United Against Hate, by Azeez, Yelin, Hala, Arnav, Noah,

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United Against Hate By: Azeez Al Ahmed, Noah Daniel, Arnav Srivastava,, Yelin Cho,, Hala Abdulmajeed and

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“We All Bleed the Same Color” Link to Quote

Table of Contents

Asian Americans Working Hard to Help and Gain Respect By: Arnav Srivastava

All chess pieces are painted differently but are made of the same thing.

American, Muslim, Or Both By: Azeez Al Ahmed

“People can’t change the way they look, but we can change the way we see​”

Isms and Race… The things that tore apart our world By: Noah Daniel

Race is just a label used by people to discriminate others. We must rip off all the labels and realize that we are all the same inside even though we look different on the outside.

Conflicting Racism By: Yelin Cho

Covering African, Asian and Muslim Americans Racism

Stop the Hating By: Hala Abdulmajeed

People shouldn’t be scared to go out because of their religion, race or skin. We are all the same inside”

​ Asian Americans Working Hard to Help and Gain Respect By: Arnav Srivastava

When a Chinese American actor went to an audition in Hollywood they told him to talk with a different accent so he could make people laugh. But an actor does not want to act to laugh at the accent of English spoken in their country. This is not fair because everyone's accent should be appreciated not laughed at. Asian Americans are considered to be very successful and adapt well to American culture, but they still have to deal with discrimination on different levels.

Justin Chon was discriminated because of his accent in the Hollywood industry. Once a Chinese actor named Justin Chon went to a Hollywood audition 50 miles from his house. When he went to the auditions, he saw some Chinese people going away sadly, he asked them why then they said “They want an Asian accent.”, that made him very disgusted. Then he realized that they are telling them that because people could laugh at their accent. This evidence shows that people are hiring Chinese actors to make their audience laugh, no one wants to act to be laughed at them or made fun the way English is spoken in their country.

Jeremy Lin was discriminated because he was from Japan. Once a Japanese basketball player named Jeremy Lin was playing a game and people started calling him names like “Chinese import” and some said “go back to China” even though he is from Japan. When he went and played for Howard University over there people called him “shrimp fried rice.” Then he started playing badly in a very important game, then his assent coach told him those things make him feel bad and leave the team so other people team could win, the coach shared his experience of being bullied. This evidence shows that people don't want Asian Americans to be the stars and get under their skin to make the quit, no great sportsmen want to quit because of people calling them names. This is also discriminating an entire race. People who build the 1869 railroad and were from China were treated very badly. In 1869 when the first railroad was built from the east to the west, most of the workers came from China and were treated very badly. They had to pay for a home and food, also got paid very less. The other workers get paid more and free home and food. This evidence shows that people got treated very badly because of their country and race even in 1869.

LINK In conclusion, Asian Americans should not be bullied because they eat different food, or talk in an accent. Though Asian Americans are considered to be very successful and adapt well to American culture, they still have to deal with discrimination because of their race. Many Asian Americans have earned a good reputation in the United States, but are being bullied and put down because of their success/race. These people are not noticed because of other issues like the black and white and the Muslims. They need their respect. I am not saying that other types of discrimination are not important, but it is something that should not be swept under the rug but instead they need to give this problem some attention.


American, Muslim, Or Both By Azeez Al Ahmed American Muslims should be treated equally as other religions. Some souls do not negotiate with American Muslims the equivalent way as they treat others or even Muslims that are not from America in a regular way, they can't change the way they are, but we can change the way we see. American Muslims such as Muhammad Ali once stated: "The word 'Islam' means 'peace.' The word 'Muslim' means 'one who surrenders to God.' But the press makes us seem like haters". We should not treat American Muslims equally because they are famous, we should treat American Muslims equally because they are humans just like us. And I am not saying that if we treat American Muslims in a bad way then we are not human, I am saying that if we treat American Muslims in a bad way it will rude that we are not respectful. There are 2.35 million American Muslims and 1.6 Billion Muslims, and 24% people in the world are Muslims. Muhammed Ali, an American Muslim, a 3 time champion of boxing, that died on Friday on ​June 3, 2016 at the age of 74. Which proves that American Muslims can also do things that Americans do too. As said by Link Newsela Boxing's old-school rules, Amaiya a Muslim American girl who does boxing with her hijab takes her training seriously. One of her famous quotes is: "If I'm in a bad mood,emotional or having a bad day," she said, her mother will tell her to go to the gym. Just because some American Muslims think differently does not mean we should treat them differently in a bad way especially if they are in a bad mood and do nothing. Some American Muslims often do not wish to be identified by their name, several told Agence France-Press that they were happy with Trump's victory because they did not trust Clinton, and just because they do not trust Clinton does not mean that people should treat them in a bad way, because it's what they think, if there is a problem then that will be the same as having a problem with them being a Muslim. "I am not concerned by (Trump's) words," said

Elhassani. He came from Lebanon 17 years ago and is a U.S. citizen. According to Newsela Nasser wears a hijab, a traditional Muslim head covering. She was concerned that Trump's victory would encourage those who might attack her. She said she is already harassed sometimes. Which is not a good reason that people should treat American Muslims different. Some wars are because of this, people hating on American Muslims, so if people stop treating American Muslims in a bad way, then the world will be more peaceful than before. In conclusion, people of any Religion or gender should treat American Muslims the same as they treat others the same and not in a bad way. Treat American Muslims the way you would want to be treated, so they can treat you back in a good way, because, “whatever goes around comes around�. We should: Treat American Muslims the same not because they are famous but because they are also humans. We should not judge American Muslims beliefs. And finally, we should not bully or be rude to them.

-Isms and Race...The things that tore apart our world By: Noah Daniel

Prince EA, an American poet said that “The answer to war, racism, sexism and every other -ism is so simple that every politician has missed it. It’s the labels.” “We MUST rip them off” People should not be judged based on their “race”. A person’s “race” is just a label that people use to persecute, segregate and discriminate others. Police bias has been around for longer than you think. According to Newsela, Malcolm X’s dad was a black rights activist. This caused much outrage from whites towards Malcolm X’s family. Eventually, this leads to Malcolm X moving to Michigan. In Michigan, a racist mob burned down Malcolm X’s house. The all white emergency responders refused to do anything because Malcolm X’s family was black. Malcolm X later quoted that "The white police and firemen came and stood around watching as the house burned to the ground," Bias in the police still exists but in a different way. A Stanford University study shows that blacks and Hispanics are more likely to be searched for drugs than whites and Asians but are less likely to be uncovered. ​Malcolm X Link Racism still happens today, and it is under the noses of many people. A piece of evidence is George Takei’s story. As a young Japanese boy during the beginning of World War II, him and his family were taken away from their house and once thriving dry cleaning business and put into a camp for “disloyalty”. When George grew up and became part of Star Trek, he convinced the author to change some things in the movie to become less race involving. As a young child, George was taken away from his home because of what the Japanese government did. People assumed that all Japanese people would support their government and attack America. As a result, George Takei and his fellow countrymen were discriminated because of their race and country of origin, and that’s NOT okay. Muhammad Ali Link George Takei Link​ Racism is not the only thing that people are being discriminated for. Muhammad Ali was a very famous boxer during the civil rights era, but he was discriminated for mainly two things. His conversion to the Black Muslims or Nation of Islam and being African American. Because

of Muhammad's newfound conversion to Islam, he refused to be drafted into the US military. According to Newsela, Ali was convicted of evading the draft, stripped of his title and banned from boxing, just because he didn’t want to go against his religion. People are being discriminated for a wide variety of things because some people do not like or accept that fact that everyone doesn’t have to be like them or have the same beliefs/ideas as them. The world has changed a lot from when it was “ok” to be racist and those people are still stuck in a world from the 19th century. In conclusion, we should not judge based on race, because it’s just a label that we must rip off. Last year, there have been 827 incidents regarding race in the United State’s top 6 cities alone. We must be the foundation of humans that stop racism and labels. If you see racism happening in your community or neighborhood you MUST put a stop to it. Just one person doing the right thing can inspire the next person to do the same. Just imagine a world without labels and -isms. Be the first to start it.

Conflicting Racism By: Yelin Cho Martin Luther King is a great man; he fought for the equal rights of black people. He was the man who made the great speech, “I have a Dream” and overall one of the most iconic black activist. But with all good comes bad. On April 4th, 1968 Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated by a man by the name of James Earl Ray, at the age of 39. Some people so no consideration for different coloured people, but that is wrong, people should be respected equally, no matter their race.

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People are unfair with rules A former president ​for economic programs, advocacy and research at the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and an activist for African Americans, ​Monique W. Morris,​ argues that schools and people in general discriminate African Americans. She found out that African American girls represent 50.7 of girls that get out of school suspension. People treat African American people differently, in this example, African American Girls. For example, Deja, an African American Californian school girl, got sent to the office because she wore shorts that were against dress code. While in the office, she saw a white girl coming in shorts like her. But even though her shorts were shorter, she was given a pass to class. Deja was only allowed back to class after she confronted that the girl’s shorts was shorter than hers. This shows that people treat people differently and unfairly, based on their race. As shown above, both girls were dress code, but only one almost got punished, not to mention the other girl’s shorts were shorter than the African American girl’s. Therefore, people are being unfair to even their students. We see race as comedy Justin Chon is an Asian American actor who was in part of many films. He says that accents can be important and okay to use, if it encourages the authenticness of the area in the film, but that doesn’t mean that all use of accents are okay. Justin once did a role that was required a comedic chinese accent, he had thought at that time if he wasn’t doing it, someone else would have, but he regretted himself later. Even after this hard role, he still sometimes finds himself in a situation where all the movie wants for an Asian actor to make an Asian accent for comedic reasons. He had once left an audition because of it. He says that if you want to go against these racial stereotypes, you have to create your own content. So he did, he created the movie Gook, and he makes videos on YouTube as well, even if he is still getting rude remarks that his films aren’t real art. What Justin is showing us right now is that even movie producers can be racist. But instead of going with the racist mark, you should create your own content to fight against these racist remarks. Therefore, people are still using race as comedy.

We are slowly making changes A 15 year old Saudi teenager, Rayouf, had an excellent idea for a new emoji; a hijab wearing emoji. She had the idea while communicating with her friends on SnapChat. She couldn’t find an emoji that suits her and all Muslim women could relate to. This emoji idea went through the first level of inspection, and if Unicode, a computing industry, approves, she might get her emoji in. This would be ideal for women like Rayouf, who are from Saudi Arabia, where it is required for all women, even non-Muslim or not Arabian women, to wear hijabs. And since many people in this world are Arab, and many Arabs are Muslim, this idea would be great. And in a recent news, this emoji will come as an ios. 11.1 update on Apple products. As shown above, the world has realized that we need to give people ways to express themselves. And as the world of technology advances, we need to find a way for people of different races to have the ability to express themselves, while still abiding by their culture’s rules. As neighbors to these people we need to adjust ourselves and have the ability to respect those around us. In conclusion, people can racist at times. They can be unfair with rules and race. But slowly we do see a change from the people who want to change. People of different ethnicities might seem different, but they are human too. That is why we have to see that there really is no reason to treat someone differently based of race. So remember, see everyone as equivalent, no matter their race.

Stop the hating By : Hala Abdulmajeed LINK “no one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, then they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”-Nelson Mandela. Nelson Mandela is a black South African who served as the president of South Africa. He was judged by the color of his skin and his race like many of the people on earth today. People can walk on the street and be judged and it happens a lot, more than you think. Pew research center surveyed Americans and American Muslims and found out that 23% of U.S. Muslims are going through discrimination, racism or prejudice. One-fifth of Muslims, says they had been called offensive names, and 18% say airport security had singled them out. Muslim women are more likely to be called names and be rude to then Muslim men. These types of things happen all over the world to many different people and to many different races and religions. This article talks about how people are not accepted because of their religion and how people are moched doing the the things they enjoy. Many people are scared to go out because they are scared to be harassed or judged because of their religion, race and color of their skin. And it should stop because no one should be scared to live their life. Why not A woman applying for a job in America wasn’t accepted for the job because of her headscarf. An article called “Court agrees Muslim girl was treated unfairly because of her religion” on newsela talks about how a girl was applying for a job at an Abercrombie and Fitch store in America but wasn’t accepted because of her headscarf. The girl accused the clothing store because she said they did not hire her because she was Muslim and wearing a headscarf. The article also explained that the store said that they wanted to have a certain “look” and that her headscarf didn’t match that look. Women are now not even aloud to apply to jobs because they are wearing a headscarf. It is not fair for Muslim women because they are only following the rules and beliefs of their religion. And because of that they are not able to have the same opportunities as others that are not Muslim or that don't wear a headscarf have. Basketball hate An Asian american was moched when playing basketball at his college. n the article “Ignore the bullies and dare to be different, Jeremy Lin says” on newsela states how this man, jeremy Lin was moched when playing basketball at his university for being Asian. Jeremy Lin said on the newsela article about how people would say rude and racist remarks

like, “Chinese import” or some people told him to “go back to China.” people would also say things like can you see the scoreboard with your eyes. They made fun of him by chanting Asian foods. He also stated that in one game the comments became so bad he couldn't play very well because he was playing with his anger in an important game that he played. People need to start respecting and accepting people from different races and religions. He couldn't do what he enjoyed or loved without being offended by someone else. A cup of coffee A woman was harassed at a cafe for wearing a headscarf. A woman and her friend, Leilah Abdennabi and Al-Nahi were going to have to a cafe in Texas to have a cup of coffee. Abdennabi was parking when an old white man came up to Al-Nahi in the cafe and started harassing her. He said rude remarks like “ go back to Saudi arabia “. he added “ do you have a gun, shoot me.“ people think that since the attacks in other places around the world, people think Muslim women wearing headscarves are an easy target to harass and be rude to. Abdennabi, said to newsela that many of her friends have stopped wearing head scarfs because they are scared of being harassed by others. This is not right that women are too scared to wear headscarfs because they are scared of being harassed by others. They should be comfortable about wearing headscarf outside their country. We need to stop looking at people and giving them labels because you need to know them first before judging them because they might be a lot different than you thought. You can’t change where you're from, how you look or the color of your skin. You were born with that feature and it's gonna be with you for your whole life. And the people in this article have to go threw the same thing because they are being judged because of what they look like and their religion. If you want your kids and next generations have a community where everyone respects others and we don’t judge people by their skin color, there religion, their race then stops judging them. Because when everyone stops, then we will never have this problem again, stop looking at people and giving them labels. So if you see someone hurting another person, stop them and make sure they stop so our community can be better and everyone will learn to respect others even though they're different.


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