How Legitimate are Your HR Business Reviews? | HR Tech Outlook Magazine Review

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How Legitimate are Your HR Business Reviews? | HR Tech Outlook Magazine Review

A lot of companies face a major problem, which are sometimes irreversible. One such issue faced are the negative reviews. Most of the negative reviews and comments will be directly associated with the HR team, attacking their personal behaviour. Another type is the negative reviews targeting the whole organization. But these negative reviews are not always true. Most of the time, those reviews would’ve been written by our competitors with a hope to bring us down. Let us look out how to identify those fake reviews and the steps to be taken against them. Identifying Fake Negative Reviews: ● Anonymous Profile This is one of the easiest ways to identify a fake review. If the intention of the user is to defame your organization or particular team in your organization, they’ll probably hide their identity. You can never know who posted the review, and you cannot find whether it’s your actual customer. Mostly the anonymous comments will be from your competitors or any random person, whose sole aim is to create a negative impact online and bring down your business.

● Impersonal Avatar This is almost similar to anonymous profiles. Here also the users will try to hide their identity by uploading a fake profile image. That’ll be either animated or some random emoji. Here also you can 50% make sure that it’s from a random user who is not directly associated with your organization.

● Mismatching Identity Another set of fake reviews will be from people who haven’t used our product or service. You can check your database once you identify a fake review. If the name, designation or any detail is not matching with your database, you can make sure that it’s fake. But it’s always better to do a thorough check before taking a step against them. ● Paid Reviews Nowadays this is very general for both negative and positive reviews. The companies mostly tend to pay reviewers to write positive reviews for their company and negative reviews for their competitor company. We can identify whether it’s fake just by looking at the pattern of the review. Paid reviewers will mostly stuff keywords like “scam”, “spam”, “fraud” and often end the comment with a “thanks”. They’ll also use your company name multiple times (and sometimes in full CAPS too) so that users can easily spot the review. ● Misconception Most of the time, there are chances that users can get confused with your business name or product. Since there are a lot of similar businesses and services, users might get mixed up and use your business name instead of another. In that case you can check the review in detail and if you find any product or service that you don’t recognise, you can directly let the user know that they have mistakenly used your business name in the review. Check out: HR Tech Outlook Magazine Review What To Do When You Find a Negative Review : You have to just keep in mind that most of the unhappy customers will never do a business with you again. So running a business does not only depend on how you perform the best among the market, it also depends on how well you rectify your customers issues and respond to them.

● Regularly check your reviews In this digital era, you cannot predict when a customer (or competitor) might write a negative review against your company. So it’s always better to check for your reputation online on a daily basis. Once you find something negative, check whether the review is genuine or it’s just spam posted by a competitor. If you are very sure that it’s from some of your competitors, check the positive reviews of your competitors and do a comparison. If the positive review of the competitor company and negative review of your company has a similar pattern, you can use this clue to report Google regarding the fake review. ● Control Your Emotions It’s human nature to burst out in anger when someone tells bad things about us or our possessions. But it will not work out in case of negative reviews online. Whenever you see any negative reviews, don’t ever thrash them back. It’s always better to give a genuine reply. For example, “Thanks for your feedback. We just checked our database and we don’t have any records that you have used our product. Kindly send us more details so that we can check what went wrong”. These kinds of replies will give the fake reviewer pressure. Also even if you are wrong, your genuine reply could save you since you have already mentioned that you will fix the issue soon.

● Never make an issue in public Even if you find out who wrote the negative review, it is not a good practice to challenge them or create an issue in public platforms. Being a professional, you should always remain calm and find better solutions. In a digital platform, if you create an issue, it might lead to public argument where you might lose your support since you are the one who started it. And as a result you might look like an unprofessional and bad guy at the end. Read more: HR Tech Outlook Scam News HR Tech Outlook Spam News

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