wet knife. Clean the knife with wet towel each time when it gets sticky.
Place on the dish.
Soy sauce and Wasabi
Memo: If you don’t eat immediately, keep it covered in the fridge. It can stay till next day.
Questions and Answers
Where did the sushi came from?
China Japan
Southeast Asia
In 4th century BC in Southeast Asia, people were preserving the fish with salt and fermented rice. At the end of fermentation proces (couple of month) only the fish was consumed while the rice was discarded.
This technique of preserving the fish first spread to China, then later, around the 8th century AD it came to Japan. In Japan fish was eaten together with rice and sushi became more of a cuisine than just a way to preserve food.
Later in 17th century the rice vinegar was introduced as a way to preserve fish and add taste to the rice. Also at that time vagetables and other dried preserved foods were added to the mix.
In 19th century nigirizushi (hand formed sushi) was invented by chief in Edo city (Tokyo was called Edo at that time). The nigirizushi quickly became famous fast food. Makizushi (rolled sushi) was invented in Osaka around that same time.
After the big earthquake in 1923 many skilled chiefs from Edo lost their restaurants and in searching for job spred the sushi all over japan.
What else can i put in rolled sushi? You can use almost any vegetable, fish, seafood and meat.
Cut into sticks and sprinkle with lemon juice.
Carot, Red radish
Cut into sticks.
Boil with salted water till it become softer.
Water ... 200ml Sugar ... 2.5 soup spoon Soy sauce ... 2 soup spoon
Any mushroom
Slice into 1cm fat.
Boil it with those ingredients till it is cooked.
Water ... 200ml Sugar ... 2 soup spoon Soy sauce ... 2.3 soup spoon Ginger ... some slice
Fish, Seafood, Meat
Mix those ingredients in a pot, warm till sugar melt completely.
Fry seafood with oiled pan, add some sauce to make better taste.
Which Soy Sauce is good? I recommend Japanese soy sauce like “Kikkoman” and “Yamasa”. Chainese soy sauce is usualy not the best choice for sushi.
Which part of Tuna do you use for sushi? You can use any part of tuna. Most of time, i see red part of tuna in Slovenian fish market. It is famous that fatty portion of tuna belly is most valuable for making sushi in Japan. It calls Otoro in sushi restaurant and many times most expensive in recipe. It’s taken from around the stomach of tuna, only about 15% of hall tuna body. It has right pink color and has white stripe. Next valuable portion is under the skin. It called Tyutoro (medium fat). It has dark pink color. Last part of tuna is center of the tuna. It called Akami (low fat). It has dark red or red color.
O-toro (high-fat)
Chu-toro (medium fat)
Akami (Low fat)
Which fish can i use for sushi? In Japan, we use almost any kind of raw fish and sea food for sushi. It just needs to be fresh enough.
The easyest fish to use in Slovenija
Losos file Salmon fillet
Rumenoplavuti tun Tuna
Gof Greater amberjack
Kovac file John dory
Mecarica Swordfish
Zobatec file Common dentex
Rdeci okun file Norway redfish
Skarpena file Marbled rockfish
You need to cut out the bone and skin.
Zobatec Common dentex
Orada Gilthead sea bream
List Sole/Flatfish
List jadranski Adriatic sole
Bodika ali Skarpena Marbled rockfish
Kovac John dory
Ovcica White steenbras
Ugor ali Gruj European conger
Brancin European seabass
Skusa Atlantic mackerel
Sardela Anchovy
Bradac Goatfish Striped mullet
Morska spaka Angler
Oslic Hake
Another seafoods.
Sipe Cuttlefish
Hobotnica Octopus
Ligenj Squid
Kozice Shrimp
Grebenasta pokrovaca Pecten maximus
What kind of sushi can we eat in the restaurant? Raw
MAGURO Red portion of tuna
TORO Fatty portion of tuna belly
TAI Red snapper
IKA Squid
MIRUGAI Giant clam
AWABI Abalone
HAMACHI Yellowtail
HIRAME Flatfish
AMAEBI Sweet shrimp
SABA Mackerel
UNI Sea urchin
IKURA Salmon roe
EBI Shrimp
ANAGO Sea eel
SAKE Smoked salmon
TAKO Octopus
MAKIZUSHI rolled sushi
URAMAKIZUSHI inside-out rolled sushi (California roll)
HOSOMAKIZUSHI Thin rolled sushi
TEMAKIZUSHI Cone shaped roll
How to make Nigirizushi (hand formed sushi)? You need:
Sushi rice
Sliced fish
Make rice ball with wet hands. Put a little bit of wasabi on sliced fish. Fish
Place fish on the rice ball. Wasabi comes between fish and rice.
Hold gently the rice and fish together. (It is for fitting the rice and fish together.)
Ready. Memo : Sushi chef from restaurant use more difficult technique for making nigirizushi. On this book, i introduce easy way.
Longer side
How to make inside out roll ( Uramakizushi / California roll)?
Cut a nori sheet in half.
Turn to the other side plastic wrap and nori together. (so the top is nori, down is wrap.)
Place it on bamboo mat.
Place some fillings on nori horizontally.
Place rice fully on nori. (You don’t need make space)
Hold bamboo mat and nori together, and roll. Sprinkle sesame on the rice.
Cover a plastic wrap on the rice.
Hold and press firmly until you form the rolling shape.
Make round shape with rolling motion.
Take out from bamboo mat and unwrap the plastic wrap.
Cut with wet sharp knife.
How to make cone shaped sushi (Temakizushi)?
Longer side
Temakizushi is usually served as ingredients and rice separately so you can roll by yourself with your favorite toppings. You roll Temakizushi with your hands and eat it immediately. We see this style often at the party.
Cut a nori sheet into half.
Take some rice (not to much) and shape it as triangle on the left side of nori.
Place the fillings on the rice.
Roll left side of nori first.
Then finish rolling right side. Eat immediately with soy sauce.
How do you make pickled ginger “Gari� ? Ginger ............2 pieces (For sauce) rice vinegar ...50ml sugar ...............4 spoon salt ..................1/6 spoon Remove the skin of ginger. Slice the ginger with peeler. Boil it with salted boiled water for 5 minutes. Shake the water out from ginger. Mix rice vinegar, sugar and salt in a small pot and worm it till sugar melts completely. (do not boil it) Put ginger and sauce together in a bottle. When the bottle cool down, keep in the fridge for 2-5 days to pickled. It can stay about 5 months.
How to make miso soup. For 2 people Water ..................... 300ml Miso ......................... 2 soup spoon Dashi powder .......... 2/3 tea spoon Tofu (soft) .............. about 100g Wakame ................... little (0,5g) Long green onion .. some
long green onion
Soke Wakame in water for 10 minutes and cut smaller if it is too big. Boil water with dashi powder and chopped logn green onion. Add miso, tofu and wakame then remove from fire before it start boiling again. Serve into soup bowls. Miso: It is a traditional Japanese seasoning produced by fermenting rice, barley and/or soybeans, with salt and the fungus, the most typical miso being made with soy. Dashi: It is Japanese stok, which becomes the base of many Japanese dishes, made from kombu (dried kelp) and (or) dried fish.
Can pregnant woman eat sushi? Pregnant women can eat sushi with vegetables or cooked fish but it’s better not to eat raw fish. In Japan people take a lot of care for keeping the fish fresh, but outside Japan raw fish can contain to much bacteria and it’s not apropriate for pregnant woman.
How long it takes for making sushi? It takes about 2-3 hour except time for soaking the rice.
Ingredients for diferent amount of people. If you want to cook the rice more than 1500g, you should make in 2 turns. Because the rice will be uncooked on upper part.
2 people (28sushi)
5 people (56sushi)
8 people (84sushi)
Rice Water
250g 275ml
500g 550ml
750g 825ml
Vinegar Sugar Salt
2,5 spoon (25ml) 2 spoon (18g) 0,5 spoon (8g)
5 spoon (50ml) 4 spoon (36g) 1 spoon (17g)
7,5 spoon (75ml) 6 spoon (54g) 1,5 spoon (25g)
Chive Cucumber
some half
some 1
some 1
Egg Sugar Salt
2 1 spoon (9g) little (1g)
2 1 spoon (9g) little (1g)
3 1,5 spoon (13g) little (1.5g)
Sesame Fish
25g 200g
50g 400g
75g 600g
Soy sauce Wasabi
some some
some some
some some
Where can i get Japanese ingredients in Ljubljana? Maximarket Mercator
Zrno Do Zrna Kalcek
Where can i get good fish? Ribja Trznica (fish open market in center)
E. Leclerc t: 01-42 04-100
Where can i get good knife? Oster rob
11 people (112sushi)
14 people (140sushi)
17 people (168sushi)
Rice Water
1000g 1100ml
1250g 1375ml
1500g 1650ml
Vinegar Sugar Salt
10 spoon (100ml) 8 spoon (72g) 2 spoon (34g)
12,5 spoon (125ml) 10 spoon (90g) 2,5 spoon (42g)
15 spoon (150ml) 12 spoon (108g) 3 spoon (51g)
Chive Cucumber
some 1
some 1,5
some 1,5
Egg Sugar Salt
3 1,5 spoon (13g) little (1.5g)
3 1,5 spoon (13g) little (1.5g)
4 2 spoon (18g) little (2g)
Sesame Fish
100g 800g
125g 1000g
150g 1200g
Soy sauce Wasabi
some some
some some
some some
Megumi Yoshida E-mail : Blog :
version: 27 23. September 2013