How To Find A Credit Card For Bad Credit That Rebuild Credit Finding a credit card for bad credit can be difficult. Because of your credit score, or no credit history, you are considered a risk by many credit card companies. There are ways around this issue. Obtaining a credit card is doable. It's going to require research and a little work. Here are some tips for getting qualified for a credit card with bad credit. Apply For A Bad Credit Credit Card There are two types of bad credit credit credit cards. Secured and unsecured credit cards for bad credit. Secured credit cards require that you put down a security deposit which becomes a your credit limit. Within 2 years of obtaining your secured card, it will become unsecured and your security deposit returned to you. Then there are unsecured credit cards for bad credit. There are actually several different types of these cards. When looking for them online use the keywords: bad credit credit cards, unsecured credit cards for bad credit, bad credit cards. 1. Unsecured credit cards for bad credit – are cards that do not require a security department. When we work with credit repair clients, we use these cards if the client doesn’t have the money to put down for a secured credit card. The reason we prefer the secured credit cards is that while these unsecured cards are nice. They come with an application fee (they may use another name) but these are fees that must be paid before you can start using the card. These fees can range from $50 to as much as $300! They put the fee on the credit card so that you have to pay off the fee to be able to utilize your full credit card balance. That’s why we say if you save up at least $300 and apply for a secured card. You get that $300 back when your card goes unsecured. But if your budget is tight and you can’t do that, then unsecured bad credit credit cards are the answer! 2. Merchandise cards - These cards are also called catalog cards or guaranteed approval credit cards. They are unsecured cards and many don’t even credit check. With these cards you can only buy items that are in their catalog. The key to finding a good merchandise card is that it needs to report to at LEAST one credit reporting agency like the Freedom Gold Card. It reports to 1 credit bureau and will help you rebuild your credit. Apply for a Retail or Gas Credit Card If your credit score is at least a 600 you want to look at a retail (store) credit card or a gas card. Read the credit requirements carefully before you apply. Many of them will put their minimum credit score in the FAQ or in the break down of interest rate and fees. Retail accounts can be easy to qualify for. Especially if you are there with items in hand ready to make a purchase! Stores that have furniture departments tend to have on premises credit departments. Sometimes talking with the agents and explaining your situation can turn a No to a YES! Just make sure you bring in paystubs to back up your ability to pay.