The Disadvantaged By Thomas, Owen, AlJazi and Kira
In one way or another kids or just people in these stories are disadvantaged.
Table of Contents: Horrible Things Happen By: Owen Martin Things that happen to people in the world, getting a glimpse at the truth.
Immigrants In America By: Thomas Kollen Immigrants can't go to school because they are too full
Food in poor neighborhoods needs to be subsidised By: Kira Coto Demberg “Don't ask why healthy food is so expensive. Ask why junk food is so cheap.”
“NOT FOR SALE” By: Aljazi Al kuwari “Do a favor, avoid child labor”
Horrible Things Happen By: Owen Martin
Even in 2018, people all over the world are still being mistreated and used as slaves. According to the United Nations, “between 20-35 million people live in slavery today, 5 million of them are children�. This is relevant because people should not be in slavery, especially kids who should be getting an education and enjoying life as children. Ali, Joshua, and Mario are living examples of what is going on in the world today.
There are people from developing countries who are encouraged to work overseas in order to provide for the needs of their family. These people are told they can have jobs, shelter, food and will get paid if they work for a family or a plantation. This is all a lie. One example, according to Newsela, is of a 24-year-old man named Ali who was offered a job as a construction worker in Singapore. He would get paid $1,000 a month, but he had to pay $9,000 for the job training costs and $9,000 for the recruiting agency fees before he could go to Singapore where his job would be. This is unjust and should not be happening as this is one form of modern day slavery. Unfortunately for Ali, it will take him approximately 1 year and 6 months to break even and that's if he does actually receive his salary of $1,000 a month. This does not leave Ali with any money left over for food and essential needs for himself or his family. In addition, if Ali continues to work at his construction job, the building may finish and therefore he would not even have a job to continue earning money. Taking advantage of people in this way is a form of modern-day slavery that should be stopped.
Everyone wants an education, job, food, water and a shelter to live in, but not all people have these basic needs. One example from Newsela where someone doesn't have their basic needs met is Joshua. Joshua is a 7-year-old child who had to grow up fast when his parents most likely
sold him to a gold factory. There Joshua had to work for hours on end and got little water and food, although he did get shelter. Joshua had to work in very dangerous conditions. These dangerous conditions included all of the dust and the loud noises from people working on the machines within the factory. Joshua should not be in these hazardous conditions and he should most definitely not be working in a factory or labour centre. We must do something to get Joshua and kids like Joshua out of these conditions when they should be in schools and getting an education.
Mario is a 26 year old Peruvian. Newsela explains how he is a man who has led a hard life in the mines. He worked there for 10 years before he got driven out. When Mario worked in the gold mines he got paid 1,500 soles (£372) a month but didn’t have a safe place to store it. As a result, sometimes his money was stolen. Mario says you can get killed if someone thinks you robbed them. Mario worked for a year doing different jobs within the business. The business had him working 24 hours a day and he was unable to take days off, therefore he got tired and sick a lot. One day Mario asked his boss; Señor Carlos, for all his cash at the end of his shift. Señor Carlos then drove Mario into the woods and threatened to kill him. Mario says, “Even now, after all these years later, I am terrified he’ll find me”. He also later mentions, “These days I drive a moto taxi. It doesn’t pay great, but it lets me rent a room all to myself. If I could choose anything, I’d study to be a veterinarian. I like animals a lot, they’re kinder than humans.” This is important because after having the mining job Mario learned that there's more to life than working in a place where you are unhappy or unsafe. He now has a safe place to live and keep his things, although he does still have dreams about his future. People have been taken out of their own homes and used as slaves all over the world, this has been happening for so long and has been going on even after laws have been passed to prevent it. Even in the modern day, extreme inequalities still exist. We must find a way to stop the tragedies that have been going on for so long. We have to help Ali, Joshua and people like them from being trafficked and forced to do labour for other people. In order to make a difference and see a change, we need to raise awareness. Through the use of social media, we can spread the word and make people aware of human trafficking. Government agencies and police departments need to enforce the laws against slavery. For people who live in slavery, we need to find ways to help them out and have their basic needs met. Through education, they can get jobs and will be able to make money to help support their lives.
Immigrants In America By Thomas Kollen
According to Newsela In 2013, 150 young immigrants and refugees, who left their countries because of violence or war, started the school year at the Las Americas Newcomer Middle School. That is crazy because on average only 446 students go to a Middle school, so about one-fourth of the school's Middle school joined. The school is located in Houston's low-income Gulfton neighborhood. So even more crazy that so many people would go to a school like this, but they have no choice. This school had to turn away more than 100 students who wanted to attend school there because they were running out of space. We need to build more schools for these kids because their future relies on an education. So Richer countries need to help fund schools for immigrant kids because otherwise they will stay in the cycle of poverty and it will keep going from generation to generation.
Schools need more money These schools need more space for these immigrants and this could be possible if richer countries help.“It’s put a burden on me because I’ve run out of space,” Principal Maria Moreno a principal at a school in Texas. She is saying she has to turn away many students who want and need an education and is hurting her to see so many kids uneducated. But she is also saying that if she had more money and/or space for these kids then she would feel glad again. This is significant because if the richer countries had helped and given money and food then these kids would not get turned away by these schools. Than they could get an education and then a job and then maybe even a proper life in the United States
Kids keep coming More kids keep on coming so more money is still needed. According to Newsela, the government (in the U.S) estimates that 90,000 children, primarily from Central American countries such as El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala, could make a journey alone by this fall. As many as 145,000 of them could arrive in 2015. They often come to join a parent, many times escaping gangs or extreme poverty. This shows that schools need more money because if so many of these students/kids keep arriving for many more years then schools will keep needing more money and more money and they might even have to build more schools to fit all these children.
Good education leads to a good future These kids need to have certainty that they will have a good future in America. Coughlin a principal in Texas says. "They are very scared because they don't have certainty for their future
here," He is saying that they don’t know if they will get into schools or colleges or be allowed to stay in America. This evidence proves that more schools need to be built or these schools need to become larger because if they don’t have certainty for their future in America then they might not make it into schools because they are full. They should have a certainty for their future in America because then they are no longer afraid and may not have to do things that are illegal.
You can be part of the solution Rich countries with more money should donate more to American schools so that more young immigrants and older immigrants can go to school. More kids keep coming and these kids do not have certainty for their future in America because schools are filling up and there is not enough space left for these young immigrants. You can make a difference by donating to schools. The time to act is now because these schools get more kids by the day. You can make a difference in this community and save this planet's future by giving these kids an education. Imagine your kids in this situation of not have an education and not being able to anything about it. These kids have a bright future if you help them.
Food needs to be subsidised in poor neighborhoods By: Kira Coto emberg
According to a website called HuffPost, buying healthy food costs $550 more a year than buying less healthy food, but that is really not that expensive when you think about the cost of not eating healthy. Health issues like diabetes and heart disease cost way more in medical treatments and often it’s all due to bad food selection.
More fresh food should be subsidized in poor neighborhoods in the U.S so people with less money can have healthy options, in order to avoid future health issues. Healthy food is more expensive because it's production is more complex. Its production depends on a lot of different factors that humans can’t control, for example, the weather. According to The Guardian “Food is one of society's key sensitivities to climate. A year of not enough or too much rainfall, a hot spell or cold snap at the wrong time, or extremes, like flooding and storms, can have a significant effect on local crop yields and livestock production.”
If the harvest does not go as planned because of a drought, and the farmer grows fewer crops than he normally would he still has to get paid the same amount of money in order for that to happen, the government would have to increase the price of the crop, making it less affordable for people that live in poor conditions; making it less likely that they will buy the fresh produce. In order for low-income families to be able to afford healthy food, the government should subsidize fresh food producers such as vegetables and fruit farmers in order to provide affordable healthy options for everyone. According to the website Mail-Online, "New research shows...that the price of healthy food may be too high for many low-income families to afford, and experts say the government needs to step in.” In addition, “A new study published in the journal of the American Dietetic Association finds that a low-income family would have to devote 43 to 70 percent of its food budget to fruits and vegetables to meet the 2005 Dietary Guidelines, which recommends five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables a day."
If a consumer is on a budget they will always choose the cheaper product over the expensive one. If healthy food is subsidized and less costly everyone would be able to afford healthy food even though they are on a budget. Everyone would like to be able to consume healthy food but not everyone can afford it. Body-What having healthier options at a cheaper price will do to help poorer families Poorer families should be able to afford healthy food to prevent health issues from happening it also prevents obesity from happening. “In Connecticut, 15.8% of children Age 2 to 4 in low-income homes are obese, according to the State of Obesity, a September 2016 report by Trust for America's Help at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. That figure has remained constant since 2007, according to the report of 10- to 17 years old, 15% are obese the report said.”
Healthy food is important for everyone and mostly for child development because of the nutrition it provides. So that the future generation of poorer families can be able to grow properly and get the nutrition they need they need to able to afford healthy foods, that’s why families would be grateful if the government would subsidize healthy foods. Link
In conclusion, the U.S government should subsidize healthy food in poor neighborhoods so everyone can afford them and prevent families from having to deal with preventable health issues. If the harvest does not go as planned, the price of food will rise making it unaffordable for poorer people. Poor families should be able to afford healthy food because it helps avoid health issues especially for the youngest members of the families. In order for poor families to be able to afford healthy food, the government should subsidize the healthy products. Low income families need to have access to affordable healthy food otherwise health issues will be on the rise and will have an extremely negative impact on the healthcare system. To provide health care centers from being crowded by people who could have avoid getting their conditions. “Don't why healthy food is so expensive. Ask why junk food is so cheap.” (eminently quotable)
According to “” two children by the names of Yarg and Said were born into slavery in Mauritania. They worked every day from a young age. While their masters’ children went to school, Said and Yarg worked.“We weren’t allowed to eat the same food as the rest of the family, sleep inthe same rooms or wear the same clothes. They would beat us for any reason at all, and sometimes we didn’t even know the reason.” Child slavery must be stopped immediately, there should be severe consequences for the people who are forcing children to be slaves. Link people who are forcing children to be slaves. Even though laws about child slavery are changing in India, those law are not necessarily better for children. According to Newsela, “ An 8-year-old girl named Arpita was forced to work 16- to 18-hour days in the home of her uncle as a servant. When we rescued her, we had to break down the door. It was the middle of winter, and she was barely clothed and badly fed. Arpita was covered in wounds, and was hiding under a rag on her uncle’s balcony.” They are not making a change, it's as bad it was before the law was made in fact it's even worse. They don't eat as much now covered with wounds and rashes. Since the law states that children can work for their family, law enforcement cannot take them away from the poor working conditions that the child may be in with their family so they are stuck there, sometimes starving, sick, and can suffer death. Child slavery has been going on for years; this year alone there are 200 million child slaves. More than 200 million children are working under horrible conditions. According to the website, Anti-slave, “Behind every single number is a child denied the right to a childhood and a normal healthy life.73 million of these children are below 10 years old.” If there denied from everything like Education, playing like kid, food and much more,Since it is a life cycle not only for the people past but will it be a life cycle for the children in the future. If this continues for another couple of years it will eventually hurt their future children and will force them to work. LINK
A Lot of children have been in forced labor there is about 24.9 million children have been in forced labor. According to “ End Slavery Now ” Prum left his pregnant wife in the hopes of returning home in a few months with the money to support his growing family. Instead, he was forced into slavery on a Thai fishing boat where he endured torture, starvation and the constant threat of death. Prum, a victim of deception and forced labor, would not see his family for four years. As I said in the beginning It can lead to harsh death and lost. They Tricked
him that he will work for a couple of months and he will get money but it turns out to be working for a couple of years (4 years) and no money at all. When he came back from the 4 years his family ( wife & baby ) gone but never forgotten. This problem is getting bigger and bigger by the second. This is not a problem you could hand it down to somebody and expect them to make the change and get over it. it's up to you to make the change. Don't think that the government is responsible from stopping child slavery WE as citizens to our country MUST help as well.