My Sample Student Evaluation/Assessment Instruments only shows a little portion on what I worked with throughout the whole semester. I prepared my students, almost every day, different worksheets so they could practice. Without even noticing it I became a behavioristic teacher. At first, I could not believe I became a behavioristic teacher, but later on, I embraced it. I noticed that my students responded well to positive reinforcement. They all needed some inspiration or recompense to work well. Obviously negative reinforcement was sadly present too. If they behave negatively I took away privileges and it worked with them. Not every group is the same but with mine it worked. Also my students needed competition to excel on the practice in the classroom. Every Friday I created game day, each Friday I fashioned a game in which the students had to test what they learned throughout the week. They competed against each other, it was fantastic and it always worked. Students need a stimulus to work well; I learned this in my practice teaching. Also, another theory that took a big place on my practice teaching experience was constructivism. I believed in my students and what they could do. I let them construct on what they knew and apply it to what they were learning. Constructivism and Dewey’s (learn by practicing) took an important role in my classroom, practicing was everything for me. My students got used to practice a lot of exercises. Sometimes I noticed that when I explained new material to my students they had difficulty understanding but, if I practice an exercise together with them they understood it rather quickly. The most important thing I believed I learned in my practice teaching experience is to not have expectations. I expected to based my classes in other theories and it turn out it didn’t happened. Every group is different and teachers have to adapt to this. I surprised myself with how well I worked with behaviorism this semester. I guess that it takes being in the practice to truly know yourself as a teacher. I cannot wait to start working to see with what theories I will work with and with the students.