Melanie Abrantes Designs: HEIRLOOMS OF TIME | 2018 Catalog

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Mel a nie Abra ntes Desi g ns

H e i r l oo ms o f time

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Melanie A b r an t es is t he o w n er , des ig n e r a n d m a k e r behind Mel an ie A b r an t es D es ig n s . U s in g t h e t e c h n i qu e of wood tu r n in g , M elan ie c r eat es v as es , p l a n t e r s , a n d ev eryd ay it em s in her Oaklan d, C alif o r n i a s t u d i o. H e r d esig ns are m ade t o c eleb r at e t he s im plici t y of e v e r y d a y liv ing . Featu r ed in C o u n t r y Liv in g s t o p 1 0 0 c r e a t i v e s i n 2018, Melan ie is at t he f o r ef r o n t o f c r eat i n g s u s t a i na bl e and innovativ e des ig n s in her in du s t r y. S in c e s t a r t i ng h e r business in 2 0 1 3 s he has b een f eat u r ed in D om i no, D w e l l , Bon Appetit a n d m o r e. Her w o r k c an b e f o und i n s h op s a nd re t ail s t o r es n at io n w ide an d ab r oa d .

T H RO U G H T H E SEASONS W e w er e r ec en tl y inspired b y Dutch still-l if e s a nd t h e ir at t en t i on to s eas ons when do cumenting t h e ir l iv e s. Ea c h of o ur n ew p r odu c ts is designed to ensure i t is use f ul a l w a y s an d h o ld s p u r p ose no matter when the se a sons c h a ng e ! O ur rec e n t p hotos hoot f eatures winter, spring , sum m e r a nd f a l l al l s ho t in C al ifor nia.

S P RING Spring is a breath of fresh air allowing new life and prosperous futures. Located in Oakland California we celebrate the abundance of flowers, wildlife, and culture each time a new year rolls around.


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Pink Marble Wide Pedestal Bowl Globe Incense Holder Buckeye Burl Vase Pink Marble Tall Pedestal Bowl



S U M M ER We believe Summer is all about individuality and relaxation. With ease, our hand made pieces promote simplistic intention. Our pieces balance recreation and leisure to compliment the candid moments of everyday life.


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Tall + Wide Vase Cherry Pipe from the Pipe Carving Kit Black Marble Smoke Dish Natural Cork Bowl, 7.5�



Au t um n When the leaves descends slowly from the trees to rest easy on the ground we follow their lead of purposeful tranquility. Our pieces aim to promote intentional ease of the mind as well as visually calming characteristics to add to your home.


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6� Candle Stick Holder Charcoal Modern Planter Beginner Spoon Carving Set Cork and Wood Bowls, small and large



winter With low temperatures and breezy days, comfort and warmth are essential. The warm color pallet, earthy materials and attention to detail our products possess encourages everyday use for generations.


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5� Walnut Candle Holder Tall and Wide Cherry Vase Double Cherry Bud Vase Maple 12� Cake Plate





Modern 5” Cork Planter

Charcoal 5” Cork Planter

Modern 7.5” Cork Planter

Charcoal 7.5” Cork Planter

Size: 7.5” dia x 5” h Material: Natural Cork

Size: 7.5” dia x 5” h Material: Charcoal Cork

Modern 9.5” Cork Planter

Charcoal 9.5” Cork Planter

Modern 11” Cork Planter

Low 7.5” Cork Planter

Size: 5” dia x 4” h Material: Natural Cork

Size: 9.5” dia x 7.5” h Material: Natural Cork

Size: 11” dia x 7.5” h Material: Natural Cork

Low 9.5” Cork Planter Size: 9.5” x 5”h Material: Natural Cork

Size: 5” dia x 4” h Material: Charcoal Cork

Size: 9.5” dia x 7.5” h Material: Charcoal Cork

Size: 7.5” dia x 4” h Material: Natural Cork


Sm 4.5” Hanging Planter Size: 4.5” dia x 4” h Material: Cork, Leather

Lg 7.5” Hanging Planter Size: 7.5” dia x 3.5” h Material: Cork, Leather

Charcoal Cork 4.5” Hanging Pl. Size: 4.5” x 4”h Material: Charcoal Cork

Charcoal Cork 7.5” Hanging Pl. Size: 7.5” dia x 3.5” h Material: Charcoal Cork

Macramé Hanging Cork Planter Limited Edition Collab with S. Kim Size: 9.5” x 5”h , Macramé 25” L Material: Natural Cork, Cotton

wood bud vase collection

Cherry Bud Vase

Size: 3” dia x 4”h, Straight Material: Cherry

Tall Cherry Vase Size: 3” dia x 6.5” h Material: Cherry

Cherry Double Bud Vase

Tall Walnut Vase

Walnut Bud Vase

Tall Maple Vase

Size: 3” dia x 4”h, Double Material: Cherry

Size: 3” dia x 4”h, Straight Material: Walnut

Walnut Double Bud Vase

Size: 3” dia x 4”h, Double Material: Walnut

Buckeye Burl Vase

Size: Approx. 2.5” dia x 3.5”h Material: Buckeye Burl

Size: 3” dia x 6.5” h Material: Walnut

Size: 3”dia x 6.5” h Material: Maple

Tall & Wide Hardwood Vase Size: 3.5” dia x 7.5” h Material: Cherry

Cork Vase Collection

Tall Natural Cork Vase Size: 2.5”dia x 6.5” h Material: Natural Cork

Pink Marble Cork Tall Vase Size: 2.5” dia x 6.5” h Material: Pink Marble Cork

Charcoal Cork Tall Vase

Size: 2.5” dia x 6.5” h Material: Pink Marble Cork

Cork Double Vase

Size: 3” dia x 4” h Material: Natural Cork

cork + wood Bowl collection

Sm Walnut + Cork Bowl

Tall Footed Bowl

Lg Walnut + Cork Bowl

Short Footed Bowl

Sm Walnut + Cork Bowl

Sm Cork Bowl with Handles

Size: 3.5” dia x 2.5”h Material: Natural Cork & Walnut

Size: 4.5” dia x 4”h Material: Natural Cork & Walnut

Size: 3.5” dia x 2.5”h Material: Charcoal Cork & Walnut

Lg Walnut + Cork Bowl

Size: 4.5” dia x 4”h Material: Charcoal Cork & Walnut

Size: 9.5” dia x 6.5”h Material: Pink Marble Cork & Maple

Size: 11” dia x 5”h Material: Pink Marble Cork & Maple

Size: 6” dia x 2.5” h Material: Natural Cork

Med Cork Bowl with Handles Size: 7.5” dia x 3” h Material: Natural Cork

Candle holder collection

6” Candle Holder

Tall Cork + Wood

6” Candle Holder

Petite Cork + Wood Size: 2.25” dia x 3”h Material: Cork/Walnut

Size: 2.5” dia x 6”h Material: Maple

Size: 2.5” dia x 6”h Material: Cherry

5” Candle Holder Size: 2.5” dia x 5”h Material: Maple

5” Candle Holder

Size: 2.5” dia x 5w”h Material: Walnut

Size: 2.5” d x 7.5”h Material: Cork , Walnut

Cannisters collection

Sm Cork + Cherry Canister

Sm Cork + Walnut Canister

Med Cork + Cherry Canister

Med Cork + Walnut Canister

Lg Cork + Cherry Canister

Lg Cork + Walnut Canister

Size: 6” dia x 3.25” h Material: Natural Cork,Cherry

Size: 6” dia x 6” h Material: Natural Cork,Cherry

Size: 6” dia x 7.5” h Material: Natural Cork,Cherry

Size: 6” dia x 3.25” h Material: Natural Cork,Cherry

Size: 6” dia x 6” h Material: Natural Cork,Cherry

Size: 6” dia x 7.5” h Material: Natural Cork,Cherry

carving collection

Japanese Spoon Carving Kit Size: 8” x 4 ” x 1.5” Material: Cypress

Japanese Knife Carving Kit Size: 2” x 8” x 2” Material: Walnut or Alder

Carve, A Simple Guide to Whittling Book Size: 7.5” x 5.5” x 1”

M ELANIE ABRANTES D ESIGNS Melanie Abrantes Designs is a Bay Area-based producer of handcrafted, heirloom objects. Founder Melanie Abrantes believes that in order to create something beautiful, you have to get your hands dirty. She founded her company in 2013 when she realized there was a growing American market for handmade goods. Working with a variety of unique materials, Melanie strives to create products of the highest quality that are equally beautiful and functional. Through the technique of lathing, she turns simple pieces of solid wood and cork into one-of-a-kind bowls, plates, cups and stands. Her passion for woodworking originates from the simple fact that every piece is unique as the material it is made from. Time in the studio is dedicated to researching, testing and adapting the product to its user, resulting in a simple, yet unique object of the highest quality. Moving forward, Melanie plans to broaden her line to include furniture and lighting, maintaining her dedication to handmade.

To p l a c e a n o r d e r : For wholesale accounts please email or visit our website at We have a 5-6week lead time and a $500 opening order. Please email us at for our most current linesheet. @melanieabrantesdesigns +713-401-7497



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