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Rememberingour NEIGHBORS
JOsEph, Jomit Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park kuLaNgara, Cicily Varkey. Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park. kuriYaN, Jacob Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park
Lips, James Paul Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140 E North Avenue, Northlake h mitchELL, Jasper “Bird.” U.S. Army veteran, awarded the Purple Heart among numerous other medals of honor Barber for more than 50 years Husband and companion for 21 years to Daniela Screnci; father of Claudia (Richard) Roundtree; grandfather of Raymond Roundtree; brother of John (Lorry) Mitchell, Nick Mitchell, Victoria (William) Halloran, Mario (Gloria) Mitchell, Michael (Wendy) Mitchell, the late Jenny Mitchell and the late Anthony Mitchell; uncle, godfather, friend to many including his best friend and partner in Vietnam Glen "Pop" Lacy. Arrangements by Russo’s Hillside Chapels, 4500 Roosevelt Road, Hillside. mOraLEs, Angel Jr. Son of Angel Morales and Rafaela Guerra; brother of Matthew Morales, Anastacio Morales, Carlos Ruiz, Monika Kozuch, Emily Kozuch and Guayn Quesada Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N 25th Avenue, Melrose Park mOschEttO, John Husband of the late Angela; father of John (Germaine) and Michele; grandfather of John Luca; brother of the late Mildred “Mickey” Pass and the late Annette Fitzgibbons; uncle, cousin, brother-in-law, and friend of many Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N. 25th Avenue, Melrose Park.
LischaLk, Richard Michael, 76 Father of Robert (Lisette) and Brian (Lisa); grandfather of Anthony, Isaac, Gabriel, Leila, Elise, Lincoln, Zack, Alex, Ashley and Izabel; brother of Maria Hodgson Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140 E. North Avenue, Northlake.
NickLEY, James, 50, of Northlake. Son of Louise Nickley and the late James Nickley; brother of Tracie Nickley and Kevin Nickley; nephew of many Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140 E North Avenue, Northlake piEtriE, James Salvadore, 55, of Northlake Father of Nicholas (Katie), Jayme (Jerry Criscione), Brian and Georgette; grandfather of Jacob and Olivia Pietrie, Jeremy, Jackson and Jemma Criscione; brother of Joseph (Susan) Pietrie Jr ; son of Sheila and the late Joseph Pietrie Sr. Arrangements by Northlake Funeral Home, 140 E. North Avenue, Northlake. pOLizzOttO, Anna Maria. Wife of the late Frank Polizzotto; mother of Jennie and Dominic (Beth); grandmother of Francesca and Isabella; sister of the late Nino Norscia (the late Beverly); aunt, cousin, and friend of many Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N 25th Avenue, Melrose Park pradO, Jaime Husband of Karina Prado; father of Christian Prado and the late Iker Sebastian Prado; son of Ruben and Maria Prado; son-in-law of Coco Gutierrez, Rico Torres, and Gerardo Lara; brother of Ricardo (Carolina) Prado, Nancy (Josh) Prado, and Jose Prado; brother-in-law of Nereida Lara, Gladys Lara, and Ulises Lara; uncle, cousin, and friend of many Arrangements by Carbonara Funeral Home, 1515 N 25th Avenue, Melrose Park
QuEvEdO, Cesar Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park
708.452.6992 ramirEz, Jose E Arrangements by Bormann Funeral Home, 1600 Chicago Avenue, Melrose Park