Ways to Use Credit Cards For Bad Credit To Raise Your Credit Score by: www.newhorizon.org
Credit cards are a favorite means to rebuild credit because they are usually much easier to get approved than personal loans.
Additionally, there are various types of credit cards nowadays that suits to people who have bad credit.
Hard Inquiries vs Soft Inquiries
But unfortunately applying different credit cards can have a bad influence on your credit history.
Hard Inquiries vs Soft Inquiries
Every time you apply for credit, the bank will check your credit score.
Hard Inquiries vs Soft Inquiries Hard inquiries will impact your credit history for 12 months.
Hard Inquiries vs Soft Inquiries But you'll discover the biggest drop from the initial a few weeks. Plus so they will fall off your credit rating after two years.
Hard Inquiries vs Soft Inquiries That's why we set up a list of bad credit cards with soft credit inquiries.
How many credit cards with a $300 credit limit do you need? Having one or 2 low limit cards while you build credit is to be expected. But no one needs more than 2 low credit limit cards.
FOR MORE INFORMATION READ http://www.newhorizon.org/credit-info/credit-cards-for-bad-credit-good-credit-builders/