Disabled People Are Able, by Nasser, Kinjy, Maya

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Disabled People are Able By: Nasser Al Baker, Kinjy Fortunat, Maya El Zeftawy


Table of Contents 1.Disabled people​, by Nasser Al Baker Disable people are supposed to be treated equally.

2.Disabled People are Strong​, by Kinjy Fortunat Disable people are all able to do all thing as well as non-disabled people. 3.Amazing people with disabilities​, by Maya El Zeftawy “I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” –Jimmy Dean

Disabled People By: Nasser Al Baker According to World Health Organization One billion people live with some kind of disabilities. I think that disabled people should get more opportunities. It is an issue because one billion disabled people are not getting affordable health care and are sitting there getting treated unfairly. Disabled people should be treated equally. You should not give up if you love to do something, regardless if you are disabled or not. Just because people have disabilities, doesn’t mean you have to give up. According to Newsela I read, “​Wrestling allowed Hawthorne to be truly himself. He did not wear prosthetics. He wrestled on his amputated legs. He calls them his nubs.”​ It means that the coaches believed in him and he also believed in himself because he loved doing it and he should not fear it. So even though he didn’t have legs, he still wanted to do what he loved and didn’t care what other people might think. Just because people have disabilities, doesn’t mean you can’t be incredibly successful or athletic. Brint was born blind. He is so proud and happy because he was successful at swimming. Brints Dad is so caring for him and proud because he encourages him to do it. Encourages him to do what he loves. When Brint goes to swimming competitions they are surprised how fast he is. His family are not surprised because he puts a lot of effort into swimming. It is important to be fair and for governments to allow people with disabilities the access to free health care/or more money. It is important to be fair and for governments to allow people with disabilities the access to free health care/ or more money. ​According to Newsela article I read, “The government gives other people with disabilities much less. Ismail is one of them. His parents say it is not enough money. The country's laws let the government be unfair, said Papic.” ​This evidence shows that you should be fair to people who have disabilities and give them more opportunities. Through all the articles I read, I learned that you should not be surprised of what other people can do. Also, that the people in this article put so much effort to do what they

love, and their message is, “don’t fear what you love doing�.The people that are disabled can do a lot of things, but the government needs to give them more opportunities instead of not caring. Even the disabled people should be appreciated and treated equally. We have to do something about this. Because it is not fair for people who are disabled. Many governments do not care about people who have disabilities. In schools we should learn more about kindness and people who have disabilities.

Disabled People are Strong By: Kinjy Fortunat According to the website azqoutes.com the athlete, Jim Abbott quotes “It's not the disability that defines you; it's how you deal with the challenges the disability presents you with.” This should quote is important to many disabled because what you can’t do does not define you but what you can do is what molds who you are. You should never believe a disabled person is not able to achieve goals any non-disabled person can. A disabled 11th grader was able to make a 37-0 record in wrestling without half of his legs! Hasaan Hawthorne has aged for 18 years and is a high schooler that lacks tibias. According to newsela “On the mat, Hawthorne moved so quickly that his uniform was a blur of yellow and green. With a broad back and huge arms, Hawthorne pinned one opponent after another. After the tournament, he stood atop the winner's podium. Hawthorne had a perfect 37-0 record, a state title and two stumps where his legs once had been.” Just because you include disabilities that does not mean you are not strong enough to be a champion. With no forearm a girl named Isabella plays the violin with technology’s help. With technology dreams are not that far away. The ​newsela​ article says “Dressed for the occasion in a red dress and a white, glittery beret topped with plastic flowers, 10-year-old Isabella Nicola picked up her violin. But this was no recital. And Isabella is no ordinary violin player. The fifth- grader from Alexandria, Virginia, was born without a left hand and part of her forearm. That hasn't stopped her. Her mother, Andrea Cabrera, always instructed her not to say "I can't," but to say "I can't yet." Now, thanks to five George Mason University (GMU) bioengineering seniors, she's begun training on an instrument that beguiles even the most astute musicians. The seniors — Ella Novoselsky, Racha Salha, Mona Elkholy, Yasser Alhindi and Abdelrahman Gouda — used 3D printing technology to create a prosthetic bow arm for her.” If I was Isabella I would be so very grateful for all the hard work these people did for me. With technology you can change a life and help people enjoy their time more by reaching goals more and more times. A blind man drives without touching the steering wheel. Having the experience to go in a driverless car must be very exciting. The newsela article ​Man who is blind "drives" around town in Google's new driverless car​ says “A man who is blind traveled around Austin, Texas, by himself in a car without a steering wheel or floor pedals. He was in Google's driverless car. Google's engineers and employees have tested its driverless car for years. On Tuesday, Steve Mahan, who is legally blind, was the first non-Google employee to ride alone in the Google gum-dropped-shaped driverless car. "It is like driving with a very good driver," Mahan said. "If you close your ​eyes when you're riding with somebody, you get a sense of whether this is a good driver or whether they're not. These self-driving cars drive like a very good driver." This part of the article

make me think the people is making opportunities for disabled people while people with no disabilities wish they can do those cool activities. ​Advanced technology is able to comfort people that has been disabled for their whole life or most of their life. Having disabilities should never slow you down. You should never say “I can not do it” and change your mindset to “With practice I will”. Doing that will help you become a more positive person even if there is discrimination or hatred. Believing a disabled person is not able to accomplish their goals is wrong.Instead of looking at people weirdly you should encourage and help disabled people and also never ever say you can’t do it because you can’t do it yet.

Amazing People With Disabilities Link

Disabled People can always Achieve Accomplishments that People Without any Mental or Physical Problems, Can’t. There are many researchers that prove that people with disabilities are definitely able to achieve their goals and win accomplishments people without disabilities may not be able to achieve. Some people think “disabilities”, is an idea of what someone cannot do, or something physically/ mentally wrong with a person, that prevents them from doing something as most humans can do. When most people look at a person with a disability, most people view a disability as a negative way towards sports and much more. Disabilities can limit someone on the other hand, but in the same time, it is not impossible for a disabled person to achieve their goals this is mostly because of their persistence, perseverance, determination, patience. Even though a young man named Hasaan Hawthorne was missing both his legs, he was still able to achieve goals and win first place beating EVERYONE he was l​ ink According to newsela “ A doctor took off Hassan's legs and feet when he was a baby. The amputation left him with nothing below his knees. Hassan got his first prosthetic legs when he was 14 months old”. But that never stopped him from pursuing his dream which is wrestling, Hassan loved to wrestle with his babysitter, called Duke Frison. He pretended that he was a wrestler on TV. He loved to watch WWE. He would climb to the top of his couch. In his mind, it was the wrestling ring. Then he threw himself down. Sometimes Hassan hit his head.Duke Frison said he would “start laughing and go right back to having fun.” But that is only how it started Now Hassan is a famous wrestler and is very well known, going back to his wrestling career He won all 37 of his matches in the wrestling season. Hasaan was the state champion. This evidence shows how much persistence a lot of disabled people have and like I said he achieved something that the not disabled people couldn’t, and that was winning all of his wrestling matches and getting first place but the people without the disability he had were not able to achieve that. This shows that even the disabled can achieve accomplishments people that are not dealing with a disability can't.

Even if a young girl named Rosie McRackan is missing her left arm and right leg she will never stop playing Baseball. According to Newsela “Rosie is 6 years old. She is missing part of her left arm and all of her right leg. To play ball, she wears man-made leg. It was made for running. Rosie's parents want her to feel like the other children. Playing T-ball helps with that. Rosie can hit the ball just as well as the other players Rosie used to bat last, McRackan said. This year, she was mixed in with the regular lineup. Now we have a little girl who runs the bases and scores for her team, McRackan said. “Just like the other kids.” So even with a missing arm and right leg, she was able to always smile and score points for her team.This evidence shows how much it means to a lot of disabled people to never give up on their dreams and like I said she achieved something that a lot of people may not be able to play baseball like she can which shows that she achieved accomplishment and can play baseball like any other kid on her team.

Even though Olson lost both his eyes that won't stop him from being a football player is blind, He also loves football. Olson dreams of playing football with the Trojans The Trojans are the football team of the University of Southern California.Olson lost his sight when he was 12.He had to practice over and over. Olson got much better over time. Eventually, he made the team it was called the Orange Lutheran, in one of his matches he even scored a point which broke the tie and that was something he will not forget. Lastly Jake Olson is a man who really loves to play Football but the big surprise is that he is Bling and has no eyes, but that never stopped him from playing Football at the beginning his mom didn't like the idea, but she said yes to it so that she wouldn’t hurt his feeling so Jake started to practice and practice until he got into a team called Orange Lutheran and when he would play on field his friends would lead him onto the field and he would always score points for his team, For example during a match he was the one who broke the tie and that was a great day for him. A lot of people may think that people with disabilities are useless BUT THAT IS WRONG, based on what I wrote and read you can't underestimate a disabled person life because they can still achieve their goals and it is really hard for these disabled people to play sports because of their disability but you can't compare them to a normal person because we are all humans but the disabled people are just a little unique .Comparing Labels/ people Is something really wrong people with disabilities have to have the freedom to work, learn and play sports. So you people/society have to change your mindset and look at what disabled people can do, not what they can't do because sometimes they can be better than a human that doesn't have these disabilities If you see or hear this Happens then DO SOMETHING AND MAKE IT STOP.

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