Webilea basel meher roy bitcoin the two great unknowns

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Alternatively: Why don’t I invest more than a percent of my savings in Bitcoin?

Background  Bitcoin is probably the greatest intellectual breakthrough of the last decade. - “The HTTP of Finance” - Cliché - “ We believe that embedded mining will ultimately establish bitcoin as a fundamental system resource on par with CPU, bandwidth, hard drive space, and RAM .” : Balaji Srinivasan, CEO 21co. - “Per sonal computer s in 1975, the Internet in 1993, and – I believe – Bitcoin in 2014.” : Marc Andreessen, Andreessen Horowitz

 A great invention does not necessarily a great market make!

A Balancing Act M i n e r r e v e n u e i n fo r m o f t r a n s a c t i o n f e e s . C u r r e n t l y ~ 5 0 0 0 U S D p e r d ay, ~4 cents per transaction.

M i n e r r e v e n u e i n fo r m o f n e w l y generated bitcoins. Currently ~1 m i l l i o n p e r d ay.

I n c e n t i v e fo r m i n e r s f o r s e c u r i n g t h e n e t wo r k . L a r g e r i t i s , m o r e s e c u r e t h e n e t wo r k . ~ $ 1 m i l l i o n p e r d ay currently

Hardcoded Network Parameters A nd i d e al worl d b e h av ior

Excerpt from paper by Kerem Kaskaloglu at http://sdiwc.net/digital-library/near-zero-bitcoin-transaction-fees-cannot-last-forever.html

But! Miner earnings from transaction fees M e as ured i n USD p e r d ay

And! Bitcoin network deficit M e as ured i n USD p e r d ay

A proclivity towards being Digital Gold A ne c d otes - I

http://www.coindesk.com/xapo-switzerland-privacy-concerns/ http://www.coindesk.com/is-bitcoins-merchant-appeal-fading/

A proclivity towards being Digital Gold A ne c d otes - I I


A proclivity towards being Digital Gold Dat a - I

Source: John Ratcliff

A proclivity towards being Digital Gold Dat a - I I


BitPay processed about 1000-1500 “retail� payments per day, averaging less than 1 BTC each.


The number of retail transactions processed by BitPay has grown 3x since mid-2013, and has been flat through most of 2014.

Source: Jorge Stolfi, http://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/2pp6r5/always_one_to_pump_a_scam_the_ever_honest_roger/cmz1v0r

The question  Can transaction volume on the blockchain scale 200x in order that BTC miners develop a viable business model?  How does the possibility of of f -chain payments like Lightning networks, federated sidechains etc. impact revenues of miners?  Without a viable long term business model for miners, is the cap of 21 million BTC viable? Or will a future hard fork raise the limit?

Backed by people’s beliefs not mathematics!  It is a commonly held belief that “Bitcoin is backed by mathematics”. This is a bogus assertion.  Bitcoin is essentially lots of dif ferent entities agreeing to treat entries on one database, the blockchain, as “value”.  But what happens when half these entities want the database to operate by one ruleset, and the other half by another ruleset?

 This situation is called an “unresolved hard fork”, and the first of them could occur in 2016.

When a person is confronted by 2 choices..

Bitcoin confronted by 2 choices could..

B o t h B l u e c o i n a n d Re d c o in c l a i m to b e t h e “ Re a l B i t c o i n ” D e r i d e t h e o t h e r a s t h e “ Fa ke B i t c o i n ”

Number of transactions per day

Estimated USD transaction volume per day

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