Issue 56 Winter 2008

Page 1

...editorial Another year drawing to a close, where does the time go? Many thanks to our contributors, and to all our distributors. Distribution is not an easy job and often entire families are involved; we are very grateful to you all for your hard work, and in all weathers. Many congratulations are due to our sponsors TTP; who were recently presented with the Queen’s Award for International Trade, which coincided with their 21st birthday. TTP of course sponsor more than the Magazine, and support many organisations in and around the village, (see p. 37). The Village College is going from strength to strength and the students participate in a huge number of activities. Do remember to support the ‘Battle of the Bands’ which will take place at the college on Saturday 20th December at 7 pm. Proceeds will go to Papworth Trust, which helps disabled people in the region. (see p. 23) Melbourn has seen changes during the past year; the houses in Back Lane are now complete, as is the housing development, Lantern View, on Orchard Road, so we shall be welcoming new residents to the village. We would like to inform all new comers that they are entitled to a free copy of the ‘A Glimpse into Melbourn’s Past’, an award winning illustrated history of Melbourn, by contacting the Parish Office. We are very fortunate to have a new amenity in the village. Stockbridge Meadows Riverside Park has now been handed over to the Parish Council by the developers, though the official opening has still to take place. Do enjoy this beautiful park, which will be a great place for picnics next summer. See a letter on this subject on page 19 The Mel runs beside the Park, and rises not far away in the grounds of the Bury. Why not consider joining the River Mel Restoration Group, which is now moving up river from Meldreth, where the group originated. Most people will have heard of the World War II mortar which was discovered recently, just off the by-pass, by Jason Baker, who together with George Joyce featured in the last edition of the Magazine (page 19). I gather that some people certainly heard the explosion when it was detonated! Finally, a Happy Christmas and a very Healthy New Year from us all!

Village News Parish Council Cambridgeshire Community Foundation

Letter to the editor Police & neighbourhood Watch Old Postal Scam Returns MVC Quiz Night Education

15 19 19 21 22 22 23

Battle of the Bands New Arts Development Manager for Melbourn MVC PTFA MVC Continuing Education Melbourn & District U3A Workers’ Educational Association Notre Ecole

Profile – Colin Limming Village information Important Numbers Diary feature – Christmas Food feature – TTP Queens Award Old Melbourn Christmas Card Church News Entertainment

29 33 32 33 35 35 39 41 47

Royston Choral Society & Orchestra New Melbourn Singers Anglesey Abbey Cambridge Botanic Gardens Denny Abbey Wimpole Hall

Family Links Sports & Clubs feature – Days Gone By… Classified



49 51 59 62 3


Vicarage Close

Melbourn and Meldreth Self Help Group

Melbourn Village Fete 2008

Luncheon Club

A Pink Rose Lunch

Luncheon Club is looking forward to Christmas and preparations are well under way and our invitation to Father Christmas is in the post.

Melbourn Library

Melbourn Childminding Group

Sadly Maisie Perry, one of our ladies, died earlier in the year and we continue to miss her. Charlie Barnard moved into Southwell Court during the year and will have celebrated his 90th birthday by the time you read this. On a happier note, another of our ladies has left us to be nearer to her family in Somerset and we wished her much happiness in the next chapter of her life. These vacancies have all been filled by new ladies from Melbourn and Meldreth and we welcome them.

History on the Other Side of the Tracks

Mrs Florence Newman will also have celebrated her 90th birthday by the time this is out and we trust that will have been a most enjoyable time for her and her family.

Melbourn and Meldreth Women’s Group Melbourn History Group R.N.L.I.

Royston & District Local History Society The National Trust Little Foxes Baby & Toddler Group

During the summer, Lunch club had a cream tea trip for our members. We hired a coach with a chair lift that enabled all our members to gain access to the coach and set off to Frost’s Garden Centre at Willington, Nr Bedford. It was a most enjoyable afternoon, and one we will all remember for a long time. Thanks to Joy Hyde for enabling us to continue with the use of Vicarage Close Community Room. Thank you also to all helpers and drivers, who have enabled luncheon club to continue for another year, in particular to Mary our cook, without whom Lunch club would not continue as we know it. With all best wishes for a peaceful and happy Christmas, and many blessings for 2009. Jayne White.



Vicarage Close Christmas is fast approaching and as we always like to celebrate the season at Vicarage Close, we have several events booked for the residents, Our first event is a trip to Wicksteed Park, to see a Christmas show and enjoy a lunch and tea at the same venue. We also have a Christmas dinner booked in a local restaurant and the week before Christmas we will have a Christmas tea in the community centre with an entertainer and a visit from Father Christmas! We continue with our afternoon teas and have a clothes sale during October and a sale of Christmas items in November. Our normal weekly lunches and coffee mornings continue, plus visits from a hairdresser and chiropodist. Vicarage Close community centre is also used by other groups and it is nice to see people of varying ages making use of the facilities here. Recycling continues, our thanks to the anonymous donors who leave bags of plastic bottle tops, stamps etc at the centre, plus our usual collectors. All is


gratefully received and helps to raise money for the Childrens’ Hospice and local groups. We collect clean jam jars too, tin foil, used greeting cards, old mobile phones and old printer cartridges. Everything is recycled to be reused or to raise money as mentioned. Thanks to our team of helpers as always Merry Christmas and Happy 2009 Joy Hyde Lead Sheltered Housing Officer at Vicarage Close 01763 263389 ( Please leave a message if Officer is unavailable)

Melbourn Village Fete 2008 With the success of this year’s fete and with the support of all our sponsors and the dedication of all our volunteers, the Melbourn Village Fete Committee is proud to announce that we have donated over £2000 to various organisations within the village as listed below. 1/River Mel Conservation Society 2/Melbourn & Meldreth Self Help group 3/Vicarage Close community centre 4/Moorlands 5/Melbourn Primary School The Fete committee is always looking to build on the success of the previous year’s event and taking into consideration the needs of the participants, giving them the best opportunity of raising as many funds as possible. We have already booked the date for 2009 which will be on Saturday 27th June 2009. The main difference next year will be that we shall lay on a music event that will follow the Fete and continue into the evening. This will give an opportunity for some of our local bands to perform on-stage in front of an audience, which they may not experience very often.

With that in mind we are eager to encourage more local groups and societies to get involved to highlight their particular cause. The committee is now up to 14, which is excellent news. However, to put on a larger event we need more volunteers on the day. So if you can spare some time for a worthy and rewarding cause, whether it be a few hours or more, please contact us as below. Jayne White (Fundraiser) 220250 or Brian Collingbourne (Chair) 263115 or Web site

A Pink Rose Lunch

COFFEE STOP Every Saturday 10.30am to 12noon

I invited family and friends to join me at The Pink Geranium for a Thai Lunch on Wednesday, 15th October to raise funds for the Cambridge Research Breast Cancer Unit. All those who came assured me that they had a wonderful time, giving everyone the opportunity of enjoying the beautifully prepared Thai food whilst giving to a very worthwhile charity.

Rombouts coffee & biscuits for 70p at

During the lunch we had a raffle and all the prizes were donated, and together with donations from friends who were unable to come to the lunch, I am able to give to the charity £800.

he suggested and had a very productive meeting at which Mrs. Stephenson was highly supportive and stated that she regarded the Library as a part of the Village College Community Project as envisaged when the College was built. She hoped a suitable location might be found on site to build just such a facility, possibly near the McSplash building.

I would personally like to thank all those who helped make the occasion a true success and special thanks to the Pink Geranium for hosting the event. Erica L Mansfield – Beauty by Erica

All Saints’ Community Hall

The Parish, meanwhile, has spoken with Library Service’s Lesley Noblett. I understand that County and the Library Service are unlikely to object to the Parish playing a part in the maintenance of the existing building for a limited period subject to survey, and provided the costs are acceptable. We believe that despite its age, it should be possible to prolong its life for at least two more years. This, I believe, would provide sufficient time for alternative accommodation to be built, simple in design and structure and low in cost.

Melbourn Library I am very happy to report that there is every prospect that the Library will be able to continue for the next couple of years and hopefully will be re-housed at the end of that time. I have had a great deal of support from Donald Mowatt, the Chairman of Melbourn Parish Council. Donald told me that even though the Parish Council has had to set aside their plans to build a new facility on the village car park, members remain determined to ensure the continuance of various facilities within the village which they consider to be a major part of its ethos. He told me that these included both the Police Office and the Library. He suggested I should arrange a meeting with Mrs. Stephenson, the new Warden of the Village College, to ascertain her views. I did as

The Library Service is very keen for the LAP to continue to provide Library facilities for the Village. They made it clear that the only reason they proposed to close the LAP was purely because of maintenance costs and their own limited budget. It was made clear to us that we could only continue in occupation provided the necessary maintenance was done and the building considered to be sufficiently sound on health and safety grounds. However there can be little doubt the building will have to be demolished at the end of this extended period. We hope this brings new hope for the continuation of our Library here in melbournmagazine


Melbourn. Accordingly we would request the support of the Village to help achieve the construction of a new facility Wherein we hope to contribute to the continuing growth of our village which is one of the best in the county of Cambridgeshire. Mike Stapleton.

Melbourn and Meldreth Women’s Group With Christmas almost upon us the Women’s Group can look back on a varied Autumn programme. In September we enjoyed listening to pieces of music chosen by members. There was a wide and interesting variety, reflecting the membership of the Group. In October Avril Mellor enlightened us on the duties of a Parish Clerk, no wonder she is always so busy! November was the turn of Tim Elbourn of Cam Valley Orchards; we all eat the fruit but now we know a bit more about how it is grown. As is usual the Women’s Group ran the Melbourn and Meldreth Harvest Supper. Tickets sold like hot cakes (or should that be apple pies?) and a crowd in Meldreth Village Hall enjoyed the meal and the entertainment. We do not have a meeting in December and the New Year starts with our AGM on 27th January. This features a shared meal, and the business part of the meeting is quickly finished so that we can socialise. Our meeting on 24th February will be a Lenten Talk by Pat Smith, one of our Licensed Lay Ministers. Jane Stevens. Chairman

Melbourn History Group Every year there is a competition run by Cambridgeshire ACRE and sponsored by Calor Gas to determine Cambridgeshire’s Village of the Year. There are also five other categories covering a village’s contribution to older people, younger people, environment and so on. As well as these the competition covers The Community Building of the Year and the members of the History group felt that Melbourn was worthy of an entry in at least The Village of the Year and the Community Building of the Year categories. We obtained the necessary entry forms and worked on these with details of just what Melbourn is all about as well as giving the splendid new example of the All Saints’ Community Hall and then we sat back and awaited results. To our joy, and not a little surprise, we were told that we were short-listed for both categories but that the Judges needed to come and see for themselves just how the community ticked. On a sunny morning we got together as many representatives as were available of village clubs and societies in the Community Hall and plied them with coffee and biscuits and tried to ensure that the Judges met as many of them as possible. We hoped that we were successful and then we walked them round and showed them the murals on the Sports Pavilion done by the young people, we visited the Nursery School and then went on to the Library Access Point where the volunteers there explained how it was run by volunteers. The Judges were shown the Police Station, again staffed by volunteers, and finished at the Vicarage Close Community centre for the Self-Help Group. The Judges then left and again we sat back with fingers crossed. A few weeks later we received a letter saying that we were in the Finals and eight of us (four from the History group and four from the Community Hall) went to the St. Ivo Centre for the Presentation Dinner. Before and during the dinner the big screen in the hall often showed pictures of Melbourn Village events and we were very hopeful. Sadly, although we were highly praised for our community events, the main prizes eluded us but at least we were there on the night. We are very grateful for all the help given by the clubs and associations in Melbourn and for their willingness to help and sorry that the result was not a happier one. Colin Limming, Melbourn History Group

Child and Family Nursing Team Well Baby Clinics Drop in clinics for parents and babies are held as follows: Melbourn clinic every Wednesday between 9.30 and 12 noon at: 35 Orchard Road, Melbourn Telephone 01763 262861 Cambourne clinic every Monday between 9.30 and 12 noon at: Room 12 (upstairs), Sackville House, Cambourne Telephone 01954 282830

R.N.L.I. As we move, (or, in the present climate should I say crunch?) towards the end of another busy year for RNLI, it is worrying to reflect on how the present economic situation will begin to reflect on the work of all charities. Being solely dependent on donations , RNLI finds this particularly worrying. Knowing the generosity of the public in the past, however, we are hopeful that our work in all the varied areas we cover will be able to continue – saving lives at sea, on our rivers and beaches, and also providing safety education in schools. One unexpected area where we were able to help recently concerned second World War veteran Charles Brown, aged 93, who dropped his medals into the River Thames during a Dunkirk reunion. Happily RNLI divers were able to find and return them to him – a rescue with a difference! Next week marks the 185th anniversary of the founding of the RNLI, and we will be launching an Open Garden Scheme for the region. Do you know anyone who would be willing to open their garden for RNLI? The scheme will run from March to September 2009, with the hope that it could become an annual event. All types and styles of gardens are welcome, from stately to small, town to country, kitchen gardens to allotments! Fundraising support and publicity would be provided, and any help with teas, and sale of souvenirs would be given. Just provide your garden, then sit back melbournmagazine


and we will do the rest. Something to look forward to during the dark winter months – do contact us if you feel that you could help. Meanwhile we wish everyone a peaceful Christmas, and a safe and happy New Year. We thank everyone for their support in 2008. Jean Emes Secretary Royston Branch (245958)

Melbourn Childminding Group The Childminders from Melbourn and surrounding Villages meet twice a month to swap ideas, discuss training opportunities and support each other in their work. It is also an opportunity for the children to take part in a larger group for a singsong, and socialize with each other, experiencing different toys and activities. The Childminders access regular training from the National Childminding Association and the Early Years Child Care Services and offer a professional service to parents. We are embracing


the new Early Years Foundation Stage and constantly evaluate and review our practice to ensure that we are compliant with current legislation. Childminders can offer a flexible service to suit parents’ needs and work in partnership with parents. Our next meeting will be held on the 10th December. Jenny Brett 01763 269674

History on the Other Side of the Tracks Villagers in Melbourn will be very well aware of the activities of the Village History Group. Its publication and distribution to each household of “A glimpse into Melbourn’s past” in 2005 was in itself an Herculean achievement of which the Group should be justly proud. Earlier this year, the Group’s Chairman, Colin Limming, wrote in this magazine of the past enmity between Melbourn and its sister village, Meldreth. He surmised that this might have stemmed from the fact that Meldreth is said to have paid the 1640 Ship Tax promptly and Melbourn did not - hence the famous Melbourn Ship Riots. In passing, Colin kindly mentioned the formation of the Meldreth Local History Group (MLHG). This article aims to provide additional information on the Group, its aims and recent events. MLHG was formed in 2007 and to date its major activity has been the creation of a digital archive as part of the Cambridgeshire Community Archives Network (CCAN), a searchable network of around 40 digital community archives across the county. The archive, which can be viewed at, now contains over 700 images, text and audio clips relating to the history of Meldreth. Our aim is to make the archive as comprehensive as possible and to include modern as well as historic images. The Group has been hugely encouraged by the level and diversity of interest shown by Meldreth villagers of all ages. However, we recognise that our neighbours in Melbourn also may be interested in our activities and indeed may wish to

Royston & District Local History Society website: Our meetings are held in the Heritage Hall, Royston Town Hall starting at 8pm. It costs only £5 for an annual subscription (Sept-August) Visitors are welcome £2. The next three meetings are shown below:Dec 4th A silk purse from a Pig’s Nose? 450 years of the history of our house. Robin Webb. Jan 8th Modernizing History – Exploring Hitchin, illustrated. Alan Fleck contribute to the archive. If you have any images of Meldreth that you would like to be considered for inclusion please register on the CCAN website as a contributor (select group list, Meldreth and then contribute). Alternatively, please contact the Group (see below) and we will be happy to scan images on your behalf. MLHG’s activities do not occur only in cyberspace. We have staged various displays including well-attended Open Days. Last month, the second Open Day held at Meldreth Village Hall portrayed events and aspects of village history through the lives of individuals and families living in Meldreth through the ages. Many of these people – the Mortlock family is a good example - will have had connections in Melbourn In September, despite torrential rain at the start, forty people turned out for a guided history walk organised by the Group. Walkers followed a circular route around the village, and along the way, MLHG members described points of historical interest. The walk also included visits to Holy Trinity Church and Topcliffe Mill. A leaflet, describing the walk is available from the Group. Since its formation, MLHG is very grateful to Colin for his support and advice and hopes that any animosity which might have existed between the two villages three and a half centuries ago is now no more than friendly rivalry! Membership of Meldreth Local History Group is free and is open to anyone who is willing to help the Group to achieve its aims. If you would like to contact us please email or please call Kathryn Betts (01763 268428) or Angus Bell (01763 261744) Footnote: Our shared station opened in 1851 as Meldreth. In 1879 it became Meldreth & Melbourn, a name which was retained until 1971

Feb 5th Templars’ Trial and what happened afterwards. Dr Evelyn Lord. Mar 5th Footpaths – Hertfordshire Heritage, illustrated with slides from the Hertfordshire Way. Bert Richardson The Royston Cave in Melbourn Street, attributed to the Knights Templar is closed during the winter period. It will re-open on Easter Saturday, 11th April 2009 and will then be open on Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays 2.30pm – 5pm until the end of September, also Wednesday afternoons in August. Our new website should be up and running by the time you see this magazine. It will be noted that the website has been considerably updated and, in particular, will show all the books we have for sale. Many of these result from the considerable work undertaken by our Publications sub-committee. All these books may be bought at our monthly meetings.




The National Trust It has been a busy year at Wimpole as many families realise that they don’t have to spend the earth on petrol or fares in order to enjoy a day out in the fresh air. Families picnic in the park and can kick or throw balls where the livestock is not grazing, enjoy the many walks and let the children see the animals at the Home Farm. None of this would be possible without the many volunteers in the house, gardens or shops and at the moment the Trust is actively seeking more to help run the many activities being planned for 2009. You will see plenty of publicity about the recruitment and numbers to ring so if you have spare time during the week or weekend try and find out more. The local National Trust Association will be meeting throughout the winter months with a programme of speakers as well as outings, and plans for 2009 are already well laid. There is a holiday in Berlin for the more adventurous as well as outings in this country. This year we have enjoyed river trips in Norwich as well as visiting the City and Cathedral,and another river journey on the river Deben in Suffolk. If you need to know more contact Colin Limming on 01763 260072

Little Foxes Baby & Toddler Group Little Foxes is a friendly, fun, good value, baby & toddler group. The baby & toddler group provides a great opportunity to meet other mums and for the children to play together. It is run by mums & child carers for babies and children up to 5 years old. There are a baby area, dressing up clothes, trikes, trampolines, duplo, cars, dolls, etc. There are creative activities, song & story time and refreshments for the adults & children. Foxton Village Hall Hardman Road Foxton Tuesday (term time only) 09.30 – 11.00 £1.50 per session

WHY MEN ARE NEVER DEPRESSED: Men Are Just Happier People-Your last name stays put. The garage is all yours. Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack. You can never be pregnant. Car mechanics tell you the truth. The world is your urinal. You never have to drive to another petrol station toilet because this one is just too icky. You don’t have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt. Same work, more pay. Wrinkles add character. People never stare at your chest when you’re talking to them. New shoes don’t cut, blister, or mangle your feet. One mood all the time. Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. You know stuff about tanks and engines. A five-day holiday requires only one suitcase. You can open all your own jars. You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness. Your underwear is £8.95 for a threepack. Three pairs of shoes are more than enough. You never have strap problems in public You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes. Everything on your face stays its original colour. The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades. You only have to shave your face and neck. You can play with toys all your life. One wallet and one pair of shoes -- one colour for all seasons. You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look. You can ‘do’ your nails with a pen knife. You have freedom of choice concerning growing a moustache. You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on December 24 in 25 minutes. No wonder men are happier.




MELBOURN PARISH COUNCIL 28 Station Road Melbourn Cambs SG8 6DX Telephone 262494 e-mail: Chairman Donald Mowatt 23, High Street SG8 6AL


Vice-Chairman Maureen Townsend 32 New Road SG8 6ER


Clerk & Office Avril Mellor, 28 Station Road, SG8 6DX




Councillors Val Barratt 2 Station Road SG8 6DX 261227 Irene Bloomfield 78 Russet Way SG8 6HF 222558 Colin Charter 58 Bramley Avenue SG8 6HG 262278 Janice Guest 1 Mortlock Street SG8 6DB 260894 Rosemary Gatward 94 High Street SG8 6AL 261225 Dean Hardingham 1 Portway SG8 6EU 232757 Michael Linette 11, Chapel Lane 262534 Donald Mowatt 23 High Street SG8 6AL 268388 Clive Purbrook Glebe House High Street SG8 6DZ 260899 Andy Qulina 77 Orchard Road SG8 6BB Jocelyn Robson 91 High Street Mike Sherwen 3 Hale Close SG8 6ET 260070 Christopher Stead 70 Russet Way 260743 pm Maureen Townsend 32 New Road SG8 6BY 260959 Richard Wakerley 32 Chalkhill Barrow SG8 6EQ 262247 Employees Handyman and Caretaker Peter Andrews Emergency mobile. 07778-682245 Village Ranger Keith Rudge, 4 Dolphin La, SG8 6AF Internal Auditor Peter Chilvers, 68A High Street, SG8 6AJ


221212 260742

County Councillor David Charles McCraith 104 North End, Bassingbourn (send agenda by e-mail) County Hall 01223-833555 District Councillors Janice Guest, 1 Mortlock Street, SG8 6DB Val Barrett, 2 Station Road

260894 261227

South Cambs M.P. Andrew Lansley

01954 212707

South Cambs M.E.P. Robert Sturdy

01954 211790

The Parish Office at 28 Station Road, is entered by the door at the front of the building directly opposite Sheene Mill. The Parish Office is now open on Mondays from 9 am to 1 pm, on Tuesdays from 2 pm from 4 pm, and on Thursday from 9 am to 1 pm. The office is not normally open on Wednesdays or Fridays. As the Clerk is sometimes out on Parish business it is better to ring 262494 to ensure that she is in the office. Meetings of the Planning Committee are normally held on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month commencing at 7.15 pm. Council Meetings are normally held on the fourth Monday of each month at 7.15 pm at Vicarage Close Community Centre. The Press Royston & Buntingford Mercury Tom Ship, Media Centre 40 Ware Road, Hertford, SG13 7HU 01992 526639 Royston Crow Heath House, Princes Mews, Royston, SG8 6RT 245241 Fax 242231

From the Parish Clerk – Avril Mellor Do you, like me, wonder where this year has gone? It is nearly Christmas, so I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy and peaceful Christmas period. You will, I am sure, have seen the new Parish Notice Board by The Cross. It is a beautiful piece of work, made of oak with hand carved letters. In order to stop any vandalism to the board it has been decided that it be kept locked. Any posters or notices which you would like to be put on the board need to be given to me or put through the door of the Parish Office on Station Road. I will then put these on the board for you and, of course remove them when the event is past. Stockbridge Meadows Riverside Park has now been legally handed over to the Parish Council. I do hope that you have been and enjoyed a walk around. Due to the wild flora and fauna of the site, all dogs must be kept on leads and owners are requested to clean up after them and use the bin provided. The Parish Council was approached by the River Mel Restoration Group with a request to use the Pavilion on the Recreation Ground as a base from which to provide refreshments for a litter picking session held in November. They will also use it as a base to provide refreshments for working party sessions, which will commence in January 2009. The Council was very pleased to be able to help with this matter. There seems to have been some problems with the emptying of bins in the village. Some of them do not seem to be emptied on a regular basis. I think this is due to cuts to the service being made by SCDC, which has resulted in three areas being rolled into two. This means that only two people now do the job of what used to be three. On top of that we do not get the same employees on the round all the time, which of course means that the round is unfamiliar to some. Unfortunately this results in certain of the bins in the less obvious places getting missed. I hope that by the time you read this, things will have settled down, but if you are aware of any problems, please report the matter to me. I can then phone SCDC Environmental Department and request that the bin be emptied.

From the Chairman of the Parish Council Donald Mowatt A warm hello. My name is Donald Mowatt, and I have only very recently become Chairman of Melbourn Parish Council. Given that I am amongst the fledglings, and not long in the village, I feel particularly honoured to have been asked to take the reins.

Cambridge News David Williams, 3 Melbourn Street, Royston, SG8 7BP 249144 Fax 244502 BBC Radio Cambridge Reception Newsroom

01223 259696 01223 358510



M&M BOOKS CASH PAID for Old and Modern Books Also Purchased Coins, Medals, Postcards, China, Cigarette Cards, Jewellery, Furniture, Old Toys & Cars, Stamps, Programmes, Glass, Comics, Collectables

Phone 01763 849789 Mobile 07761 911730


Melbourn Parish Council L to R standing Councillors Christopher Stead, Rosemary Gatward, Dean Hardingham, Janice Guest, Mike Sherwen, Robson and Colin Charter L to R seated Councillors Andy Qulina (recently co-opted) Donald Mowatt (Chairman), Michael Linette (recently co-opted) Absent Val Barratt, Irene Bloomfield, Clive Purbrook, Jocelynb Robson, Maureen Townsend (Vice Chairman), Richard Wakerley. It was however an easy decision to make, given the talent and depth of experience of my fellow councillors, who would surely be bound to keep me on track or else. Having grown up in a village I am no stranger to village life. Further, I am ambitious for Melbourn as I believe it is a delightful parish that we all wish to sustain. With this in mind, I am keen for the Parish Council to consult with fellow villagers and come up with a Parish plan. Such a document will, I am certain, allow us to address the wishes and ideas of all the community. It is hoped that a Parish plan will provide a clear agenda to help organisations to work together for the benefit of the Parish community. It will be used to drive change and to influence policy with the Parish Council, local authorities and, service providers as well as other agencies. Though not a simple matter to organise, I am certain the outcome will more than justify the means. The plan will be a mixture of short and long-term projects. These too, will be subject to modification as circumstances change and new challenges arise. Not prepared by professionals, it is expected that expert opinion and professional advice will be needed to gauge the feasibility of any major projects. Parish plans originated with the Government’s November 2000 Rural White Paper. The main objective was to give rural parishes the opportunity to influence more effectively the way in which their community develops by producing a plan that reflected the wishes of the community. Anyway, I will put my pen down now, and look forward to keeping you posted in future issues. Further, with the Festive Season beckoning, I should like to take this opportunity to extend to you all, the very warmest and best wishes from your Parish Council.

Report by Cllrs Val Barrett and Janice Guest During the autumn things at South Cambs start to get busy again once everyone is back from their summer holidays and the children are back at school. In fact, the same thing hap-

pens at Council and we are once again attending meetings on a more regular basis. As stated earlier the kerbside collection of plastics has begun. Although we are sure that it will take some time for residents to get into the practice of putting out the two boxes with the green bin we are sure that all this recycling is worthwhile. Of course, in the coming months the two collection bins will be removed from the car park in the High Street. We are sure that there are a lot of residents who will be pleased to see them go and we think this will give the village the opportunity of tidying up the area around the bus shelter. No doubt the Parish Council will now look for ways to enhance this area. We had both received complaints about the state of the green area in Haggers Close and at last, after long discussions with several departments at South Cambs, we have been able to have the area levelled with the exception of a few shrubs. The whole area has now been re-seeded with grass and hopefully by the spring things will be looking better - definitely tidier and, we will do our best to see that the shrubs are not allowed to grow to the excessive size they were last year. During October we were invited to Foxton Village Hall to meet the new Bishop of Huntingdon, Rt. Rev. Dr David Thomas, and we were also invited to the presentation of the Queen’s Award for Enterprise – International Trade to the TTP Group plc. This award was presented by A H Duberly, Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, to Peter Taylor, who accepted on behalf of everyone at TTP. We were also privileged to have a brief tour of some of the laboratories and see some of the marvellous products they have invented, some of which we use in our day-to-day living, all without realising they may well have been designed at TTP – Melbourn Science Park. We are both regularly in contact with Melbourn residents and try to help them with their enquiries; a lot of these are to do with housing. Unfortunately, we can only ensure that those queries are taken to the appropriate officer and followed up by ourselves. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact either of us and we will endeavour to help in the best way possible. Both of us offer you our best wishes for the Festive Season. melbournmagazine




Cambridgeshire Community Foundation (registered charity 1103314)

The Cambridgeshire Community Foundation has a major new grant programme (Sept 08) open for applications. Grassroots Grants (funded by the Office of the Third Sector) offers not-for-profit voluntary or community organisations in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, which have been active in their community for not less than 12 months, have a governing document and evidenced income of less than £20,000 per annum (averaged over the last three years), grants of between £250 and £5,000 for projects that address local needs. Examples of what can be funded are given below

• • • • • • •

Purchase of capital items such as computer equipment, oven or furniture Costs of putting on a local event or workshop Staff costs to enable the employment of individuals Contribution to rent costs (related to activities/service delivery) Cost of attending a conference or event Training for volunteers Additional activities to expand an existing funded project

Full details on Grassroots Grants are on the Grassroots Grants Guidelines on the CCF web site ( along with the application form (one for grant requests up to £500 and another for sums between £500 and £5000). We are also still inviting applications from groups wishing to build or improve public parks and public amenities (village halls, sports grounds, cycle paths, skate parks etc) - we have grants of up to £20,000 for such capital projects. Finally, we have new funds for small scale environmental projects offering grants of up to £1,000. To discuss your project please call CCF on 01223 421588 or look on our website

WWII Mortar On a Tuesday in Oct Jason Baker was using his metal detector to look for Roman coins in a field just off the by-pass. He soon found a fairly large object, which he initially took to be part of a bicycle pump. Closer examination showed it to have the remains of fins and he realised that it was an unexploded WWII mortar! The police were contacted and some hours later the RAF Bomb disposal team arrived and performed a controlled explosion. Fortunately it was not too close to the road, so that traffic was not inconvenienced. The explosion was heard by many people in the village – some of whom thought it could be very loud thunder!

The Money Market Here’s how all this money market stuff works: ‘Once upon a time, in a village, a man appeared and announced to the villagers that he would buy monkeys for £10 each. The villagers, seeing that there were many monkeys around, went out to the forest and started catching them. The man bought thousands at £10 and, as supply started to diminish, the villagers stopped their effort. He further announced that he would now buy at £20 for a monkey. This renewed the efforts of the villagers and they started catching monkeys again. Soon the supply diminished even further and people started going back to their farms. The offer increased to £25 each, and the supply of monkeys became so small that it was an effort to even find a monkey, let alone catch it! The man now announced that he would buy monkeys at £50! However, since he had to go to the city on some business, his assistant would now buy on behalf of him. In the absence of the man, the assistant told the villagers. ‘Look at all these monkeys in the big cage that the man has collected. I will sell them to you at £35, and when the man returns from the city, you can sell them to him for £50 each.’ The villagers rounded up all their savings and bought all the monkeys. They never saw the man nor his assistant again, only monkeys everywhere! Now you have a better understanding of how the stock market works.’



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Police & Neighbourhood Watch Winter burglary advice Normally when the clocks change and the darker nights arrive there is an upturn in dwelling burglaries. Thieves tend to use the darker nights to commit offences as they know the darkness will provide them with increased opportunities to offend. Residents should consider outside lighting that is triggered by movement and always place a security chain on when answering the door. Burglars do tend to knock on doors to see if they get any answer before breaking in. Remember to keep sheds and garages locked as burglars will use tools from these locations to force doors and windows. Burglars can also be quite brazen and will try doors to properties at night-time, hoping to find the door unlocked, so remember to lock downstairs windows and doors. If you are going to be out consider leaving a light on or having lights on a timer. Winter time also sees a rise in distraction burglary offences. Last autumn and winter saw a change in the methods being used by these distraction burglars to gain entry into addresses. Usually these offenders claim to be from the Waterboard or claim that there is a water related problem at the address. However increasingly on a national basis these burglars are now claiming to be Police Officers. Their plan is always to disconcert the home owner by claiming that there is an emergency. Always remember to ask for identification before letting anyone into your home. NO ID, NO ENTRY. Other common tricks used by distraction burglars are building or gardening work. One offender will keep the householder talking while a second searches the property or they use a youngster who claims their ball has gone into the rear garden. The youngster goes through the house leaving the door open for an accomplice to slip into the property. The younger offender keeps the householder talking while an accomplice searches the property.

Remember: Close The Door On Strange Callers In the run up to Christmas be careful about leaving presents etc on show and post Christmas. If throwing boxes and packaging away, that presents have arrived

in, make sure the packaging is not left on show. A computer or Playstation box left by the bin is an advertisement to a burglar that new items are most likely in the property. Visit WWW.IMMOBILISE.COM to register and protect your property for free. If the problem is an emergency and there is a direct threat to life or property you should always call 999.

Protecting satellite navigation equipment With satellite navigation equipment becoming more popular with motorists, it’s also becoming more popular with criminals to steal them. You can help prevent this crime by following these tips: 1 Do not leave your sat nav in the vehicle on display 2 Do not leave the sat nav inside the vehicle i.e. in the glovebox or under a seat 3 If possible take the sat nav cradle out of the vehicle and if the cradle is connected by suction to the window then clean this area after use. 4 Register the sat nav equipment on i.e. serial name, make model etc 5 Generally do not leave items of value, handbags, rucksacks, briefcases etc in your vehicle, not even in the boot as thieves know items are often stored there.

Melbourn Police Station Melbourn Police Station opening hours have changed as follows: Mon. 10.00 – 12.00 19.00 – 21.00 Tues. 10.00 – 12.00 Thurs. 10.00 – 12.00 The office is staffed by volunteers at the above times, but this is always subject to change.

Non emergency phone number 0845 4564564 or 01480 456111 melbournmagazine


OLD POSTAL SCAM RETURNS Confirmed by Royal Mail, the Trading Standards Office are making people aware of the following scam: A card is posted through your door from a company called PDS (Parcel Delivery Service)suggesting that they were unable to deliver a parcel and that you need to contact them on 0906 6611911 (a premium rate number). DO NOT call this number, as this is a mail scam originating from Belize . If you call the number and you start to hear a recorded message you will already have been billed £15 for the phone call. If you do receive a card with these details, then please contact Royal Mail Fraud on 02072396655 or ICSTIS (the premium rate service regulator) at If you do receive one of these cards please let the Police know on 01485 456 456 4

Meldreth Pre-School Reg.Charity no.1034965

Village Hall Meldreth High Street This friendly, non-profit making Pre-School now has spaces for September 2008. We offer Morning, Lunch Club and Afternoon sessions to children between the ages of 2 and 5 years. We offer a high staffing ratio, whilst maintaining competitive rates. £8.20 per session, £3.00 for Lunch Club We accept Government Vouchers (which makes sessions for the over 3’s free) For more information please Contact: Pre-School Leader, Jane Cable on 07952 295655 during Pre-School Hours (Mon/Tue 9-3, Wed/Thur/Fri 9-12.30) or telephone The Admissions Secretary, Yasmin Croxford on 01763 220246


Community Education Val Tookey 260566 Little Hands Karen on 01763 260964 Melbourn Playgroup Jane Crawford 07842 151512 Notre Ecole Janet Whitton 261231

News from Melbourn Village College It’s been a busy start to the Autumn term at the College. In addition to the dayto-day business of teaching and learning, the sheer number of activities available to our students continues to grow. Below, I have highlighted a selection of these opportunities - but it’s by no means a comprehensive list.

A Grand Challenge

Toy Library Yasmin Croxford 220246

TTP has been very generous in sponsoring an ‘Apprentice’-style challenge for teams of budding entrepreneurs from the College. The teams have been given £500 each in order to invest in a range of money-raising activities. The money raised will be donated to the Papworth Trust. I shall let readers know how the teams have fared in the next issue. Andrew Allsworth, Deputy Warden

U3A (Univ. of Third Age) Chairman John Stevens 261858

… Battle of the Bands!

Primary School Headteacher Jacqueline Bell-Cook 223457

Village College Warden Elaine Stephenson 223400

The students in year 10 at Melbourn Village College are organising a charity fundraising event. It is in aid of Papworth Trust, a disability charity, which helps over 13,000 disabled people a year in the east of England in a number of different ways. The student’s fundraiser is part of ‘The Grand Challenge’ young enterprise. It is part of a competition, and the group that raises the most money wins. One event is a ‘Battle of the Bands’, and will be held at Melbourn Village College on Saturday 20th December 2009 at 7pm Entrance: £5 Tickets available from MVC Reception or call Daniella Davis on 01223 870670 or Maryska Grant on 01763 222512



Tudor Day The History Department started the new academic year by offering a ‘Tudor Day’ to all students in Year 8. The college’s PTFA very generously paid for two Tudor specialists (in full costume!) to introduce students to the realities of life in this country many hundreds of years ago. This was real, ‘hands on’, history at its best- but perhaps not for the squeamish: some of the supposed ‘cures’ for common ailments at the time had to be seen to be believed. It appears that one supposed cure for an infected leg was to have a chicken tied to the afflicted limb or face amputation as an alternative…

Lights, Camera, Action! In late September, a group of students from Years 8-10 visited Anglia Ruskin University to contribute to a celebration of the European Day of Languages. They had the opportunity to showcase some of their video work and to participate in a range of language taster sessions. Staff from the university were very impressed by the MVC students’ behaviour and positive attitudes.

Mathematics At long last, we now have a full complement of specialist Mathematics teachers at the College. Mr John Rayner has been appointed head of Maths; he has been joined by Mr John Holder. We have made considerable investment in new resources including wireless ‘writing tablets’ and webcams in order to enrich students’ learning experiences. Earlier this term, some MVC students participated in the national Cipher Challenge organized by the University of Southampton. This code-breaking competition is based on the communications intercepted by the Duke of Wellington’s forces during their campaign to eject Napoleon’s army from Portugal and Spain.

Sports This term has continued to see a great number of outstanding individual and team performances. Contrary to national media perceptions, the number of MVC students participating in extra-curricular sports activities is actually rising! Of particular note is the fact that, although we are a relatively small college, we regularly compete with (and beat!) much larger schools. For example, the Year 8 girls’ hockey team recently beat Comberton 12-0 whilst the Year 9 boys’ rugby team beat St. Bede’s 31-14. Congratulations to all concerned.

Performing Arts A number of prestigious arts activities are planned for the near future. Internationally renowned ensemble ‘Between the Notes’ will be working with College pupils, pupils from the Primary School and members of the community to devise a musical piece specifically for Melbourn Village. GCSE Dance students were very fortunate to work alongside professional dancers from the Richard Alston Dance Company in early October. In December, the College will be putting on a pro-


duction of ‘Fiddler on the Roof’. Two recent Year 6 Arts Days were a great success; they continued a long-established tradition where the College opens its doors to Year 6 children from local primary schools to participate in a day of visual and performing arts activities. This year the theme was ‘outer space’.

New Arts Development Manager for Melbourn After 3 years working to support the arts and create an exciting array of projects locally, Cheryl Bennett, Arts Development Manager for the villages served by Melbourn Village College, is moving on. She’s now taken up a post as regional strategy manager for Youth Dance England (East) and we wish her the very best. This leaves me a very hard act to follow, and at a busy time. By the time this magazine goes to press I’ll have worked on some of the amazing projects coming up, which Cheryl has left as a legacy, and also getting married! The largest project (wedding excluded) will have been Inventors in Music, in which London based company ‘Between the Notes’ will have spent a couple of weeks in Melbourn. They are an internationally renowned group including Artistic Director Matthew Barley whom you may have recognised from his leading role in BBC2’s Classical Star programme. The project includes Melbourn Primary School pupils, students at Melbourn Village College and local community members, and will have culminated in a specially commissioned piece of music for Melbourn and a free performance at All Saints’ Church . I hope that those involved in the project itself, or those who saw the performance, will have had a fantastic experience. Funding for ‘Inventors in Music’ has been provided by the Clore Duffield Foundation through its Clore Performing Arts Award, Melbourn Village College and South Cambridgeshire District Council. In terms of future projects there will be some exciting things coming up as part of the community celebration of MVC’s 50th anniversary so watch this space! My job is to help support arts in the local community and I’m really looking forward to getting to know Melbourn and the surrounding villages. If you have an interest in the arts and want to know more about local projects, or are part of a group who want advice or support regarding the Arts, then please get in touch with me on 07770 643165 or email Kirstin Bicknell

PTFA (Parent Teacher Friends Association) There are various plans for the coming months Saturday 7th February 2009 Quiz Night (to be confirmed) Sunday 29th March 2009 Spring Fair (replacing Christmas Fair)

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Melbourn Village College Continuing Education Learn Something New! Art – Watercolours, Pastels, Life Drawing, Drawing & Painting (a.m); Computing – For Beginners, Computerised Accounts, Touch Typing, Word Processing & ITQ; Fitness – Yoga, Badminton, Ballroom Dancing, Raqs Sharqi (Egyptian Dance); General Interest – Ceramics, Flower Arranging, Garden Design For Children – Ballet, Ceramics; Employment Skills – NVQ’s in Administration, Customer Service, Management

Notre Ecole We have been very glad to welcome a number of new students to our Wednesday children’s group and we are now busy learning how to greet people in French. We are also mastering the colours, numbers up to 10 and the days of the week. Thanks go to our more long-standing members who have been so helpful these last weeks. When the weather has been good enough we have managed to play some games outside but as the evenings draw in we are starting to find indoor games to play.

Melbourn & District U3A

At the Thursday after-school group all members have been learning French for more than a year now and so we are able to concentrate on slightly more complicated language. We have been learning French and playing games around the theme of countries. We have also revised expressions to say what is wrong with us and played a number of games to revise general vocabulary.

The membership of the U3A continues to flourish as people realise that they have an opportunity for learning or a little exercise at modest rates. At the present time we are looking at restarting the Local History, the Discussions and the Art and Painting Groups. The other Groups continue to meet either in houses or in one of the meeting halls in the area and the monthly meeting on the third Wednesday afternoon of the month in the Village College attracts good audiences to listen to speakers.

At our Wednesday evening adult class several members have decided it is time to join the more advanced conversation group. This means that our beginners’ group is now much smaller. This term in the beginner’s group we have worked around the themes of countries, food shopping, items purchased at different types of shops, dates, seasons and festivals. We have also found time to start having some real conversations of our own. Meanwhile the more advanced group has spent some time perfecting the past tenses.

All our Groups meet either in the morning or the afternoon so there are no problems with travel after dark and lifts are almost always available. If you are at a loose end and want to get out and meet people ring 260399 or 222486 for details. Colin Limming

If you or your child would like to join us, please call Marine on 01763 222876 or Janet on 01763 261231 for further details. We are a French native speaker and a graduate of European Studies with French and we would love to see you at one of our groups.

Workers’ Educational Association

Notre Ecole

Enrolment for the Spring courses will be on Tuesday 6th January at Royston Hall between 10am and 11am. Once again there will be a choice of two courses. These will be:

Learn French in a friendly atmosphere *French for Children *French for Adults “Games, role-play, songs etc.” All levels, Conversation” Every Wednesday Every Wednesday from 3.45pm to 4.30pm from 8.00pm to 9.00pm Every Thursday GCSE lessons available by from 4:15pm to 5:00pm arrangement. Individual lessons also available. Tel. Marine - 01763 222876 or Janet - 01763 261231

Further Details from the Adult Learning Team Tel: 01763 260566 Fax/Tel: 01763 223408 Email: Website:

Novels into Films – Tutor Steven Wade-Jones We will probably study two novels adapted into films ; perhaps ‘The Hours’ and ‘Atonement’. By studying two representations of the same story we should gain a deeper understanding of each form. An Introduction to Ecology – Tutor David Elcome Why is it that specialized communities of plants and animals live together in a particular area or habitat? How are they influenced by their physical environment and what are the links between the species that live there? The courses start on 13th January from 10am-11.30am and continue for 10 weeks. There may be a half-term and, after the courses have ended, a field-trip (coach trip) is possible at extra cost. The fee for the course is £43. It is helpful if you pay by cheque (cheques payable to Royston WEA) and, if possible, enrol on registration day. For further information contact Doreen Wood on 01763 242230 or David Allard on 01763 242677.



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Profile Colin Limming Colin Limming is a man of many parts and, as Colin would be quick to quip, ‘some of them actually working!’ Colin is the master of the bon mot, the appropriate quotation, the apt remark. Many a time during a tense Parish Council meeting Colin’s ready wit would defuse the situation. But let me tell you more; Colin was born in North London and his early years were spent in Potters Bar. He passed the 11+ and went to Minchenden Grammar School in Southgate where History and English Literature and Language were his favourite subjects. No surprises there ! He was always an avid reader and was blessed with a retentive memory. His father was in the Home Guard and his mother was a fire watcher and he has many Second World War memories of watching the Battle of Britain being played out in the skies above London. These are memories I share – still so vivid in the minds of those who witnessed it. In that summer of 1940 he joined the Wolf Cubs, wearing a scratchy green jersey, scarf and woggle. 68 years later he is still a County Fellowship Member and is on the Archives Research Team looking into the history of Hertfordshire scouting. Scouting was more than a hobby, it became a passion and he went through to become a Scout, Senior Scout, Rover, Rover Leader and later became Assistant County Commissioner in Hertfordshire for the newly formed Scout Fellowship. He is the proud owner of the Silver Acorn for distinguished service to the Scout Movement.

When Colin left school he joined a printing firm for 18 months before being called up for National Service in the RAF. He asked for a posting in the Home Counties so that he could continue his scouting activities in his leisure time and was, in the way of service logic, posted to Iraq. He spent his service stint in Habbaniya 60m west of Baghdad in the desert. He said there were no problems there in those days, and he enjoyed playing lots of sport (but not ice hockey!). He spent time in Kurdistan at the leave centre and can claim to be one of the few people to have played cricket in the middle of Baghdad. It was in the RAF that he learned to type and when he came out of national service he went back to the same printing company and they sent him up to Lancashire where he did a spell, enjoying the cricket in his spare time. He came back to Head Office in London and was there until 1966 when the company moved to Basingstoke. The paternalistic company for which he worked was McCorquodales – mainly known these days because Hugh McCorquodale was married to Barbara Cartland and Colin says that despite the bad press she has often received she was in fact a very kind and thoughtful woman and the company was a typical old family business which looked after its staff. Colin met his wife Joan on (guess what?) a Rover Scout/ Ranger Guide committee. I asked Joan if she had any photos of them together in their uniforms and she said unfortunately no, but she had lots of photographs of herself with OTHER scouts in uniform !!! They got married in 1961 and had two daughters Sarah and Anne who later both went to Melbourn Village College. The family moved to Melbourn when Colin became M.D. of the Letchworth factory but in 1981 it was closed and Colin was made redundant. However, his skills were not allowed to lie idle for long and he quickly got a job working for Labute in Cambridge as an administrator. Colin remained with Labute until he retired in 1992 but – not one to be idle for long - he immediately took on the challenge of becoming Clerk to Melbourn Parish Council, and it WAS a challenge. Without raking over old coals, the council was in some disarray and Colin was indispensable in pulling it round. He held that position for six years, passing all the necessary exams and running the Council business for a time from his spare bedroom – no designated Parish Office in those days. Throughout all this activity there is yet another strand – Colin’s involvement with the Church of England. He began serving at the age of FIVE and continued until the age of 75 (with a few breaks when he was in the services, etc) He finally decided give up serving and he now has time to sing in the choir. With so much experience Colin has learned a great deal about church procedure and etiquette and

continued on page 30 melbournmagazine


mutters darkly when things are not ‘done proper’. He is a member of the Guild of Servants of the Sanctuary involved in training aspiring altar servers. He has also served on the Parochial Church Council both as a member and as clerk. Everyone knows Colin through his involvement with the wonderful History of Melbourn book– it was he who steered us through the applications for a grant and chaired all the committee work and spent many a long hour in front of the microfiche at the Records Office. His early love of History really came into its own as he ferreted out old stories about Melbourn’s past and he is still helping emigrants to look up their ancestors in the village records. Colin stressed that he was blessed throughout the work on the History with a very strong and supportive committee. Now add to all this activity his work in the U3A where he serves on the committee as Speaker finder and he runs the Church Visits group. He also belongs to the Music Group and the Poetry group and joins in the Short Walks. He is speaker secretary for the National Trust Local Association and still does volunteer work as a room steward at Wimpole Hall. I am beginning to feel exhausted by this man’s energy and enthusiasm ! Dare I ask if he has time for any hobbies? Of course he has. He played hockey and was an umpire for many years, and has been an enthusiastic supporter of Middlesex Cricket Club and Arsenal Football Club since he was a small boy, never wavering in his affections. He likes watching cricket but NOT 20/20 and is a frequent visitor to

Relay for Life is a unique event which honours Cancer Survivors, remembers those lives taken away by cancer and educates the community into cancer prevention. We have Relays taking place in the local area this summer For more information please visit or telephone 01223 404195 30

Lords and Fenners. He and Joan are fond of going to the theatre and cinema and both enjoy music, particularly traditional jazz. We all know him to be a great Quiz Master and Quiz setter and it goes without saying that he is also a reader (where else would he find all those odd quotations and facts which he trots out all the time) he often re-reads John Buchan and Sherlock Holmes. The history of the Music Hall fascinates him and he is pretty well word perfect in all the old songs and the Flanders & Swann records and others of that ilk. Colin and Joan have three grandchildren of whom they are extremely proud – Jonathan is an officer in the Royal Navy serving on HMS Manchester, Erin is at Liverpool University reading Classic Civilisations and Niles is still at school in Cambridge. Daughter Sarah is a Cub Scout Leader – a chip off the old block – and met her husband scouting, whilst Ann met her husband here in Melbourn when bellringing ! So a close family who have very strong ties with Melbourn and certainly both Colin and Joan have put a great deal of time and effort into this community. Theirs is a partnership and Colin stresses that none of the activities and achievements I have mentioned would have been possible without Joan’s support over the years. They have old fashioned values of ‘you only get out what you put in’ and they have certainly put a lot in between them. As I said at the beginning, a man of many parts and Colin, I think Melbourn is the richer for your presence here. Mavis Howard

Village information Household Waste and Recycling Centres Items that are accepted • Green waste • Hardcore (bricks, rubble) • Paper



Butt Lane, Milton Tel: 01223 860674 • 9am–8pm Monday to Friday • 9am–6pm Bank Holidays, Saturday & Sunday • 9am–4pm Monday to Sunday (1 October–31 March)

Gravel Pit Hill, Thriplow Tel: 01223 839001 • 8am–5pm Monday to Friday • 8am–5pm Bank Holidays, Saturday & Sunday (Summer) • 8am–4pm Monday to Sunday (1 October–31 March)

• Glass • Scrap metal

Melbourn Bus Timetables

• Waste oil

Note: These times have been taken from the companies website, but are subject to change, please telephone the company for updates.

• Fridges/freezers • Car batteries • Textiles • Cardboard • TVs and computers (incl. monitors) Please Note: the sites will only accept waste from household sources.

Bin collection

reminder for Melbourn Box Box Box* Box

Box Box

* Day late collection – Saturday

n For more informatio rge and collections of la phone household items tele 0845 0450 063

0940 0945 0951 0959 1005 1007 1011 1020 1026 1028

40 45 51 59 05 07 11 20 26 28

1440 1445 1451 1459 1505 1507 1511 1520 1526 1528

1540 1545 1551 1559 1605 1607 1611 1630 1621 1623

1640 LR 1656 1704 1710 1712 1716 1735 1726 1728

1740 1746 1751 1759 1805 1807 1811 1820

1840 1846 1851 1859 1905 1907 1911 1920





0840 0845 0851 0859 0905 0907 0911 0920 0926 0928



Cambridge Drummer Street bay 7 The Leys School Trumpington Maris Lane Harston village hall Foxton Memorial Shepreth garden centre Melbourn car park Royston bus station Royston Tesco Royston Burns Road

1548 1552 1554 1600 1608 1614 1620

1648 1652 1654 1700 1708 1714 1720

1748 1752 1754 1800 1808 1814 1820

Melbourn to Cambridge Melbourn car park Shepreth garden centre Foxton Memorial Harston village hall Trumpington Maris Lane The Leys School Cambridge Drummer Street

0708 0712 0714 0720 0728 0734 0740

0738 0742 0744 0750 0758 0804 0820

0918 0922 0924 0930 0938 0944 0950

0948 0952 0954 1000 1008 1014 1020

hourly at


DAYS (EXCEPT PUBLIC HOLIDAYS) Cambridge to Melbourn (Royston)




MONDAYS TO SATURDAYS (Except Public Holidays)

hourly at



5 December Green Bin and 12 December Black Bin 19 December Green Bin and 27 December Black Bin* 3 January Green Bin and 9 January Black Bin 16 January Green Bin and 23 January Black Bin 30 January Green Bin and 6 February Black Bin 13 February Green Bin and 20 February Black Bin 27 February Green Bin and 6 March Black Bin 13 March Green Bin and 20 March Black Bin 27 March Green Bin and 3 April Black Bin 10 April Green Bin and 17 April Black Bin 24 April Green Bin and

48 52 54 00 08 14 20

A on Saturdays and during school holidays may arrive at Drummer Street up to 10 minutes earlier

Local Bus companies Stagecoach in Cambridge 01223 423578 – Huntingdon & District 01480 453159 – Alans Bus & Coach 01763 245073



important numbers

Places of worship

Police (non emergency) 0845 456 4564 Crimestoppers Freephone 0800 555111 Melbourn Police Station opening Hours Mon to Thu 10am-12 noon/7pm-9pm* This station is open to the public at times shown above, with trained Community Volunteers. Opening hours may vary, please see notices displayed at the station and around the village.

Neighbourhood Watch Steven Cambery CAB Royston Childline

08456 889897 0800 1111


08457 909090

Hospitals Addenbrooke’s Royston

01223 245151 01763 238020 01223 464242 0845 4647

Services Anglian Water 08457 145 145 Gas emergency 0800 111 999 Electricity 08007 838838 South Cambs District Fire & Rescue Service 01223 376217 Transport British Rail Enquiries 08457 484950 Stagecoach Cambus 08706 082608 Melbourn Magazine Ann Dekkers Editor Peter Dekkers Advertising Mavis Howard Parish Profile Eric Johnston Distribution Peter Simmonett Design & Village website Mary Woodcock Village Diary & Proof reading Anne Lambert Information Collection Brenda Meliniotis Information Collection


260295 223063 261705 261650 261223 260747 220869

Education Melbourn Playgroup Jane Crawford 07842 151512 Childminding Group Sec. Vacancies Co-ordinator Heidi Hardwidge 221625 Community Education (activities from toddlers to adults) Val Tookey 260566 Library LAP Mike Stapleton 269956 Little Hands Nursery School 260964 Out of school times 01223 503972 Notre Ecole Janet Whitton 261231 Primary School Headmaster Jacqueline Bell-Cook 223457 Toy Library 261261 U3A (Univ. of Third Age) Chairman John Stevens 261858 Hon Sec Hilary Docwra 222486 Mem Sec Arthur Alderton 260399 Village College Warden Elaine Stephenson 223400 Health


Camdoc NHS Direct (queries 24hrs)

Vicarage Close Warden Sally Miller (Mon 9am to Wed 1pm)

All Saints Church Rev Andrew O’Brien Melbourn Vicarage Curate Mary Price 261569 Churchwardens Christine van Vliet Colin Wilson Baptist Church Rev. Stuart Clarke Secretary Georgie Wilson United Reformed Church Minister Rev. Duncan Goldie Non-stripendary minister Rev. Carol Pearle Secretary Anne Field

261144 261144 260686 220197 220363 260818 261480 261154

Age Concern 01223 506002 Blood Donors Sue Cane 262320 Chiropodist 263260 Citizen’s Advice Bureau 238020 Community Care Val Trueman 260191 Dentist 262034 District N s (Primary Care Trust) 261775 Home-Start Sarah Dixon 262262 S Cambs PCT 35 Orchard Road Child & Family Nurses 262861 Melbourn and Meldreth Self-Help Jayne White 220250 Car Scheme 245228 Orchard Surgery Appointments 260220 Dispensary 261246 For repeat prescriptions send email: Osteopath Kath Harry 261716 St John Ambulance Robert Jakubiak 220507 Warden & sheltered housing schemes Dial-A-Ride Mobile Warden Scheme 24 hr Emergency No. Val Trueman Neighbourhood Watch Scheme Stephen Cambery Safer Melbourn Initiative Val Trueman

We shall be pleased to receive contributions in any form, articles, poems, drawings, photographs, letters etc., pertaining to Melbourn. Please send any contributions to the Office of the Parish Clerk, Council Offices, 28 Station Rd, Melbourn SG8 6DX, marking them ‘MELBOURN MAGAZINE’ or you can email them to Apart from printing, all work on the Melbourn Magazine, including layout and design is produced by volunteers. The cost of production comes entirely from advertising and sponsorship. No public money is used.

01223 506335 220402 07403 251226 261520 220402

Sheltered Housing Officers on duty Mon, Tues – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. members of the South Team, Wed, Thu, Fri – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Joy Hyde (Lead Officer for Vicarage Close)

Joy Hyde (Wed 1pm Fri 5pm) John Impey Way Jeanette Holland Southwell Court Moorlands

263389 269596 262121 260564

clubs Air Cadets 2484 (Bassingbourn) Squadron Martin Stamp 249156 Mon & Wed evenings 7 – 9.30 p.m. Army Cadets Ted Neathey 0775 1334 314 Tuesday evenings at The Moor 7.15 to 9.30pm Bellringers John Gipson 262846 1st Melbourn Rainbows Abigail Roberts 261505 Brownies Samantha Pascoe (Brown Owl) 261400 Brownies 1st Melbourn Stephanie Clifford 220272 Cambells (Handbells) Eira Martin 261221 Dramatic Society Kathy Wholley 223805 email

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Stuart Morris 208634 Gardening Helen Powell 245887 Guides Hilary Marsh 261443 Mothers’ Union Anne Harding 260759 Melbourn & District Mushroom Club Helene Davies 01954 789 947 or m.07903 456 628 National Trust Colin Limming 260072 New Melbourn Singers Adrian Jacobs 243224 Photography George Statter 261341 Ramblers Dave Allard 242677 Royal British Legion Patrick Parkinson 262617 Royal British Legion Women Elizabeth Murphy 220841 Royal National Lifeboat Institution Jean Emes 245958 Royston and District Local History Society David Allard 242677 Royston and District Round Table 221398 RSPB Doug Radford 208978 SOAS (Supporters of All Saints’) Doreen Johnston 220197 Youth Club Amanda Bernard 223407 Women’s Group Jane Stevens 261858 sport Badminton Steve Jackson Bowls Elaine Cooke Croquet Janet Pope Football Club Andrew Edwards XMVC Dolphin FC Simon Gascoyne Judo Derek Coult Melbourn Community Sports Meldreth Tennis Club Sue Davies Swimming Club Jenny Brackley Squash Club Nick Sugden

248774 221571 248342 223109 261703 225004 263313 220174 244593 261064

If the code is NOT given before a telephone number it is 01763. This list will be updated in future issues on the basis of information received

Adverts are to be supplied as finished artwork and must be at the sizes below. Please send artwork via post or email to We print 2200 copies of the Melbourn Magazine which is delivered free to every house in the village four times a year. Note: colour advert space is limited, please contact us for further details. The current rates for advertising in the Magazine are as follows: Size per… Width x Height 1/4 inside page (79 × 128 mm) 1/2 inside page (163 × 128 mm) Full inside page (163 × 262 mm) 1/2 back cover (180 × 128 mm) (outside colour only) Full back cover (180 × 262 mm) (outside colour only).

Issue Annum Colour £19 £69 £90 £34 £120 £150 £66 £237 £300 – – £180 –


Adverts must be supplied as high resolution jpgs or 300dpi Tif or eps. Payments for an entire year are at a discount of 10%. Remittance or cheques should be made to Melbourn Parish Council.

The closing date for the next issue is 15th January which will appear in March, listing events in March, April and May

DECEMBER Wed 3rd Coffee Break; Baptist Church Hall 10.30–12 noon Thu 4th Royston & District Local History Society, Royston Town Hall 8 p.m. ‘A silk purse from a pig’s nose?’ 450 years of the history of our house, Robin Webb Fri 5th Fri Coffee at URC Sat 6th URC Christmas Bazaar, 10 am–12 noon Also hot lunch 12.30 p.m. ‘Coffee Stop’ All Saints’ Community Hall, 10.30–12 noon with Southwell Court Family and Friends Stall. Sun 7th Christingle at All Saints’, 3.30 p.m. Baptist Church Evening Communion, 6 p.m. Tue 9th Mothers’ Union: 2.30 p.m. Gardening Club: All Saints’ Community Hall: 7.30 p.m. Wed 10th Coffee Break: Baptist Church Hall: 10.30 – 12 noon. Carol singing at the Black Horse, 9 p.m.donations for Friends of Chernobyl Children. Fri 12th Fri Coffee at URC Sat 13th ‘Coffee Stop’ All Saints’ Community Hall, 10.30–12 noon Sun 14th Brownie Parade Service and Christingle Service 11 a.m. URC Family Nativity led by the Sun School, 10.30–11.30 a.m. Baptist Church Meldreth Carol Service, Holy Trinity 6.30 p.m. Tue 16th Melbourn Photographic Club evening: A visit to Cambridge with cameras, with Allan Hale. Wed 17th Coffee Break; Baptist Church Hall 10.30–12 noon Melbourn & District U3A, 2.45 at MVC: Fri 19th Fri coffee at URC Sat 20th Carol Singing at the Cross, 10.30 a.m. Donations for Friends of Chernobyl Children. Royston Choral Society: Christmas Celebrations at Royston Parish Church. ‘Battle of the Bands’ , MVC, 7 p.m. Sun 21st Baptist Church Carols by Candlelight, 4.30 – 5.30 p.m. Carol Service at All Saints’, 6.30 p.m. Tue 23rd Women’s Group 7.45 pm: Wed 24th Coffee Break; Baptist Church Hall 10.30–12 noon Crib Service at All Saints’ (with Noah), 11.30 p.m. Midnight Mass at All Saints’. Watchnight Service at URC led by Rev’d Duncan Goldie Thu 25th Holy Communion at All Saints’, 8 a.m. URC Christmas Morning Service 8.30 a.m. Baptist Church Christmas Morning Service 9.30–10.30 am Family Communion at Holy Trinity, Meldreth, 10 a.m. Fri 26th Fri Coffee at URC Sat 27th ‘Coffee Stop’ All Saints’ Community Hall, 10.30–12 noon Sun 28th Ramblers’ Association Festival of Winter Walks

Melbourn Library

Open at the following times: Monday, Wednesday 2.30 to 4.30 pm and Friday 5.00 to 7.00 pm Thursday 10.00 to 12.00 am Saturday



Fri 2nd Sat 3rd Sun 4th Tue 6th

Sun 1st Wed 4th Thu 5th Fri 6th Sat 7th Wed 11th Fri 13th Sat 14th Tue 15th Wed 18th Fri 20th Sat 21st Tue 24th Wed 25th Fri 27th Sat 28th

Fri Coffee at URC Royston & District Local History Society: 8 p.m. ‘Coffee Stop’ All Saints’ Community Hall, 10.30–12 noon Baptist Church Evening Communion, 6 p.m. ‘Toddler Plus’ weekly sessions restart at Baptist Church Hall 9.30 a.m. WEA Enrolment at Royston Hall 10 – 11 a.m. Wed 7th ‘Craft Mornings’ restart at Baptist Church Hall 9.30 a.m. Coffee Break: Baptist Church Hall: 10.30 – 12 noon URC Reflective Service 7 – 8 p.m. Thu 8th Whittlesford Gardening Club: ‘Gardening at home and abroad’: Memorial Hall, 7.30 p.m. Royston & District Local History Society, Royston Town Hall 8 p.m. Modernizing History – Exploring Hitchin, illustrated. Alan Fleck. Fri 9h Fri Coffee at URC Sat 10th ‘Coffee Stop’ All Saints’ Community Hall, 10.30–12 noon Christian Aid Partner BIDII Stall Tue 13th Mothers’ Union: Vicarage close Community Room: Wed 14th Coffee Break: Baptist Church Hall, 10.30 – 12noon WEA Classes start. URC Reflective Service, 7 – 8 p.m. U3A Discussion Group: Vicarage Close community Room 2.30 p.m. Fri 16th Fri Coffee at URC Sat 17th ‘Coffee Stop’ All Saints’ Community Hall, 10.30–12 noon Sun 18th Christian Unity Week begins. 6.30 p.m. Evening Service at United Reformed Church. Monday 19th Bible Study at All Saints’ Community Hall, 8 p.m. Tue 20th 7 am–8 am Early morning prayer meeting, Baptist Church coffee lounge. Joint Parish prayer meeting, 8 p.m. 86, North End, Meldreth. Photographic Club: 3rd Open Print Competition; Judge Peter Hrebien. Wed 21st Coffee Break: Baptist Church Hall, 10.30 – 12 noon Melbourn & District U3A, MVC 2.45 p.m. Tom Doig on ‘Local Customs in Herts. & Cambs.’ Reflective Service at Melbourn URC, 7.30 p.m. Thu 22nd Holy Communion, All Saints’ Church, 10.30 a.m. Fri 23rd 7 a.m. – 8 a.m. Early morning prayer meeting, Baptist Church coffee lounge. Fri Coffee at URC Sat 24th Prayer Breakfast, Baptist Church coffee lounge, 8.30 a.m. ‘Coffee Stop’ All Saints’ Community Hall, 10.30–12 noon with the Guides. Tue 27th Women’s Group 7.45 pm, Melbourn: AGM. Wed 28th Coffee Break: Baptist Church Hall, 10.30 – 12 noon Fri 30th Fri Coffee at URC Candlelight and Music for All Saints’ Flower Festival. Royston & Saffron Walden National Trust Association, Royston Town Hall 7.30 p.m.: Jane King on ‘ the Foundling Hospital in London’. Sat 31st ‘Coffee Stop’ All Saints’ Community Hall, 10.30–12 noon All Saints’ Flower Festival 11 a.m. – 4 p.m

All Saints’ Flower Festival 11 a.m – 4 p.m and Candlemas Service 1 4.30 p.m. Baptist Church Evening Communion 6 p.m. Coffee Break: Baptist Church Hall, 10.30 – 12 noon Royston & District Local History Society, Royston Town Hall 8 p.m: Templars’ Trial and what happened afterwards; Dr Evelyn Lord. Fri Coffee at URC ‘Coffee Stop’ All Saints’ Community Hall, 10.30–12 noon MVC PTFA Quiz Night Coffee break: Baptist Church Hall, 10.30 – 12 noon URC Reflective Service, 7 – 8 p.m. Fri Coffee at URC ‘Coffee Stop’ All Saints’ Community Hall, 10.30–12 noon Photographic Club: ‘An Evening with Ann’, Presentation with Ann Miles. Coffee Break: Baptist Church Hall, 10.30 – 12 noon Melbourn & District U3A 2.45 at MVC: Richard Thomas on ‘The Gunpowder Plot’. Fri Coffee at URC ‘Coffee Stop’ All Saints’ Community Hall, 10.30–12 noon 7 45 p.m. Women’s Group, Meldreth: ‘Thoughts for Lent’, Pat Smith. Coffee break: Baptist Church Hall, 10.30 – 12 noon Fri Coffee at URC Royston and Saffron National Trust Association. Saffron Walden County High School Sports Centre 7.30 p.m. . M.E.Thorp on ‘The Gurkha Trust’. ‘Coffee Stop’ All Saints’ Community Hall, 10.30–12 noon New Melbourn Singers, with other local choirs, sing Oratorio, Saint Paul, by Mendelssohn at West Road Concert Hall, 7.30 p.m.

MARCH Wed 4th Coffee break: Baptist Church Hall, 10.30 – 12 noon Thu 5th Royston & District Local History Society: Royston Town Hall, 8 p.m: Footpaths – Hertfordshire Heritage, illustrated with slides from the Hertfordshire Way, Bert Richardson. Fri 6th Fri Coffee at URC Sat 7th ‘Coffee Stop’ All Saints’ Community Hall, 10.30–12 noon Royston Choral Society Choral Classics at All Saints’Church. Sun 8th Meldreth Guided History Walk 2 p.m. Baptist Church Evening Communion, 6 p.m.

Spring 2009 All copy for the March, April & May Issue should be in before 15th Januar y

Village information continued Orchard Surgery – Dispensary Monday to Friday 8:30 – 1:30 and 2:00 – 6:00 Phone 01763 261246 Telephone requests are not accepted For repeat prescriptions you can: Fax 01763 262968 or email:

Allow at least 48 hours (two working days – excluding weekends and bank holidays) for repeat prescriptions to be ready. Do not leave your request to the last minute.

Prescription/medication depending on eligibility can be collected from the Surgery


Tesco in Royston

Please let the dispensary know where you wish your prescriptions to be sent. This will remain your choice until we are informed otherwise.

Prescriptions requested before 12pm Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

will be ready after 10am Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday

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will be ready after 3pm Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday

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will be ready after 10am Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

CAMSIGHT Sue Hempstead 8a Romsey Terrace, Cambridge. CB1 3NH Tel 01223 416141 Office Mon-Fri 9.30am-12.30pm.

A drop in advisory session is held at

MOORLANDS, THE MOOR, MELBOURN NO APPOINTMENT IS NECESSARY from 2pm to 4pm, 27th November 22 January 26 February 26 March 23 April 28 May 25 June

23 July 27 August 24 September 22 October 26 November There are no session in December

See the following website for more information Battery exchange and retubing. We do not do hearing tests


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feature Christmas Food Sprouts Brussel sprouts are a part of most Christmas dinners, and the majority of children hate them! They can’t understand why adults like them so much as they taste so bitter. Actually taste buds develop with age, so sprouts really do improve in taste as you get older! Why do we eat them at Christmas anyway? In the old days you could only eat fresh winter vegetables in winter and sprouts were at their best around Christmas. People have been eating them then since the 1500s!

Pudding Pictures of traditional Christmas puddings show them as round, though they are usually the shape of the basin they are cooked in. Christmas pudding began as a type of porridge called frumenty. It was not eaten at the end of the meal, but in the days before Christmas, so that there was plenty of room for the big feast on Christmas Day. Frumenty was made of raisins, currants. spices, wines and boiling beef or mutton, for the fat. Later more ingredients were added to it, such as breadcrumbs, eggs, more dried fruit, ales and spirits, making it stiffer and more pudding-like, it was then tied into a pudding cloth and boiled, so that it came out round. It was this shape by 1595, when it was eaten at the end of the meal. One tradition says that a true Christmas pudding must contain exactly thirteen ingredients, to represent Christ and his twelve disciples. Later in history, a charm – such as a silver coin, was added to make fourteen ingredients, as thirteen is an unlucky number, the one who got the coin was the lucky one.

Later the Victorians added more silver charms to the mixture, each with a meaning. If you found a ring in your portion then you would find a sweetheart. If you found a thimble you would remain an old maid. Every member of the family should stir the pudding mixture, from east to west, in honour of the three wise men, and make a secret wish, which should come true the next year.

Mince Pies Originally mince pies, containing meat as well as fruit and spices, were made to look like Christ’s crib, and by the 1600s many cooks even added little pastry baby Jesuses! Eventually these pies were banned , along with the celebration of Christmas itself, by Oliver Cromwell’s Puritan Parliament. People liked the pies, some changed the shape and made them round, so that they could continue eating them. When Cromwell died and Charles II was restored to the throne, mince pies kept their round shape, and by Victorian times the meat was left out and they were the same as we eat today. It is supposed to be bad luck not to eat a mince pie offered to you!

Presents These are definitely an important part of Christmas, the Three Wise Men took presents to baby Jesus. Present giving dates all the way back to Roman sun festivals, but giving presents at Christmas was very rare in Britain. If any presents were given it was usually to mark the New Year. Money was given to the poor and needy at Christmas, not gifts to family, friends and children As present giving at Christmas was a custom in Germany, Prince Albert, Victoria’s consort, obviously had an influence, and in the 1840s began to replace present giving at New Year. HAPPY CHRISTMAS!

Just before Xmas, an honest politician, a generous lawyer and Santa Claus all got into the lift (elevator) at the Ritz Hotel in London. As the lift travelled from the 5th floor down to the ground level, one-by-one they noticed a £50 note lying on the lift’s floor. Which one picked up the £50 note, and handed it in at reception? Santa of course, the other two don’t actually exist!

Father: Did you see Father Christmas this year, son? Son: No it was too dark to see him, but I heard what he said when he stubbed his toes on the edge of my bed.



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feature TTP A Double celebration for TTP winning the Queen’s Award for International Trade and celebrating their 21st Anniversary. On Friday 17th October George and I were very honoured to be included in the celebrations at TTP when A H Duberly, the Lord Lieutenant of Cambridgeshire, presented the Chief Executive Peter Taylor with the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in the International Trade Category in recognition of its outstanding contribution to the UK export market. Also present were The Rev. Andrew O’Brien, District Councillors Val Barratt and Janice Guest together with the Chairman of the Parish Council Donald Mowatt and Alison Horsley from the Anglian Air Ambulance, who have their HQ on the TTP site. We met at 4 o’clock for a very English cup of tea and biscuits and then after a brief presentation of TTP’s achievements (TTP’s impressive annual export revenue of more than £20m is over 70% of its total income), we were taken on a tour. Of course, I was very cock-ahoop because I had seen it all a couple of months ago when I interviewed Dr. Gerald Avison for the Magazine! I was delighted that George could see for himself some of the amazing things I

had told him about. Then we went outside – it was a beautiful afternoon – and were joined by all the TTP staff and the Lord Lieutenant made the presentation. He explained that he was representing the Queen and that it was a very special occasion just like an individual getting an OBE but this was being awarded to everyone who had contributed to TTP’s impressive record. He pointed out that it was one of only two awards being made this year. A large scroll signed by Queen Elizabeth was unrolled, the citation was read out and the beautiful engraved crystal bowl was presented. Peter Taylor thanked the Lord Lieutenant and said how proud they all were to accept the award and he thanked all the members of staff whose hard work had made it possible. Photographs were taken and then everyone went inside for a champagne reception. Fortuitously the presentation of the award coincided with TTP’s 21st Anniversary and earlier in the day all the employees had been presented with a commemorative gift to mark the occasion. You will remember we reported last year that all the TTP staff and their partners went to Paris for the weekend to celebrate their 20th Anniversary! (I hope I am around for the Silver Anniversary!)

We are extremely fortunate to have such a prestigious company as the TTP Group in our village. Established in 1987, they are the country’s leading independent technology and product development company but more than that, they are very sympathetic to our local community. As you all know, they sponsor this magazine but they also help the Air Ambulance, they support George’s Rotary Kids Day Out at Wimpole Hall not to mention all they have done for All Saints’ Community Hall and much more besides. TTP’s technology lies behind many products and processes in areas as diverse as communications, digital printing, instrumentation, consumer & industrial products, drug discovery, medical devices, clean tech and security systems. TTP has 300 staff working at their headquarters in Melbourn. This is the second Queen’s Award for TTP. In 1999 TTP won the Queen’s Award for Technological Achievement for ChemScan, an instrument that rapidly detects bacteria in water and food samples. So congratulations to all at TTP and thank you for giving us a memorable afternoon Mavis Howard




Old Melbourn Christmas Card This Christmas Card given to the History Group by Dr Alderton was drawn in 1955 by Alexander King. Bob King of Haslingfield, (originally of Melbourn) remembers him as a distant cousin and referred us to Gwen and Derrick Thurley. Gwen says that Alexander was a cousin twice over on account of her mother and her sister having married brothers (rather complicated!) Alexander did draw a great many scenes of Melbourn, but unfortunately died in a road accident, on the Royston Road. He was buried in the URC cemetery while still in his forties. It would be very interesting to hear of any other drawings by Alexander, who was evidently a very talented artist.

While walking down the street one day a senator is tragically hit by a truck and dies.

Everyone gives him a hearty farewell and waves while the elevator rises ...

His soul arrives in heaven and is met by St. Peter at the entrance.

The elevator goes up, up, up and the door reopens on heaven where St. Peter is waiting for him.

Welcome to heaven, says St. Peter. Before you settle in, it seems there is a problem. We seldom see a high official around these parts, you see, so we’re not sure what to do with you.

Now it’s time to visit heaven.

No problem, just let me in, says the senator. Well, I’d like to, but I have orders from higher up. What we’ll do is have you spend one day in hell and one in heaven. Then you can choose where to spend eternity. Really, I’ve made up my mind. I want to be in heaven, says the senator. I’m sorry, but we have our rules. And with that, St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell. The doors open and he finds himself in the middle of a green golf course. In the distance is a clubhouse and standing in front of it are all his friends and other politicians who had worked with him. Everyone is very happy and in evening dress. They run to greet him, shake his hand, and reminisce about the good times they had while getting rich at the expense of the people. They play a friendly game of golf and then dine on lobster, caviar and champagne. Also present is the devil, who really is a very friendly guy who has a good time dancing and telling jokes. They are having such a good time that before he realizes it, it is time to go.

So, 24 hours pass with the senator joining a group of contented souls moving from cloud to cloud, playing the harp and singing. They have a good time and, before he realizes it, the 24 hours have gone by and St. Peter returns. Well, then, you’ve spent a day in hell and another in heaven. Now choose your eternity. The senator reflects for a minute, then answers: Well, I would never have said it before, I mean heaven has been delightful, but I think I would be better off in hell. So St. Peter escorts him to the elevator and he goes down, down, down to hell. Now the doors of the elevator open and he’s in the middle of a barren land covered with waste and garbage. He sees all his friends, dressed in rags, picking up the trash and putting it in black bags as more trash falls from above... The devil comes over to him and puts his arm around his shoulder. I don’t understand, stammers the senator. Yesterday I was here and there was a golf course and clubhouse, and we ate lobster and caviar, drank champagne, and danced and had a great time. Now there’s just a wasteland full of garbage and my friends look miserable. What happened? The devil looks at him, smiles and says... Yesterday we were campaigning. Today you voted.



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Melbourn’s Churches together

Melbourn & Meldreth Churches Together Sunday September 21st was a sunny afternoon when a group of people from the different Churches in Melbourn & Meldreth were welcomed by some of the residents of Moorlands. We held a service of traditional harvest hymns and prayers, which all joined in.

Christmas If any of you enjoy Carol singing come to The Black Horse on Dec 10th at about 9pm. Church Services over Christmas are many and varied. Each of the churches in Melbourn & Meldreth will have a list of their services.

Dates for December services December 2008 Wed 10th, 9pm, Carol singing at The Black Horse Sat 20th, 10.30am, Carol singing at ‘The Cross’

Melbourn United Reformed Church Harvest Festival at the URC We held our Harvest Festival over the weekend of 20th and 21st September. This year we invited all to come and see how we decorate the Church for Harvest and our Junior Church made a couple of scarecrows. The Church was open on the Saturday morning and afternoon and it was good to welcome a good number of people into the church. We also had a display of Farming Photographs and even some pictures of a Harvest Supper from 1977. It took some time working out who was who. All money donated went to the Farming Crisis Network Charity. Our Harvest Festival Service on Sunday 21st September led by one of our ministers, Revd Carole Pearl, was also well attended and the flower arrangements and produce were available after the service for a small donation to the Farming Crisis Network. Produce left over was sent to Jimmy’s Night Shelter in Cambridge.

January 2009 Sun 18th , 6.30pm, Start of Week of Christian Unity. Evening Service at United Reformed Church Mon 19th , 8pm, Bible Study All Saints’ Community Hall Tue 20th , 7am – 8am, Early morning prayer meeting.

Coffee on Fridays

Baptish Church coffee lounge

Reflective Services

Tue 20th, 8pm, Joint Parish prayer meeting 85 North End, Meldreth Wed 21st, 7.30pm, Reflective Service at Melbourn URC Thu 22nd, 10.30am, Holy Communion All Saints’ Church Fri 23rd, 7am – 8am, Early morning prayer meeting. Sat 24th, 8.30am, Prayer Breakfast Baptist Church coffee lounge

Fridays 10.30am until 12.30pm.Drop in for coffee and a chat, usually one or other of our ministers is present and there is also the opportunity to buy Fairtrade goods from Robert’s stall. A monthly mid week Reflective Service, second Wednesday of the month, providing an hour or so of contemplative readings, imagery and music, a time to escape the hustle and bustle. The services begin at 7pm and last for about an hour. Christmas Bazaar Our usual Christmas bazaar will be held on the first Saturday of December from 10am until 12noon. All are welcome to join us. We will also be sharing in a hot lunch from approx 12.30pm

The Word of God For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil, and that we should believe in the Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another, 1 John 8 and 23 from David Burbridge



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Free advice and reduced rate Wills drafting at our Saturday morning Wills Clinic from 9am – 12pm Reduced rates are: Double Wills – £150 plus VAT Single Will – £90 plus VAT For more information on forthcoming dates please contact our Lower King Street office: 1–3 Lower King Street,Royston, Herts. SG8 5AJ Tel: 01763 241121


URC Sat 6th December Christmas Bazaar 10am until 12noon, followed by opportunity to share a hot lunch *Wed 10th December Carols at the Black Horse, donations for Friends of Chernobyl Children (Melbourn Branch) Sun 14th December Brownie Parade Service and Christingle Service11am URC *Sat 20th December 10.30am Carols at the village centre, donations for Friends of Chernobyl Children (Melbourn Branch) 24th December 11.30pm Watchnight Service at the URC led by Revd Duncan Goldie Christmas morning Service 8.30am Every Friday Coffee with the ministers 10.30am – 12.30pm, come and have a chat over a cup of coffee. Fairtrade stall selling wide range of Fair trade goods. *Churches Together Events

Melbourn Baptist Church Sunday Services are at 10.30 am (while children have a separate service in the Hall) with Evening Communion at 6.00pm on the first Sunday of the month. Everyone is welcome and most people stay for refreshments afterwards. ‘Toddler Plus’ weekly sessions will restart on Tuesday 6th January and ‘Craft Morning’ on Wednesday 7th January , both at 9.30am, to run throughout the school term (but not half term). Both sessions are held in the Baptist Church Hall and anyone interested is welcome. More details can be found on our website: MBC Christmas Services: 14th December 10.30 -11.30am - Family Nativity led by the Sunday School 21st December 4.30 - 5.30pm - Carols by Candlelight 25th December 9.30 - 10.15am - Christmas Morning Service All Saints’ and Holy Trinity Christmas Services Sunday 7th December 3.30p.m. Christingle at All Saints’ Sunday 14th December 6.30p.m. Holy Trinity, Meldreth Carol Service Sunday 21st December 6.30p.m. All Saints’, Melbourn Carol Service Christmas Eve 3.00p.m. Crib Service at All Saints’ (with Noah!!) 11.30p.m. Midnight Mass at All Saints Christmas Day 8.00a.m. Holy Communion at All Saints 10.00a.m. Family Communion at Holy Trinity, Meldreth

‘Celebrating Winter’ All Saints’ Flower Festival at Candlemas 2009 Saturday 31st January – Sunday 1st February 2009 11am – 4pm closing with a service for Candlemas at 4.30pm on Sunday. Entry will be £2.50 including a programme.

All Saints’ Church, Melbourn will be holding a Flower Festival to Celebrate Winter early next year. It is an unusual time of the year to hold a flower festival and we hope, once again, to create something different and exciting for visitors. Warming refreshments will be served throughout the weekend in All Saints’ Community Hall together with a stall selling Seasonal Crafts. This year we will also be holding a a special viewing by candlelight and music on the evening before the festival opens (Friday 30th January). Tickets for the evening will cost £10, this includes nibbles and a glass of something warming or sparkling. Tickets are only available in advance. Please contact Rebecca on 01763 261225. Please come along and enjoy what we hope will be a Church full of arrangements to reflect the time of year.

SOAS (Supporters of All Saints’) On 9th November SOAS held its 12th AGM and we were able to report another successful year. Our programme of social activities covered a Recital by Stephen Cleobury, a Colin Limming Quiz, a Bob Howard Indonesian Evening, Mavis Howard’s Safari Supper, our Melbourn Open Gardens and participation in All Saints’ Bazaar and the Village Fete. The


(Supporters of All Saints’ Melbourn)

What is SOAS SOAS is a nondenominational charity and aims to enlist the support of the Melbourn Community to preserve the village character and heritage. Funds raised by SOAS through membership contributions and cultural events are spent on the upkeep of All Saints’ Church building. Membership subscriptions are discretionary with a minimum of £3 per person or £5 per family per year. Application and/or Banker’s order forms can be obtained by telephoning Shaun Coles on 260327.

Funds Disbursment as at 1/8/2008

Roof Central heating Porch Piano Lady Chapel Repairs Total Cash in Hand

£3000 £11000 £376 £500 7684 £22560 £18479

Funds Raised




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all types of birds rabbits guinea pigs many other animals wide range of accessories and pet supplies Also stockists for CALOR GAS Ample parking facilities Open 7 days a week Mon to Sat 9.00am – 6.00pm Sunday 9.30am – 4.30pm Cambridge Road, Melbourn, Cambs. SG8 6EY Tel 01763 263342


benefit from these together with subscriptions, donations, our 100 Club, our recycled gift cards and support from Coffee Stop produced an income of over £6,500. As we have had no call upon our funds this year (but anticipate heavy calls shortly) we presently hold about £18,500. At the time of writing we are looking forward to our All Saints’ Bazaar and already we are lining up our Spring Programme. On 7th March we will host in All Saints’ a concert by the Royston Choral Society and in April Stephen Cleobury has kindly offered to give us another evening of organ music which will be interspersed with song. G.H. SOAS 100 Club The August draw was made on 29th August by Rev Andrew O’Brien. - First prize of £21 goes to Terry Shaw (54) at 4 Spencer Drive and the second to Mrs Lyn Jones (55)at 20 Clear Crescent. The September draw was made on 2nd October by Rev Andrewn O’Brien. First prize of £21 goes to W A Warden (13) at 10 Thatcher Stanfords Close and the second of £10.50 (16) goes to Peter Chilvers at 68a High Street. The October draw was made on 28th October by Rev Andrew O’Brien. First prize of £21 goes to Ray Pritchard (22) of 3 Ash Grove and the second of £10.50 to Brenda Standing (39) of 24 Station Road. There are 63 members.

A Message from Noah Hello everyone, it is Noah again. Are you looking forward to Christmas? I am. It is not long now and I am hoping to see lots of Melbourn children when I come to the Crib Service. I like it here at Lovely View Stables. When the weather is fine I go out in the paddock to run around in the sunshine with my friends the big horses. At night I sleep in a trailer so it is a bit warmer for me.. There is a big fierce guard dog who barks when anyone comes to the house and the geese make a noise as well, so we always know when someone is coming. Everyone is very nice to me and the people who come to ride at the stable make a big fuss of me.

I am really looking forward to coming to Melbourn to meet you all. With donkey love, Noah.

letter to the editor Dear Editor It was a beautiful afternoon in half term for our first walk with our grandsons in the new park behind Dolphin Lane. The boys were happy chopping off the heads of stinging nettles with sticks they had found and we were meandering through the park wondering what was around each bend. What an asset for the village to have this facility and it will be lovely to watch the huge number of young saplings planted grow into mature trees. However, one observation, though there is a bin provided at the entrance to the park for dog owners to clean up after their dogs, not everyone is using this facility at present. Please ensure that it is used responsibly for the benefit of all. All around Melbourn there are dog waste bins provided and the park should be treated with just the same respect. Concerned Resident melbournmagazine


“Little Hands” is a Private Nursery School specialising in quality Pre-School Education for 2 – 5 year Olds • • • • • • •

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Royston Choral Society & Orchestra

Denny Abbey

Future dates for your diary: Christmas Celebrations at RPC - 20th December 2008 Choral Classics at Melbourn, All Saint’s - 7th March 2009 Choral Classics at Guilden Morden, St Mary’s - 20th June 2009

Sat. 6th December. A Tudor Christmas at Denny. Children’s activities, plus a 1940s cottage decorated ready for Christmas and carols by candlelight . Tel 01223 863036

New Melbourn Singers New Melbourn Singers will be joining choirs from Sawston, Bottisham, Coleridge and Comberton for a performance of the Oratorio Saint Paul by Mendelssohn at West Road Concert Hall on Saturday February 29th 2009 at 7.30pm. Tickets will be available for this event at the beginning of 2009. These can be obtained from Patricia Crane 01763 260006.

Haslingfield Saturday Dec 3rd All Saints’ Church 7.30 pm. Cost £8 (£6 concessions) Bach: Christmas Oratorio Parts V and VI Finzi: InTerra Pax Vivaldi: Concerto in D minor op.3 no. 11 Haslingfield Choir and Orchestra plus soloists Conductor Margaret Houghton

Anglesey Abbey The Snowdrops are at their best in February. Don’t forget the Winter garden.

Cambridge Botanic Gardens The Winter Garden –Sat. 5th Dec. Christmas Crafts Tues. 9th & 11th Dec Christmas Trees of Choice, Tour of Garden in Winter, followed by seasonal refreshments Contact Tel 01223 331875

Wimpole Hall Mon 1st to Tues 23rd Dec, 12 noon2pm (Sat-Wed) Christmas Lunches
 Two or three course Christmas Lunches, with Turkeys raised at Wimpole Home Farm.
£23.75 / £28.00 Sat 6th to Sun 7th Dec. 
Saturday 13th to Sunday 14th December
11am-4pm Victorian Christmas at Wimpole. Father Christmas visits Home Farm Visit the Hall traditionally decorated for Christmas; meet the servants in the basements where children can join in festive craft activities; Talk to the Victorian costumed characters in the Stable Block and listen to the brass band playing traditional Christmas carols amidst the scent of mulled wine and roast chestnuts. At Home Farm Father Christmas hands out his gifts from his grotto in the Great Barn. Childrens Entertainer.
Hall: Adult £4 child £2 (NT £2/free), (small charge for craft materials) Normal admission to Home Farm applies, plus £2 per child to receive a gift from Father Christmas





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FAMILY LINKS I’m looking for a Joel King, who was Born in Melbourn,Cambridgeshire 1829. I believe he moved away to London. I also believe his father is called Joel born 1806. The Census below showing links to the High street, carrier and Publican. Years, 1841,1851,1861,1871. I Would be very grateful for any information. Thank You. Sue Bond – I’m looking for any information on Webbs who lived in Melbourn from the arrival of my great, great, great, greatgrandfather John Webb (born in Great Shelford, about 1780). He lived in Melbourne from the early 1800’s to about 1865. He married a girl from the village called Sarah and they had at least six children: John (who married another Sarah, nee Smith), Mary (1813-15), James, Samuel, Joseph and Charles. The three Johns and James all lived out their lives in Melbourn. My great, great-grandfather Joseph moved to Romford in about 1856/7; the others I know very little about. A great website! Thank you. Julian Webb – My G G grandfather Ebenezer Wedd was born in Melbourn around 1789 and married Mary Stockbridge (born in Melbourn 1790) in 1816. They arrived in Australia on the Bussorah Merchant in 1850 with their children apart from Thomas and Joseph who stayed in England and Matilda who married George Gouldthorp and went to Australia later. Thomas was my G grandfather and I have most details of his line. Joseph married Ann Albon but then seems to disappear, a Joseph and Ann are in the 1841 census but this is not the same Joseph as the age is wrong. Does anyone have details of Ebenezers son Joseph and also can anyone help me on who Ebenezers parents were.

INSTALLING A HUSBAND Dear Tech Support, Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a distinct slow down in overall system performance, particularly in the flower and jewellery applications, which operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0. In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, and then installed undesirable programs such as RALLYCAR 6.0, PREMIERSHIP 5.1 and Golf Clubs 4.1. Conversation 8.0 no longer runs, and Housecleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. Please note that I have tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail. What can I do? Signed, Desperate. Dear Desperate, First, keep in mind, Boyfriend 5.0 is an Entertainment Package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system. Please enter command: ithoughtyoulovedme.HTML and try to download

If I can help with the Thmas line please contact. Peter Wedd – I am researching my mother’s father and mother, Mark Mitchell and Ada Hinkins formerly Lee. They married at the New Congregational Meeting House in Back Street, Melbourn on 1 November 1906. Mark was living at the Post Office, Arrington at the time of his marriage. Would be grateful to hear from anyone who may have any information about either of these people. Thanks. Monica Brough – Looking for Frederick Potts Allardice stated as living in Royston Melbourn in 1891 Census. Mary Allardice – i am looking for information on Thomas Campkin b.abt 1747 and his second wife Elenor Day b.29 may 1753 melbourn they married 01 feb 1773 also david baker b.abt 1743 B*****ingbourn any help would be greatley apreciated mary hudson – Looking for the father and mother of Frederick King b. 1817 in Melbourn. I think he was a baker on High St. He died before 1841. Their other children possibly were Ellis b 1805,William b. 1806,Susanna 1808,Sarah 1810, David 1812. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Radelle – Researching my family tree. David and Sarah Stanford (nee Ward) lived in Mill Lane between 1861 and 1891. They had eight children Ruth, Rhoda, Susan, Ann, George, Jabez, Eliza and finally Ward my g.g.grandfather. Chris Banks –

Tears 6.2 and do not forget to install the Guilt 3.0 update. If that application works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewellery 2.0 and Flowers 3.5. However, remember, overuse of the above application can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0 or Beer 6.1. Please note that Beer 6.1 is a very bad program that will download the Flatulence and Snoring Loudly Beta. Whatever you do, DO NOT under any circumstances install Mother-In-Law 1.0 (it runs a virus in the background that will eventually seize control of all your system resources.) In addition, please do not attempt to reinstall the Boyfriend 5.0 program. These are unsupported applications and will crash Husband 1.0. In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider buying additional software to improve memory and performance. We recommend Cooking 3.0 and Hot Lingerie 7.7. Good Luck! Tech Support melbournmagazine



attended the closing ceremony and before leaving accepted the invitation to fly over the shoulders of Jane.

Bowls Jacqui Dodds 243667 Brownies Samantha Pascoe 261400 Brownies 1st Melbourn Stephanie Clifford 220272

Cricket Martin Winter 262733

Croquet Janet Pope 248342

Football Club Andrew Edwards 223109

Judo Derek Coult 225004

McSplash Joanne Greene 263313 Ramblers Dave Allard 242677 Royston and District Round Table Michael Seymour 221398 Squash Club Nick Sugden 261064

Swimming Club Jenny Brackley 244593

Tennis (Meldreth) Sue Davies 220174

Melbourn Judo Club Former World Champion Jane Bridge 7th Dan Visits the Club On Saturday 4th October, the club was treated to coaching sessions under the guidance of former world champion JANE BRIDGE. Jane won her World title in 1980 in New York and was also 3 times European Champion. She is currently Teaching and Coaching Fellow in Performance Judo at Team Bath Academy which is one of the centres set up for elite players to further develop their judo expertise. It is also the home of about 30 Coaches working towards a sports science degree. The first session was for 5 to 10 year olds and included 20 beginners who joined the club just two weeks earlier. Jane demonstrated a range of techniques with the children practising the moves assisted by the Club’s 6 Coaches. The second session was a much more advanced session for the clubs teenagers and seniors. Also present, were Dermot Heslop, the British Judo Association’s Head of Schools Development and Kerry Finney, Regional Technical Officer (North West). Dermot enthused both groups with a range of games used within his ‘enjoy judo’ programme.

Paul added ‘As mayor I am proud to support the Melbourn Judo Club as I strongly believe that, aside from the obvious health and fitness benefits, martial arts encourage confidence and discipline in people of all ages. I hope that the visit by Jane Bridge helps to highlight the good work Derek and Ann Coult carry out with a fantastic contribution from the club’s committee and Coaches.’ On Sunday 5th October, the club hosted a Technical Conference for 30 coaches from throughout the UK who were updated on the new Technical Grading Scheme that was introduced six months ago. Dave Southby (Eastern Region Technical Officer) who headed the course said ‘I’m delighted with the turnout, the content and participation, helped greatly by the staff and facilities at Royston Leisure Centre’. The following weekend, it was the opportunity for 4 of the club’s more experienced players to gain success. Kristofer Francombe competed on the Saturday of the Junior British Championships at iceSheffield, with 2 wins and a loss in the first three rounds and losing in the first round of the repechage depriving him of a chance of a Bronze medal. The following day Megan Sorensen and Alex Hill entered the Girls’ Under-60 Kilo (16-18 Years) event.

Jane demonstrates with club member Tom Brown.

With 67 junior and senior club members on the mat, the two one-and-a-half-hour sessions flew by, but certainly not more than Town Mayor Paul Grimes, who



Melbourn Community Sports Lots to do at your local leisure centre! Due to recent additions to your local facility, our future is looking brighter than ever! For those of you who don’t already know, we have: • A state-of-the-art fitness suite • A 20 metre swimming pool (kept ever so slightly warmer than most!) • A comprehensive swimming lesson programme, catering for all ages and abilities

Jane, throwing Town Mayor Paul Grimes Both girls won through to the 4th round where the draw brought them together. Megan held Alex down for the statutory 25 seconds to win, but lost her next fight. In the girls Under 52 kilo Category for 12 and 13 year olds Emma Reid had a brilliant run of successes using many of the techniques learned the previous weekend from Jane Bridge. In the final, the decision could have gone to either player, but Emma sadly made one mistake and her opponent Cathy Jamieson from Pyrford club gained a seven point score to win. Emma’s Silver medal maintains her National ranking and she is resolute to build on this success.

• Upgraded multisports courts for hire including tennis, football and squash courts • Water sports courses and activities • Traditional and modern exercise classes • Access to Melbourn Village College sports hall and gymnasium for activities such as trampolining, badminton and basketball • Supervised sports and pool parties Our fitness suite really is state-of-theart, with a wide variety of equipment. The C.V machines are all individually fitted with audiovisual technology, linked into satellite TV channels. We always have one or more fully-qualified fitness instructors on site, who are always on hand to offer advice or refresh your

training programme. Fitness assessments are available for booking at any time, or if you need extra motivation, you can book a personal trainer to guide you through your workout. Our children’s holiday play schemes and courses, now in their sixteenth year, were even more popular this time around. Over two hundred children attended and thanks to the sponsorship of local company TTP, all received a memento of their summer activities. It has proved to be a great way to introduce children to the experience and benefits of sport within a safe, supervised environment. So come down and grab yourself a timetable and meet our friendly team, who will be happy to provide you with information on our competitively priced fitness suite membership, lessons and courses, court hire and party planning. We would like to thank our existing customers for their unfailing support and generosity, and look forward to giving a warm welcome to our new ones! As our name indicates, we really do have something for everyone within the community, whether young or old.

McSplash Swimming Club We welcomed the return of the McSplash Swimming Club Swimmers on Friday 12th Octobrr and have since covered ‘drills’ and practices relating to all four main strokes – Front crawl, Back crawl,Breaststroke and Butterfly. The last 2 Fridays (10th & 17th October) have been spent mastering Starts and Turns which are of great importance when racing. Our in-house Gala will take pace at the beginning of February 2009, so the Swimmers have penty of time for additional practice. Whilst writing I thought I would just mention Breathing in Swimming, which may help some readers. Firstly, breathing does not come naturally to all swimmers and correct technique must be taught. There are two types of breathing methods: Trickle Breathing: Here, breath is exhaled through the nose and mouth, or just through the mouth, over a longer phase


of the stroke, and is followed by adequate inhalation. Explosive Breathing: Here the breath is expelled all at once, usually towards the middle or end of the underwater arm sweep – Butterfly lends itself to explosive Breathing. Front Crawl seems to be the stroke where difficulty occurs in Breathing – we need first of all to ensure that the swimmers can put their faces in the water and keep eyes open whilst looking ahead as well as at the pool floor. Next we need to ensure that the swimmers can blow bubbles with the face in the water, followed by ensuring that they can turn their heads from side to side i.e.’turn to bite the shoulder!’ There is a natural body roll to the stroke of Front Crawl and the turn of the head to breathe should be in synchronisation with that roll. In terms of timing the head rotates for breathing as the arm on the opposite side is entering the water. Once the face is back in the water exhalation occurs in a controlled manner. Breathing patterns can vary from swimmer to swimmer and can be either one breath to 2,4, or 6 arm strokes, called a conventional unilateral pattern, or a bilateral pattern of one breath to 3, 5 or even 7 arm strokes. Good initial teaching and coaching will reduce faults in all swimming strokes and as with most skills learnt, practice of the correct technique makes permanent, once the swimmer has repeated the correct drill at least one hundred times. McSplash Swimming Club is held at Melbourn Community Sports Centre at the rear of Melbourn Village College. We meet every Friday evening between 6 pm and 10 pm, and welcome swimmers for a free Trial Session by telephoning Coach – Jenny Brackley on 01763 244593

Melbourn Bowling Club After what seems like a ‘Blink of an Eye’ the bowling season has now finished and we reluctantly put our bowling woods away until spring approaches and we can once again enjoy the won-

derful pastime of lawn green bowling. It has been an enormously busy season with fixtures and friendlies being played by 6 leagues in very mixed weather conditions, but all in excellent company and surroundings. The season started with two Sunday roll-ups and the club was able to welcome new members for this season and to welcome back those members from last season. There were some very special days over the season with special mention for the Mike Kernaghan Memorial Day which was held on a splendidly warm and wonderful day to commemorate Mick, who sadly passed away last year. The Cambs VP Day was another enjoyable day, in glorious sunshine and fine company. The highlight of a very busy season saw the Club Finals being held over two weekends. Again the weather smiled upon us and those not taking part were able to sit and watch the bowling finals in excellent weather. The results were: Handicap – Winner Jeff Maddin – Runner up, Peter Dodds Club singles – Winner Sue Sell – Runner up, Peter Dodds Ladies Singles – Winner Anne Howard – Runner up, Sue Sell Novices – Winner, Jeff Maddin – Runner up, Julie Howell Mixed Pairs Winner, Geoff & Doreen Bridger – Runner up, Paul Ferris & Betty King Drawn Pairs – Winner, Yvonne Blows & Sue Sell – Runner up, Ernie Brown & Anne Howard Kernaghen Cup – Winner, Roy Morgan – Runner up, Anne Brown Congratulations to all those who won and all those who took part. The very last throw of the woods was the ‘Fish and Chips’ pairs held on the 20th September. Always an excellent day, the days bowling was rounded of with a traditional Fish and Chip Supper after a thoroughly relaxing day bowling in splendid late summer temperatures. Now that we have put down our woods we can pick up our cards!! Whist night has begun at the moors! This is an

enjoyable night of cards, open to whoever would like to come and replace the boredom of Friday night TV with excellent company and fun! It began on Friday 3rd October and occurs every other Friday, so come along and have a great time! This just leaves me to invite you to our open day next year. Don’t be shy, come along and see for your self what a great game it is. Open day is to be confirmed at a later date. Elaine Cooke 01763 221571

Photographic Club The club meets on the first Tuesday of the month at Foxton Village Hall, from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. The current season runs until April 2009. For more information contact Joe Cox (871258) or Dennis Wyatt (870659)

Ramblers’ Association Royston and District Our walks programme continues right through the year. For details visit our website: or contact David Allard (01763 242677). Email: david.allard@ or Lesley Abbiss (01763 273463). There is also a poster displaying walks for the current month in both Melbourn and Royston libraries. We have walks on Sundays, which are normally 5–7 miles in the morning and a similar or shorter walk in the afternoon. Some Sunday walks are Figures of Eight making it possible to do only the morning or only the afternoon. Half-day walks are held on Tuesday or Thursday mornings (or both). Unfortunately our evening walks have now finished but will resume at the end of April 2009. Prospective new members are always very welcome and may come on a few walks before deciding whether to join. Of particular interest to anyone thinking of joining is our Festival of Winter walks on Sunday 28th December around Nuthampstead, 4½ miles in the morning and 2½ miles in the afternoon. Non-members going on either or both of the walks may join at a melbournmagazine


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20% discount. For details of the walks contact David Allard on 01763 242677. Meet at Royston Town Hall car park at 9.30am or The Woodman Public House at Nuthampstead at 10am or 1.30pm for the afternoon walk.

1st Melbourn Guides Summer camp may be distant memory now, but for many girls it’s the highlight of their time at Guides. Returning to our favourite site near Norwich, the Guides spent 6 days enjoying the outof-doors, having a go in a kayak, learning archery, and overcoming their fears on the climbing wall. The pirate-themed camp also saw us making flags for our ‘ships’, walking the plank in the pirate Olympics, and honing our music and drama skills for the ‘Loyal Pirates Show’. We managed to escape the worst of the summer rains until the last day, when the tents came home wet, and the minibus had to be pulled out of the mud by a tractor!

We returned to our spiritual home in September, recommencing our meetings at the new All Saints’ Community Hall with a flourishing unit of 30 girls. After a couple of weeks of settling in, we explored the subject of disabilities with a Paralympics competition, featuring seated Boccia (Boules), wheelchair racing, and blindfold ‘tandem’ racing. We followed this with a disability-awareness themed evening, during which the girls discussed and sampled deafness, blindness, physical disabilities, and total paralysis. Activities included miming, guiding a blind person, trying to do up buttons and zips with only one hand, and being excluded from conversations by not being able to move or speak. On a sunny Sunday in September we got together with Guides from Orwell and Steeple Morden for an activity hike. The girls learnt how to use a map and compass and identify trees, but the highlight of the walk had to be the cute Alpacas at Morden Hall farm. We are now working on the ‘Right

Now’ project, which explores rights and responsibilities related to the UN Rights of the Child. Starting with the ‘Right to be Me’ section, we are looking at how we are all individual, how we are influenced, and how we judge other people. On a lighter note, we will also enjoy the autumn term classics: harvest cooking, pumpkin campfire, Christmas crafts, and carol singing in the community. Whether you’re a girl or an adult, you too could join the fun. For more information on becoming a Guide or a leader in the village, or if you have a hobby or skill which you could share with us one evening, please phone Hilary on 01763 261443. Hilary Marsh

1st Melbourn Rainbows Our Rainbows began the autumn term, enthusiastically, at our new venue of All Saints’ Community Hall. We welcomed five new Rainbows increasing our numbers to eighteen. Since our first meeting we have discussed our promise and Joanne Evans made her promise as our Young Leader. It was a great opportunity to emphasize that all the members of the Guiding family commit to the same standard and goals. Our new Rainbows will make their promise at the end of October. We have had a very successful music evening where we re-created a thunderstorm and formed an ‘animal choir’, as well as increasing our repertoire of songs in true guiding fashion. There we will be plenty of creative opportunities for our Rainbows this term including making fish tanks, muffin pizzas and plenty of Christmas activities. We will be performing a Christmas concert to the community and there are plans afoot for a Rainbow overnight sleepover early next year. Although we have quite a long waiting list, if your daughter wishes to become a Rainbow, then please call Abigail Roberts, Unit Leader on 01763 261505. melbournmagazine


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feature Days Gone By…

Tales of a Cambridgeshire Country Copper In a previous article I mentioned the duties performed by the section’s Special Constabulary Officers. I have noted I did not include an Officer who resided in Whaddon, near to Whaddon Drift. Like all the other officers he did his share of duties and marked police vehicles often visited his residence. I am sure this presence of police had the effect of keeping down any problems in the area. An annual occurrence for our section was the influx of ‘Pea pickers’ and ‘Brussels Harvesters’. I was rather surprised when one day our Chief Superintendent advised me that he would be joining me the next day to assess the situation himself. First off I took him to Grinnell Hill, the scene of a previous incident involving a caravan dweller’s daughter who had broken a window. The father refused me access to his daughter and had threatened me while armed with an axe, the only time I was threatened by a traveller in all my years here. We continued our journey onto the Ashwell Street and after passing under the railway bridge we encountered our first caravans and their occupants. It was always my personal preference to address everyone the same way i.e. as Mr or Mrs (surname) whoever they were and I in turn was always addressed in the correct manner. There were a large number of vans at this location that stretched well passed Chandlers Orchard and we stopped quite frequently to speak to the occupants. Passing over what was the Al4 we were soon at the vans which stretched well past South End, Bassingbourn nearly into Litlington. Our tour of the area took in Litlington and some of Steeple Morden before


returning to Melbourn. Duration of the tour was approx 4 hours. Bassingbourn Parish Council conducted a censorship and registered over 1000 extra people in their parish at this time. As you would expect, the Police received more complaints from the local people in this area, and the late Mr Jack Keith, the parish clerk, also sent us an unusual amount of correspondence relating to this problem. It would be fair to say that all the Officers who were stationed at Bassingbourn and Steeple Morden did an excellent job in police liaison that I appreciated very much. In 2007 I met up with a former Bassingbourn Officer, Pc Tony Hodgkins. He remembered an incident when he was called to the ‘Pear Tree’ in Bassingbourn. A large group of travellers had gathered to watch a prize fight. The two fighters were already stripped for the bout so he knew he would have to act quickly and there would be no room for error on his part. Using rather strong language that no‑one could fail to understand they were ordered to get down the street immediately and conduct their business there. They complied with this request with no trouble at all. This was an excellent piece of practical police work. Later in the year an open meeting was held at Bassingbourn Village College with reference to the problems with the Travellers. The head of the County Council led the meeting with support from several other officials. The Divisional Commander and I also attended the meeting and I soon realised that I would be the one to answer

many of the questions. A lot of the information we supplied came as a surprise to the audience. Namely the number of patrols and the time of day and night that these were performed. Everyone, including the local beat officers, supported each other and every effort was made to block off entrances and green roads, including bridleways, to prevent caravans being set up there. Another officer and I were in pursuit of a vehicle at 1a.m. but we had to abandon this chase as we were in danger of damaging the police vehicle due to the rough ground. Reading the papers now, I am pleased that our ‘Seasonal Visitors’ were different from the ones who frequently make the headlines today. As the amalgamation of the Mid Anglia Constabulary continued a new unit came into existence to deal with Juveniles and Young Offenders. PC Chris Ginn was selected as a member of this unit and he was to remain with them until he retired from the police service. He became the Section’s Motor Cyclist soon after my arrival and he built up an excellent reputation as being an extremely smart and confident officer who was respected by the public wherever his duties took him. One incident will always remain with me, even though I was away at the time. PC Ginn responded to a call and upon arrival was faced by a man armed with a loaded shotgun. Despite the extreme danger to himself he tackled the gunman. Shots were fired during the incident and although PC Ginn was assaulted he was unharmed. The gunman managed to get away but was later arrested. We were all extremely proud of our colleague and PC Ginn and I formed a strong and lasting friendship. His leaving the section certainly left a gap and he was missed by all. Ron Brooksbank



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Floral Arrangements Bette & Carol 01763 246168



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Abbot Travel Travel Agent Admiral Windows Conservatories Avante Garde Soft Furnishing Bannold Landscaping Materials Beauty by Erica Beauty Therapy Berry Accounting Services Black Horse Local Pub & Restaurant Bretts Plumbing and Heating Brownie Points Indoor & Outdoor prop. maint Bury Lane Farm Shop Fresh produce, Coffee shop Butlers Taxi and Car Service Cambridge Building Society Building Society CAMTAB Deafness Advisory sessions Carters Shoes Shoes – wide choice CCS Chimney Sweep Child Nursing Team Cooper, P.L. & Sons Ltd Flooring Specialists DCL Services Propane & Butane sales DS Electrical Household Electrics ESSE Sheene Mill Retail & Therapy Fieldgate Nurseries Fruit, vegetables, flowers & plants Fowlmere Village College Hall Facilities Frogend Pet Supplies Pet Suppliers Greenlow Kennel & Cattery Harry, Kathleen. B.Sc.Hons. Osteopath Hot & Cold by Design Bathrooms, Kitchens etc. Home Start Family Support Hot Spring Hot Tubs Ideal Landscpes Landscape Gardners JBS Painting & Decorating Jeff Hunt Carpet Cleaning Julie Newsby Beauty Therapist Kingsway Golf Centre Golf Course and Supplies Kirkham, David H. Chauffeur Service Lawrence Plumbing Plumbers Law Storage Secure storage Leech, C.A Butchers Little Hands Nursery School Local Computer Suppliers

Tel. No. 01763 248844 01480 456789 01763 250581 01954 231666 01763 261777 01763 852622 01763 226046 01763 260007 01763 260044 01763 260418 01763 212223 01763 217510 01223 416141 01223 264930 01763 220373 01763 262861 01763 260918 08000 728878 01223 521882 01763 261000 01763 260737 08704 649200 01763 263342 01763 260624 01763 261716 01763 229945 01763 242919 01223 654101 01223 892342 01223 894712 01954 780999 01763 208387 01763 262727 0845 6770011 07739 423426 01223 874629 01763 260255 01763 260964 01763 288165

Heavenly Hatz 01223 874080

5 Hardman Road, Foxton


To advertise here Telephone 01763 261144

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Madingley Mulch Barks, Soils, Composts, Mulches etc. Marie Munro Parent & Teen Coach Melbourn Community Sports Sports Centre Melbourn Flooring Flooring, Tiling & Home Interiors Melbourn Garage M&M Books Second hand & rare books Molly Maid Cleaning Services Niche Blinds Blinds Nightlife Disco  Disco music supply for parties etc NPS Plumbing Solutions Plumbing and Heating Services PC Home Call PC Repair Phillimore Garden Centre Pinney, Moore and Co. Financial Advisers Riding for the Disabled Association Riverside Guest House Guest House Rothwells Carpet Cleaning Royston Meridian Learning Shop Computer lessons Rule, Jeremy. Funeral Service Ryecroft Data Design & Instant Digital Print Sharp, G.M. Builders General Builders & Renovators Sharp, G.M. Landscapes All Gardening Simon Robinson Picture Frames Soft Play for Babies & Toddlers South Cambs Motors Motor Car Servicing Sprint Printers Printers and Copiers St Georges Nursing Home The Letting Centre Letting Agency The Spice Hut Indian Takeaway Thomas, Chris. Professional Cleaning TruGreen Lawn Care Trulight Windows & Conservatories Urban Plastics Plumbing, electrical supplies Walkers Partnership Solicitors Warners Letting Agency Letting Services Weight Watchers Weight Control Whitehall Plastics Guttering, Fascia etc. WKH Chartered Accountants Wrights Mower Centre Garden Machinery Supply & Maint.

Tel. No. 01954 212144 01763 242810 01763 263313 01763 262413 01763 263344 01763 849789 01462 896123 0800 2985943 01763 261727 01763 244088 01223 654460 01763 260537 01223 208400 01223 290807 01763 226062 01223 832928 01763 249345 01763 242560 01763 208640 01763 262126 01763 262126 01223 873123 01223 830791 01763 260246 01763 263339 01763 242243 01763 263039 01763 262425 01223 836002 01763 244517 01763 262003 01763 262337 01763 241121 01763 242528 08457 123000 01763 869035 01763 247321 01763 263393

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