The Truth About Modern Slavery By Amber Scott Lisa Mathew Saad Al Haidar Victoria Unger Taneal Visagie
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Table of Contents
Children's lives are in danger By Amber Scott Child labor should be more of a problem to society.
Give kids a voice By Lisa Mathew
Kids are innocent and they deserve to be given a chance.
Kids should go to school not work by Saad Al Haidar Kids should go to school and not work at slavery and factories.
Child labour should come to an end By Victoria Unger Childhood should not be filled with danger but with education.
Child Labour: ‘A thing of the past’ By Taneal Visagie Child labour is a worldwide problem that needs to be recognized.
Children's lives are in danger By Amber Scott 5.5 million children are stuck in slavery. Not only is it a huge number, it has also remained this way for the past 2 decades. It disgusts me that so many children have lost an opportunity to live a “normal” life and be able to get an education.We need to come up with an idea of how to put an end to child labor as a whole. Child labor is an issue that should be of the past. It must become a top priority for all governments of the world. How can a world move into the twenty-first century with children still being exploited for their labor and denied their basic right to an education? Child labor is a problem in society, it needs to come to an end. Classrooms not work areas Not only does child labor still exist, it has remained constant in the last two decades. Children are bought and sold like toys, sometimes for less than a pack of cigarettes. 168 million child slaves are working right now and not being in school just like the 59 million out-of-school children. These children are being sold for less than a pack of cigarettes, not like the gifts they are, if we were only able to stop child labor and give these kids an education just maybe we might be able to find the next great role model. Safety is a must not a choice For example 10-year-old Mohsin and 8-year-old Aslam in 2007 from a sweatshop – owned by their uncle – made children’s clothing for one of the world’s largest garment retailers. They were starving. Or that more than 40 percent of reduced children were working dangerous jobs. An example is a roadside restaurant.These kids are taken and put into dangerous lifestyles which even the healthiest athletes wouldn't be able to survive. We are putting these kids in danger. Why? Because we are too selfish to realize that these kids are human and deserve to live a life with opportunities.
Hard working conditions that aren't safe
Child labor should not be a problem in the 21st century.There are children still working in dangerous conditions such as the tobacco farm. Working on the farm can cause an ‘acute nicotine poisoning’. Some of the pesticides used in the tobacco farming industry are neurotoxins which could damage and destroy the nerve tissues. 12-year-olds can work 50 to 60 hours a week and still attend school with that still being legal. According to the Newsela article Sofia, a 17-year-old girl states that she’s been working in the Tobacco farms since she was 13 years old, her mother had taught her how to stay safe in the fields. “None of my bosses or contractors or crew leaders told have ever told us about the pesticides and how we can protect ourselves from them”. Children like Sofia should not have been working at such a young age or even working whilst inhaling toxic chemicals floating around in the air that could destroy their bodies. Children should have a normal childhood, such as not working on the tobacco farms would be a start. All governments of this world must have Child labor be their priority. How can we be in the twenty-first century, while children being denied the choice of getting an education? Child labor is a problem and needs to come to an end. We must put an end to child labor now, it is getting out of hand! Stop buying these products that are making these kids lives in danger. How you feel to know that you are making a child's life miserable just because you were too selfish to choose a fair trade product. Help save some like Sofia or Mohsin and put them out of misery.
Give kids a voice By Lisa Mathew
How would you feel if you were forced into war? How would you feel if just because your parents or some before you had made a mistake but you had to work for it? How would you feel if you had to give up your entire childhood? It is the responsibility of all government and official leaders to make sure that our kids have a fun and enjoyable childhood. That gives them wonderful opportunities, not forcing them into war and slavery Kids can’t go into war if they don’t even know what is happening. Many kids that are being forced into war don’t even know what is happening. Newsela states that a 14 year old who was forced into war, hung his head in shame because of what the did as a child. He didn’t know what the was doing.His friends were taken away by a group known as Seleka but when the soldiers from Seleka saw he was strong they decided to hand him a gun and throw him into war. He didn’t know what the was doing. All he knew was he had to survive and to do that he did whatever the Seleka told him to. He didn’t know how to escape. He didn’t know what or why the war was happening. How was he supposed to know he was taking innocent lives?Kids must not be taught how to go into war, but how to prevent it when they are older. This relates to my topic because all kids know when they are small is to follow those who provide basic life necessities for them. They will do anything that person tells them to because they don’t know any better. Kids should be given a happy childhood and an education, not a gun. Education not early marriage Girls should not have to be married under the age of 18. They can learn to defend themselves. They always do.As Newsela states “Every year an estimated 14 million girls around the world get married before they turn 18.” Some parents said it was so that their daughter would be safe. Others girls are forced into being married. A 14 year old girl named Mirellie was told by a colonel of the Seleka that the wanted to marry her. She refused saying she was still young. That night the Seleka snuck into her home kidnaped her, took her to a base, and forced her to marry the colonel. Girls shouldn't be forced into marrying someone. They should choose who they want to marry and they should get to go to school first, not be caged up in a house cooking and cleaning. Girls deserve just as many rights as men do. I doubt that there are even hundreds of men who get married before the age of 18. If men don’t have to why should girls? It is scientifically proven that girls mature faster than boys there brains develop faster than boys but they don’t have the chance to prove it because they had to get married and spending time that they could have used in school doing laundry and making food and can now never prove how they can change the world.
Kids aren’t the ones who made the mistakes Too many kids are still in slavery. “5.5 million kids are still in slavery. They are bought and sold like animals,” says Newsela. “Did you know that in some places of the world pack of cigarettes cost more than a human child?” Kids are a blessing and deserve to be treated well especially by their relatives, but for some kids they aren’t that lucky. They are forced to work under terrible conditions in family businesses. An example of this is a girl named Arpita, she was working for her uncle 16 to 18 hours a day. Why do kids go into slavery? Because their parents needed money. Not because the kids borrowed money but because their PARENTS needed money their kids must be worked to the bone. Kids don’t get the right chance If kids get a good education they can accomplish amazing things but since they don’t have the choice they never have a chance because they are either fighting in war, cleaning in a kitchen, or working in labor. We must not let children be thrown into war, nor put into slavery. They have the chance at an audacious life we should not snatch that away from them. They aren’t the ones who started the war, yet they are the ones who must fight in it. How would our world be today if those who have made the biggest impact on our world had only what kids in slavery had today? What if Malala had never stood up for the girls. What if John F Kennedy didn’t have time to negotiated the nuclear test ban because as a kid he was forced into war? What if the next Martin Luther King is among a 100 slaves, but is too afraid to do something? We must refuse to let children be forced into killing someone or working until their hands literally bleed. We must give them a chance at a good future. After all, children are not things to be moulded but people to be unfolded.
Kids should go to school instead of working. By Saad Al Haidar
Kids should stop working at factories and go to school and learn so they could get a good diploma to go to college and have a great life. According to Newsela there are about 5.5 million children that are slaves and don’t go to school. Children are only children once in their lives and they need to have fun as children. When they grow up they will not have as much time for fun when they grow up. Fun is important for children to be happy.
School would help the children learn new things and would give them much time to have fun but the most important thing is that they would get and good education if they do good. Also it's better than working so hard for many hours and at the end they won't get paid. In slavery children would be sold and bought for less than a pack of cigarettes.
Children should not be forced to work and should go to school and learn. Children that work in slavery don’t have much time to play and rest they would work all day long sometimes they won't see daylight because of how much would work some kids don’t know how to play only work because they never had a chance to work. This is why they should go to school in there lives. Kids these days want to have a chance to go to school and learn new things in there lives not working for not even something bad and not getting paid properly.
Kids need to have a good education in there life Kids lease age should go to school to learn new and different things in school so they would have a great life. Kids now are forced to work even if they don’t want. Kids today want to learn and have the experience to see what is school like. My evidence that proves my topic is that kids need to go to school to learn they should go to school so they could get a high school diploma that means if it's good they could go to college and after get a job and live a great life. In conclusion kids these days need to go to school and learn so they could get a good diploma to go to college and learn new things and also they would get a job and live a great life. Kids deserve to be treated fairly like how kids now a days. Kids are only kids they are kids once in there life this the time they could play and have fun not work this has to stop and it will stop.
Child labour should come to an end By: Victoria Unger “Child labour is an issue of grave importance. It must become a top priority for all governments of the world. How can the world move into the twenty-first century with children still being exploited for their labour and denied their basic right to an education?” this is a quote from Craig Kielburger child labour is a problem in society and it needs to be solved.It’s estimated that 168 million kids are still stuck in child labour, This disgusts me that so many children are still in child labour and people don’t want to stop it. People around the world should come up with a solution to stop this.
It’s the 21st century this needs to stop Child labour should not be a problem in the 21st century.There are children still working is dangerous conditions such as the tobacco farm. Working in the farm can cause an ‘acute nicotine poisoning’. Some of the pesticides used in the tobacco farming industry are neurotoxins which could damage and destroy the nerve tissues. 12 year olds can work 50 to 60 hours a week and still attend school is legal. According to the Newsela article Sofia a 17 year old girl states that she’s been working in the Tobacco farms since she was 13 years old, her mother had taught her how to stay safe in the fields. “None of my bosses or contractors or crew leaders told have ever told us about the pesticides and how we can protect ourselves from them”. Children like Sofia should not have been working at such a young age or even working whilst inhaling toxic chemicals floating around in the air that could destroy their bodies. Children should have a normal childhood such as not working in the tobacco farms would be a start.
A Normal childhood involves education Children should have a normal childhood.Charly is not the only one who is still being forced to fight in wars just to support their family. Charly wears a uniform from the rebels and brings fear to his neighborhood, he carries around an AK-47 and he feels proud, this should not be the case children should not carry around a machine gun and feel proud they are putting themselves and other people in danger. Some children like Charly feel the need to have power children around the world should have an education instead of having a gun in their hands. A Muslim Rebel known as the Seleka took over and forced 3,500 children to go and fight for their side in the war, it soon progressed into 6,000 children many were given guns. According to the Newsela article Charly was known to point out houses to see which ones were good to rob.More than a year ago Charly was a boy who sold sugar, soap and other goods and now he is one of the many who fight for their country and fight to support their family at age 15 and younger. “They were firing everywhere” said Charly “i abandoned everything and ran” this shows that they wouldn’t just fire if it was necessary they fire just for their amusement they would kill for
their amusement they would hire kids force them to kill and injure just for their amusement.
Child labour destroys dreams to go to school Child labour is taking away children’s dreams to go to school.Kids have to wake earlier than you can imagine to work dangerous jobs that pay a very low amount. Thirteen year old Sami wakes up at 5:00 am and works till dark six days a week. He grabs a large wheelbarrow fills it with water till it’s completely full and carries it all the back to the bakery. At 6:00 am he already is putting the dough into the burning hot stove and also getting ready to sell bread for the entire day. Sami only gets 80$ for his hard work, although he feels proud that he can support his family, but wishes he could go to school and get an education. Sami is not the only child who wants to graduate from university and wants a well paid job.According to newsela children in Afghanistan have to work and don’t get paid very well, even though the law says children under 14 are not allowed to work full time, many people ignore this law and get children to work full time and many even hours not even adults can work. Some children who are younger than six work in brick making, carpet weaving, construction, mining and farming.
What we can do to help As you can see many children have to make hard decisions just to support their family. Kids should go to school and have a normal childhood, it’s the 21st century and children are still being exploited to their hard labour and not being paid a dime.This is the problem in society, people are too caught up in what’s going to happen to them, then looking around and realizing the real problem, that slavery is taking over the childhood of children and taking away the right to get an education. We need to end child slavery and help the kids to get an education and succeed in life.
Child Labour: “A thing of the past” By Taneal Visagie
People often believe that child labor is a thing of the past. That those horrible times are now left behind and forgotten. That everything we buy nowadays is fair trade and made by employed adults that get paid for their work. But that's far from true. In fact, most of the products we buy are made by children, most of them under 18. They work in terrible conditions with either extremely little or no pay. Over 200 million children today are involved in child labour. 120 million out of the 200 million work in dangerous places that put their life at risk every day. The fact that child labor is still exists in the modern day is sickening and must stop. We need to speak up and have to make a stop to all types of child labour. Marriage? Young women are marrying at very young ages and being forced to work for their “husbands” as slaves. A story from Newsela about Anita, age 15, is one of many examples. When she was only 10 years old her father told her she was getting married to a 55 year old man that already had two other wives. Anita was scared because her mother and been married to her father at a young age and she had seen her mother get beaten many times. As a third wife her job was to look after the cows and goats. She got beaten for things like taking a rest while the cows were grazing or for a losing goat. Anita has now managed to escape and is attending school. These young women are missing out on many opportunities. Although Anita was fortunate enough to escape and be able to attend school many women are not. They miss out on opportunities like going to school or getting their dream job.
But aren't we related? Working for a family business is another big problem that a lot of children have to face. Another article from Newsela tells the story of Arpita. She was working for her uncle as a servant and was forced to work 16 to 18 hours at a time. Bachpan Bachao Andolan is an organization in India that rescues kids, had to knock down the door to rescue Arpita. “It was the middle of winter, and she had barely any clothes on. She was given very little food to eat. We found her hiding under a rag.” says Kailash Satyarthi. The fact that these kids are working for their own family is disturbing. Once again these children miss out on so many things. They miss out on their childhood. They can't go to school and get an education. They miss out on simple things that most children have and take for granted. Because these children miss out on these things they can’t get good jobs therefore they have no way of getting out of poverty in hopes of a better life.
‘A brighter future.’ Not Children are often given away to people who tell their parents that they can lead them to a great future. Which is very often not the case. Parents that are left in tough situations will often do anything for their child's future and many people take advantage of this. People will tell the parents that they can provide work, food, shelter, etc, to the kids. The parents want their kids to have a better future therefore giving the children to these people. Despite what the people have told the parents the children are treated terribly. They work for long hours with very little food, water, shelter and other needs. Although these parents think their child is in good care they are almost always not. These parents send children away and they are unable to help their family, have access to basic needs and miss out on opportunities that all children should have. The worst part about this is that the parents think they have made the right decision ‘in hopes for a brighter future’.
We as society can make a change Society needs to make a difference to stop child labour. Young kids are working long hours under dangerous conditions, getting married at ages way to young, working for family business and being given away like nothing. These children miss out on basic needs and opportunities that they will never get back. Governments need stop all types of labour. We as society have to speak up in order to make a difference, we need to be the change. There are simple things in everyday life we can do like buying a fair trade chocolate bar at the store. Small things like this can make a difference. We need to step up and put a stop to all types of labour.