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Melbourn Amateur Dramatics (MADS 10th Anniversary

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Melbourn Timebank

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Village News

Melbourn Amateur Dramatics (MADS) 5 10th Anniversary ‘Health at The Hub’ coming for you! 7 Melbourn Fete 8 Melbourn Community Library 8 Melbourn Community Hall 9 Melbourn & Meldreth Women’s Group 9 Interested in Family History? 9 Melbourn and District U3A 9 Moorlands Court 10 Melbourn Timebank 11 Melbourn Parish Council 12 From your District and County Councillors 13 Who to report to …? 17 Exhibition success for arts charity Rowan 19

Melbourn Amateur Dramatics (MADS) 10th Anniversary

Yes! It’s hard to believe that it has been 10 years since the idea of a Melbourn based amateur dramatics group was brought to life.

As a result of attending a local performance for the Queens Diamond Jubilee in 2012, husband and wife, Donna & Paul Sleight, loved the show so much that it inspired them to look to join an amateur dramatic group. They were surprised when they discovered that there was no group in either Melbourn or Meldreth.

From there, the immortal words “how hard can it be?” were first muttered and following a successful application to South Cambs “Community Chest” funding, the concept of a Melbourn based Am Dram group was achieved. Along with 9 of their good friends, they got together and with the help of 2 local writers put together their first script ‘The Lost Slipper’, which was performed in December 2012 on stage at Meldreth Village Hall and Melbourn Village College. These were very humble beginnings for the team. Costumes were sourced from charity shops, chopped about, cut, reshaped and fabric added to transform them from an evening dress into an elaborate dame costume. Curtains were made into 19th century style britches and jackets and props were put together using items from either recycling centres or from odd bits and bobs found in the loft or at the back of the garage.

The scenery was built using 2 hanging rails with fabric draped over which was then painted to depict a scene. This made it through the first show, with help from Gaffa Tape, BUT then, mid-way through the second show – yes you guessed – it duly collapsed beyond repair, much to the audience’s delight! Why do they love it so much, when it all goes wrong?

We learned a lot from that first show and we all agreed that comedy is our “thing” and have never tackled serious plays or shows. Even today, we still go by the philosophy that as long as the show is funny and the audience are having fun, then all is well with the world!

But from these humble beginnings, MADS has gone from strength to strength. The first show proved so popular, was such a lot of fun to put together and received amazing feedback from ticket buyers, so we decided to do it all over again the following year. So, in 2013 we brought to the stage ‘Murder Down the Aisle’ followed by the Panto ‘Aladdin’ in December.


Stockbridge Meadows

This Spring volunteers have been busy planting heritage apple trees in the orchard and hedging along New Road, Melbourn. The trees were donated by a resident of the village and are an important addition to the orchard. Among the trees planted were Histon Favourite and Cockett’s Red, both of which have an interesting back story.

Histon Favourite was raised by John Chivers of Histon around 1850. This is a late season medium to large sized apple with pale yellow skin which has a pink flush and occasional pink stripes.

Cockett’s Red, first recorded in 1910, was once popular around the Wisbech area. Prior to this name it was known as Marguerite Henrietta, or locally as ‘One Bite’. This variety was grown for use by toffee apple manufacturers in the North of England.

The hedge on the right hand side of New Road as you leave the village to join the A505 was planted some years ago by the community. Time has meant that gaps have been created where plants have failed for various reasons. Thanks to the Woodland Trust’s donation, hedging was available to plug these gaps. The hedging was planted by volunteers from the village on a lovely sunny Saturday morning. Maureen Brierley

Volunteers planting fruit trees in the orchard at Stockbridge Meadows

Volunteers at New road

Melbourn Mobile Warden Scheme

Can we help you?

Can we help a relative?

Can we help a neighbour?

Who does the Scheme help? The scheme is open to the mobility impaired in Melbourn, Meldreth and Shepreth including those who live alone or with their families, but need the extra support offered by our services. Couples too are most welcome. It is also open to those in sheltered housing, as the scheme offers different, but complementary services. Note: The scheme also offers its services for short periods to cover the temporary absence of relatives who otherwise provide this support.

We offer help with: • Friendship and support via twice weekly visits and daily phone calls • Ordering and collection of prescriptions • Basic shopping • Collection of pensions • Setting up Lifeline service • Bereavement support • Going to the Post Office to pay your bills • Just coming round for a chat

What will it cost? We do have to make a small weekly charge for the warden’s services. The fee is only £7.50 per week (a little more for couples).

Jeannie Seers (Mobile Warden) 07808 735066 email: jeanseers13@gmail.com

Jane Cage (Deputy) 07592 821976 email: janec55@virginmedia.com

Melbourn Warden Scheme is a registered charity

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