Stop Inequality, by Zainab, Galila, Sophia, Emma, Ebrahim

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Stop Inequality By: Zainab Al Haroon, Galila Ali, Sophia Crowe, Emma Oberholzer, Ebrahim Sosseh


Laundry is the only thing that should be separated by color

Table of Contents Women's Rights​, by Zainab Al Haroon Fearless women fighting for their rights and for their voice to be heard.

It’s All About the Hijabs​, by Galila Ali Women should have the freedom to wear their hijabs, confidently.

Inequality in Education​, by Sophia Crowe Inequality not only happens outside of school.

Black Ballerinas​, by Emma Oberholze​r Working in a industry that doesn't have diversity.

African Americans Should Be Treated The Right Way​, by Ebrahim Sosseh African Americans are equals and we need to stop it.

Women’s Rights “​American women’s history has been full of pioneers. ​Women who have fought for their rights, worked hard to be treated equally and made strides in the fields of science, politics, sports, literature and art.”-Newsela. This explains how women have stood up for their opinion and for their rights. They are fighting to have equal rights as men in order to fulfill their dreams. Women should have equal rights as men in all walks of life. Throughout history women have proven that they have the same capabilities as men. Malala Even in the midst of terrible persecution from the Taliban, one woman, named Malala Yousafzai was able to do something amazing for all women. According to Newsela, Malala Yousafzai, a 20 year old women, ​“kept speaking out on the rights of girls to go to school​” after getting shot in the head on the bus ride home from school, because the Taliban didn’t want girls to go to school, instead to be at home and help their mother. When instead, Malala stood up for her right and went to school. ​This shows that Malala will never give up in order for girls to have the right to learn and succeed in life’s obstacles. Malala is a person that inspires young girls that are stuck in her situation to stand up and to let their voice be heard. It is not acceptable that boys in Pakistan have the right to go to school and let their voice be heard, when girls have to stay at home and cook and clean, etc. ​Picture Cited Bessie Coleman As a young girl dreaming to be a pilot, where only men were allowed to be pilots. A young African American woman named Bessie Coleman, fills her dream and makes millions of women proud. In “Newsela” it says, “She faced unfair treatment because of her race and as a woman.​”​ ​She was just a young girl who dreamed of becoming become a pilot, where one day she became a leader to millions of women. ​This evidence shows that ​she was just a young girls who dreamed like every other girl to become a pilot, where at that time girls have to help her mother at home. She also didn’t care ​about people’s thoughts about an African American woman becoming a pilot, so she tried fulfilling her dream, and fought for her right. Billie Jean King Women have suffered with inequalities in education and in sports. A young tennis player called “​Billie Jean King”, couldn’t stand people judging her by her gender, and fought for the women's rights in a "Battle of the Sexes". ​In the article of “Newsela”, states “Riggs, a strong male athlete, had been declaring that women weren't emotionally equipped for athletics. He said they were better off in the kitchen, where they belonged.” She also suffered with not being able to get a sports scholarship to pay for her education, also having to buy her own uniform when men got them for free. This evidence shows that some people have stronger rights because they

are men, having no fear to tell women that they are better off at home in the kitchen. Though this young sports women, didn’t want to hear men say these things to women and then fought for her right to show men that women are capable of the same things as men. In the end, women should not be judged because they have a different gender than men, instead they should have a chance to prove that they are as strong as men, and they should have the same opportunities as men. Women should have the freedom to fill their dream and not be bossed around because they are a different gender. They instead should support their right and help them fill their dream. Think about how standing by their side would help them get closer to living their dream.

It’s All About the Hijabs Galila Ali


Leilah Abdennabi, a woman who was meeting her friend for lunch at a cafe in Austin, Texas, went inside and found her friend crying. Both women are Muslim and both wear headscarves. Her friend told her that she had been harassed by an old white man who told her to go back to Saudi Arabia. Leilah went to tell the manager of the cafe and she said that there was nothing she could do about what had just happened. Being rudely judged based on what you wear is extremely rude and should not be accepted in society. Leilah reacted and as she was walking out, she said to the rest of the customers, “Just so you guys know, we were told some very racist things at this restaurant and no one did anything because who cares about us?” And someone shouted “Nobody.” This is extremely surprising because according to Newsela, “People in Austin are usually tolerant, and they accept people of different religions.” When something happens to you and no one does anything about it, you tend to feel meaningless and not important. With all of the education and knowledge that we have as a society today, why is this type of racism or any racism still happening? This is extremely unfair to Muslim women, and something should be done about this. Women deserve to wear their religious headwear in public or while doing sports without being judged or harassed in any way because it can boost their confidence, support their religion, and they can be empowering role models for other Muslim women. You Can’t Stop Her Muslim women should continue to wear hijabs and should not be intimidated while wearing them. According to Newsela, ​Abdennabi​ has been wearing a headscarf for six years. She personally chooses to keep wearing her headscarf even though she knows people that have chosen not to wear headscarves for reasons such as harassment and judgment. Newsela states that “​Some Muslim women are afraid of being harassed. Some women in the United States have stopped wearing headscarves.” ​This should not be the case. Muslim women must be respected and should not be judged. Women should be comfortable with wearing hijabs and should not hesitate about it just because they are being bothered by others. Some women wear hijabs because they want to cover up their bodies and it is part of their religious beliefs. It is what they

identify by and shows people who they are. Women should not stop just because they don’t want to be persecuted. Keep Your Eyes on the Ball, Not Her Head Women should not be underestimated and treated differently just because they wear hijabs. The FIBA is “​The International Basketball Federation”. Newsela mentions that college student, Bilqis Abdul Qadir, wears a hijab and played college basketball. She was affected when FIBA banned women who wear hijabs from playing. Newsela also states that ​“She made history by being the first major college basketball player to wear the hijab. But the earlier FIBA ban blocked her chances of going into professional basketball. This was hard on her.” However, Asma Elbadawi, another basketball player tried to change FIBA’s ban and succeeded. Women who wear hijabs can take part and she said that there are no words for the feelings she’s having. Before the ban was raised, ​all Muslim women did not have the same opportunities and freedom as other people, I and as will others, find this extremely unfair. Other women such as Asma, have been fighting to lift this rule and it has paid off. I am sure other women are extremely happy like Amsa is. These women should now stand as role models for other girls and women. I agree with Biliqs that young Muslim girls should see Muslim women doing things that they may not often be seen doing, so young girls can see them as role models and think they can succeed anywhere no matter who they are and what they look like. It Won’t Fall Off Women doing sports in hijabs should be supported by their coaches and teammates. In a Newsela article, the writer talks about a high school in Portland that decided to support their students who take part in sports by providing them with hijabs. They want to make the girls more comfortable and encourage them to take part while wearing a hijab. Junior lacrosse player Fadumo Adan says “We're more confident on the field.This one doesn't fall off. No matter what I do, it won't fall off.” Other schools must do the same to support and comfort their students. Schools providing hijabs would be such an amazing idea because they will encourage more players and their players will be happy while representing their religion within their sports. Many women did not take part in sports because they were not allowed to wear their hijabs, this stops here and women will now take part in sports knowing they can show who they are. In conclusion, women deserve to be treated fairly while wearing their hijabs in public and while doing sports because it is how they identify themselves. They can also be role models for other women and it can make them feel good about themselves. Women should be able to have the freedom to wear their hijabs and it should not be a problem for others. I know generations may not have agreed on religious beliefs but why would people judge them if they are not doing anything to hurt or bother others. Women must be respected and if you happen to see a woman being harassed, you must stand up for them immediately. Remember to keep in mind that women need their freedom and they should be respected among all. Even if you may not be a Muslim, it shouldn’t mean that you don’t care about this. If you see something, you must say something.

Racism in Education By Sophia Crowe Link “The social pressure from friend and acquaintance to collude, not to notice racism, can be quite powerful. “ Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum, a psychologist, administrator, and educator who writes books on racism. She means peer pressure, for example if someone has a racial bias towards someone else then people will start following the one with the racial bias. People of color should be accepted no matter what.

Education is equal! Education should be equal for everyone. According to Newsela the article mentions, “Before this, much of American society had accepted that better educations and jobs were reserved for white men from higher-class families.” This evidence proves that the United States wasn’t fair in the 1950’s. African-Americans were excluded from whites and that’s when segregation started (Jim Crow laws). Jim Crow laws were enforced and state laws that enforce segregation in the Southern parts of the United States. Whites treated African-Americans as second-class citizens and couldn’t use the same things or go to the same places as whites. Equality matters more! Equality should matter more than race, wealth, or gender. According to the article on Newsela it states that “​More Americans from diverse groups were demanding educational equality. ​” It is significant because ever since African-Americans came to the United States it changed history completely which resulted in segregation and the Jim Crow laws as well as many more. The whites treated African-Americans as

second-class citizens and equality wasn’t the same as before.

Stereotypes are faced! Stereotypes should not be a factor in education. An article in Newsela states “​Many non white students face problems that white students do not…” ​This shows how students of color face discrimination more than whites. People of color aren't treated as equal as white students, so through stereotypes it can hurt them badly. The world is different, so seeing how students are welcomed in school is unbelievable. No one can change who they are. It would be boring if the world was all the same. We’re from different places and everyone should be treated equal. We have to put a stop to this problem that happens worldwide, and no one of color should have to face this.

Black Ballerinas By:Emma Oberholzer

Picture “Every time I step onto the stage, it's not only proving the audience that I am capable but to myself - Misty Copeland. Misty is a black dancer that has experienced racial discrimination. As a black dancer, Misty feels she has to prove to the audience that she can do it but she also has to prove it to herself.The skin color and body type, among other aspects, of a dancer, should not impact how successful they are. Copeland feels she has to prove something to others because of her race.Newsela states that the [documentary] “A Ballerina's Tale” shows that Copeland felt lonely and doubted herself because many of the ballet dancers were white.”This shows that Copeland is always concerned of what other dancers might say of her. There are not a lot of black ballerinas in the industry so it is understandable that she might feel unsure of herself. It can really be hard and challenging to be successful in a profession that is dominated by white dancers. I think people should respect black dancers for trying something that is mostly done by white people. It takes a lot of courage and perseverance to follow your dream when you are in the minority.

Black Ballerinas tend to judge or compare their bodies to other white ballerinas.In an advertisement for Under Armour, a lady in the background says that Misty does not have the right body for a ballerina.This makes me feel like Misty and other black ballerinas should not look at their body type or compare their bodies to white ballerinas. It does not matter if they are short, skinny or muscular any girl can be a ballerina. Ballet should be open to all people of different races.Newsela states that “most professional ballet dancers are white. In 2015, Misty Copeland became the first African American dancer to become a principal dancer for the American ballet theatre, which is a famous dance company in New York.This makes me feel like ballet lacks diversity. Ballet companies should open their doors to everyone so that nothing can stop people from becoming who they want to be. People should not have to look at black people and their skin color to see that they can do anything that white people can do. In conclusion, the skin color and body type, among other aspects, of a dancer, should not impact how successful they are but rather their ability to perform and entertain. This should be all that matter. It does not matter if they are black, white, pink or green. It should not matter if they are big, small, short or tall.All that matters is their ability.I know that years ago there was so much discrimination and hate in the world that we thought it would never get better but Martin Luther King Jr. thought different he said “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.� We think that the world has become better but there are still countries out there in the world where discrimination is still happening and we have to stop it so that the world can become a better place for us and for others around us.

African Americans Should Be Treated The Right Way By: Ebrahim Sosseh “To be black in this era is the same as being black during slavery times a white person can harass you anytime they want” by Kamau Bell a stand up comedian he said it because in high school he was accused of stealing by a white 30-year-old man he checked his pockets and found nothing and then he threw him in the street even though he didn’t do anything. There are many examples in present of African Americans being treated and judged unfairly; like getting arrested offending young people an to stop hate speech this kind of behavior needs to stop so that African Americans can have the same opportunities as white people. ​Link Police shouldn’t assume that black people are automatically bad and arrest or shoot them. According to NBS news A lot of black people are getting arrested for no reason and even if they try to resist they might even get shot. Black people are the most likely people to get stopped by police or even put in custody. 58% black people are arrested by police. This terrible because it does not happen to white people but it happens to black people that is unfair and shouldn’t be accepted as an excuse as you looked like someone who was in jail people shouldn’t be attacking black people like is slavery times everyone should be equal. Children or young adults are also being affected by this overt racism by the police. Young people are affected by this because they could think of themselves unwanted or a slave by getting arrested or shot they would think racism was still alive and if they went outside they wouldn’t be safe or would think someone might call the police and say they were shoplifting if they enter a store. Hate speech and racist words are getting shot out at African Americans and shouldn’t be acceptable. A lot of African Americans are getting abused by words too they been called black in a bad word and sometimes people even call them slaves or just say racist things to them. This decreases the confidence of black people because they might get mad at their skin color and think that their not free or that there are supposed to be tortured people there was a campaign at ​Rochester University we’re better than that ​which aims to raise awareness for racism and there are many more other charity sites around the world. These are things that we must not let happen anymore in the present and in the future even if you're a different color it doesn't matter what if you had to go through that African Americans cannot be hurt or said mean things about this definitely needs to stop. We must stop this it could be just as easy as putting a sign on your house saying peace for all colors it could be a march or a walk to raise awareness a neighborhood sale to donate money to charities for racial offense just even a 10QR bill could help, but the

most important thing is to do something or it will be your fault. There will be no racial equality.

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