Archaeology and the Iliad Audiobook Free Online Complete
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Archaeology and the Iliad Audiobook Free Online Complete The Trojan War, captured forever in Homer's epic poem the Iliad, resonates to the present day in the popular imagination, and this magnificent confrontation continues to exert a tremendous influence on modern audiences. But did Troy actually exist? And if so, where is it located? Was the Trojan War actually fought? If it was, did it take place over the course of ten years, as Homer wrote, or was it a much longer series of battles? And why was the war fought? Could Helen's face alone really have launched a thousand ships? In this course, esteemed professor Eric H. Cline examines the real history of Troy and delves into the archaeological discoveries (which continue to the present day) that help to answer the questions above. Through an entertaining and incisive analysis of known data, Professor Cline provides a fuller, richer understanding of this historic clash.
Archaeology and the Iliad Audiobook Free Online Complete Written By: Eric Cline. Narrated By: Eric Cline Publisher: September 2008 Date: Duration: 7 hours 19 minutes
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