Current Issues
By: Abdulrahman Aljoudi, Amy Haddad, James Day
Table Of Contents
Kids on Social Media, By: Abdulrahman Aljoudi Using technology everyday can be really harmful to children. Disabilities Rights​, By: Amy Haddad Disabled people should have the same rights as non disabled people. Military Personnel, By: James Day should not
Kids On Social Media By: Abdulrahman Aljoudi On average, kids from the ages 8-12 spend about 6hr per day on social media. Which is more than the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended which is 2 hrs a day. In addition to that, teens spend over 9 hours a day on social media sites. A K.G, first-grade teacher said “Yes, kids love technology, but they also love Legos, scented markers, handstands, books, and mud puddles. It’s all about balance.” This teacher and mom is trying to tell parents and kids that children and teens love many stuff, including technology, but it’s all about balancing all of it. Allowing Kids to spend too much time on social media is both harmful to the brain and the eye. Meaning that it should be decreased dramatically. Children are spending most of their day on many online sites instead of going outside and playing with friends. This is because whenever a kid scrolls through Instagram, snapchat or Facebook, they would find something new, which hooks them in and encourages them to keep looking. Kids enjoy exploring new stuff, and if they can have that right in front of them without going anywhere is great for kids. Actually, it is harming children's brains and eyesight, also can make a kid lazy and always bored.Stopping your children to leave their phones is a great start for decreasing social media time, it will let the kids meet friends face to face and converse in real life and not behind screens. One of the biggest reasons that using social media is harmful is the cyberbullying part. “Teen suicides rose between 2010 and 2015, according to the Centers for Disease Control,” stated a Newsela article. No one knows for sure that the cause is an increase
in social media use, but the rising social media use is a theory for the increase in teen suicide rates. This shows that social media is impacting people (teens) so much that it reaches the level that a kid is thinking about suicide. Some of the programs that teens are using might be the issue. Not only might that be the issue, but it can also be because teens text people they admire. Those people might make the teens mad, making them extremely depressed, opening suicidal thoughts into their lives. One of the biggest reasons that using social media is harmful is the cyberbullying part. It is the idea that people bully online.This is because whenever a kid scrolls through Instagram or snapchat or Facebook, they would find something new, which hooks them in and encourages them to keep looking.This shows that social media is impacting people (teens) so much that it reaches the level that a kid is thinking about suicide. Some of the programs that teens are using might be the issue. Not only might that be the issue, but it can also be because teens text people they admire. Those people might make the teens mad, making them extremely depressed, opening suicidal thoughts into their lives. To conclude, I believe that the unstable time that kids use on technology has to change. The time that kids use with technology is negatively impacting their everyday actions. In many countries, kids suicidal rates have increased dramatically, the cause, social media. We must do something about this, it is unacceptable to have children suffering from something as simple as a phone. We must limit social media use for all children and teens, to make them happy and make yourself happy. If you are a parent with kids or have a friend that uses social media for way too long, then you must tell them to stop and make sure that they know the harm of ‘overusing’ social media and phones.Â
Disabilities Rights By:Amy Haddad “Being disabled should not mean being disqualified from having access to every aspect of life.” A British actress, Emma Thompson, said this famous quote leading to her childhood when she was going through depression. This quote means that disabled people should not be disqualified from what they like to do and what they are passionate about. One billion people of the world's population are diagnosed with a disability. This shows that 15 percent of the world population have disabilities and should be treated fairly by other people that don’t have disabilities. Disabled people should have the same rights and access to everything in life, such as health, sports, activities, jobs and many more because they are still human and should also have fun.
For 6-year-old girl, T-ball shows her a life without limits. Disabled people should not be disqualified from what they are passionate about. According to “Newsela” in the article “For 6-year-old girl, T-ball shows her a life without limits” a 6 year old girl named Rosie McRackan who is missing her left forearm and her whole right leg is passionate about T-ball. When she plays she wears prosthetic or artificial leg made especially for running. Rosie believes that she is as good as the other players. This shows that she is passionate about T-ball and believes that she is good at it. Her experience on the T-ball team has given her a place where she fits in. Rosie may not be the fastest or as good as some other players, but she just loves what she does.
Bosnian swim club acknowledges needs of kids who are disabled. Furthermore, Disabled people should have the same rights and access to everything in life that non disabled people do. As claimed by Newsela in the article “Bosnian swim club acknowledges needs of kids who
are disabled.” Ismail Zulfic was born without arms but that’s not slowing him down. Ismail joyfully paddles across the Olympic size pool in Sarajevo and is sometimes shy of his disabilities. Ismail and his parents drive 70 km from the city of Zenica. This is one of the fewest swim places where disabled people can do what they like. There are about 50 children in the club from all over the country, which has 3.5 million people. Of those, 300,000 have disabilities, including 84,000 who fought in the 1992-1995 civil war. This proves that a lot of people with disabilities like what they do and are passionate about. Bosnian children who are disabled are treated differently from an early age. Link In addition, instead of disabled people not being allowed to do sports, It is also limited to disabled Bosnian kids to have a good education because of poor building and unprepared teachers. Ismail is almost getting the same rights as non disabled people which are in his swim class.
Blind high school swimmer in Illinois gets his best times at a state meet. Disabilities should not stop disabled people from doing what they dream about. According to “Newsela” the article “Blind high school swimmer in Illinois gets his best times at a state meet Alan Brint was born blind he has a clear vision of how he sees people. Alan doesn’t want to be treated differently. Alan has been swimming from a young age, even though he is blind, he did not quit he did what he loved. Even though Alan did not win anything in his swimming competition, he still didn’t give up. Alan was proud of what he did and made his dream come true which was to be an awesome swimmer. Alan beat his record which was his fastest time swimming in all four events. He finished third in two races and fourth in two others. This shows that he did not give up on his dreams and kept doing what he loved. Link
In conclusion, people should treat and accept people for their disabilities. Disabled people have dreams, some dreams are to have a good education others are sports. They are also Human and should have access to what they would like to do. We need to change this, many people don't care but should care. Imagine if you were disabled and you weren't allowed to do what you love and dream about, how would you feel? We should do something about this like stand up for a disabled person and make them feel loved.
Military personnel James (Jackie) Day
Have you ever wondered what happens to the troops in the war they fight? because that’s what most Military soldiers have to go though. Separating for a long time can be damaging to families. That’s why military personnel should not go away from home for more than a year.
Should the troops go on trips for more than a year In the article “The First Saddest Day of my Life,” Sharon D. Raynor said that he had to leave his loved ones for war and when he got back he had ptsd (post traumatic stress disorder). This could have been because he went to war for more than a year. Also in that time, several nights and he had to sleep in rain and defend against the enemy. This could prove that going to war scarred him mentally and him going for more than a year probably broke him even more.
The struggles of war Going to war is hard and going to prison is harder and that’s what thousands of soldiers had to do in World War II. In the article “Held Prisoner in World War II, Nine Veterans Revisit Memories in Japan” the horrors the soldiers went through were surprising. They were beaten up, not fed enough, and had to do whatever the prison guards told them to do. To get to the prison, the troops were forced to walk over sixty miles under terrible conditions. Many of them died on the walk. The soldiers could have prevented this from happening if they were just allowed to go home or to a different area.
The death toll More than 26,000 people were given the name “righteous among the nations” by Israel after WWII. The reason for this was because they died trying to protect the Jews from the holocaust, said the article “American Honored For Saving Lives of Jewish-American Soldiers in WWII”. Trailing back to “The First Saddest Day of my Life,” the article states that one day the convoy line was attacked and they lost a tank and a few men that was the start of the attack that lasted all night. Going to war is risky and staying there gets more and more risky that’s why they should take a break every so often.
Military personnel should not go to war for more than a year because of the risk of PTSD and because of health issues.   The government is making soldiers go to war for over a year, making it hard on the families living without a parent. We need to recognize the soldiers that live their lives without a home because of the government.