Architecture Portfolio

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PORTFOLIO2022belu melania - andreea selected works

Professional skills:

Selected publications and exhibitions:

Also, from a professional point of view, I consider that the archi tectural discourse has a particular importance in the design pro cess. Its personalization and pertinent argumentation can bring a work out of anonymity.

I believe that the creative process is a living, interactive one, which constantly involves creativity - is raising questions and answers from the undeniable desire to find a way to materialization.

Participation in the graphics and editing of the e-book ‘Cule în lumină’


Software skills: Microsoft Office Package Vray (learning)

Within my projects, I am always looking for an optimal approach - from the integration in the urban context, to the design of the details. Each project is unique and unrepeatable, a fact that I use to emphasize by shaping the atmosphere and by adding a per sonal touch.

Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator

Participation in the Exhibition for Online Repositorio, Alcala - Project for ‘Rehabilitation and Management of Industrial Heritage’: La Lechera

During the faculty, as well as in extracurricular activities and office work, I had the opportunity to experience in an interdisciplinary manner the various aspects of the design process and I showed my curiosity by constantly expanding my research horizon.

Participation in the Challenge Academy Workshop.

- Melania-Andreea Belu

junior architect Constanța, România tel.: 004 0729 061 434 e-mail:

About me:

Participation in the national exhibition ‘Cule în lumină’

First Prize at the ‘Cule în lumină’ Contest, organized by CEZ and UAUIM

Professional activity: aug. 2021-jan. 2022: Intern architect ar MASStudio S.R.L., Constanța oct.-nov. 2020: Intern architect at ARRA Architecture Group S.R.L., Bucharest aug.-oct. 2019: Junior Architect at Concrete & Design Solutions S.R.L., Bucha rest

2016 - 2022: ‘Ion Mincu’ University of Architecture and Urban Planning, Bu charest, Romania - Faculty of Architecture, Architecture feb. - jul. 2021: Erasmus exchange student - University of Alcalá (UAH), Ma drid, Spain feb. - jul. 2019: Erasmus exchange student - University of Padua, Italy


Languages: Romanian - native speaker English - B2 Spanish - B1 Italian - A1 French - A1

2012 - 2016: High school education - ‘Mircea cel Bătrân’ National College, Constanța, Romania – Profile Real: Mathematics - Informatics Department, Intensive English

Architectural design, architectural concept development, technical detail ing, 2D/3D modeling and representation, rendering, research, written/ drawn documentation development, surveys, experience and interest in Constantrestoration,desire for improvement, research and discovery.

The study of architecture is the cornerstone that brings together my main passions: from art and design, to philosophy, technique, representation and implementation.

Adobe InDesign Adobe Premiere

07. UNIVERSITY CAMPUS/ urban revitalization erasmus project


01. DUNE / ***** hotel and spa complex diploma project 2022

04. MULTILAVEGA/ intervention on industrial heritage erasmus project

02. CULA CIOABĂ-CHINTESCU/ restoration project national contest - 1st prize

06. ORIGAMI HOTEL/ ***** hotel extension school project

05. PAISAJE DE LUZ/ integration among the ruins erasmus project

03. DINAMO/ football stadium school project

As the site is a disused green space, but with ecological potential that must be exploited for sustainable devel opment, it was considered the construction under the ground (underground levels, basement, generating the possibility of having green walkable terraces) in order to allow the arrangement of a park at the upper level that will serve both the users of the complex and the visitors.

01. diploma constanta,pescarie2021/project2022arearomania *****DUNEhotel

The realization of the project would entail the increase of the value of this area, its restructuring and its further de velopment. At the urban level, it would be a new physical and functional landmark, which would define the sky line of the coastal area and mark the transition between Constanța and Mamaia. The complex would have a ma jor social and tourist impact, in addition to the economic one and would help to combat seasonality . and spa complex


The proposed location is in the Pescarie area, at the en trance to the Mamaia resort, a popular location in the collective memory due to the old fishing places, the Fish Market and the cherhana. It has a unique history as in the 80 ‘s there was only a part of the dam, the rest being the beach area.

Mamaia resort began to develop before the First World War, continued its expansion in the interwar period and reached its peak architecturally during the communist period, when it had become a reference resort both na tionally and and internationally. Today, the real estate speculation and pressures from the tourism industry have determined the chaotic development of the urban fabric and the inhomogeneous architectural mix.

The plot:

In the immediate vicinity of the site there are several warehouses and annexes, buildings of a generally tem porary nature, in bad conditions. However, it is on the current development axis of Constanta (in the SE-NW direction), on which are also located the new real estate developments.

The volume of the hotel is subdivided into two areas with different characters - the one from Constanta, with a more urban character, having the role of local land mark, and the one from the beach - having a more in timate character, which retreats in steps to suggest the connection with the beach. This tronson ends on the accomodation floors with luxury apartments with open terraces, bordered by vegetation with aesthetic and vi sual protection roles.

Given the difference in level between the park and the street, it is proposed to place a square at the lower level and build a pedestrian road (a “funnel”) that follows the ordering axis of the plot (SN direction), which directly connects the entrance level with the beach level.

It is proposed to build a hotel complex - with a maximum capacity of about 700 accommodation places and a spa - with the specialized facilities (swimming pools, saunas, treatments, etc.), both operating year-round. The hotel will also include a ballroom-restaurant with 700 seats, which is in direct connection with it, but which can also host external events.


HR max = 2B+GF+19

S built hotel = 8.220 sqm

VegetationFurthermore:plays an important role both in the master plan and in the hotel, par ticipating in the general aesthetics of the volume and the ensemble. At the same time, it increases the idea of intimacy, ther mal and visual comfort, and the project supports the revitalization of approaches within the hospitality industry, in a loca tion with exceptional qualities.

S PLOT = 37.770 sqm (actual)

Urban indicators:

S developed Hotel = 38.450 sqm

CUT hotel = 1,2

POT hotel = 22%

CULA CIOABĂ-CHINTESCU restoration project

14. ‘cule in lumina’ 2020 national contest - 1st prize șiacu village gorj, romania

The restoration scenario was based on the preservation of all these stages and the realization of a ‘historical Pres ent’ by cleaning the harmful elements and carrying out a minimum of strictly necessary interventions at the level of the monument.

The museification scenario of the kula implies the pre sentation of the monument itself as a central exhibit and the optimal understanding of its function within the sig naling/defense circuit (of which it was a part) and of the architectural elements that compose it. Also, it was pro posed a scenario of use that includes video-audio com ponents through which the essential moments of the ex istence of the kula will be recreated - the attack/siege and the peace

The restoration project aimed at marking the existing degradations and defining the modalities of intervention on each type of degradation. After their establishment, the actual intervention consisted in restoring the overall and detail unity of the monu ment by marking the new interventions in comparison with the historical material and preserving the memory of the action of time on the monument at the level of the facade - according to the Principles of Intervention on Historical Monuments were defined by Cesare Brandi in “Teoria del Restauro”.






The museum function proposes Kula as the main exhibit and includes video projections (presentation text type) and audio effects that follow the moments of an assault. The tour presentation video can be watched by scanning the QR code.

In the plans can be seen the new mate rials that work harmoniously with the ex isting ones and the locations of the video projectors and speakers. The architecture becomes the main actors of the created scenography.

presentation film

From a functional point of view, the stadium can also op erate outside the football matches for training or similar activities, and the cafe / shop spaces at the level of the markets serve the adjacent outdoor spaces, animating them. Due to the level differences, there are created 4 markets, connected by stairs, urban steps and ramps.

The lattice beams of the structure are anchored to the outside in outstretched pillars, which create a portico buf fer zone with a more intimate atmosphere in the square and enriches the spatial experience of the stadium. Thus, the structure serves both the interior and the exterior of the stadium. Also, the canvas cover creates a playful light / shadow effect in both areas.

The stadium was located on the site of the current velo drome, in the NW of the ensemble. Considering the big level difference between the street level and the ground level (approx. 12 m.), I decided to ‘break’ the stadium at the corners to make a connection with the changing level. Thus, the stadium consists of 2 grandstands and 2 lawns volumetrically detached, but connected by external ar eas at the corners. These outdoor areas are dedicated to the stadium and adjacent activities.


03. school2020/project2021


football stadium - 20,000 seats

stefan cel mare blvd. bucharest, romania


The project in Bucharest had two phases developed successively: the first was the Masterplan phase, which included collecting information, processing and developing a plan of the sports complex that included the location of the stadium volume, and the second phase covered the actual development of the stadium of approx. 20,000 seats.

Dinamo Stadium

The complexity of the project consisted both in the fact that, right from the first phase, it was necessary to manage an entire pre-existing sports complex, the documentation and critical analysis of the factors that influence the functional distribution and spatial dimensioning of the utilities, as well as the creation of a practical and aesthetic design, which would help to improve the existing situation, without losing sight of comfort and safety requirements. The intervention brings major advantages both from an aesthet ic and functional points of view, through its overall integration and the proposal of a graceful urban design.

Subsequently, we established the main access areas, the range of users and their interests in order to dedicate the sports park to as many activities and age groups as possible.

The last plan represents the final version including the stadium, in which the new proposed routes can be seen and the new functions are located. The stadium is harmoniously integrated in the complex and in the context of the area, dialogues with the profile of the neighboring hous es, also respecting their privacy.

After establishing the new pedestrian routes within the sports complex and marking the existing functions, we decid ed which of them will be kept and where the new sports functions will be located. It is marked on the map what will be kept and demolished - the endangered areas and those with potential.

In the Masterplan phase, an extensive scale analysis was made in order to es tablish the importance of the plot in the local context. Thus, we considered very important its strategic location between the public parks marked on the map and we wanted to open to the public the Din amo Stadium for sports activities (outside football games or scheduled training) and to integrate it into this urban “circuit” as a new park.

Due to the location at different elevations of the grandstands and lawns, the visibility curve is different for the two elevations, so the distances between them and the edges of the football ground differ. The grandstands and lawns comprise both two uneven rings of chairs, 3 perimeter circulation zones, numerous intermediate vertical distribu tion zones and a single main access level – from the adjacent square. This allowed an optimal connection between the levels and the approximately constant maintenance of the internal flows.

The structure of the stadium is simple, repetitive, and the basic structural principle is that of the lattice beam supported by a wide concrete pillar (which also supports the tribunes), anchored on the outside in outstretched pillars and connected to each oth er perimetral with beams at the top. Two by two, the pairs of grandstands and lawns at the same level have a continuous covering structure (and covered access areas at the respective corners), and between the grandstands and the lawns at different levels the corners are uncovered. This structure creates a portico on the outside that completes the atmosphere of the markets.

MULTILAVEGA intervention on industrial heritage


In the last stage, the project was explicitly detailed, the functions were placed and dimensioned accordingly and the constructive details that define the new/ old relation ship within the

The second stage of the project aimed at a more detailed analysis of the function to be implemented from a spa tial, organizational, socio-economic and administrative point of view.

The present project aims at the restoration, rehabilitation and refurbishment of the former La Lechera Factory. The first stage of the project includes the historical study of the industrial complex, starting from its framing in the historical and urban context of Torrelavega.

In the third stage, the detailing of the concept of refunc tionalization began according to the principles of inter vention on heritage.

04.building. erasmustorrelavega2020/project2021 cantabria region, spain

Concept: The concept of intervention aimed at the har monious integration of new materials and new forms to gether with the existing ones in order to accommodate from a functional point of view the new requirements for the Cultural Center. Moreover, the project aims to bring new points of perspective and new ways of using the complex in the most sensitive way possible.

Intervention: Respecting the evoked principles, we chose to preserve as much as possible the existing historical material and to demolish the hall without special histor ical value to create a multifunctional inner courtyard, for concerts, exhibitions, galas, etc. The new materials used are mainly the glass and gold-painted metal, distanced from the historic walls, which compliment and work to gether with the existing materials. Also, there has been proposed the ETFE transparent material for the covering of this inner courtyard.


The project proposes the construction of 16 temporary homes and 6 permanent homes (for the maintenance team) completely new, semi-buried. Existing ruins will be used to create the common space, workshops and cir culations. Due to the large slope of the land and the cli matic conditions, it was proposed to partially bury the

05. erasmus2020/project2021riotinto andalucia region, spain




integration among the ruins

The project involved both the complex design and the creative integration of the intervention in the context, as well as the exploration of as many means of represen tation and ways of approaching the project theme as possible. Creative representation was one of the key requirements of the workshop.

functioning of the buildings, they will be adapted to the principles of Zero Energy housingthrough materials (stratified soil), location, natural ventila tion systems (skylight and Canadian pit), water collection system - purification (for domestic use) and evaporation (for air cooling).


The project allowed me to experiment with a more non-conformist, but at the same time minimalist design, distributed in an organic layout, which would prevent functional segregation at the level of the ensemble.

The representation techniques used were various: 2D and 3D, computerized, craft ing, clay models, digital graphics, ani mation, collage, etc. I believe that this requirement was very important and in teresting, making possible a free choice representation and the experimentation of new graphic means. The most diverse graphic expression personalizes the proj ects and gives dynamism to the architec tural discourse.

Considering the context of the interviewpartly natural and arid, partly with traces of human intervention - I chose the most non-invasive integration of the project, using at the same time natural materials and sustainable energy use techniques.








***** hotel extension

has a unique “alveolar” character, so that inside the plots there are inner courtyards with functions dedicated to the public. The new intervention wanted to preserve and make the most of this character by leaving the ground floor empty - public (urban space with vari ous ways of use) and creating a side alley for access to a new public café area.

The courts and markets were also treated on the theme of Origami, as well as depending on the degree of pub lic-private grading.The overlapping full / empty ratio offers rhythmicity, contrast with the existing, different orienta tions of the rooms and uniqueness within Calea Victoriei.

06. school bucharest,calea2019/project2020victorieiromania


The hotel extension includes two new bodies, one at Calea Victoriei, connected to the old hotel body by a glass vol ume, and another body - detached, located in the back yard, with its own access. Due to the different ways of relating to the adjacent streets, the two bodies have dif ferent orientations, but similar architectural treatments.


It is proposed to expand the 5-star Athenee Palace Hil ton Hotel in the center of Bucharest and to project two more new buildings to supplement the necessary num ber of rooms for the high demand in this intensely tour istic



07.ourselves. erasmusverona2018/project2019southverona,italy

For the proposal phase, the function of campus for med ical students was chosen because Verona does not have such a campus (accommodation areas, sufficient work shops, common areas), due to the fact that the hospital is nearby (limiting the distance for students who practice) and due to the proximity to the sports facilities area.

The urban regeneration and revitalization project had 4 phases: information collection, critical analysis, function al proposal and the Masterplan. In the first two phases were analyzed the existing data related to population, traffic, functional zoning, built / unbuilt fund, etc. at the level of the whole Verona, then in the southern area, and a SWOT analysis was carried out.

UNIVERSITY CAMPUS urban revitalization

This project gave me the opportunity to use complex means of urban analysis and to explore on a macro scale a new city, which I managed to understand. At the mo ment, the novelty of the project was the fact that, follow ing the macro analysis, we had to choose and justify the choice of the proposed plot and detail the project theme created by


Car traffic in the area was also rethought, new bike lanes were implemented, an un derground parking lot for users was cre ated and a new roundabout was creat ed to streamline the traffic from / to the highway.

An increased difficulty was raised by the proximity of the site to the highway, which required the arrangement of a natural barrier of vegetation. Thus, a campus park was created with promenade, relaxation areas, open-air theater, orchard and arti ficial lakes.

The project brings major benefits not only to students in Verona, but to the entire city by revitalizing a currently dysfunctional area and proposing new urban facilities.

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