N e wb o r n PO RT RA IT S
o! l Hel Thankyousomuchf orcontacti ngmeaboutyourNew bornsessi on!
Congr atul ati ons!Youar eei theraw ai ti ngthearri valofyour new bornoryouhaveal r eadyw el comedyoursw eetbundl e ofj oyi ntoyourf ami l y!Ei therw ayi t’ sani ncr edi bl yspeci al ti mef oryoutodocumentthesemoments!I ’ m honor edthat you’ vecontactedme& Ihopethatasyoutakeal ookthr ough myNew bornGui deyouw i l lfi ndtheansw ersanyquesti ons youmayhave!I fnot,Youar ew el cometocontactmeat anyti meandI ’ dbehappytohel pansw erthem!
W hetheryouhi r emeoranotherl ocalphotogr apher,i t’ si mportantto know thatyourf ami l y& yournew bornw i l lbei ngoodhands. Ther ear esomanysaf etypr ecauti onsyouhavetotakeasanew born photogr apherandensuri ngthesaf etyofyourbabythr oughoutthe sessi oni smyTOP pri ori ty,Al w ays! Wi th8 yearsofexperi encephotogr aphi ngNew borns,Chi l dr en& F ami l i es, Ihavebeenpr of essi onal l ytr ai nedi nNew bornsaf etyandposi ngand car ef ormynew bornsasi fthey’ r emyow nchi l dr en. Ihave2 chi l dr en& know how i mportanti ti stodocument thesefi rstmoments,they’ r efl eeti ngmomentsthatyouw i l l l ookbackonandtr easur e.
Onceyouchoosebookyoursessi on,W ew i l lsetadatetohave apr esessi on consul tati on.Thi sgi vesusthe opportuni tytomeet eachotheri npersonbef or ethesessi on,andgettoknow w hatyour vi si oni s,thecol ors,thesetups,etc: Cl assi c,Ti mel ess,w arm i magesi sw hatyou’ l lseew hi l el ooki ng thr oughmyportf ol i o.Al thoughIdotendtoshootmor eneutr al col ors,Idol ovesomebol dcol orsasw el l .Cr eati ngandpl anni ng yournew bornsessi oni sexci ti ngandthepr ocessi smeantto beeasy,si mpl eandr el axi ng.Ther ew i l lbenothi ngtostr essabout asIpr ovi deeverythi ngneededf oryoursessi on. Ipr ovi de,new borncl othi ng,w r aps,hats,ti ebacks,buckets,bow l s, backdr opsandmor e.Al lyouneedtobri ngi syourpr eci ousbaby andanypersonali temsyou’ dl i ketoi ncl ude.( Thesei temsshoul d oughtupatthePr eSessi onConsul tati ontohel p bebr wi ththepl anni ng) .
B EFO R E YO U R S ES S IO N Onceyoursessi onf ee& Sessi oncontr acthasbeensi gned &r ecei vedyouw i l lhaveof fi ci al l ybookedyoursessi on! Af terbooki ngyoursessi on,Iw i l lsendyouaNew bornSessi on Questi onnai r etogettoknow al i ttl emor eaboutthecol orsand themeyouenvi si on.Usi ngtheNew bornSessi onQuesti onnai r e,Iw i l lbe etotakethati nf ormati onandputtogethersomei deasandbeabl eto abl pr esentthosei deastoyouatthepr esessi onconsul tati onandget yourf eedbackandi ncor por ateyouri deasandvi si onw i thw hat I ’ veputtogether.
D U R IN G YO U R S ES S IO N I fyouchoosetoi ncl udef ami l y/si bl i ngi magesw i thyoursessi on, w ew i l lbegi nw i ththosefi rst.Thestudi ow i l lbeonthew armer si detoaccommodateyourbaby,sogetti ngthesef ami l yi magesfi rst w henmom’ smakeupandhai ri sati t’ sbestandsi bl i ngsar en’ tl osi ng pati encei sthepri meti metophotogr aphthef ami l y. 3 hours,thi si sal ldependi ngonyour Sessi onscanl astbetw een2baby.Feedi ngs,di aperchangesandsetupchangesar eal ltakeni nto consi der ati onduri ngthi s23 hourr ange.W i theachsessi onIw i l l photogr aphaseri esofi magesw i thyournew bornonabeanbag andthenf ol l ow i ngupw i thacoupl epr op( Buckets/Bow l s)i magesand captur ethosesw eetdetai l stoi ncl udefi ngers,toes,eyes,ears,noseetc:
AFTER YO U R S ES S IO N Thedayof yoursessi onw ew i l lsetupadatef orustohaveyour Gal l eryRevealandor deri ngsessi on!Thi sdatew i l lbesetf orar ound 2 w eeksaf terthedateofyoursessi on.Youw i l lthensel ectandor der yourpri nts,pr oductsordi gi tal sfr om thei nf ormati onstated i nthi sGui de.Iw i l lhavesampl esofthepr oductssoyoucansee fi rsthandthequal i tyofthei ncr edi bl epr oductsIof f er. Eachpr oductIof f eri sfr om Hi ghQual i tyPr of essi onalPri ntl abs thatItrust. Anythi ngor der edfr om yourGal l eryRevealandOr deri ngSessi onw i l l takeupto2 w eeksf ordel i veryw i ththeexcepti onofDi gi tali mages. Di gi tali magesar edel i ver edthr oughdi gi taldow nl oadthesameday.
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TheBabyPl an
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w w w. mel ani ebai l eyphotogr aphy. com mel ani ebai l eyphotogr aphy@yahoo. com w w w. f acebook. com/mel ani ebai l eyphotogr aphy