Important Things NOT TO OVERLOOK On Your Credit Card by:
All things might look fairly great at initial look, however you might experience several serious concerns later on when you looked over a small detail that becomes a significant problem in a few months. To ensure that you won't ever encounter issues with your credit card, make sure that you check out these major factors in your agreement:
Your interest rate is not a permanent thing â—? If you avail the promo rate for the first 6 to 12 months, always remember that this will be gone once you start missing you monthly payments. â—? And if you are 60 days late on your credit card payment, the credit card company can increase your interest rate. Also be aware that the company can also increase the interest rate after a year even you are a good credit cardholder.
You don’t have to settle for that higher interest rate. ● You can tell you credit card company that you don't want the card if you notice that the interest rate increased. ● The company will decide then what they are going to do with you. ● They may end up letting you keep your old rate but may do something else to compensate for keeping your interest rate at the same level. ● If you don’t like the new rules, then you can close your account and pay off what you owe instead of getting sucked into a bad deal.
Your credit card company may offer you protection against bad purchases. ● If you bought something and would like your money back, you can ask help from your credit card company. ● If the seller do not cooperate on your “money back” concern, your credit card issuer is the next person you can talk to about the refund. ● You should look into any credit card’s protection policy before you decide to sign up with that credit card company.
For more credit card tips click here
If you are looking for credit cards for poor credit