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Project will develop music creation at a distance

A new project will facilitate music production at a distance. Through new technology such as 5G, among others things, researchers at Luleå University of Technology together with music creators will develop new ways to co-create music between people in different places.

Many benefits of virtual studios


The ability to create music remotely has many benefits. It can reduce travel and contribute to sustainability goals. It can also provide greater access to artists, musicians and singer/songwriters and create meetings that would never have happened otherwise if it were not for a virtual studio.

Michael Nilsson, project manager at the Center for Distance-spanning Technology, CDT, at Luleå University of Technology says: -Corona made creating music in the usual way was no longer possible as no one could meet in a studio. The development of technology through, for example, 5G makes it possible to create music together at a distance. Before, musicians had to sit in a studio, now they can create in the place where they are most creative, for example, in nature.

Sounds as if the musicians are together in the same physical room

The new project called BDSW Digital stage 2 will, among other things, carry out music tests via 5G together with Telia, Ericsson and ELK AB. 5G technology reduces delay and means better sound quality for streamed music. Playing live online from different locations has previously been impossible, but with 5G, which is so many times faster than 4G, the time lag between musicians is dramatically reduced. This means that it is now possible to play together and make it sound as if the players are actually toghether in the same physical room.

Lectures, writing camps and online masterclass

One of the participating parties in the project is BD pop, a development company for popular music from Norrbotten with the task of supporting regional artists and music productions. Over the years, they have worked with artists such as Movits !, Raubtier, Zacke, Mattias Alkberg, Kitok, Machinae Supremacy and The Magnettes.

Pär Soini, CEO of BD pop, thinks it’s fun that the project is underway. -We will build a digital network and arrange a number of different activities. There will be lectures, online writing camps and an online masterclass. We will gather participants from Norrbotten together with professional music producers, artists and Song writers from all over Sweden. It’s going to be really great!

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