The Refugee Crisis, by Lana, Muneera, Powell, Mohammed, Yousef

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The Refugee Crisis Muneera Al-Thani, Lana Alhams Powell Thekkanath, Yousef Al-Ansari, Mohammad Saoud


Table of Contents

Refugees won’t give up, ​By: Powell Thekkanath

From all the hardships these refugees have faced, none of them has given up.

Refugees Need Education, ​By: Muneera Al-Thani

Syrian refugees need education and we are the ones who can help them.

Syrian Refugees Require Support, ​By: Lana Alhams Syrians need aid and people with means are the only people that can do that.

Refugees are also Humans!, ​By: Mohammed Saoud

People don't understand the situation that the refugees have to deal with, if they did they would help

The Unfortunate Risks of Refugees,​By: Yousef Al-ansari These People have gone through things that you can’t even imagine.

Refugees won’t give up By: Powell Thekkanath

According to the World Bank, the population of Syria is 18.5 million. Also according to the United Nations, there are 13.5 million Syrian refugees! That is more than 70% of the whole Syrian population. This means that less than 5 million people are living a normal life in Syria, which, comparing to 13.5 million that is not a lot. But even though there is an enormous amount of Syrian refugees living in horrible conditions in refugees camps, some of them have not given up hope for a better life. Two great examples of Syrian refugees that have not given up hope are sisters named Sarah and Ysra Mardini. According to Newsela, These two Syrian sisters swam to safety from their war-torn country. These two sisters had to jump off an inflated boat that was taking refugees to Greece because the boat was taking on water and was going to sink. They swam to safety and they had been shooting down the pool built for the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany. These two Syrian sisters had a choice just like the other people on the same boat, they could have either given up and drowned or they could try to find a different path. Some might have given up hope, but these sisters didn’t give up easily. They believed in themselves and swam to safety. Whenever there is a war in any part of the world it means there is a loss of freedom. It means that people are in fear and very few have the courage to stand up against this fear. One of these people is Malala Yousafzai. Malala Yousafzai is a woman who did not give up even after she was shot in the face. She fought for the rights of education, women’s rights and so much more for the people. And her outstanding efforts were recognized when she received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014. According to Newsela Malala Yousafzai was a refugee who faced the same problems like all the other refugees but she did not just suffer through it, she stood up and did

something about it. She believed in herself that she will make a difference and that she will not give up. These refugees, despite all the hardships they went through, didn’t stop them because they believed themselves and with the dedication and determination they were able to push forward. According to Newsela, a young girl named Shah Bibi Tarakhail lost her arm after picking up a grenade. She got an artificial arm and started to draw and paint using it with the help of the artist Dayvid Whaley. The doctors knew the arm would change her life but did not know that she was going to use it to express her talent and passion for drawing. ​The young war victim lost her arm but she did not lose her passion for drawing and painting. There are some people out there who won’t stop doing what they love no matter what happens. The things she went through must have been rough but that has only made her believe in herself more and that to make her try her best to pursue her dreams. All of these refugees have faced a lot of challenges and hard times but that has only made them stronger and made them believe in themselves more to try their best for a better life​. ​We can say that these refugees are some of the strongest people in the world not in shape but in mind. Through all the difficulties and hardships they faced, they came out victorious in their own way. We can not say that these refugees are weak and that they can not help themselves there are some out there who will not give up and are trying their very best. We must support them and if they are losing hope we must encourage them.

Refugees Needs Education Muneera Al-Thani

Link “We share hope to see all Syrian refugee children back in school. We cannot let their dreams and gifts be lost to the world for good.� - Malala Malala has been fighting for female education in places like Pakistan since 2009. During the process of the fight Malala experienced a lot of obstacles which almost cost her her life. Malala is right. We should help refugees with education. Rich countries need to open their border doors for refugees and assist them by giving them an education so they can support themselves

Educated Children Without educating their children, Syria will not have educated people who will be able to run the country. ​One piece of evidence from the UNHCR website states that, “​66 percent of the 80 children asked about education said they were not attending school.​ If ​the situation does not improve dramatically, Syriarisks ending up with an under-educated generation.” The kids would have a unproductive future where they will not have any jobs and that will affect their own children in the future.It will affect the kids because the cycle of poverty will be continued. Whenever refugees escape Syria and go to different countries they still aren’t able to go to school. “A recent education assessment found that 80 percent of Syrian refugee children in Lebanon were not in school”(UNHCR). This is significant because the fact that a lot of them are not going to school means that there is something that is stopping them from going to school. The obstacles in their way could be that the kids have to help support their family or the kids could be in refugee camps where there is no place they can get an education. ​If Syrian refugees don’t have education it will be a lost generation.

Paying More Money There are many countries that are helping the Syrian refugees, but they are making it difficult for the refugee children to go to school because they have to pay. ​An article called “Migration In The 21st Century And Its Effects On Education” from Newsela states refugees have to pay extra to go to school.“In Iran, migrants have to pay extra for education. They are also not allowed to go to university.” This is significant because they have to pay extra money where they can’t get the extra money to pay. Often they don’t even have money to eat, let alone to pay to go to school. ​School Dropout In addition, students are dropping out because they need to support their family. Another thing that UNHCR said is “School drop-out is a serious problem in both Jordan and Lebanon. According to a recent World Bank report, failure and dropout rates among Syrian Children are twice the national average for Lebanese children. UNHCR estimates that 20 percent of Syrian Refugee children drop out of school in Lebanon —the biggest problem being among children over 12 years old.” Because of this kids are getting no education by dropping out of school but are helping their family to get money. If this keeps on happening there will be no Syrian Children in school where the kids in Syria will not have education.

In conclusion, countries have to help refugees with their education. Without educated people in Syria there will be nobody who can lead the country. Refugees are dropping out of school to help their family. Also, wealthier countries are making it difficult for refugees by asking them to pay more money to go to school. We are not helping so refugees are often receiving limited education, but we are the people who can help the refugees with their education. We must help by sending school supplies, financial support and help raise continued awareness about this issue so that the Syrian refugees will receive the education they deserve and their country can flourish in the future. We need to help refugees so the cycle of poverty will not continue into the next generation.

Syrian Refugees Require Support Lana Alhams

In the largest syrian refugee camp there are 80,000 syrian refugees in Just one camp. According to Food for the Hungry Syrian Refugee Crisis it said. “Half of Syria’s pre-war population has either died or fled. ...They live in tents or dilapidated buildings and are desperate for food, shelter, water and other necessities.” Living in camps means not having bare needs to survive. People who have means need to take a role in helping Syrian refugees in refugee camps by sending more aid. Being denied Syrian refugees are in desperate need of food in the camp. According to the Guardian. “​More than 1.7 million Syrian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt are facing a disastrous and hungry winter.” According to Al Jazeera. “​Nearly 70,000 Syrians, mostly women and children, are being denied food and water by Jordanian authorities. ​Syrian refugees, like any humans, needs food to survive. Food is a basic human need. Being denied food is limiting Syrian needs. Without food Syrians can get very sick and ill. If there are food shortages then that means that many Syrians refugees are not getting enough food. The jordanian government are not allowing food to Syrians refugee because of an isis attack. That happened a month earlier and the conditions could still be dengourse around the camp so not many people can get there to give the Syrians food. 10 times less Syrian refugees need water to survive. According to WATER SCARCITY AND THE SYRIAN REFUGEE CRISIS. “​Water shortages have reached emergency levels in some areas, where the supply is as low as 30 liters per person per day. “ ​30 liters a day per person is not enough to drink water shower,wash hand etc. A average human uses 300 liters of water a day. Syrians are limited to only 30 liters of water a day. If Syrians have a lack of water it can be dangerous because you can get dehydrated and if you don't have enough water to shower and wash your hand germs will spread and you will get very sick.

Cure disease Syrian refugees are in need of medical care to be able to cure the sick people. ​Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says , “​As a result, the health conditions observed in this population include chronic conditions less often associated with newly arrived refugees (e.g., hypertension, diabetes, and cancer).” ​Having medical supplies will allow Syrians to cure disease and many other medical issues. Families in camps need medical care to cure people so they do not die. Living really close together in camps causes disease to spread and without any medical help Syrians are going to get very sick from disease. They also need medical care for pregnant women. With more medical care Syrians will have to wait in less lines just to get a basic human need.

We should help syrian refugees and make their life easier and much safer by bring aid. Even if you are not from syria or a refuge you will know how good it feels when people help you, Syrians deserve to feel the same way. We should all help syrian refugees because they are also humans who have rights. Not all of us can be on the front lines to help syrian refugees, we can still help in other ways like donate, give money to charity and send aid. Syrian refugees are living in bad conditions and we can be the ones that make a change. If each one of us take a a role to help Syrians they will seek a much safer, happier life.


Refugees are also Humans! In a video on The Guardian website, a child that is living a good life was told to ask a question to a Syrian refugee. “What does it feel like to not have a home?”, asked the child, “It's scary when we sleep at night and they don't turn the lights on. I wish that countries understand our situation and help us.” replied a young Syrian refugee. Poor young Syrian girls are getting married off at young ages, Wealthy countries have enough space and money to help the Syrian refugees but are not doing anything to help, and all resources are available, we should just help help. Young girls should not get forced to get married off, but instead should get an education. Muzoon Almellehan, a 17 year old Syrian refugee, stated in an article on Newsela called, Syrian kids need an education — rich countries must pay for it, “Thousands of Syrians have fled there to escape the war. There, Syrian girls as young as 12 and 13 are being married off. Their families see marriage as a way to protect their daughters from poverty and violence.” These young girls need an education because with an education, they have a higher chance of getting a job and making money and helping their future. It is also really sad that the families are actually convinced that their children are getting a better future when their not and they think that that will stop poverty but is actually making it worse. Link

Rich countries should pay for the education of the poor Syrian refugees. On the same article on Newsela it also emphasized, “Border countries like Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Egypt and Iraq are opening their doors and their schools to Syrian children. But they don’t have resources to help every child. The world’s richest countries encourage refugees to stay in

the region. They do not want them coming to Europe. Yet they refuse to provide the money countries near Syria need to deal with the crisis.�

Link Over all, Rich countries that have enough space and money to help refugees should help them by giving them government funded housing until the situations are settled in their countries so that they can return to them.​ ​They should help them by giving them an education and not letting them get married off at a young age, paying for their education and giving the countries that are helping money to help them more, and giving them the resources that are available to give. We all have to keep in mind that we, 7,362,819,325 billion people are all humans and should all be treated the same. Not only the countries should help, all humans like you are supposed to try to help and make the world that we all know and love a better place.

The Unfortunate Risks of Refugees By: Yousef Al-ansari

Two people named Tamer and Tayer traveled on a boat trying to seek safety.They escaped war from syria. They are both from syria. They traveled by boat and around five hundred other people joined them. Three hundred of those people drowned. One of the brothers said every time he wants to sleep, he remembers what happened to him and what happened to those other people. They were screaming, People drowning, and people screaming for help. One of them also said it has been months since what has happened to them and in all that time, they got no sleep. They just want to find a place that is safe and peaceful. They want to find a place where people are nice. Nobody kills other people. Syrian refugees have to travel long distances after escaping war, some of them travel by boat and drown, but that would not be the case if countries that are closer to syria opened their borders to syrian refugees. There are many Syrian refugees who have drowned.​ ​According to the UNHCR, a person named Ahmed, went on a boat and 8 members of his family died. They paid some smugglers to take them to Malta. “​But they got into the hands of a gang of Somalis, Libyans and Tunisians instead”. Ahmed and his family pay $3,000 to get on to the boat. Since 8 of his family members died, they paid 87,600 QR for nothing. ​This evidence proves that it is extremely dangerous to travel long distances on boat especially when the boat is made for a smaller amount of people then the amount of people on board. The unfortunate risks refugees have to take in hope of escaping war. According to News deeply, a kid named ​Aylan Kurdi who is three years old has his body washed up on shore in turkey. It is not only him who has drowned also his brother who is 5 years old. Also nearly a dozen other people died with them. It was​ ​between $1,000 and $2,240 per person to get onto the boat. Children who are under the age of six travel at half the price. ​This evidence supports my claim

because a little kid drowned and risked his life for escaping war on a boat. A boat is not the safest way to travel because it can sink if there is to much weight on the boat. Also a bullet can easily make a hole in the boat. Link

They also don’t get normal lives because of what has happened to them. According to the UNHCR, a woman was talking about how she wanted to live a normal peaceful life just like other people. A little boy named Mahmoud who is from syria, wanted to live a normal life but the place where he was, he could not go to school, and he did not have any friends. The reason why he does not have any friends is because when he tries to play with them it sometimes becomes violent. They do not except him. Mahmoud and that girl just want to live normal lives. Since Mahmoud is not living a normal life, he wanted to go back to Syria so he can go to school and have friends he can play with.


In the end we need to help Syrian refugees that have been drowning, trying to reach other places for safety. We have to open the borders to let them in and not risk their lives. We need to help people like Ahmed. We have to help those people who have drowned and did nothing bad in there lives. We also need to help them not go through the unfortunate risks most refugees have to take. Finally they do not live normal lives. The reason why you should care is because if this happened to you how would you react? If you had to go onto a boat that costs you $1000 or more per person and you don’t have a lot of money, what would you do? Also if you switched lives with the Syrian refugees and the people around the world don’t help you, how would you react? The ways you can help are by donating money to the Syrian refugees or you could adopt a Syrian refugee.

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