​ Changes we need to make By: Izzy, Henry and Cannon
Table of Contents Changes in Welfare Rules can Save Lives by Izzy Nha Illegal immigrants are living in extreme poverty. For them to live with their human rights, changes in welfare rules have to be made. Discrimination Against the LGBTQ Community Needs To Come Come An End By: Henry Bruce While transgender and sexaul inequalities are, an argument that is being fixed, it is still a topic that invites disagreement, and this disagreement needs to end. Gray Wolves In America What Should We Do? ​By Cannon Bridge Should we still protect the wolves?
Changes in welfare eligibility rules can save lives Izzy Uhnjae Nha Undocumented immigrants in the United States, mainly coming from Mexico, make up 13.1% of the total population in both California and Texas (or 3.5% of the entire population of the United States). This is a large number of people considering the total population of the United States. Many of them struggle to find jobs, some making only $3.50 per hour. Compared to the average hourly wage of $24.57 in the US, this is incredible. Such a low income makes it difficult for illegal immigrants to support basic living and live with their human rights such as paying for food or clothes. Moreover, the welfare benefits legalized low incomers get are not available to illegal immigrants. Every undocumented immigrant living in the United States should be able to qualify for welfare benefits.
Low incomes make lives hard The low income—or in certain cases, none—that illegal immigrants earn makes it challenging for them to support their basic living. One example is the story of Sara Navarro’s family. According to Newsela, they went to the United States to save money for 2 years. However, they ended up making just $3.50 per hour, having to stay in the United States despite the dangers. $3.50 per hour would never be enough for a family to support their living. Welfare benefits take care of that problem by providing medical healthcare, food stamps, etc.. By being able to qualify for welfare benefits, that would lift a vast part of where their money goes, and help going out of the country more easily.
Schools are the only helping hands Schools are one of the only places that illegal immigrants can get support from. Public school fees are free for any students, legalized or not. However, they “need to be fed. They need to be clothed. They need to be cared for and taught” as Carvalho says. This is why every illegal immigrant takes an additional $1,950 than the school gets from the state, according to Newsela. Therefore, if illegal immigrants could receive living support from welfare, schools would not need to spend as much money on them.
Looking for Possibilities Some illegal immigrants are looking to go back to their country, but their lack of money makes all possibilities complicated. Newsela explains that Sara Navarro’s family planned to go back to their own country two years after they came to the United States, but they weren’t able to pay back the $3,000 they used to cross the border; they needed to stay there. If they didn’t spend as much money on their everyday lives, like food, medical care, etc., which is what takes away a massive part of their extremely low income, they could’ve been able to pay back the $3,000 they owed.
Changes are necessary With the help of welfare benefits, illegal immigrants would be able to live so much easier with less risks. Welfare benefits would, in several cases, help many citizens return back to their country and live in safety again. We human beings need to fulfill their human rights, which is near impossible with a low income. Welfare benefits cover many human rights each and every person has, like the right to have: food, medical care, etc.. In order that everyone is living by their human rights, changing the eligibility rules are necessary. Imagine yourself in these illegal immigrants’ situations, with excessively little money, but an entire family to sustain. Until changes are made to the eligibility rules, many lives are going to suffer.
Discrimination Against the LGBTQ Community Needs To Come Come An End By: Henry Bruce Did you know that 78% of gay teens/kids are bullied and discriminated and it's not just the kids and the teens, nearly half of transgender, gay, lesbian, and bisexual people say that they have attempted suicide and 30 percent even say in the past year. This shows how big of a problem discrimination against sexaul orientation is. While transgender and sexaul inequalities are, an argument that is being fixed, it is still a topic that invites disagreement, and this disagreement needs to end. People should not discriminate the LGBTQ community just because they feel that they are being forced to support the LGBTQ community. For example, when a young transgender kid who was born a boy and is now a girl called mazy, According to Newsela when she tried to join girl scouts, parents refused because they said “they should not be forced to accept something they do not approve of.”.this evidence shows that parents may disapprove of this behavior because in some cases they feel pressured or they feel that they are being forced to accept the LGBTQ community. Although there are people that support the LGBTQ community some people don't and that can convince other people not to depend on how popular that person is. For example, when Jason Collins a NBA player announced that he was gay after the Boston marathon bombings, this immediately got popular and everybody started talking about it, lots of people got to give him support on twitter, “Proud of @jasoncollins34. Don’t suffocate who you are because of the ignorance of others." Jason Collins tweeted. But not everybody was so supportive, an NFL player tweeted a rude remark saying “I respect Jason Collins but ‘why does everybody have to announce their sexuality?” He tweeted.and the problem with this was that it convinced other people that maybe it is wrong that Jason Collins is gay and that he made this announcement.This evidence shows that when just one popular person that people will listen to, says something bad about the LGBTQ community or about just anything lots of people will listen to that and agree just because of how popular that person is. Lots of people don't accept or agree with the LGBTQ community because they don't consider these peoples rights. For example, when a Transgender teen in a small Virginia town asks the local school to allow him to use the boys bathroom then wrote a letter to state his question. "I am just a human. I am just a boy. Please consider my rights when you make your decision," this was the letter that he wrote to the school, the part where he spoke about them considering his rights stuck out to me because after this the school refused to let this boy use the boys bathroom after not even considering the letter that he wrote.This evidence shows that people don't even consider people's rights when they are talking about the LGBTQ community, even though these people have asked for them to, and after all this they refuse to listen and accept these people when they haven't even listened to what the LGBTQ community has to say.
In conclusion people discriminate the LGBTQ community because they do not really think about what they are saying and doing because they feel they are being pressured and forced to accept this community and they listen to the people that are disagreeing with this community just because those people are popular and the last reason is that they don’t actually consider these peoples rights and that they are actual people. People need to give the LGBTQ community a chance and need to accept these people and actually consider how they feel and that in the end, we are all just humans, so shouldn't we have the same rights? Instead of it being decided for us depending on how we feel about other people?
Gray Wolves In America What Should We Do ? Written by Cannon Bridge
Link One farmer said in 2014 a pack of wolves killed 300 sheep out of 1800. The farmer knew he could do nothing about it because the laws that were put in place by the government stated that they cannot hurt the gray wolves. Another farmer said that the wolves weren't just hunting the cows or sheep they were scaring them which made them stop reproducing. These are just some things that the wolves have done. We still have the hard question, should we still protect the wolves? Here are some reasons why we should be protecting the wolves. The first reason is because of the food chain. The food chain would be destroyed because if the top level predator such as the wolves die out, then all of the consumers and low level predators would overpopulate. If they overpopulate then they would use to much resources and die out. Therefore, this is one reason why we should not hunt the wolves because we would kill more than just the wolves we would destroy the ecosystem. According to an article in Newsela, it states that the United States of America have spent 3.3 million dollars on these wolves. This money has been just to protect the wolves. Protecting these wolves has also made more job opportunities in the government. If you take the wolves away, then people would lose their jobs if they are working on this project. I quote from Newsela that “the Yellowstone wolf restoration project began 20 years ago.� It is successful because now there are 400 wolves in this location. They were nearly extinct.
Furthermore, this is not the wolves fault when they attack the livestock. Wolves are predators and that is their nature to hunt. Farmers and ranchers can do some things to prevent their animals from being attacked or eaten. They can put up fencing, lighting, have guard dogs, and even sirens with sensors. These are just some measures they could take to protect their animals. Finally wolves could also be relocated into the different places where they won’t attack livestock. These are the reasons why we should protect the wolves and not hunt them to extinction again. Protecting wolves give us more jobs. If you take them away, then the ecosystem would be destroyed. Also the farmers can protect their animals with different techniques. It's time for us to choose, should we protect them or should we hunt them. I think the path is clear now!