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Our projects Connect research, industry and society

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Spin-off companies

Spin-off companies

One of CDT’s main roles is to initiate and to coordinate innovation projects. In most of our projects, research from Luleå University of Technology is combined with real world applications. During a project, key assets are created, such as architectures, new technologies, methods and models. If the projects turn out to be very successful, the results can lead to innovations in forms such as products, services, prototypes or business concepts.

Applied AI DIH North


The project goal is to create a strong innovation system for growth in the AI industry, in Northern Sweden a Digital Innovation Hub as a base, in collaboration, research, innovation, applied test-driven development, education and clustering.

To achieve the project goal, the project has the following sub-goals:

- Create an innovation system that increases SME’s innovation speed with the help of AI

- Implementing demand-driven AI innovation pilots

- Strengthen research and education in AI

- Package a long-term regional functional innovation system www.aidih.se

This will lead to strengthening the Upper Norrland region as Sweden’s leading region within Applied AI, which offers a productive and attractive innovation environment. This creates long-term sustainable growth that attracts people, investments and companies to the region. The main financier is the European regional development fund.


January 2020 - February 2023


Michael Nilsson michael.nilsson@ltu.se

+46(0)70- 288 45 20

Arctic 5G Test Network

The Arctic 5G Test Network aims to link the 5G test networks in Oulu, Finland and Luleå, Sweden by connecting them and engaging in active collaboration.

It is an Interreg Nord project with the goal to strengthen companies’ commercialization capacity for innovations. It will create an Arctic node within 5G through collaboration between universities, large ICT companies and SMEs. This enables cross-border testing and increases overall testing capabilities in the 5G networks. In addition to scientific experiments, the industry is also planned to benefit from the improved testing environment. The project is led by Luleå University of Technology.



September 2019 - September 2022


Michael Nilsson michael.nilsson@ltu.se

+46(0)70- 288 45 20

Arctic 6G

The main goal of the project is to develop, demonstrate and disseminate new technologies that will improve the societal resilience of future 6G networks in the Aurora region.

Key targeted outcomes include:

- Development of new quantitative tools to evaluate and measure inequality in cellular coverage

- Development of new, energy-efficient 6G technology for rural and remote areas, new IoT device location methods and improved network security features

- Develop understanding of Sapmi and reindeer herders’ connectivity needs

The project is financed by EU Interreg Aurora and Region Norrbotten, led by Luleå University of Technology and CDT with the partners Oulu University and LAPIN AMK. www.arctic6g.se


December 2022 - November 2025


Karl Andersson karl.andersson@ltu.se

+46(0)70- 819 54 84

Bdsw Digital Step 2

The project will investigate how to build a digital creative process that enables creative creation between people in different places.

Through Open Innovations, new technology will meet music creation by building creative processes digitally. The project will develop solutions and industry-strengthening measures and put Norrbotten at the forefront in terms of the music industry’s development. The goal is to develop a product / service for music creation and music production at a distance for professional musicians and to build a network for music production with songwriters, artists and producers from all over the world.

Financiers are Norrbotten Region, Luleå Municipality, Sparbanken Nord, BD-pop as well as Längmanska entrepreneurship fund.


April 2021 - March 2022


Michael Nilsson

+46(0)70- 288 45 20 michael.nilsson@ltu.se

Cloudberry Datacenters

The purpose of the research centre Cloudberry is to develop new knowledge about energy and resource-efficient data centers by conducting high-quality research.

The overall goal is to generate research results and knowledge that help to streamline energy use in data centers, reduce global carbon dioxide emissions and contribute to a more efficient energy system as a whole.

Cloudberry is financed by The Swedish Energy Agency (Energimyndigheten) and Region Norrbotten.



January 2018 – December 2022


Karl Andersson karl.andersson@ltu.se

+46(0)70- 819 54 84


The new cross-border area at Luleå University of Technology CREATERNITY will contribute to the transformation required for sustainable industry and social transformation.

The transition to a sustainable industry provides opportunities to think new and thus develop the whole society. The latest technology in artificial intelligence, telecommunications and sensor technology allows us to connect people, products and processes.

By gathering researchers from 25 different subjects, CREATERNITY takes a holistic approach to the industry’s sustainability challenges, which leads to new innovations. CREATERNITY studies the technology needed to follow a material through the circular flow, and how humans are affected.



July 2020 – December 2024


Karl Andersson +46(0)70- 819 54 84 karl.andersson@ltu.se

Datacenter Innovation Region

Datacenter Innovation Region provides an opportunity for small and medium-sized enterprises, with operations in Norrbotten and Västerbotten, to gain support for the development of products and services in the field of data centers and clouds.

The purpose is to promote the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises, in collaboration with universities, institutes and technical data center test environment. The project also provides access to an advanced test environment. This is an experimental environment for research, innovation and demonstration of infrastructure and IT products for data centre facilities.



September 2018 - February 2022


Jan-Olov Johansson


+46 (0)70 619 22 31

Datacenter Innovation Region - Growth and Export

The Datacenter Innovation Region project - Growth and Export is based on results from the previous project Datacenter Innovation Region.

The project supports SMEs in the data center industry with the aim of increasing their competitiveness through market adaptation of products, market communication and market presence. The project makes efforts through, for example, prototype development, research and expert support for technical development and innovation evaluation.

Examples of innovations that the project is working on are: n A self-service portal for data centers n Energy recovery of excess heat from data centers n A mobile module for data centers www.datacenterinnovationregion.se


June 2020 – April 2023


Jan-Olov Johansson jan-olov.johansson@ltu.se

+46 (0) 70 619 22 31

DigiBy www.digiby.se

DigiBy stands for Digital Services in Villages and is about digitizing service in Norrbotten’s countryside.

DigiBy is conducting pilot tests of new digital solutions to increase the knowledge and application of digitalization opportunities for service development in villages. The project will develop new methods for using existing technology and the service will be adapted to the conditions in the villages. The purpose of the project is, in a broad collaboration between the Norrbotten Region, all the municipalities of Norrbotten, Swedish Lapland and Luleå University of Technology, to conduct pilot tests to increase the knowledge and application of digitalization opportunities for service development in sparse and rural areas. The project owner is Luleå University of Technology.


March 2019 - December 2022


Johanna Lindberg johanna.lindberg@ltu.se

+46 (0) 920-491630

Digital 2030

This feasibility study will identify specific technology areas that are suitable to invest in for SMEs and other actors in Upper Norrland.

New Digital urban development – Campus Skellefteå

The aim is to obtain a basis for an implementation project where the intention is to contribute to small and medium-sized companies in Upper Norrland in the industry Cloud, Edge, IoT develop their innovation ability, attractiveness and collaboration with academia and other society. Financier is European Regional Development Fund.


January 2022 - October 2022


Jan-Olov Johansson jan-olov.johansson@ltu.se

+46 (0) 70 619 22 31 https://digitalstadsutveckling.se

The project’s main idea is to connect world-class research with innovative hightech companies and the public sector and develop innovative and ground-breaking technical solutions for energy management systems with simulation tools and digital twins.

The goal is for energy efficiency measures, implementation of new loads, energy storage and local energy production to be handled in the simulation tool and the digital twin. The idea is that the solutions should be able to be used for the continued development of neighborhoods where lack of power is a limiting factor, where we adapt consumption within the local network to enable new properties or other loads to develop. As a case study, the Skellefteå campus has been selected. The project is financed by VINNOVA, led by Luleå University of Technology and CDT with partners such as Skellefteå Municipality, Skellefteå Kraft and ABB.

PROJECT PERIOD: August 2022 - July 2025

CONTACT: Karl Andersson karl.andersson@ltu.se

+46(0)70- 819 54 84


DIT4BEARs stands for Disruptive IT for Barents Euro-Arctic Regions.

The project works with four different use cases in the areas of smart roads, smart ID blockchain applications, waste management and the prevention of collisions with reindeers on roads. Overall objective is to enhance adaption and transfer of Disruptive Information Technologies (IoT, Big Data and Distributed Ledger Technologies, and other) for the societal and economic needs of Barents Euro-Arctic Region. The project faces challenges, relevant to the field of transport, waste management system, movement of people and goods within the region and transport security connected to winter roads maintenance and reindeer husbandry.



January 2020 - June 2023


Björn Backe +46 (0) 920 - 492111 bjorn.backe@ltu.se


IFPS stands for Intelligent Food Production Systems.

The aim of the project is to, with the help of research in biological production and with expertise in AI and machine learning, develop a model of how residual heat from the next generation of steel production and from server halls in Boden, can enable a circular autonomous food system. The project will explore opportunities for circular land-based food production within an artificial ecosystem that includes a closed cycle consisting of fish, insects, microalgae and vegetables. Parties include Boden Business Agency, ONar AB, Boden Municipality, Tebrito. Main financier is FORMAS.


December 2021 - November 2023


Michael Nilsson

+46(0)70- 288 45 20 michael.nilsson@ltu.se

Secure information flows with a digital platform for trading in biofuels

The project will establish a digital platform for trading in solid biofuels that is used by a significant proportion of market participants.

This is the goal of the project funded by the Swedish Energy Agency, where CDT is one of several parties. In order for Sweden to be able to restructure the energy system and reach the target of zero net emissions by 2045, a significantly increased use of biofuels is necessary. Digitization of the biofuel market can contribute to an increased rate of change, but for digital commerce to be successful, safety aspects must be carefully investigated. This issue will be investigated by the project. It will also look at whether blockchains can be used to meet users' demands for safety, traceability and integrity in the digitalized trade in biofuels in Sweden.


June 2020 – June 2023


Michael Nilsson michael.nilsson@ltu.se

+46(0)70- 288 45 20


SONDER stands for Service Optimization of Novel Distributed Energy Regions.

In the SONDER project, a model for a distributed electrical grid, a “microgrid”, is developed and tested. The microgrid contains solar, wind and hydro electrical power production and supply for data centers. The solutions developed in SONDER contains communication between actors in the microgrid as well as case studies on incitement for data centers to provide demand flexibility to the power grid. SONDER is relevant to the transition to a renewable energy system as it will contribute increased knowledge and new methods for efficient management of distributed energy system resources, on a local as well as on a regional level. The Swedish part of SONDER is financed by The Swedish Energy Agency, and is part of an international consortium with partners from Sweden, Austria and Switzerland. Swedish partners are LTU, RISE and the data center Acon.


September 2019 - March 2022


Jan-Olov Johansson jan-olov.johansson@ltu.se

+46 (0)70 619 22 31


The project will, among other things, develop new autonomous road maintenance concepts, recycling of batteries as well as testing and demonstration of liquid and gas fuels and biofuels from the region.

TRE-m is an ERDF-funded project with the Swedish Proving Ground Association (SPGA) as a beneficiary, where CDT is the project manager for one of the work packages.

The project will create growth in the industry, increased added value and sustainable adjustment through a deeper regional range of both research-related and market-related resources in tests and demos.

The goal for the project is to result in a structure for the development of the test cluster which has been proven to work by highlighting at least 10 new regional test offers linked to at least three regional test resources.


January 2020 - February 2023


Björn Backe

+46 (0) 920-492111 bjorn.backe@ltu.se

Wireless ICT

New Wireless Innovation Arena

The project aims to scale up industrial pilots in the area of wireless ICT. Collaborating parties will join the forces to scale up vertical pilot cases into full-scale cross-European value chains and sustainable business cases, aiming to industrial pilots utilising fast, reliable, secure, and energy-efficient wireless ICT. Approach used to the prepared pilots is from bottom-up, listening carefully to the needs of the companies. Active participation of regional governments will ensure alignment between the business and the societal challenges thus making the value chains robust on a long-term perspective.

Thematic working areas are

• Health

• Future sustainable industry

• Autonomous vehicles

• Smart cities/regions


December 2022- November 2024


Michael Nilsson

+46(0)70- 288 45 20 michael.nilsson@ltu.se www.wirelessinnovationarena.se

Wireless Innovation Arena focuses on the industry for wireless communication in Upper Norrland where organizations together with users create innovative services based on new technologies.

The project aims to create favourable conditions for small and medium-sized companies. Together with academia, institutes, large companies, the public sector and end-users, we will develop skills and competitive products and services. This will primarily be done in the area of wireless communication, specifically 5G, which is an important enabler for the internet of things to reach its full potential. An important part of the project is the 5G test environment, “5G Innovation Hub North”, at Luleå University of Technology, which is in collaboration with Telia. There, companies can easily perform different types of tests and experiments to validate new products and services.


January 2019 – October 2023


Jan-Olov Johansson jan-olov.johansson@ltu.se

+46 (0) 70 619 22 31


3CNet stands for Climate Change Cooperation Network.

The project aims to develop and strengthen educational and research networks in climate change mitigation and adaptation, uncover, study and assess climate change processes and national policies. 3CNet will create and promote an institutional network, which will act as a living laboratory and collect, transmit and analyze data in climate change education. The main output of the network activities will be organizing a summer school in European and Russian approaches and policies for climate change mitigation.

Project parts include universities from Sweden, Finland, and Russia, as well as an NGO, which will act as an industrial partner of the project. Main financier is the Nordic Council.


November 2021 - December 2022


Abdolrasoul Habibipour abdolrasoul.habibipour@ltu.se

+46 (0)920 492357

5G for healthcare in Upper Norrland

The overall goal of the project is to make Upper Norrland one of the natural innovation environments to develop and test solutions within 5G for healthcare.

The aim of the project is to strengthen the industry in Upper Norrland in the area of 5G Healthcare through new knowledge that has been added to small and medium-sized companies in a joint work on innovation. An important part of the project is to support the region’s SME with the aim of creating new innovations in the wireless communications industry.

Expected results are that new offers have been produced by participating SMEs based on activities within the project and that existing offers from participating SMEs reach markets outside the home region. In the long term, the project intends to have created new central meeting places and collaborative environments that live on and further develop after the project and have contributed to a more inclusive society.



January 2020 - April 2023


Jan-Olov Johansson jan-olov.johansson@ltu.se


5G Indoor Hub

5G Indoor Hub intends to extend the already existing outdoor 5G coverage established by the ERUF funded Wireless Innovation Arena project.

By extending the 5G test network at LTU’s campus in Luleå to a set of selected laboratories, we enable experiments and tests of fully integrated Industry 4.0 enabled use cases and scenarios. The 5G Indoor Hub is a flexible research platform that allows problems from industry and research results from academia to meet and cross-fertilize via joint prototyping, practical evaluations, testing, etc. SMEs in the region will come to LTU campus to experiment and prototype their ideas.


March 2019 – ongoing


Karl Andersson karl.andersson@ltu.se

+46(0)70- 819 54 84

5G Edge Innovations for Mining

The project aims to create more intelligent mining systems that will further push the boundaries of autonomy, productivity and security.

The project will work with pilot demonstrations of 5G-connected drones in a mining environment, innovative use of modern AI technology and a hardware and software stack for edge-to-cloud applications. Examples of applications that will be developed include real-time video analysis, autonomous navigation, time-synchronized seismic sensors, augmented / virtual reality, etc.

The project is funded by VINNOVA, NextGenerationEU. It is led by Luleå University of Technology and CDT with parties such as RISE, BI Nordics, FieldRobotiX, ThingWave and Neava.


November 2021 - November 2024


Karl Andersson karl.andersson@ltu.se

+46(0)70- 819 54 84

Rural ICT Testbed #fulltäckning

The Rural ICT Testbed project works to prevent digital exclusion by increasing mobile coverage in rural areas.

The project creates opportunities for people to live and work throughout the country. The long-term goal is to create attractive and competitive areas in rural areas with access to mobile coverage. www.fulltäckning.se


January 2021 - October 2023


Karl Andersson karl.andersson@ltu.se

+46(0)70- 819 54 84

Let’s Create Music

The project will work to enable salable and sustainable music production regardless of geographical location.

A virtual music studio will be created and in a 5G testbed the project will work on reducing obstacles such as delay. Collaboration and creative processes will also be developed through research. The work will take place cross-border and locationindependent between the music/games industry, academia and business developers.


- Develop a virtual music studio

- Create opportunities for musicians to work and live throughout the region

- Contribute to more people who can make a full-time living as musicians in the region

- Provide opportunities, reduce obstacles and delay with 5G

Principal Financers

European Regional Development Fund, Region Norrbotten, Luleå Business Region, Skellefteå municipality, Sparbanken Nord


BD Pop, Luleå University of Technology


December 2022 - March 2026

CONTACT: Michael Nilsson

+46(0)70- 288 45 20 michael.nilsson@ltu.se

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