Ways To Settle Your Tax To The IRS

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Ways to Pay Your Tax

to the IRS by: www.newhorizon.org

Nobody truly wishes to enter into a scenario . . . where they owe back taxes to the IRS. However it is certainly a thing that can happen to certain people if they are NOT cautious.

Different Options You can pay your tax with: ● checks ● money orders ● credit cards ● cashier’s checks ● or the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System

Ways To Pay Tax 1. Pay in full and on-time 2. Pay as much as possibly as you can. -

There will be fees that can add up to an extra 25%

3. Short term payment plan -

This will give you 120 days to pay the IRS all of what you owe. There is no fee that is charge to your tax account with this plan, but it will accrue interest over time.

RESOURCES: ● For more tips on how to settle your tax http://www.newhorizon.org/credit-info/best-way-to-pay-irs-when-you-owe-them

● If you are looking for unsecured credit cards for bad credit http://www.newhorizon.org/Info/unsecured.htm

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