Architecture Portfolio - MelanieGhanem

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Archi teture portfoli o

eghanem melani

e m t u o b a Hello,my name i s Melani e Ghanem, Irecentl y completed my master' sdegreei n archi tecture. I n addi ti on to mystudi es,Iworked asafreelanceri n 3D Archi tecturalVi suali zati onsfor5 years. Iam averyreli ableand focused person. Mydeali ngswi thotherpeoplearepoli teand obli gi ng.Dueto myopen and fri endl ynature,can easi l y i ntegratei nto exi sti ng teams. Iam verymoti vated and would li ke to expand myski lls and gai n new experi ences. Idefi nemyselfasamoti vated and cooperati veyoung archi tect,seeki ng forabetterenvi ronmentthrough archi tecture. Mygoali sto const antl yexpand mydesi gn ski llsand knowledgei n archi tectureand desi gn i n aprofessi onal level.

C ur ri cu lu m

vi ta e

01 -Resi denti alBui ldi ng,Sodeco 02 -SemI det ached House,Rabi e 03 -TeslaExhi bi ti on,Bei rut 04 -Hotel& Congress 05 -Publi cSpace,MarMi chael 06 -I ntergenerati onalHousi ng,Bachoura 07 -FYP Retrospecti veI llusi on

08 -ModelMaki ng

10 -Mi scellaneous


09 -Work

Resi denti albui ldi ng

Located i n an urban envi ronment,thi sresi denti albui ldi ng wi th i ts dynami cappearancepresentsthechaosofthi sci ty. Theapartmentsi n thi sbui ldi ng revol vearound acentralcoreand thusdi fferaccordi ng to thei rsi ze. Whi lethepresenceofacommon urban green spacei n thi sbui ldi ng thussupportstherelati onshi psofi tsi nhabi t ants.



Semi det ached House

“themoderni tyofourancestorsi s ourtradi ti on� thef ather' shousewi llpresentthe tradi ti onaland theson' swi llpresent moderni ty thevolumewi llappearto bepartof theterrai n,full yi ntegrated

Rabi eh

Semi det ached House

themoderni tyofourancestorsi sourtradi ti on thef ather' shousewi llpresentthetradi ti onaland theson' swi ll presentmoderni ty thevolumewi llappearto bepartoftheterrai n,full yi ntegrated

TeslaExhi bi ti on

“ Archi tecturei sthepowerto producea new landscape� thegoali sto Createan i ntegralpartof thelandscapethattheprojectalso servesto expose Thesurf acewi llconsi stofst ai rsleadi ng to an exhi bi ti on and observati on tower, whi ch i sthesi gnalforthe project I n orderto reuni tepeopletogether,thi s projectwi llbecomeacul turaland publi c spaceto vi si t

Bei rut

“ Archi tecturei sthepowerto producea new landscape� thegoali sto Createan i ntegralpartof thelandscapethattheprojectalso servesto expose Thesurf acewi llconsi stofst ai rsleadi ng to an exhi bi ti on and observati on tower, whi ch i sthesi gnalforthe project I n orderto reuni tepeopletogether,thi s projectwi llbecomeacul turaland publi c spaceto vi si t

Plans Elevati on

Elevati on

Hotel& Congress

I ti struethatdamourhassuffered through thelastdecadesofsoci opoli ti caltroublesand problemsthathavecontri buted to thecracki ng oftheci ty Thesecracksaffecttheurban,soci aland poli ti calf abri coftheregi on and theconsequencesare subjected unti ltoday Thecracksarefi cti vel yconnected byan omni presentopposi tei n theprojectand whi ch connecta vi sualcommuni cati on between thedi fferentparts


Publi cSpace

-Takeadvant ageofthenocturnalacti vi typresenti n thenorthern f acet( MarMi chael)to i nvi te young people -Verti caltransporthub -Vi sualbreakthrough ofthehi ghway -I mport antmorphology

marmi chael

I ntergenerati onal Housi ng

-Thei ntergenerati onalhousi ng i sagroupofhousi ng desi gned to accommodatedi fferent generati ons:students,f ami li es,seni ors

-Acti vateareasofpotenti alrelati onshi psbetween the di stri ct' si nhabi t ants

-Havi ng Mi xed program and thepresenceofdi fferent generati onshelpsto enablethegrowth ofacommuni ty desi gned to beacti ve,uni ted and i ntegrated i n the urban context


FYP Retrospecti ve i llusi on

I n whatform could the retrospecti vei llusi on heal woundsofadamaged memory?

Poi ntedu Hoc,Normandy

ModelMaki ng

Mi scellaneous Renderi ng


Rest aurants



Work SportsClub

Work Vi lla

Work Rendered Plans

Work Photoshopwork

Work Resi dence

Work Resi denceI nteri or

me l ani e _ ghane m96@hot mai l . c om ar c hax i s s t udi o@gmai l . c om + 96170548558 i ns t agr am. c om/ me l ani e ghane m i ns t agr am. c om/ ar c h_ ax i s

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