kids activity

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Coloring and Activity Book

K - 1st Grade

S a f e t y S a u r us for safe kids

Hi! My name is Safety Saurus. I help kids like you learn how to be safe and happy in the world! Prevent Child Abuse Utah

Safe kids know that no one has the right to hurt a child.

Grown-ups that can help me Who can I tell?

Phone number

1 2 3 Write names or draw pictures of grown-ups you can tell if anyone tries to hurt you.

Katy knows she should get away fast if she is in danger. How about you?

Katy can GO TELL a grownup she trusts about her bad secret. Can you think of grownups you trust? Katy can SAY NO to touches that make her feel sad or afraid. Can you SAY NO?

Katy can call a grown-up she trusts. Do you know the phone Write number: number of a grown-up you trust?

UH OH! Prevent Child Abuse Utah 1-800-CHILDREN w w w. p r e v e n t c h i l d a b u s e u t a h . o rg Copyright 2006 Prevent Child Abuse Utah

Katy knows the very best safety rule is to listen to the UH OH FEELING and stay away from danger.

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