Diversity Around the World, by Tamadhar, Mana, Ali, and Yadel

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Diversity Around Our World By Mana Al-Maadheed, Ali Al-Abdulla,, Tamadhar Al-Derbasti, Yadel Abou-Hadour

We, as humans are the ones controlling the world, but we are also the ones who can change it.

Table of Contents Discrimination in sports by Ali Al-Abdulla Everyone deserves an equal life no matter who they are or what they do.

Hijabs and Hoops by Mana Al-Maadheed People must support Muslim women athletes that wear hijabs because they deserve to be treated fairly.

Muslim Women Rights are Human Rights by Tamadhar Al-Derbasti Muslim woman deserves to live their life without being discriminated because of their religion, appearance, and gender.

Black Equality by Yadel Abou-Hadour Racism around the world is a huge problem because so many people are affected by it.

Discrimination in sports by Ali Al-Abdulla I have a dream that one day little black boys and girls will be holding hands with little white boys and girls and now one is judged differently.I am against discrimination of black people in sports because nobody should be no one should be treated poorly because of his skin color every human should be equalized with other people now matter how he is According to newsela that college coaches take advantage of poor good athletes and make them miss their chance of graduating from college. One example is that they trick the poor good black athletes tell them that in three years you will go and play in the NBA or you will be in the NFL, but most of the times it is not true and when you're telling them like that they will not take care about their education so they will fail and will only care of getting a spot in the team and being the best at what they do so and then in the future they may not go to be professional and they will miss their chance to graduate from college.This is bad because you are tricking people and make them miss a chance of their lives and you could say they just wasted 3 years of their lives or more also and that is not a good thing to do. According to newsela that Muhammad ali was sometimes offended when he was walking on the street or in a match.Muhammad Ali when sometimes he was walking on the street or in mache people will shout offending stuff about him and he kept up and did not care to the haters that is a good thing and if you see some people that get offended they will may quit because they will feel bad but Muhammad Ali was strong enough to count and now he is the strongest boxer ever known.This should be stopped because it is not a good thing to offend someone by the skin of his color and judge him as a bad person all people are equal no matter how they are and how they look like. According to newsale some black skateboarders are sometimes kicked out of

skateboard parks because of racism.You cannot make someone stop his hobby by kicking skateboarders a because the skin of his color it is unfair. And also the black skateboarders will feel offended, and the people that kick them out of the skate parks should get to jail or pay a fine that is a good deed because they will learn that all people are equal.I think it is better if this stop this because the black skateboarders will have more freedom and can enjoy their hobby very well, without feeling bad about their hobby. People should not be discriminated in sports because they are black like getting kids out of skate parkes and not enjoying their sport, like muhammad ali people side to him bad comments because he is black or like poor people that are black that are good in sports get tricked by college coaches and play for there team at the last they do not go professional this is unfair and it should be stopped.I think we have to do something about it try to force the law to make rules that if this happens the people how did it should pay big amount of money as a fine or go to jail for 2 weeks or a month that will halpe and also i think well stop most of the problemes.

Hijabs and Hoops By Mana Al-Maadheed Should Muslim women ​athlete ​that wear “hijabs” participate in sports? They should be able to participate for a reason that they are normal humans like every other humans that want to be a superstar. All Muslim women that wear hijabs should be able to participate in sports and not be discriminated.

Women that wear hijabs can still be great athletes and we should support them. According to Newsela, a 15 year old Muslim named ​Amaiya Zafar found a sport she loves amateur boxing. Amaiya said the rules are old fashioned. "I don't think there's anything wrong with getting them changed." The rule is old and they should change it” for a reason that the world is changing every day and rules should change.​ The rules and the world should change to form equal rights for women that wear a hijab that's why the world must change, if the rules wouldn’t change then humans won’t change.

There are so much Muslim women that had lost opportunities cause that of not wearing a hijab. For example, ​Bilqis Abdul Qadir, is a woman that was a star college basketball player, ​but FIBA didn’t allow her to play because of her headscarf. ​Bilqis said, "It's hard being a young Muslim woman in America. It takes strength to walk outside and look different than anyone else. She said some people think Muslim women just do what they are told. This is wrong, she said”. ​Muslim women athletes that wear hijabs must all the opportunities that other women own. For example, of ​Bilqis Abdul Qadir highlights that the hijab should not prevent someone to stop playing a sport.

Today, there is some progress on Muslim women athletes that wear hijabs. In the article Sport hijabs give Muslim girls the chance to participate in athletics, two tennis captains named ​Liva Pierce and Anaise Manikunda​ raised $800 for sporty hijabs and the are the first school in America the is doing that, that is still not much of progress

there should be more people supporting Muslim women athletes that wear hijabs. Some people are making a change about Muslim women athletes that wear hijabs, but this should be supported worldwide. It’s great that ​Liva Pierce and Anaise Manikunda ​raised money for sporty hijabs because they are trying to change the world, but there is not a large amount of support.

Muslim women athletes that wear hijabs should be allowed to play sports. People must support Muslim women athletes that wear hijabs. The hijab doesn’t affect the players and doesn’t effect the world too. Why should people care about a headdress that covers their hair only. All the countries must support women athletes that wear hijabs.

Muslim Women Rights Are Humans Rights By Tamadhar Al-Derbasti Did you know that there are 1.6 billion Muslim people in the world, and 3.3 million living in America? This is a massive proportion. Of the 3.3 million American Muslims, many are repeatedly being judged because of their different religion. The idea that some people are changing their looks and religion just because of a stranger's harsh comment is outrageous. The Muslim woman deserves to live their life without being discriminated because of their religion, appearance, and gender. The Muslim woman deserves to live their life without being discriminated against their religion, gender, and appearance. Muslim woman all throughout America is being judged one example is a woman named Leilah Abdennabi who was harassed because of her religion, Islam. Leilah Abdennabi was meeting a friend named Sirat Al-Nahi at a cafe when suddenly an elderly man began to harass her. He suggested that they should go back to their country Saudi Arabia, however, both girls were from America. He told them they should leave the cafe however he assumed they didn’t know how to drive. It was wrong of the man to say such harsh words to strangers, it was wrong that he assumed they were from Saudi Arabia when they were really from America. It was rude of the man to assume that since they were wearing hijabs and were Muslim they couldn’t be from America. Since the man thought the girls were from Saudi he assumed they didn’t know how to drive since a woman in Saudi is not allowed to drive by law. Although they were threatened to stop wearing the hijab Abdennabi still chooses to wear her hijab to continue representing her religion, Islam. Another example is a teenage girl named Amaiya Zafar who was judged because of her gender when she played sports while wearing the hijab. Amaiya practices the religion of Islam and she chooses to wear the hijab, also known as a headscarf. A hijab is a scarf that Muslim woman use to cover their head, the Muslim woman is not allowed to show their skin, so Amaiya compromises and wears leggings and long sleeves. The problem is that boxing rules say that this is not allowed, USA Boxing is a group in charge of boxing. Jaylani Hussein is in charge of a large Muslim group in Minnesota. He states that USA Boxing did the right thing, they asked permission about the hijab. Some boys did not think Amaiya was capable of boxing. They did not think girls could fight the way men did after they saw her fight they changed their minds. This proves that people can really change their opinions by little actions we can do to prove that we are all the same, and at the end of the day we are all human. Nobody deserves to be treated

badly, Amaiya should have been allowed to wear her hijab from the beginning. USA Boxing realized that our gender should never define us because there is more to us than how people see us. At first the boys thought that girls couldn’t play sports the right way and that boxing was only a male sport, however, Amaiya proved them wrong. The last example is a woman named Samantha Elauf who was judged because of her appearance wearing a hijab while working at Abercrombie and Fitch. In 2008, when she was 17 years old, Samantha tried to get a job at an Abercrombie & Fitch store in Oklahoma. When she went to her job interview she wore a hijab, the problem is Elauf did not get the job because the store thought her scarf did not fit in with the company's “look.” They did not care about her hurt feelings or that she feels that she must wear a scarf to be true to her religion, Islam. In fact, because of the store’s rules the Washington Court got involved. Elauf accused the clothing store of discriminating against her and treating her unfairly. She said they did not hire her just because she was Muslim. In court, the clothing company said it wanted all its workers to have a certain "look." Headscarves just didn’t fit in with their look.The company also said Elauf did not mention her religion. They said they did not discriminate against her because of her religion, they state they didn’t even know she was Muslim. The Court did not accept the company's accusations. It was obvious that Elauf wore the headscarf for religious reasons. The court ruled that it did not matter whether or not Elauf mentioned her religion. Muslim woman deserve to live their life without having to worry about being harassed by strangers, every single day of their lives. They aren’t just being harassed because of their headscarf, they are constantly judged by their religion, Islam and their overall appearance. People don’t seem to empathize that these Muslim women wear the headscarf to represent their religion. People that judge this Muslim woman doesn’t acknowledge that the woman feels the need to cover their head in an account of them feeling it is wrong not to do so. Citizens of America can sometimes be ignorant of other religions and race. The problem is they need to be educated. It is crucial for people to understand that these women are no different than the rest of the world, they can change the world just like every other powerful female. They just need to be given the chance, we must treat these women fairly, they don't deserve to be judged by their looks. We can and we must try our best to make a difference in society, women's rights, equal a happy life and everyone deserves that, no matter what they look like or what they believe. This is our world, we are the ones controlling it, and we are the ones that can make a difference to improve it.

Black equality By Yadel Abu- Hadour More than 92% of African Americans in the U.S have faced, seen or heard of friends, family being discriminated, that's more than 3\4 of the whole African American population living in the U.S.A. This is according to the latest study about discrimination to black people in U.S. the saddest part is that this study was conducted in 2017 the year were most black people under the age of 25 were killed in charges of discrimination but it's also the year of the lowest unemployment rates since 1970. It’s disturbing to think of how people the same as us are being judged on their appearances and looks rather than on their personalities. that's not all that African American have to face, African American kids are also being discriminated not being able to graduate and some african americans are not getting the credit that they rightfully deserve. There have been laws that are put in place by the U.S congress but year after year since 2008 the African American discrimination charges have skyrocketed and this must stop. We should all realize that even if someone has a different skin color, it does not mean that they should be treated differently from anyone else. Mohamed Ali was constantly discriminated because of his skin color. “Ali rejected white America when he converted to Islam, like many black Americans at the time, and changed his name.” According to the newsela article this was a Muhammad Ali way to step up to the white man. beloved by many people as an athlete but hated by many more as a black big mouthed boxer. Mohammed Ali had rejected the white people due to many things, one being racial slurs that were screaming at him during a match and the white people closed mind when he changed religion to Islam. He was the best in the world, but yet was treated the same as every other black man at the time. Muhammad A​li was respected by many many people as this great godly fighter at the ring, but his biggest fights were outside the ring because, people truly never respected him as a black islam boxer. Muhammad ali didn't have the rights to do what a white person would he couldn't switch religions and that was because he was black they didn't want him to. They didn't treat muhammad ali the same as it says and I quote, “​Ali rejected white America when he converted to Islam, like many black Americans at the time,” This is saying that the black people were not liking how they were being treated so they just turned their backs on white america and rejected them. Muhammad ali was a legend at ring but was still treated like a slave outside the ring muhammad ali truly never lived free to be like many more African American. White athletes are more likely to graduate from university than black athletes. Shaun Harper, who is with the University of Pennsylvania, conducted the study “Harper said that generations of young black men and their parents and families are tricked. They have false hopes about how well the student-athletes will do in life. They also do not realize that there is little chance they will play on majors” Less than 1 percent of

athletes that play in college teams will hardly get a chance at even being in the major leagues. Way fewer black kids graduate than white kids and this is due to coaches caring more about athletes and winning than they do about the athletes future. The sad truth is if all you are focusing on as a student is sports and not caring about your studies, what will happen to you after college years, they have a very low chance of being athlete in majors leagues you probably won't get a job because you didn't care enough about your studies.The fact that coaches don't care about young black kids future is sad to think of and how many opportunity for students have been lost. Black people don’t get the credit that they deserve Bessie Coleman flys over racial boundaries and segregation to later because a hero In African American lives but unheard of in White people's lives.​ ​"I knew we had no aviators, neither men nor women, and I knew the race needed to be represented along this most important line, so I thought it my duty to risk my life to learn aviation and to encourage flying among men and women of our race, who are so far behind the white race in this modern study," Stated Bessie coleman In a interview. She continued to face restrictions in the United States and spoke of the difficulties of flying as she states: "The air is the only place free from prejudices."​ Emely airhart Everyone knows her as the first woman to have ever flown from america to europe she died but is still recognized as a hero. But Bessie Coleman was a the first black woman to fly a airplane and her name was as recognized as amelia earhart they were both pilots they both accomplished new things but the only difference is that one is black and the other is white and just because of this little change one name goes down in history while the other is recognized only by a few and unlike emily erhart, Bessie coleman ist taught in school or ist in museum but is a lost name for such a good and big action. Take action In conclusion all people no matter how different should be treated correctly. Being black shouldn't downgrade your likelihood of graduating from college or stop you from being recognized for something that you have done. Everyone should be recognized for their actions for the greats and downs that they have had not there skin color and the fact that we still believe that skin men's anything is terrible if anything skin color means nothing ​and you shouldn't be judged by it.Imagine every human on earth was the same let me put that in different terms something that we all learn as kids something as simple as rainbow. known for its unique colors that attract our eyes. Imagine a rainbow that's only one color only one crescent shaped blob of a singular color it wouldn't be attracting to the human eye, Now let's suppose we are that rainbow unique in every way but yet the rainbow has one missing spot that hasn't been put in the rainbow for years and is still not being added. But no more we must put an end to all the years of hardship. If you ever see a person being mistreated because of their skin color you must stop that from happening and if you do it yourself think about how the other person feels about this and how you would feel if you were the person being mistreated, You would feel down ashamed of your color of skin something that you should never be ashamed of because your color of skin is what

makes you unique therefore you should never be judged by the color of your skin, we must stop judging people because of their skin color because everyone is the same at the end of the day.

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