PSSD Portfolio

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Product-Service-UX Design

Portfolio December 2020




Hi Folks

Here, you'll ďŹ nd out about my mindset, knowledge and skills I've learned from multinational teams and experiences. I'm currently ďŹ nishing my Masters degree and looking for a rich opportunity where I can learn and work in the real world as a Service designer and problem solver to impact society and organizations needs.


Mehrdad Atariani

Nick name:



1995, January




Milan, Italy


2019-2021 MSc- Politecnico di Milano, Milan Product-Service System Design(PSSD) 2014-2018 BSc- Tabriz Islamic Art University, Tabriz Industrial Design 2011-2014 Mathematic Diploma- ZRS High School, Mashhad

About Me

My Skills




Primary research Desktop research Ethnography Market analysis

Problem Setting Divergent thinking Envisioning Co-creation

Battle Storming, Mind map, Customer journey Map, Mood board, Value proposition, Convergent thinking, Offering map, Persona, UI/UX




Co-Design Acting Role playing Interview User tests

System map SWOT Analysis Blueprint Business model canvas KPIs & Impact Measures

Communication Story telling Branding

What I have learned

Courses I‘ve attended

Design Methods - 2019

Innovation Studio - 2019

UX - 2019

2019-2021 Politecnico di Milano University Visualisation & Prototyping - 2020

Courses I‘ve attende d

Service Design and Innovation - 2020

Ergonomic Applied to the design of the Online web pages and Apps - 2020

PSSD Studio(Spatial Design) - 2020 Curricular Internship - 2021

Professional Workshop - 2020 2019-2021 Politecnico di Milano University

Final Synthesis Design Studio- 2020

Final thesis- 2021

January 2021 PSSD Final Studio COVID-19 Blended mode


July, 2020 PSSD Studio COVID-19 Lockdown/Full-remote




The Welcome


February, 2020 Professional Workshop Co-design

ATM Milano

January, 2020 Innovation Studio Exhibited in COMBO & Fuorisalone 2020





Impact by making your own path

(During COVID-19 Blended mode) Mehrdad Atariani Zhengang Lou Ettore Mordenti Nardin adel Shafik Emma Teli Madina Umirbekova

Read More here: a:(ACoAAB9FiWMB4Z-q7j1YLiaZHkS93DcL7d0yQTg,1608760692496)/


Bullying is one of the inevitable problems in school. How might we can prevent bullying and it’s later outcomes in future in a playful, empathic, and reliable way?


impath dedicated various online and offline programs to the Italy schools and family houses to educate 7-14 y.o children at their houses and classrooms. The market size will grow from Milan to all the italy market after a 5 year growth.


From various evaluation tools and experiences such as online interactive programs, Offline Cinema therapies, and Role-Playing that assess behaviors and educate children to improve teachers’ knowledge by lectures and also monitoring school classes status with the result of the online assessments.

society also belongs to who whispers

Power to Powerless

Across the Boundaries The ‘impath’ Project aims to be a new business to fill the market gaps by providing inclusive online and offline educative programs for all students without accusing children's behavior. ‘Continuous assessments’, as a primary and assuming tool for showing us and schools how close we are to succeed in educating and preventing measures we planned before. Also, ‘Interactive fiction’, enables us to engage with children's feelings and help them introduce their insides easily to our experts anonymously and in online mode to create more efficient contents in next levels like ‘Cinematherapy’ to learn more about each other and creating deeper empathy. And the last but not least, ‘Role-Playing’ is the main part of the program which lets children experience the different situations and learn about the consequences of their behavior and improving the care for this issue. #AntiBullying #Prevention #Education

What we Explored, Described & Explained Input:

Desk research


Scenario building Survey Secondary research Empathy Map Key Insights HMWs User Interview User Persona Field research Stakeholder analysis Expert Interview Case Study review Design brief




Concept Generation Test & Implementation

What we know.

What they know.

What no one knows.

What We Learned From Experts, Experiences & Tests Input:



Lack of awareness & knowledge in case of bullying not only involves children but parents and also teachers and schools admission

Needs for impact measures for both schools & houses to aware, educate and prevent.

Bullying has different types and usually are not obvious at schools

Beside having a holistic view at all the process of prevention, there is a need for deep learning about children minds personally.


Insight Map Generating Strategies BrainStorming Expert Interviews Convergente ideas Case Studies Market segmentation Market analysis Business Model Financial analysis Value proposition canvas UX System map Ecosystem map User journey map X Prototyping Learning Map Blue print

Program Analysis


What Impact Experiences we developed 1

1st Assessment Measuring bullying & victimization rate in school before program & giving children feedbacks to be ready for the next steps


Experts Introduction

Interactive Fiction

Based on overall score, tendency and Implicit problems, experts analyze and select a suitable movie and topic for Cinema therapy session



Cinematherapy Learning about deeper biases & behaviors of children & teaching them about that.

Watching Movie

Reection & Discussion


School trend analyzing


Identifying speciďŹ c cases Role-Play Iteration

Scenario Co-creation

4 Scenario Co-creation board & brief description of the scenario

Role Playing Encouraging students to take on different roles and positions to learn by experiencing.

Measuring the impact of the service


2nd Assessment Measuring bullying & victimization rate in the end of program.

Insights gained from Prototyping Experiences After the concept generation phase that defines experiences and touchpoints we have in the service. Although 2nd lockdown was an obstacle for us to test the project but we could prepare holistic prototyping sessions with experts and users in distance. You can glimpse what we learned from onboarding tests, Role-play with real users and experts, Service Walkthrough with expert in the learning map here.

You can find more information in the booklet of the project : _profileTreasuryMedia:(ACoAAB9FiWMB4Z-q7j1YLiaZHkS93DcL7d0yQTg,160876 0692496)/

What went well

What went wrong

The theme was very appreciated by user & Experts

they think the stories we wrote with details are more real

children are changing the scenarios. they adding details, only children could know

when and how to communica te back to actors

how can we empower children not to be a victim and defend themselves?

How can they feel 'Responsible' for what Is happening around them?

Questions emerged during the tests

if they write the script by them own, it's short and lack of detail

They don't engage with the situation of Bullies

They can improvise if we gave only characters

Sometimes they can't relate to all the characters of the story

they don't know how to play bully because lack of experience

some bullies bully because of their character, may not be Changed easily

The key is to teach children how to maintain relationship

not to extravagant situations as if we did we're gonna affect parent's decision in being in a community

How we can make connection between roles in the class?

having advertizing in the school, first for children and also for parents during specific meeting planned

exchange role can improve empathy

Ideas emerged during the tests

Service Detailed Blueprint

What I’ve Learned

Impath is my most amazing experience at Politecnico. A great diversity of people who were passionate and energetic through all the stages of the project. This team working is still keeping on and we are planning to develop the project in near future together. This harmony was made of our trust in each other. Each of us had jobs to be done but we were always supportive as a real squad. Now, I believe that people are more important than the results we are looking for. In each step of this project, we IdentiďŹ ed and developed different values with research phases, brainstorming, Prototyping, and etc together. Brand new ideas were created and got matured through all the discussions, conicts, and dissents we made and solved together. I learned how to look, think, talk, and decide by passing over the biases and embracing empathy.


The Welcome

Transforming living Environment

(During COVID-19 lockdown-Online) Mehrdad Atariani Jessica Vieira Pinto Alessandra Rota Martina Carozza

Read More here: aZHkS93DcL7d0yQTg,1603190354016)/


What’s the new normal after the COVID-19 lockdown? Design new experiences for people ‘s new thoughts, actions, habits, and frustrations by considering Pandemic issues such as Social distancing.


The Giovanni Muzio’s Ca’ Brutta, in Milan (1919-1923) an architectural manifesto of ‘Novecento’ movement and a symbol of multiculturalism which houses the French and Japanese consulates, in an image of the foreign consulates in the surrounding sense.


Designing new safe normals for after lock-down. The ‘Welcome’ system involves Radio, Events, and Aromas makes people closer to each other within Ca’ Brutta & other contexts by providing them a collection of new Multi-cultural experiences for under pressure situations.

The possibility to travel again through the sharing of other’s stories, experiences and knowledges.

Wanderlust in tales

Across the Boundaries The ‘Welcome Project’ is the opportunity to experience multiple cultures through people's shared stories safely. WelcomeRadio, as the core service ruled by consulates collaboration, embodies the values of encounter and exchange by welcoming different languages and cultures, generating an international network of knowledge along Milan’s city. ‘Welcome Events’, managed by the radio, explore the importance of shared experiences entering beautiful Milanese courtyards, transformed into open-air theatres. Closely connect is ‘Welcome Aromas’ mainly dealing with for Cà Brutta spaces, that matches the cultural value of aromatic herbs with a collaborative experience of cultivation and information sharing. #SafeAreas #ShareStories #MulticulturalSharingNet

Start Point

What We Learned During Quarantine Input:

Personal Diaries


Research Question Hypothesis



What are the main insights gained from this lockdown experience in terms of emotions, use of the space, products and services? Investigating Questions Research Question

/ What emotions and feelings are people experiencing in this situation? / What are the new habits? / How do they use the space in which they live? / How do they have access to services and systems during this period? / What new opportunities this situation is creating? / What are the pain points? Which ones of strength? / What people are discover, rediscover and learn?

What We Learned From People, Site, Programs Input:

Desktop research Survey Deep Interviews Diary Studies Site Analysis


Generating Approach Quantitative Mood Analysis Qualitative Emotional proďŹ les; Persona Demand Analysis Program Analysis Journey Maps Case Studies Position Maps Scenario & Vision


Diary Studies



New interaction activities has born, like balcony socialization, collective movie & playing sessions

The need for a better socialization and human interaction is a key factor for development of new activities

People have more time to dedicate in developing their passions and hobbies

Utilizing Art as a fundamental task in balancing daily life inside house like music, dance, painting, Cooking‌) to create a more tangible experiences.

Program Analysis


Designing new Services, Products, and Experiences Input:

Scenario & Vision BrainStorming Sketching & 3D Modeling


Concept Generation System Map Journey Maps Service Model Physical Products Digital Products

Welcome Area Courtyard events’ guests

Decontamination Services000

Units’ guests Safe Entrances

information flows material flows

Decontamination entrance wall

Vision Sharing Culture Through Stories

Cà Brutta resident

The tattooing technique allows the creation of safe areas by painting the floor, which take on simple geometric shapes, directly recalling the shapes of the Muzio facade,

Site Ca’ Brutta + the presence of consulates

Pandemic Constraint

passing through the checking safe entrance to enter Cà Brutta courtyard

Full body and objects Disinfection at the Decontamination entrance of each unit

Welcome Events

/ watching the projected event from the street and follow the audio through the radio platform

sharing gastronomic culture

Welcome Radio

Sharing Culture Services

Cà Brutta residents

External Radio listeners

Welcome Aromas

Projections on facades

sharing gastronomic culture

event projection Radio app +website

Ca’ Brutta Welcome Radio Station

selected by consulates Radio’s team Radio station

Via Manzoni 41 Palace

Bovara Palace

Via dei Bossi 4 Palace

Via Solferino 19 Palace

Courtyard events

Radio’s guests

In a network of Milanese Courtyards Events, Ca’ Brutta provides Talks & Shows with a theme of Food. While the other courtyards may propose Expositions, Experiences, talks and shows as well. The theme of the events organized by the embassies is the promotion of their different cultures through the deepening of their gastronomy. Through the events, the embassies not only promote their own country, but also generate opportunities for commercial growth for all interested companies and compatriot producers. Finally, for those wishing to highlight their brand, WelcomeRadio, is also an open radio network for all.

Live streaming events

Events’ guests

information flows material flows

Events’ LiveStream

Welcome Events Welcome Radio

Sharing Culture Services Vision Sharing Culture Through Stories

sharing gastronomic culture

Site Ca’ Brutta + the presence of consulates

Welcome Aromas

sharing gastronomic culture

Pandemic Constraint

CĂ Brutta residents

pick the plants from the common yard

share stories /recipes / curiosities about aromatic plants

Checking plants infos

Outsider App users

Aromatic plants in the courtyard

information flows material flows

When considering food as an aspect of cultural identification, aromatic herbs and spices have a special symbolic meaning, such that their aromas, tastes and uses are common to all events. The creation of a service on the sharing of aromatic herbs among residents and on events around the theme, takes on a strong value for cultural exchange, since spices, in their various uses, constitute an element of strong cultural identity.

User Journey sample before ‘welcome’

Anna / Mother / Teacher / Green thumb / Creative cook

She connects via video call to participate In meetings between professors

on Friday evening she is always in a good mood: she opens the Welcome Aromas application for inspiration on something special to cook

Anna wakes up and has her breakfast

She connects to Welcome Radio to listen to the weekly program he tries to learn to speak French

She finds an interesting recipe but she has to go out into the courtyard to pick up some thyme and turmeric

Online lesson

She eats with her daughters

Now that she has all the ingredients, she can start cooking

She goes down to the courtyard to pick some basil

She prepares pesto genovese following the recipe on Welcome Aromas app and cooks pasta

Dinner with the whole family

User Journey sample after ‘welcome’

She goes to the balcony with her husband to attend the event held in the courtyard, while they relax in the open air with a glass of wine

What I’ve Learned

The first experience of working remotely on a multi-layer Product-Service Design Project was great. However, often it is very difficult to reveal or express your emotions, ideas and meanings. but, there are many benefits there, such as synchronic working with more emphasis. Besides, I've noticed how strong the outcomes can be when there's a sense of sympathy with users. We all witnessed the lock-down and it helped to dig further into the needs and perspectives for new normalities. And , it would be amazing if we were to prepare some co-design sessions with extreme users because, I guess, we were overjoyed at first with ideas and suggestions that were shallow and not really beneficial to sensitive users like doctors.

03 Professional Workshop-February 2020 Multinational Students (6 Groups+1 Client) Design Team (Mehrdad Atariani+Mehrdad Heidari+Silvia Gado+Daniela de Sainz)

ATM Milano


Designing an inclusive system that does not require a signiďŹ cant amount of paper waste for ticketing and also eliminates contactless payment and the validity of tickets problems.

ATM Mission


A dynamic & sustainable public transportation system for milane citizens, residents, students, and workers, that they can access with their

To be a point of reference and a decisive factor in the system of integrated mobility for quality, safety and competitiveness in full respect of the environment and in step with the continuous socio-territorial changes.

Photo reference:

Transforming existing systems into more digital and sustainable networks.

Milan 2025 Photo reference:

Across the Boundaries The new ATM transport System enables milanese citizens, residents, students, and workers, to use the services with their Tessera Sanitaria card, App, or reusable cards. Non-subscribers can buy digital tickets or access the system through the use of the reusable plastic cards, which they can top up, and return it to obtain the deposit they made. Ticket holders can also access discounts of culture-related activities and other mobility-related services. #Digitalization #Data_integration #Circular_economy

What We Learned from Users & experts Input:


Desk Research

Data Collection Case studies Demographic data Mood Analysis System Map How might we?

Survey Expert Interview

87% of users keep the Tessera Sanitaria always with themselves.



Majority of complaints are related to access to vehicles, facilities and ticketing

The need for a more inclusive ticketing system.

The most sold-out ticket type so far is ‘one ride’, which has sold 72 million paper tickets in year 2019.

A critical need for addressing sustainable thinking such as a circular economy.

60 percents of users have problem with the intuitiveness of ticketing process.

Payment process should be more clear by considering the less complex physical touchpoints.

84 % of users believe in smartphones as a replacement for physical cards.

69 % of users agree that tessera sanitaria is valuable and they are worried about the loss.


ATM User

Huge paper waste for ticketing Difficulties in checking contactless payment and ticket validity.

Too wide range of ticket types Unclear fee selection Problems with faulty tickets and accessibility Too Complex ticket purchase process (place / hour / channel) Contactless payment does not provide confirmation

How might we / Reduce tickets’ environmental impact? / Assure validity of tickets? / Make the ticketing easy, safe and fast for everyone?

Designing for the system improvement Input:

Scenario & Vision BrainStorming Sketching & 3D Modeling


Concept Generation System Map Persona Journey Maps Service Model Service Blueprints Physical Products Digital Products Working Flow

Davide Beretta- 53 #commuter #stressed #late

Ella Karlsson- 22 #Foreign #Traveller #Smart

Alexie and Richard Dubois- 31 & 37 #tourist #journey #savetime

Giovanni Colombo- 67 #insecure #analogic #Vulnerable

Interaction flow

Money flow

Information flow

Registered Tessera Sanitaria User In-person process

Digital process



Go to machine




Register w/ Select details




Use Tessera










Register w/

Select details


Use phone




New Service BlueprintRegistered user

What I’ve Learned

This four-day project was a co-design simulation with company experts, and we worked and collaborated in different parts, eg. Departments of Administration and Management, Operations, HR , Finance, Research, Design and Development. As a member of the Design Team, I was responsible for studying the User, Analyzing Interactions & Challenges, and identifying new concepts by illustrating four Journey Maps & Blueprints based on four Personas we've previously deďŹ ned. This agile project has shown me that it's not enough to have empathy with users. We also need sympathy within the organization. As diverse as the team is, there will also be more challenges and better outcomes.



2035 Homes for

Innovation Studio(Exhibited in Combo)-January 2020 Mehrdad Atariani Isadora Koike Giulia Ianes Sara Airoldi Claudia Pelosi Xiaoting Lai,

Read More here:


In a future inuenced by climate change, how might we transform some of our daily practices. Transformations, that do not need to be dramatic, but on the contrary may disrupt our habits for a better living on this planet, enhancing the sense of community, humanity and the quality of social interactions.


Designing for 2035 homes in Trento villages where Wild animals are getting closer to the urban area due to climate change.

Outcomes & Value

An entertainment-Sport tool for bringing humans back to nature and pushing wild animals back without hurting them, Connecting communities for care, and cope with unpredictable dangers.

What if each day was a new challenge?

United as Species Trento 2035

Across the Boundaries Climate change has caused a dramatic shift in the local fauna; all the wild animals are worse, angrier… and hungrier! You need to evolve too, be smarter, faster and cooler. Your house is your fortress, it’s well guarded against the animal menace. Before getting out, you have packed your arsenal. You’ll need clothes that provide you with protection against bites and scratches. You would be able to defeat spiders, wolves, and bears but you can’t hurt them... you have to find a balance between you as a human being and the nature around you. What if this fear of the environment made people unite as a species and countermove on the social exclusions? #Environment #People #Climate_Change

What We Learned from people Input:

Desktop research Survey Interviews users analysis

Problem Identification



Generating Approach Qualitative Emotional profiles; Persona Demand Analysis Site Analysis Activities Analysis Field research Journey Maps Case Studies Battle Storming How might we. Brainstorms Scenario & Vision Ideation

Field Research

Field Research conducted us to a more precise reduction of the living conditions in Trentino area in 2035

After context selection Eight Interview Sessions and One Online Survey Guided the research paths to define Problems, Needs, Opportunities, and Personas

Ideation Battle Storming with problems in the group, clustering suitable solutions and analysing the feasibilities according to the users' needs

Desktop Research


Battle Storming



There are already several bears and wolves out of the house on the road.

The need for making the outside safe as inside to stay.

People have less interaction than before since the outside is not safe enough for hanging out or going around.

Connecting people together and enabling them to have fun and help each other without any fear.

How might we Must / Bring back inside of every one of us the conďŹ dence of verifying the environment / Make it Fun / Avoid unpredicted danger and hurting wildlife


Designing new Products & Services Input:

Scenario & Vision BrainStorming Sketching & 3D Modeling


Concept Generation System Map Journey Maps Service Model Physical Products Digital Products

Final Product Concept

Failed Concepts and Mock-ups Storm Board; A mixed Skateboard and Drown for crossing over dangers

Smart Pet gadget; A Smart pet cloth that records and transcend data to its owner

Davinci Bike; A savior Transportation vehicle

Lethal boomerang; A Protection Game-tool

Falco Rechargeable & Modular Boomerang equipped with a laser point, Alarm, and light to threatening wild animals and asking neighbors for help.

User Journey

Beginner Carpentry

Personalizing boomerangs

Physical Store

Tutorial Practicing Tournaments

Purchasing Kits,Modules, and Exchanging services

Field Expert Interaction flow

Information flow

Money flow

FalCoLab-(Community Point) The service aspires to allow people to have a point of reference and to be part of the boomerang community. It is not only a place where you can work on your boomerang, but it is also a meeting point for everyone. It is relevant if you are a beginner or an expert as there you can meet people with the same passion. Learning, teaching, and sharing ideas not only helps you as an individual but enhances the sense of community.

What I’ve Learned

It is true that this is the ďŹ rst PSSD project that we did, but if the project were to start again, I would recommend reďŹ ning the service framework. In my opinion, this concept has a great capability to be offered by better service. There are many potential users in villages, such as students, farmers, teachers, and visitors who can use the device. Also, there are a lot of activities on their journey that we've skipped. In addition, there are a lot of possibilities to implement by adding digital devices like smartphones. Eg, sending locations in emergency situations, sharing stories by playing boomerang with others, and so on.

God Bless You




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