Issue 65 Spring 2011

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...editorial In December last year Community Awards were presented to groups and individuals who have made notable contributions to the community. These were: the volunteer team running the Library (LAP), the River Mel Restoration Group, Colin Charter for his services on the Parish Council, Mr Tim Stebbings who on his own initiative has picked up litter from around the village, and to Peter Simmonett who produces the Village Website. The Magazine Management Team adds congratulations and thanks to these very worthy people, who set an example to us all. It appears that the building work at the Primary School is progressing well; the Playgroup has already moved in and is very happy with the new accommodation. We look forward to hearing more about this important village project in the near future. The Parish Clerk reports on the move of the Parish Office to the Village College – a move that went smoothly. The students at the College are to be congratulated on their outstanding performances in the end of year National examinations. The College goes from strength from strength in its numerous endeavours; see cover and p.37 for a report and photographs. We have all been waiting for the spring and warmer weather. There are many village events to look forward to, including the Village Fete, Open Gardens – and not forgetting the Royal Wedding.

New to the village …

Village News Parish Council

5 15

feature – P.C. Linton Basil Stockbridge 19 Safer Melbourn




What’s the meaning of national coalition government at local level?

Profile – David Piggott




All Saints’ winter flower festival



Village Information


Important numbers






Church News


Sports & Clubs


Unpicked Meadows


What’s on




David Brunsdon If you’re new to the village and have not received your FREE copy of the Melbourn Village History Book & DVD, contact Colin Limming on 01763 260072 for more information Front cover: Performing Arts at Melbourn Village College. See page 37.

Apart from printing, all work on the Melbourn Magazine, including layout and design is produced by volunteers. The cost of production comes entirely from advertising and sponsorship. Melbourn Magazine is independent of the Parish Council NO public money is used.



Mr Sky, I Want a Word With You!

If you would like to advertise a forthcoming local event in ‘What’s On’ on the Village website use the simple form at Specialists in fine hand crafted sugar flowers for wedding and celebration cakes


village news Melbourn Village Plan

In the news Village News


Here’s to the volunteers in Melbourn!

Melbourn Village Plan


Following the amazing response to a number of requests for volunteers, Melbourn now has more than 150 people registered as willing and available to help with the Melbourn Village Plan. Thanks to the efforts of a brilliant team involving 75 volunteers drawn from this larger group, questionnaires were delivered to the whole village. There was a fantastic response from residents with more than 1000 questionnaires returned, representing over 50% of the households in Melbourn. The Questionnaire offered a chance to win £100 in a free-to-enter prize draw. John Travis, Chairman of the Village Plan Steering Committee, recently presented the prize for the winning entry to Sheena Jeetun who lives in High Street Melbourn. Congratulations Sheena! The Village Plan Steering Committee is now analysing the half a million items of information received from the community through the questionnaire, with the aim of publishing a full report in mid 2011. An interesting early finding from this work is the number of ways in which volunteers can support and improve village life. In order to recognise the many volunteers now registered with the Village Plan, a Volunteer Event was organised during the first week of December 2010 to thank everyone for volunteering, and especially those who have already done so much. The occasion also showcased and offered a variety of new opportunities for volunteering. The ideas on display had arisen from the village questionnaire feedback. More than 100 people attended the event and most of the

Melbourn and Meldreth Women’s Group 6 Melbourn Mobile Warden Scheme




Royal British Legion


Library News


Melbourn Village Fete


Melbourn History Group


Meldreth Local History Group


Royston and District Family History Society 12 Royston & District Local History Society


Help tomorrow take shape – Census


New Local Radio Station


Great British Fish and Chip Supper


John Travis presenting the prize for the winning entry to Sheena Jeetun

COFFEE STOP Every Saturday 10.30am to 12noon Rombouts coffee & biscuits for 70p at

All Saints’ Community Hall melbournmagazine


volunteer opportunities were very well subscribed. County Councillor Susan van de Ven, speaking at the event, said “I fully support the Melbourn Village Plan. It’s been such a positive afternoon bringing together this wonderful people resource we have in the village. The challenge now is to put it to effective use and the options offered here today will start us on that road. I’m sure the village will hugely benefit once results from the Village Plan research have been fully reported. It will also be a very valuable document for local councillors to refer to when they see an opportunity for the village.” Alexandra Day, Parish Energy Officer from South Cambridgeshire District Council was also at the event to raise awareness about energy consumption and to drum up interest in the Sustainable Parish Energy Partnership. She said, “Today has been one of the best events of its kind that I’ve ever attended. It’s been a great way of raising awareness about energy consumption and things the parish can do collectively to reduce its carbon footprint. I’ve had enough people interested today to form a core group in the village to co-ordinate local activities and projects that will help to reduce energy bills and tackle climate change.” The Volunteer Event allowed expressions of further interest in areas as summarised below: Play Parks – A ‘user group’ of parents with younger children has been formed with the objective of improving the play park provision within the village Litter Picking – A volunteer litter-picking group is proposed supplementing local authority street-cleaning arrangements. Friends of Stockbridge Meadows – Volunteers are suggested as a method of providing supplementary support to the existing wildlife management plan set out for The Stockbridge Meadows Riverside Park. Footpath Networks Group – A volunteer group specialising in all aspects of footpath management including surveying, mapping and maintenance. Senior Citizens Support – A volunteer initiative to work alongside existing provisions to improve the life of the more elderly population


Melbourn Conservation Group – A volunteer group is proposed to develop ideas for conserving energy, wildlife conservation and all ‘green’ initiatives. A ‘champion’ is needed to set this going. Youth – A volunteer initiative to work alongside existing provisions to improve facilities and support for young people in Melbourn. Melbourn in Bloom – A volunteer-based plan to develop a ‘Village in Bloom’ project, with the objective of making the village more beautiful for visitors and residents alike. If you would like to volunteer and have not already given us your name, please contact us at or Sally Arnott Tel: 07519791256 Finally, the Melbourn Village Plan is now more than half way to being published. As we collate a wealth of information from the questionnaires and many other sources we will continue to involve and consult with residents, community groups, the Parish Council and other authorities as required. By so doing we aim to publish findings and recommendations that properly reflect the views and needs of Melbourn residents. There will be more to say in the next edition of the magazine. Melbourn Village Plan Steering Committee

Melbourn and Meldreth Women’s Group We meet on the 4th Tuesday monthly and vary our location between The Community Hall behind All Saints Church in Melbourn and The Meeting Room at Holy Trinity Church in Meldreth. Meetings start at 7.45 and we often have a guest speaker with an opportunity to chat afterwards when tea/coffee and biscuits are available. There is no membership fee with a charge of £1 on the night and an option of contributing to the charity pot for our charity of the year. The year began with our AGM in Melbourn at which the committee members were re-elected, reports received and then we all shared in a lovely supper to which all the members contributed. In February we met in Meldreth and had a talk given to us about The Red Balloon Learning Centre which was our nominated charity for last year. On 22nd March we meet in Melbourn at The Community Hall for a talk by Barbara MacKellar for Lent, then on 26 April we are in Meldreth for a talk by Maureen Moody about her life in Freelance Magazine Journalism. 24 May is our Garden Party at Meldreth to which members and their guests are invited but tickets must be purchased in advance to ensure we cater for the right number of people. The Women’s Group is for all women of any age and if you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact me on 01763 260103 Pat Smith

Melbourn Mobile Warden Scheme

• Friendship and support via twice weekly visits and daily phone calls • Ordering and collection of prescriptions • Basic shopping • Collection of pensions • Setting up Lifeline service • Bereavement support • Advice on benefits • Going to the Post Office to pay your bills • Advice on getting repairs done in your home • Arranging transport to the hospital or other appointments • Just coming round for a chat

Once settled down at tables that had been beautifully laid with Christmas crackers, table decorations, place settings and wine glasses, the conversation started. The most startling thing about this was that most of people didn’t know each other at all, or if they did then it was from a date well in the past. It didn’t seem to matter though, within a little while you could barely hear yourself think, it was fantastic. One lucky soul was dispatched with notebook and pen and told to do the rounds of all the guests and get their drinks orders, something that amused the guests no end as because this person was tall, he kept banging his head on the light fittings hanging from the ceiling. Once everyone had had a drink, the whoops of laughter began to ring out and the gentle friendly banter that a group of people at ease with themselves always seem to have. It was lovely. To see so many people all smiling and having a lovely time together was truly magical. Who were these lucky souls I hear you ask? Well – they were the clients of the Melbourn Mobile Wardens Scheme out for their Annual Christmas lunch bash. Twenty two people all having a lovely time and for many a rare opportunity to leave their homes to socialise in this way. Lunch was traditional Christmas turkey fare with all the trimmings, followed by steaming hot Christmas pudding and a brandy custard. Tea and coffee followed lunch which nicely complemented the raffle that was held around about then.

What will it cost?

Margo Wherrell Mobile Warden

Twas a week or so before Christmas Monday the 13th of December was a cold, foggy and damp day. Around 10am a large group of people were busying themselves at home getting ready putting on their Sunday best to go out to lunch. They were keenly awaiting their lifts from the volunteer drivers and Community transport. The venue was a lovely little pub in Orwell, The Chequers, which had been sounded out previously by the ‘Christmas lunch scouting party’ some weeks before. All guests and friends of guests arrived around midday itching to get inside to warm their hands on the roaring log fire that was burning in the main bar.

Melbourn Mobile Warden Scheme Can we help you? Can we help a relative? Can we help a neighbour? Who does the Scheme help? The scheme is open to anyone who requests our help including those who live alone or with their families but need the extra support offered by our services. Couples too are most welcome. It is also open to those in sheltered housing, as the scheme offers different, but complementary services. Note: The scheme also offers its services for short periods to cover the temporary absence of relatives who otherwise provide this support.

We offer help with:

We do have to make a small weekly charge for the warden’s services. The fee is only £4 per week (a little more for couples).

How can I join? Please contact either: Margo Wherrell (Mobile Warden) on 01763 260966 Mobile: 07935 315497 Email: Jeannie Seers (Deputy Mobile Warden ) 01763 262651 Mobile: 07808 735066 Email: You can join or leave the scheme at any time. Founded over 15 years ago the Melbourn Warden Scheme is a registered charity. The Scheme prides itself in helping people with mobility problems, who need some assistance in their everyday lives to enable them to retain independence in their own homes.



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A plethora of prizes all donated by very generous people. This brought the afternoon to a gradual end with only the journey home to complete. It has to be said that the landlady Cindy and her staff made the experience seamless and perfect. Most of all, the biggest thanks should go to the Mobile warden Margo and her husband David, whom without their fundraising efforts and hard work, none of this would have happened. Next trip out for lunch, Easter – but we need your help. Join the Friends of Melbourn Mobile Wardens Scheme as a ‘friend’ for only £5 per year and you can help provide our mobility impaired residents with much appreciated social outings. The great thing is you can help so much with the £5 and you don’t have to do anything, unless of course you wanted to. The money all goes to the clients via trips etc and not in administration costs etc, not one penny of it. The new management committee made up of councillors, volunteers and best of all clients of the scheme make sure of that. All our accounts are fully audited annually and we have a treasurer for the general day to day accounts. I have mentioned the Melbourn Mobile Warden Scheme a few times in this article and it needs saying that the warden scheme in Melbourn offers very different services to that of the Sheltered Housing Scheme and is seen by South Cambs District Council and Cambridgeshire County Council as a service that complements the sheltered housing service. In fact Cambridgeshire County Council and South Cambs District Council both now hold the Melbourn Mobile Warden Scheme as a model for others to follow. One last thing; because you or a relative might be part of the Sheltered Housing scheme doesn’t stop you or them taking advantage and joining the Melbourn Mobile Warden Scheme. In fact you could benefit greatly from joining, you might think that you can’t join for some reason. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Everyone is welcome to join, If you feel that you could benefit from our services then the Melbourn Mobile Wardens Scheme is the scheme for you. Please contact Margo Wherrell on 01763 260966, she will pop round to discuss your requirements and hey presto – we will see you on the next trip.

RNLI Through all sorts of conditions last year, lifeboat crews and lifeguards came to the rescue of people in distress around our coast and on our rivers. This year will no doubt be as busy operationally. RNLI has now established an assessment course for the shore crews who volunteer to support the lifeboats – without the tractor drivers, head launchers and other support teams the lifeboats wouldn’t even get to sea. No such assessment course exists for volunteer fundraisers of course, but RNLI

relies on their enthusiasm and also the goodwill of the general public to fund all of its work. Like all charities pressure is on us to increase our fundraising activities – no easy task in these times when everyone is trying to curtail expenditure. Happily, due to the cooperation of local businesses and the generosity of local people, Royston branch was able to increase its activities, and thereby its revenue last year. We are developing our programme, and 2011 will see us collecting at Morrison’s store in Royston in March, Tesco in May and Bury Lane Farm Shop in October – grateful thanks to all of these stores. Other stores hold collection boxes for us, so if you feel you can help in this way please contact us. We also have our Flag Day in July and August and September will see us selling our wares under our new gazebo at the Royston Kite Festival, and Steeple Morden Country Fair. In addition we are helped by Royston W.I. (pm) and Bassingbourn ex-Wrens Association who sell our Christmas cards. If you have ideas on fundraising for us, we would be delighted to hear from you – or if you would like to join our ‘merry band’ and help out at a few of these events, do please get in touch. RNLI was sad to hear of the death of one of its long-time supporters, Terry Walker, who raised funds for us at many venues for many years. We send our sincere condolences to his family and our thanks to Terry for his dedication to RNLI. We are looking forward to an even more successful fund raising year. Jean Emes (Sec) 01763 245958 melbournmagazine


Village Market Melbourn Village College is starting the Village Markets up again on 5th March and will be running every 1st Saturday of the month in the main hall. 9.30-12.30. If any local traders would like a stall please contact Julie on 01763 223408.

Royal British Legion With 2010 having flown by and departed, we begin 2011. Last year was not too eventful and rolled along fairly smoothly, culminating in what is predicted to be a record breaking year for The National Poppy Appeal, with hopes of breaking £34 million pounds raised with your help in 2009. You may find it interesting to learn why the poppy is used for the appeal. Some of the bloodiest fighting of World War I took place in the Flanders and Picardy regions of Belgium and Northern France and the poppy was the only plant which bloomed in the immediate aftermath of total devastation, On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918 the First World War ended. The first official Legion Poppy Day was held in Britain on 11th November 1921. The Armistice Parade was once again a very well attended event, with a large congregation filling the parish church. The Army Cadet Force and Air Training Corps played a big part in the parade, their enthusiasm and smartness was very much appreciated. We thank all individuals and organisations that support

Free Storytime for under 5s! Thursday 10–10.45 am Melbourn Library The Moor, Melbourn (next to Melbourn Village College)

Contact: Eleanor 01763 260924 or library 01763 269956


the parade, and look forward to your participation in the future. The Royal British Legion is still one of the UK’s largest membership organisations, with around 360,000 members (including the Women’s Section). Our own branch lost 2 valued members , one member moved out of our area, and there was the sad passing of Tom Linsdell, who was accompanied to his resting place by four Standard Bearers that included Colin Charter who carried the standard for our men’s branch and Sheila Gouldthorpe who kindly came out of retirement to carry the banner in place of my wife Pauline who was unable to attend due to illness. November 2010 saw us attending the annual Birmingham Military Tattoo. It was a 3 hour spectacular that featured all the traditional elements of a Tattoo with massed bands, a field gun competition and the Parade of Standards which included a very proud Pauline Parkinson who, along with over 100 other Standard Bearers from all over the country, made it one of the largest gatherings of its type. Once again our thanks to Molly Chamberlain who, with Shirley Cunningham, organised the annual buying and distributing of Christmas parcels for the elderly. At the last meeting of the Parish Council, the Men’s Branch and the Women’s Section were both presented with awards for service to the community, a very nice, and much appreciated surprise. The awards were accepted by Shirley Cunningham on behalf of the Men’s Branch and by Betty Murphy for the Women’s Section. Dates for branch meetings have been mailed to members of the Men’s branch. Sadly, I will be stepping down as Chairman and Secretary at the next AGM; I hope that someone will come forward to take my place to ensure the future of our branch. For more information on how you can help the Legion please call 08457 725 725. Legionline is open9 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday, except public holidays. The Legion’s helpline/information point is open to all members of the genera; public, and can provide information on all of the Legion’s various activities as well as other service related issues. Patrick Parkinson Chairman and Secretary Melbourn, Meldreth and District Royal British Legion.

Library News The Library has had a very successful year with a steady increase in the lending of books and usage. We are very happy with the situation which is the reverse of the national trend. We do not expect to suffer significantly as a result of County Council cut backs. The main cut back will be in the provision of new books. We will cease to receive new books as from the end of this financial year. There is a concession for large print books which we cannot easily source, and we will receive 50 of these books each year. The system of getting books from other libraries will be a little slower as we will only have one delivery a fortnight instead of weekly. On the plus side all our readers with internet access will be notified when their books arrive in Melbourn. We received a totally unexpected award from the Parish Council for services to the village. It took the form of an engraved glass plaque. Our team is very proud of it and it is on display on our counter. We have restored our Story Time Session with the aid of several new helpers. This session is at 10am every Thursday including school holidays. We hope all the users from our earlier sessions will be able to rejoin us. It all looks very hopeful. We are increasing our opening times to include Tuesday afternoons from 2.30 to 4.30pm. as several of our readers have indicated that they would like us to open on Tuesdays. The Mobile Service has had to be reduced to half an hour a month at Vicarage Close. We hope that our opening on Tuesdays afternoons will fill the gap left in Library opening times. It is possible to return books borrowed on the Mobile Library to the Library Access Point beside the College. We had a flood at Christmas when one of our pipes burst. We had fantastic support from Bill Mansfield, who did the repairs during the holiday period, and Richard the Caretaker who helped us to turn off the main supply and reconnect it on the Monday after Christmas. We feel this demonstrates the growing spirit of co-operation which is spreading through the village. We hope we never see a cold spell like that again.

Our opening times are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 2.30 to 4.30pm. Thursday 5.00 to 7.00pm Saturday 10.00 to 12.00pm Story Time 10.00 to 10.45am. The Library may open on Thursday mornings. Mike Stapleton

Melbourn Village Fete Saturday 25th June 2011 – 1pm till late This year’s fete is already well under way with the main entertainment for both the Fete during the day and the 3rd ‘Music on the Moor’ in the evening booked. This year we will have in the main arena the Air Cadets Big Band, Electralites Majorettes for you to watch and enjoy, and new for 2011 we should have a BMX bike display team as well as the tug of war and new last year, egg throwing for those of you wishing to get more involved. Still looking to book one more attraction for the main arena but just need to confirm some details so will keep that one as a surprise for the moment. We will also have some music around the field or in the marquee for your enjoyment like the Memphis Jazz Band invited back from last year and topping the bill for the evening will be Lipstick Torpedo. During the day we will have the usual funfair rides, bouncy castles and the electric Kidz Kartz for the little ones, archery and large climbing wall for the older ones. Stall holders are already booking their places and they should provide an assortment of fun and games for all ages. The lawn mower racing should attract a competitive field to challenge for the Melbourn Cup for the third year. The beer tent will quench your thirst on hopefully a hot summer’s day with a selection of lagers, real ales and cider for the adults and soft drinks for the kids. There will be tea and cakes in the pavilion and the barbeque will add something hot. The committee were down on numbers from last year, but after attending the volunteer day on Saturday 4th December 2010 organised by the Melbourn Village Plan we not only may have found 2 new committee members BUT also several new volunteers for this year’s Fete, which is excellent news. However, to put on a larger event we would need more volunteers on the day. So if you can spare some time for a worthy and rewarding cause, whether it be a few hours please contact us. Brian Collingbourne (Chair) 263115 Website

All Saints Community Hall Since its opening in June 2008 the Hall has enjoyed an ever increasing use from a variety of users. A look down the bookings list reveals the following: • Rainbows, Brownies and Guides. • U3A for their Yoga, Music, Gardening, and Group Leaders Annual Lunch. • Parties for Baptisms, Children, Mums and Dads and Grannies and Grandfathers. • Lacemakers and Craft groups. • Conferences for stroke recovery and other medical uses. • Parish Council meetings. • Play groups. And a whole lot more! The Hall can offer a fully equipped kitchen, disabled toilets, easy access for wheelchairs, a small separate meeting room, a large hall with screen for digital and slide shows and well heated rooms for all weathers. Our rates are kept to a reasonable level but it is wise to book before planning an event to avoid disappointment. Booking enquiries can be made online at: or by phoning Colin Limming 01763 260072.

WANTED Melbourn Magazine is looking for help with producing and distributing the magazine. If you can spare a few days each quarter to help please contact Eric Johnston on 01763 220197

Melbourn History Group As the New Year dawned the Group met to discuss its plans for the future. It has been rather quiet lately on the history front but after a great deal of discussion it was agreed on the following: To carry on with the job of transferring the many glass slides of village scenes that we possess onto a special DVD that could be made available to residents. This is a long-term plan but watch this space! To pursue the idea of re-forming the medieval glass in the Church into some recognisable pattern. The Puritan William Dowsing destroyed the original glass in 1643 but fragments were saved and placed in a window. To press on with the transfer of the Births, Marriages and Deaths records onto an available web site. A possible time capsule of village memorabilia. To carry on with the ‘village walks’ and the possibility of publishing a small booklet with maps and text of the walks. To publicise the fact that we give talks on the publication of the four books that we have so far published. Several talks have been either given or booked. Four books? Just to jog your memory we have published Melbourn 2000 (The Millennium Book); A Glimpse into Melbourn’s Past; Pictorial Melbourn; All Saints Parish Church Guide. Copies of all these are available. If you would like a talk on the books please ask. Colin Limming Tel: 01763 260072. melbournmagazine


Meldreth Local History Group The Meldreth Local History Group will be presenting an illustrated talk by the internationally acclaimed Social Historian Tom Doig, who will speaking about the identification and dating of Victorian Photographs. The event is on Friday 11th March 2011 in the Village Hall, Meldreth at 7.45pm . Tom Doig has travelled widely, in the UK and abroad, lecturing and researching various aspects of rural life in the Victorian Era. Tom is the one – time Director of the Cambridge & County Folk Museum and The Amberley Industrial Museum. He has spoken on BBC Radio 4 Woman’s Hour and is a regular speaker on BBC Radio Cambridgeshire. In the early 1990’s he co – presented part of Anglia’s TV ‘Portrait of a Village’ series and appeared on BBC Network TV speaking on May Day and on Country Cures and Remedies. Tom will help you identify and date all those old photographs of your family that have been gathering dust in your loft. The family photograph album will take on a new meaning after hearing Tom’s words and you will be able to date the photograph of Great Aunt Flo that has been bothering you for years. Tickets are £5, which includes refreshments in the interval are available from Chris Duguid (01763 260802), Joan Gane (01763 260129) and on the door.

Royston and District Family History Society As I write this we are looking forward to our ‘Christmas Social’ which was held on Jan 17th. We decided to move it from December to January following 2009’s snow affected debacle. What a good job we did because the December meeting of 2010 had to be cancelled because the snow was over the top of our boots! Apart from that little set back things have gone well since we began our new season in September. A good sized audience has enjoyed a varied and interesting range of speakers.


Our Programme for the next few meetings is as follows Mar 21st The Old Bailey to California (one name study) Member Dave Sansom April 18th Seaside Resorts since 1750 Tony Kirby May 16th The Coprolite Diggers Bernard O’Connor June 20th A.G.M. with cheese and wine If you have ancestral roots in this area or are interested in local history you really should come and join us in May for Bernard O’Connor’s talk on the coprolite diggers. Vast numbers of the men from the South Cambs villages deserted their agricultural labourer’s jobs for the richer, though riskier, rewards of the coprolite diggings. As well as giving Mr Fison his start in life it changed our part of the world a good deal. Over the years we have completed numerous publications which include the Monumental Inscriptions of several graveyards, the burial indexes of several churches, mainly on the Hertfordshire side of the border, Royston Parish Church Marriages (1662–1812) and Banns (1754–1837) and three volumes of the ‘Births, Marriages and Deaths’ as published in the ‘Royston Crow’, they are Vol 1 1876–1886, Vol 2 1887–1899, and Vol 3 1900–1910. All these are available on our bookstall at meetings, from our website or from the Parish Chest website, All our meetings, unless otherwise stated, take place on the third Monday of the month at All Saints Community Hall, Melbourn with doors opening for chat and a look at the bookstall at 7.30 pm and talks commencing at 8pm. We are always happy to see new faces and can assure you of a warm welcome. We could also use some younger blood, if only to crawl about in those graveyards! Avril Emery Chair/Editor Royston & District FHS

Royston & District Local History Society website: Our meetings are held in the Heritage Hall, Royston Town Hall on the first Thursday of the month (second Thursday in May) starting at 8pm. Annual subscription is £5 (under 18’s £2.50). Visitors £2 per meeting. Mar 3 The Construction and Logistics of the Guided Bus Project – Graham Hughes Apr 7 Eels, Punts & Willows – A Life on the Fen, illustrated – Peter Carter May 12 AGM 7.30pm followed by The History of London at 8pm – Martin Copping Jun 11 Coach outing to Birmingham For details Tel: 01763 242677 The Society is responsible for the opening of Royston Cave in Melbourn Street, which has many interesting medieval carvings. It is open on Saturdays and Sundays and Bank Holiday Monday from Easter Saturday to the end of September, 2.30pm-5pm. (last admission 4.30pm). Admission is £3 for Adults, £2 for concessions (obtainable from Cave Bookshop adjacent to the Cave) Our website shows all the books we have for sale. Many of these result from the considerable work undertaken by our publications sub-committee. The books are available at our meetings or may be ordered by post from David Allard 01763 242677. They may also be purchased at the Royston Museum & Arts Gallery in Kneesworth Street and some are available at the Cave Bookshop in Melbourn Street.

Help tomorrow take shape On 27 March, the census will take a snapshot of society in England and Wales. So any day now a questionnaire will arrive in the post asking you about your household and all the people living there. If it has already arrived keep it safe. Your household is one of around 25 million in England and Wales taking part. The 2011 Census is all about numbers. It asks about work, health, national identity, citizenship, ethnic background, education, second homes, language, religion, whether you are married and so on. This information helps the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to produce population estimates.

Why should this matter to you? Like all local authorities in England and Wales, South Cambridgeshire District Council relies on census population estimates to feed into the government funding your communities need for public services. How much it gets is related to how many people the census says live in your area – so if the census can’t account for everyone, it could lose out. Even if the census were to end up just a few households short, it could make a very real difference to people’s lives. You can complete your 2011 Census online (you’ll need the internet access code on the front of your questionnaire to log in), or complete the questionnaire by hand and post it back in the pre-paid envelope. Everything you tell the census is confidential. It will only be used to help build an accurate picture of the population so that public sector organisations and other users can plan their services and activities over the next ten years. Your questionnaire is turned into numbers by ONS and is not shared with any other local or national government department. For more information visit Thank you for taking part.

New Local Radio Station ‘Second Radio’ is a new non-profit community radio station for Royston and its surrounding villages. At the moment very small and broadcasting via the internet via a limited web radio license issued by the Performing Rights Society. Service has now started and we are broadcasting via our website: At the moment we have a basic jukebox type arrangement playing various song genres which we hope will over time evolve the station into that of the similar neighbouring station Cambridge 105fm which broadcasts on an FM wavelength to Cambridge and a few villages within about five miles of the city. Depending on weather conditions their broadcast has been known to reach as far as Royston but with very patchy reception! Daniel Harris – Station Manager, Second Radio.

Great British Fish and Chip Supper ‘Hold a Fish and Chip Supper to help spinal cord injured people live full and independent lives.’ Friday 20th May 2011 Want to do something different? Want to raise money where you live or work? Want to eat Fish and Chips, while raising money for charity? Hold a fish and chip supper on Friday 20th May 2011 whilst raising awareness of Spinal Cord Injury and supporting SIA’s information and support services. You can hold a fish and chip supper in your own home, at work or hold a larger supper at your local community centre. SIA will provide a fundraising pack containing hints and tips, recipes, invitations and donation envelopes. By inviting 7 friends and asking them to donate an additional £5.00 means you will raise at least £35.00 from your supper but we will also give you additional fundraising ideas to raise even more money for SIA. Last year we had over 100 suppers taking part in England and Wales and we raised £6,000. In 2011 we want to double that figure and ensure we can provide more support to spinal cord injured people. The money raised from the suppers will help the Spinal Injuries Association

Save the date Charity Summer Ball on Friday 15th July 2011 in memory of Mrs Janice Guest. All monies raised will go to the Motor Neurone Disease Association. For more information please contact Helen Ashworth on 07815 911839 or email

offer support to individuals and their families, who become paralysed, from the moment a spinal injury occurs, and for the rest of their lives by providing services and publications which enable and encourage paralysed people to lead independent lives. Every year in the UK over 1,000 people experience a spinal cord injury and there are an estimated 40,000 spinal cord injured people in the UK alone. Community Fundraising Officer, Elizabeth Wright, says, ‘The Fish and Chip Supper is a wonderful opportunity for a great evening with friends and family. We are also encouraging people who work to hold a Fish and Chip Lunch in their work places to raise even more funds. You may be even a local community group wanting to run a fun evening with your group. Be a part of something special and make a real difference to help spinal cord injured people gain access to the information and support they need to enable them to live full and independent lives. For more information or request a fundraising pack call Elizabeth Wright on 0845 678 6633 ext: 229 or email or visit



Home-Start Royston & South Cambridgeshire are looking for more volunteers - could you give a Home-Start family the most precious gift - your time ?

Expertise on your doorstep 19 Station Road Melbourn Royston Hertfordshire SG8 6DX Tel 01763 217510 Mon-Fri 9am-5pm Sat 9am-12pm Customer Hotline Tel 0845 601 3344

Our volunteers are all parents or grandparents who can give a few hours a week to help families who are finding it difficult to cope

Mon-Fri 9am-10pm Sat 9am-6pm Sun 11am-5pm

All parents need emotional and practical help to get through the first few years, but not everyone has friends or family nearby This is when Home-Start volunteers can help! Further details can be obtained by calling into our offices: Unit 6, Valley Farm, Meldreth, SG8 6JP, or contacting us on 01763 262262 and talking to Barbara or e-mailing


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Office & Chapel of Rest :

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01763 242560 14

Time to keep your money close to home Head Office Administration Centre PO Box 232 51 Newmarket Road Cambridge CB5 8FF Tel 0845 601 3344

MELBOURN PARISH COUNCIL MVC, The Moor, Melbourn, Cambs. SG8 6EF Telephone: 01763 262494 e-mail: Minutes of Parish Council Meetings and Planning Committee meetings are available on the village website Chairman Donald Mowatt 23, High Street SG8 6AL


Vice-Chairman Maureen Townsend 32 New Road SG8 6ER Clerk & Office Avril Mellor, MVC, The Moor, Melbourn. SG8 6EF 262494



Councillors Val Barrett 2 Station Road, SG8 6DX Irene Bloomfield 78 Russet Way, SG8 6HF Alan Brett 44 High Street, SG8 6DXBB Rosemary Gatward 94 High Street, SG8 6AL Jose Hales 23 Elm Way, SG8 6UH Michael Linnette 11 Chapel Lane, SG8 6BN Donald Mowatt White Walls, 23 High Street Andrew Mulcock 1 Lawns Close, SG8 6DR Mike Sherwen 3 Hale Close, SG8 6ET Peter Simmonett 42 Greengage Rise SG8 6DS Christopher Stead 70 Russet Way pm only Maureen Townsend 32 New Road, SG8 6BY Richard Wakerley 32 Chalkhill Barrow, SG8 6EQ Employees Handyman and Caretaker Peter Andrews Emergency mobile. 07778-682245

261227 222558 260306 261225 221058 262534 268388 222940 260070 220363 260743 260959 262247 243312

Village Ranger Keith Rudge, 4 Dolphin La, SG8 6AF


Internal Auditor Bruce Huett, 20 Rose Lane SG8 6AD


County Councillor Susan van de Ven 95 North End, Meldreth


District Councillors Val Barrett, 2 Station Road Jose Hales, 23 Elm Way, SG8 6UH

261227 221058

South Cambs M.P. Andrew Lansley

01954 212707

South Cambs M.E.P. Robert Sturdy

01954 211790

The Parish Office at 28 Station Road, is entered by the door at the front of the building directly opposite Sheene Mill. The Parish Office is now open on Mondays from 9 am to 1 pm, on Tuesdays from 2 pm from 4 pm, and on Thursday from 9 am to 1 pm. The office is not normally open on Wednesdays or Fridays. As the Clerk is sometimes out on Parish business it is better to ring 262494 to ensure that she is in the office. Meetings of the Planning Committee are normally held on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month commencing at 7.15 pm. Council Meetings are normally held on the fourth Monday of each month at 7.15 pm at All Saints’ Community Hall. The Press Royston & Buntingford Mercury Tom Ship, Media Centre 40 Ware Road, Hertford, SG13 7HU 01992 526639 Royston Crow Heath House, Princes Mews, Royston, SG8 6RT 245241 Fax 242231 Cambridge News David Williams, 3 Melbourn Street, Royston, SG8 7BP 249144 Fax 244502 BBC Radio Cambridge Reception Newsroom


01223 259696 01223 358510

From the Parish Clerk – Avril Mellor You may have seen notices advising that the Parish Office was relocating due to the end of the lease on the property in Station Road. The move to the Melbourn Village College site took place on 20th December, which was a cold and snowy day. Despite this the move went surprisingly well and none of the parties responsible for moving us were unable to complete the task. The telephone line was already connected up and waiting for the phone to be plugged in and the computer and printer worked first time. As those of you who have moved house will know only too well, the problem now is trying to remember where I put things when I unpacked. I am sure that eventually it will settle down and everything will have its place. For those of you who are not aware, the office occupies the old Adult Education department site to the right of the college building, on your left as you access the car park. There is a letter box in the door for anyone wishing to hand deliver mail. In the middle of January at the Finance and General Purpose Committee meeting the committee set the precept for the year 2011/12. This provides the money that the Council has to work with through the coming year. Each Committee decides what funds are needed to carry out any work or improvements that it feels necessary. The final figure is then ratified at the full Parish Council meeting at the end of January and at the beginning of February I submit the amount of precept to South Cambridgeshire District Council. It is an interesting time for the Council with so many things changing and evolving. The Old Recreation Ground and the Village Car Park now come under the ownership of the Parish Council and improvements are planned for both sites. At the time of writing, the process of selecting the new Deputy Clerk has begun with interviews planned to take place in February. The successful candidate will take over the role of Clerk when I retire later this year. In the next issue of the magazine this column will update you with details of the new clerk. In April, the Annual Parish Meeting will be held. This is not a meeting of the Parish Council, but an opportunity for any resident to come along and express their views, whether this is about something which is causing concern or to present a report on village activities.

Street Fouling by Dogs There have been a number of complaints about irresponsible dog owners in the village who allow their dogs to foul in public places. Under the Clean Neighbourhoods & Environment Act 2005, this is an offence and carries a fine of up to £1,000, or a fixed penalty up to the maximum.

Toxocara canis Dogs’ mess contains a natural parasite called Toxocara canis, commonly called Roundworm. The roundworm infection is spread by the parasite’s eggs in the faeces. The dog owner is unlikely to notice any signs of this. However the Toxocara eggs, once on the soil, are invisible and are quickly spread by earthworms and insects. melbournmagazine


Bins can be found: at the Junction of Water lane and Back Lane; New Road by Victoria Way; Junction of New Road and Clear Crescent; Mortlock Street outside the Primary School; Orchard Road across from Trailes; The Moor by the Allotments; Stockbridge Meadows Wild life Park; Elm Way by fence on road to Doctors Surgery; Cambridge Road opposite Portway; By the Village Car Park; Melbourn Village College Playing field; and three on the Recreation Ground.

No 83 High Street The parasite eggs can remain active in the soil for many years, long after the dog mess has weathered away. If the eggs are swallowed by a child or adult, through hand to mouth contact, the worms hatch out and burrow through the gut wall, spreading into the blood stream. They may then enter body tissues. Symptoms of an infection include stomach upsets, sore throats, dizziness, nausea, asthma and epileptic fits. If they enter the eye they can cause permanent blindness, a condition, which affects 100–200 people each year in the UK. Immediate clearance of any dog faeces will avoid the eggs being spread. There are 15 bins throughout the village (see list top right) and dog owners are asked to use these dog bins to deposit the excrement. If a bin is not available the dog faeces should be taken home and disposed of in a hygienic manner. Do not put dog mess in the green or blue rubbish bins. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly afterwards. We thank the majority of dog owners in the village who act responsibly, but the minority are unfortunately tarnishing the image of the majority of pet owners.


In the early 1980s the British Legion hut in the High Street (opposite Rose Lane) was demolished. The land was cleared and the site was made tidy by creating a small public seated garden. Today the garden is looking a little tired and we would like members of the village to be involved in ways to improve the site. What would you like to see in this area – more seating, flowers, a memorial or perhaps a piece of art/sculpture?

For more details or to send your ideas contact the Clerk at the Parish Office MVC, The Moor, Melbourn, Cambs. SG8 6EF Telephone: 01763 262494 e-mail:

The County Council Budget You won’t be surprised to hear that the County Council is proposing to make the biggest cuts in its history - £50 million in the coming year and £160 million in the next five years overall. It is hard to find any area of council services that won’t be affected. I am writing this before the budget is voted on (February 15th) so it’s possible that some of the items below may have shifted by the time you read this. Some of the things we will notice locally are the loss of the 128 bus (the Council is phasing out all bus subsidies); the loss of post-16 education transport subsidies (though fortunately we have negotiated a good student rail fare with First Capital Connect which is cheaper than the current Council bus pass); youth clubs will no longer be funded by the Council (however Melbourn has seized the initiative and clubbed together with Meldreth, Shepreth, and Foxton to make sure the youth club continues – so very many thanks to our Parish Council). Cambridge Central Library and Melbourn Library Access Point are safe, but many community libraries

throughout the county will be downgraded (perhaps Great Shelford) and some could disappear. Pot holes will be a familiar sight for a long time to come, and grass on verges will be longer. While we’ve negotiated an improvement on student rail fares, those elderly people who depend financially on their concessionary bus passes cannot use them on trains and consequently will have less in the way of available public transport. Indeed the most difficult aspects of the budget are those which affect vulnerable people: there will be less money spent on children’s and adult’s social services, disability services, and specialist teaching. Our schools and colleges are having big cuts made. We have spent and are still spending a great deal of money on the Guided Bus. This has absorbed a whole layer of available public funds which have nothing to do with national economic difficulties. You can read much more about the budget at I’ll be giving a report on the budget to the parish council’s annual general meeting, and would be happy in the meantime to try and answer any questions you may have.

A10 and A505 speed limit reductions As no objections were raised to proposals for 50 MPH speed limits along the A505 Flint Cross and A10 Shepreth Frog End junctions, both are going ahead. The A10 stretch will run all the way from Foxton Level Crossing to just south of Frog End. Hopefully this will have a positive impact on making these stretches of road a little safer for drivers entering and leaving the Melbourn area.

Practical Solutions Group The Practical Solutions Group heard a presentation from the Chairman of the Village Plan Steering Committee, John Travis, about the early projects and long lists of volunteers that are emerging out of the Plan. The PSG works to help new community projects come to life, and therefore hopes to be able to support the work of the Plan as fledgling projects seek to establish themselves. We continue to liaise with Melbourn Parish Council, the Village College, Police, County and District Councils, and our minutes and reports are posted on the village website. Please get in touch any time, with matters big or small, and I will do my best to help. Susan van de Ven, County Councillor Telephone: 01763 261833

Heating oil prices and a new bulk-buying oil club Residents living in outlying areas of the villages I represent who are not connected to mains gas have been in touch about the very high heating oil bills they are struggling with. A good bulk-oil buying club was recently set up in Barton by local resident Francis Burkitt, who is also the district councillor there. He has kindly shared the information necessary to set up our own Melbourn County Division Oil Club in the same way. The idea is for anyone who wants to benefit from the shopping around conducted on the club’s behalf by a local oil buyer. Please look out for further information on the village website, or get in touch with me if you’d like to know more. You can also contact with the Club’s bulk oil buyer, Jeremy Cole, directly and he will explain how things work: 01954 719452 or 07860 904045. Hopefully by the time you read our new Oil Club will be well underway.

Rail User Group Annual General Meeting Our Meldreth, Shepreth and Foxton local rail user group is working hard to look after all aspects of our local rail service: fares, disabled access, level crossing safety, parking facilities, overcrowding on trains, and a strategic look into the future. Our AGM will be held at 7:30 on March at Melbourn Village College – please come along just to listen, or to take part. Representatives of the County and District Councils,

Cambridgeshire Police, British Transport Police, Passenger Focus, Railfuture East Anglia, and First Capital Connect will be joining us, so this is a great opportunity to get answers to any questions you may have. We are looking to celebrate Meldreth Station’s 160th birthday this summer, so please keep an ear open to hear more about that. Susan van de Ven

Digital Television Switchover When, what, how? On 30th March, the BBC 2 analogue channel will be switched off in Cambridgeshire, followed by the remaining analogue channels on 13th April. From then on, if you aren’t set up to receive digital, you won’t be able to watch your television. This can be a worrying prospect, and at Cambridgeshire County Council’s Trading Standards Service we want to ensure that you know where to go for advice.

How will it affect me? If you have Sky TV, Freesat from Sky, Freesat or Virgin Media you don’t need to do anything (but note, additional TVs in the house may be affected). If you have Freeview, BT Vision or Top Up TV you will need to re-tune your television 5 times in 2011. Guidance on re-tuning can be found on Digital UK’s website. Alternatively you can pay a trader to re-tune it each time. If you currently have five channels or fewer, you have three options: Option 1: get a digital box. If you get a good analogue picture through your aerial now, you could purchase a Freeview set top box. Other options are satellite services ‘Freesat from Sky’ or ‘Freesat’. Once purchased, these do not have a monthly fee. For even more channels, consider a monthly subscription service from Sky, BT Vision or Top Up TV. Your existing TV should work fine with any of these, provided it has an aerial or Scart socket. Only Freeview requires an aerial, and in most cases, if your current analogue melbournmagazine


Available on Royston Market: ➧ Fresh Fruit and Veg, Fish

direct from Great ➧ Yarmouth, Bread and Cakes, ➧ Flowers and Plants ➧ Groceries, Jewellery

(Gold bought for Cash) ➧ Picture Framing ➧ Plastics ➧ Swimming Pool Supplies ➧ Kitchenware ➧ Antiques ➧ Pet Supplies.

Have you seen our new Furniture Stall? Why not give your old furniture a new life – have it sprayed or sanded, House Clearance also available – see Fred and Kay for more details, every Wednesday and Saturday.

Coming Soon: Continental Market March 2011


picture is OK, your aerial should work fine with Freeview. If you do need a new aerial, contact the Registered Digital Installers Licensing Body on 01353 644040 or visit for a list of registered installers. Option 2: buy a new Freeview recorder with twin tuners. This will receive digital television, acting as a digital box, and is also a recorder, allowing you to watch one channel while recording another. After the switchover, if you don’t have a digital recorder, you will only be able to record the channel you are watching. Option 3: buy a new television that has a built in digital tuner.

Where can I go for advice? You can contact Digital UK on 08456 50 50 50 for advice or visit their website If you have a hearing or speech impediment, contact the text phone service on 0845 2340380.

What is the Help Scheme? A Help Scheme is available if you are 75 or over, have lived in a care home for over six months, get certain disability benefits or are registered blind or partially sighted. If you are eligible you should have received a letter from the Scheme, but if you are in any doubt, contact the scheme on 0800 4085900 or visit

Melbourn Health Visiting Team Drop in clinics for parents and babies are held as follows: Melbourn clinic every Wednesday between 9.30 and 11.30am at: 35 Orchard Road, Melbourn. Telephone 01763 262861

In March TV in Melbourn (Anglia) is going digital. See page 17 for more information.

feature P.C. Linton Basil Stockbridge Basil was born in Melbourn on 22nd January 1914 – he was the 3rd of the five children born to Joseph and Ellen Stockbridge. He was a fine all-round sportsman, being an outstanding footballer and cricketer, as well as a fine athlete. He was a choirboy and a server at All Saints and extremely popular amongst his peers. When he left school he was apprenticed to a coachbuilder in Royston, but in September 1938 he decided to join the Somerset Police Force and was stationed at Weston Super Mare. He was considered a sincere and dedicated officer who was expected to go far in the police force. On the night of 4th September 1940 Basil was in the village of Banwell – he should not have been working that night but had volunteered for duty to allow a married colleague to have an evening off. He was with Special Constable Ronald Clark whose 49th birthday it was. Ron had opened his presents and then gone on duty, telling his family that he and Basil would be back later for some sandwiches. By a cruel twist of fate, he also should not have been working that night – he had swapped duties with another officer! They were on observation duty keeping watch on the house of a suspected arsonist who had been setting fire to hayricks. At 9.20 the sirens sounded and the villagers took precautions against the possibility of a German air-raid attack. If a family did not have an Anderson or Morrison shelter, it was common practice to move a mattress under the stairs or near a chimney as these were considered the safest place to be. However the ‘phoney’ war during which the sirens regularly went off but nothing actually happened meant that most inhabitants of the village were not really expecting any problems. However, about an hour later the bombers were heard approaching and eight or nine bombs were dropped in the village, the telephone exchange was hit, a gas main was on fire and several houses had received direct hits. A number of people lost their lives that night. Access to the village was now difficult as the roads were damaged so ambulances had to drive across the fields to pick up the wounded, the place was in chaos. Another Police Officer, Gerald Lockyer, had seen Basil alongside Ron Clarke just before one of the bombs had exploded – Ron’s body was found but there was no sign of Basil. It was not until the following day when he had failed to report back to his station that a search party was organised and it appeared he had been blown right over a house and was lying some distance away. His body was brought back to Melbourn where he was buried on 9th September. The church was packed with mourners including his fiancée, a hospital nurse called Miss Lee. The Police Force was represented by a Police Inspector from Somerset and four of his colleagues and a sergeant and two constables from the Cambridge County Police Force.It was decided to give his widowed mother Ellen a gratuity of £16.10.8d – the highest amount payable for his length of service! This story was given to me by Joy Galley, who is the daughter of Basil’s elder brother Maurice. It has been included in a book about Banwell’s victims of two world wars which was produced by the Banwell Society of Archaeology. As Basil was not a Banwell resident, his name does not appear on any village memorials but the tribute to this brave young man is now on record in the archives of their village. Mavis Howard




Stop loan sharks biting The best advice for dealing with loan sharks is ‘don’t’. They’re unlicensed moneylenders who charge very high interest rates and sometimes use threats and violence to frighten people who can’t pay back their loan. What is a loan shark? A loan shark is an unlicensed moneylender. Licensed moneylenders are regulated by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) and must follow the OFT’s codes of practice. Because they’re not licensed, loan sharks operate outside the law. If you borrow from them it’s likely you’ll:

• get a loan on very bad terms • pay an extortionate rate of interest • be harassed if you get behind with your repayments • be pressured into borrowing more from them to repay one debt with another

How to find out if a lender is licensed The Consumer Credit Public Register lists everyone with an OFT licence as well as everyone who has applied for one or has had one taken away or suspended. It’s free to get basic information from the register. To search the public register, telephone 020 7211 8608 between 9.30am and 4pm Monday to Friday. If a lender isn’t listed as having a current licence, don’t borrow money from them. What to do if you have borrowed from a loan shark If you have borrowed money from a loan shark you are under no legal obligation to repay the debt. You should contact your local Trading Standards office immediately. They will help you deal with your situation and the loan shark. Cambridgeshire County Council Telephone: 08454 040506 Hotline Numbers for the Illegal Money Lending Teams You can contact stop loan sharks by phone on 030 0555 2222 or email: Is it a crime not to repay a loan from a loan shark? If a lender isn’t licensed by the OFT then they have no legal right to recover the debt. Loan sharks sometimes frighten people by saying they’ll be prosecuted and even sent to prison if they don’t pay up. This can’t happen – not repaying a loan from an unlicensed lender isn’t a criminal offence.


What to do if you’re being harassed Any lender who harasses you is breaking the law. You should report them to the local Trading Standards office, and to the police if the loan shark threatens you or uses violence. Other ways of borrowing money If you need a loan, always go to a licensed lender. You may still have to pay a high rate of interest but the Consumer Credit Act will cover your loan agreement. Always shop around for credit – just because a lender is licensed it doesn’t necessarily mean you are getting a good deal. If you’re on a low income and you need to borrow a small amount for a short time, look into borrowing from a credit union. Credit unions encourage you to save what you can and only borrow what you can afford to pay back. You’ll pay from one up to two per cent in interest a month.

Where to get help and advice Many organisations offer free help and guidance on money matters. Always get free, independent help before you pay a commercial service.

Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) Your local CAB is a good starting point for free advice. They provide free information and advice on legal, financial and other problems. Royston Tel: 08444 111444 Cambridge: 0844 848 7979

National Debtline National Debtline offers free, confidential and independent help over the phone for people in England, Scotland and Wales. You can call their helpline on 0808 8084 000 between 9.00 am and 9.00 pm from Monday to Friday and from 9.30 am to 1.00 pm on Saturdays (24 hour voicemail). Telephone 0808 808 4000 The National Debtline website has some useful publications that you can download.

Consumer Credit Counselling Service (CCCS) The CCCS has a helpline providing free and impartial advice to people with debt problems. You can call their helpline on 0800 1381 111 between 8.00 am and 8.00 pm from Monday to Friday. You can also write to them.

Priorities & Engagement Activity At the neighbourhood panel meeting on 19th October 2010 the following shows the priorities set and action taken by our neighbourhood policing team. Results of action taken to tackle priorities set 1 Tackle anti-social use of motor vehicles in the Panel area Reports of ASB have almost halved Patrols to target vehicle related ASB took place in: The Moor, High Street, New Road, Vicarage Close, Spring Lane and Stockbridge Meadows. Notices or warnings were given to owners of mopeds Engagement with riders has been positive with awareness of the impact of their behaviour on others being heightened Parking complaint patrols conducted, three specifically for concerns raised regarding parents parking outside Melbourn Primary School.

• • • •

2 Tackle Road Safety Issues across the Panel area Speedchecks conducted by PCSO Only sixteen vehicles were found to be speeding and received warning letters. Four vehicles stopped by patrol officers as part of the Christmas Drink Drive Campaign-negative results. Speeding Day of Action held resulted in eight speeding tickets, one ticket for using a mobile phone whilst driving, one ticket for no tax, two negative breath tests and nineteen drivers being given words of advice for their parking and speed. Three hours of static patrol targeting mobile phone use yielded nothing.

• • • •

3 Tackle ASB issues Twenty six directed patrols have taken place to address the previous reports of anti-social behaviour from midmorning to midnight. Police Surgery held on 17 December to provide reassurance – no attendees. Two reports of nuisance youths – nobody found on police attendance One report of a house being targeted with snowballs.

• • • •

To help pinpoint problems and find practical solutions to reduce anti-social behaviour in the village, Melbourn’s Practical Solutions Group (PSG) has recognised that a less formal and more inclusive approach is required to achieve its aims. This new group remains multi-agency, as its predecessor the Problem Solving Group, but the emphasis and approach has changed so that it can work with and include Melbourn residents (young and old). If you are affected by ASB would like to be involved in this worthwhile project then please get in touch by using the contact form at; problemsolving or phone 01763 221323

Priorities set by the panel meeting on 18th January 2011 Continue to address road safety issues relating to speeding and obstructive parking across the neighbourhood. Prevention of metal thefts.

Next panel meeting 19th April at Melbourn Village College Door open 7pm for 7:30 start. All welcome.

Emerging Issues in Melbourn A total of 41 offences occurred in the Melbourn ward (Melbourn, Gt. Chishill, Lt. Chishill and Heydon), so offence levels have remained stable compared to the previous period (40 offences) and the same period last year (46 offences). ASB incidents in Melbourn dropped to 40 (67 in the previous period), but this is higher than the same period last year (28 incidents). Five incidents occurred outside the Village College, with reports of general nuisance behaviour from youths and vehicles. Five incidents have been recorded, all between 9pm and midnight.

Street level crime map Non emergency phone number

0345 456 456 4

MINICOM helpline for the deaf and hard of hearing, anywhere in the force area: 01480 422493 RNID TypeTalk is a national telephone relay service which enables, deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing and speech impaired people to communicate, to access the service dial: 0800 515152

Emergency 999

A new national website has been launched to give you more local information about crime and anti-social behaviour at a street level. The online map will allow you to view figures for all crime as well as burglary, robbery, violence, vehicle crime, other crime and anti-social behaviour in your area, at the touch of a button. The maps display dots which mark the approximate location where a crime or incidence of anti-social behaviour has been reported to the police. To ensure privacy of individuals, incidents of crime or anti-social behaviour are mapped to a point on, or near, the street where it happened. You can see the site at Enter your postcode for more details on crime and anti-social behaviour where you live, melbournmagazine


“Little Hands” is a Private Nursery School specialising in quality Pre-School Education for 2 – 5 year Olds • • • • • • •

The Nursery School offers : High (1 : 4) staffing ratio Variety of session lengths Term time only booking Optional holiday clubs No minimum booking requirement No booking fee Categorised “OUTSTANDING” by Ofsted

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® Foxton pre-school offers a relaxed and nurturing environment for children aged 2 ½ - 5 years. ® The children are encouraged to learn and develop through play and activities. ® The children enjoy outdoor play and gardening in the security of the preschool garden. ® A cooked meal is served at lunchtime Open: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 9.00 – 3.15, Friday 9.00 – 11.30 Children can attend for half or full days. For more information or to arrange a visit call Pip Deas on 01223 8728779 or 07546078012 Foxton Pre-school, Hardman Road, Foxton, CB22 6RN


Ukulele in Melbourn

Beginners to Advanced Enquiries to

Tony Buch telephone: 01763 262938 mobile: 07734 300565 email:

feature What’s the meaning of national coalition government at local level? There’s an unspoken rule in the villages that ‘this is no place for politics.’ So in answering a request from the Magazine to write about how the coalition government relates to local decision-making for us here in Melbourn, I will tread carefully. No doubt about it, ‘politics’ has a bad name, although it means different things to different people. Indeed the dictionary defines ‘politics’ on a wide spectrum: ‘to deal with people in an opportunistic, manipulative, or devious way’ is not necessarily the same thing as ‘a process by which groups of people make collective decisions.’ The evolution of politics in the early history of our corner of South Cambridgeshire was documented by the Foxton local historian Rowland Parker, who observed in his book, The Common Stream, ‘as was inevitable, politics began to play a role.’ What did he mean? Perhaps a mixture of the two dictionary definitions: decisions on behalf of communities needed to be taken, but inevitably this involved some jostling, because that’s what happens when groups of people get together to make decisions. It can even happen when two people try and decide how to stuff a turkey at Christmas. Much has happened since Saxon times, and in the latest twist, a national coalition government replaces our usual set-up of straightforward ruling and opposition political party groups. It is always a startling sight to see former adversaries smiling together and treating each other well, particularly at the door to Number 10 Downing Street. Inside the Prime Minister’s kitchen, I imagine five meat eaters and one vegetarian trying to decide on the menu for a state dinner. What is perhaps stranger still is that while national government is run by a coalition of Conservatives and Liberal Democrats, nothing has changed at our district and county councils, or at anyone else’s for that matter. The arrangement in our corner of the world is that South Cambridgeshire and Cambridgeshire County Councils both remain Conservative run, with Liberal Democrats forming the main opposition groups. You can just imagine the clever remarks and teasing which this national-local dichotomy has inspired in the council debating chambers. You may also ask, why bother with political parties? My answer is that they are natural and inevitable clusterings of like-minded people based upon different outlooks and guiding principles, and tend to form in the context of decision-making on a large scale. They incorporate various aspects of discipline and a process of consensus decision making which inevitably involves an element of compromise.

Like all groupings of human beings they have strengths and weaknesses, encouraged or exacerbated by institutional features and flaws. In Parliament, the system for claiming expenses has led to abuses. At county and district level, the Local Government Act of 2000 imposed a cabinet system which encourages political groupings and a more confrontational style. The most local tier of government, the parish council, remains outside of party politics. But it too carries out a political function, and has its own potential strengths and weaknesses, again due to human and institutional reasons. Where does the money come from for the public services we need on a day-to-day basis? National government gives huge ‘grants’ to district and county councils to help finance the running of public services. Those councils work upon their rule-and-oppose frameworks to thrash out how that money should be spent. The grants may be huge but they make up only part of the spending pie, and much more is needed in order for public services to be delivered. The other big piece of the pie is Council Tax, which is a combination of levies from county, district and parish councils, and the Police and Fire Authorities. One of the District Council’s duties is to collect the entire Council Tax on behalf of all these parties, but sometimes there is a misperception that they keep it all. The other major influence of national government on local decision making and public services is big policies about things like limits on how much tax local councils are allowed to raise, incentives to do certain things that result in further grant money being made available, and so on. All local councils have the power to make decisions with huge implications for people: the county’s Guided Bus project, the district’s decision not to sell off our council houses, and the parish’s essential financial support to ground-level volunteer groups who make a big difference in people’s every day lives. Coalition or no coalition, there is tussling throughout this whole chain of events as representatives of the people try and figure out what they think the people want and need. It fascinates me that the very concept of a coalition arrangement at the top layer of our democratic structure, in a system largely understood in terms of adversarial relationships, has got even more sparks flying than when the coalition partners worked in strict mutual opposition. If only Rowland Parker were still here, to shed a bit of wisdom, and maybe write another chapter for The Common Stream. Susan van de Ven




Profile David Piggott My subject this issue is a well known and, dare I say it, popular local character. Anyone who has ever taken the train to Kings Cross or Cambridge will know our erudite sales assistant (mustn’t say Station Master – they were abolished in 1963). I was amused one day waiting on the platform when a party of Spanish students arrived and were completely taken aback when David emerged from his cubby hole and addressed them in fluent Spanish! But to the beginning. Born in Royston at St George’s Nursing Home in 1947, David’s parents lived in Buntingford where father was a butcher. He has a sister who is married and living in Royston and he has a niece and nephew of whom he is fond. His father gave up the butcher’s shop and moved to Green Drift in Royston when he took a job at ICL in Letchworth. David had attended Hertford Grammar School and won a place at The Queen;’s College, Oxford where he studied modern languages. He worked hard at his studies because, due to an inherited kidney problem, he had a number of periods of bad health including two kidney operations and was constantly having to catch up. When he graduated, he took a job in London at a bank and commuted to New Oxford Street for four years until the bank wanted to relocate him to Kensington. Although he very much enjoyed the London scene, he was not keen on the idea of the move and a chance comment to his old headmaster at a school reunion led to him being offered the post of Spanish teacher back at Hertford Grammar, his old school. Whilst working in London he had developed a taste for the theatre and amateur dramatics. Under the leadership of Fred Sillence he spent happy years as a member of the Royston Drama Group, acting in most of their productions and loving every minute of it. One Victorian farce they put on, called

Dandy Dick, needed a strong female lead who just happened to be the wife of the commandant of Bassingbourn Barracks. The CO was anxious that all his men should see his beloved in her leading role and arranged for a staging of the play at the barracks. With 5 days to go no tickets had been sold, so in a Draconian move, all leave was cancelled, all bars closed except the theatre bar where beer was advertised at 10p a pint and miraculously within 24 hours all the seats were sold. The performance went ahead to a packed house, although with the cheap beer the audience was paralytic and the farce was not confined to the stage! This play was also staged at another location, where the scenery had on one side been placed close up against a wall, with the result that the poor actor who was first to exit left opened the door to find a brick wall and he couldn’t get off the stage. Panic. It was during his teaching period that David became involved in Quizzes. Two of his pupils were desperate to appear on the ‘telly’ and applied for places on a TV quiz show. They needed to have a third member of the team, an adult, and so (without asking) they entered their form master. By the time the BBC took up their entry, the boys had actually left school but they still entered the quiz (Angela Rippon was the quiz master). One of the them was working on the underground and the other was a student at a pharmaceutical college. They were anxious to have their mascot on view, but it happened to be an 8’ stuffed alligator and the trauma of getting this thing across London and negotiating a revolving door is still vivid in David’s memory. They didn’t win, but one of the boys was lured by the spotlights and, as David said, would start performing if he opened the fridge door and the light came on! They got onto a quiz programme called Today’s The Day – the prize at the end of all the rounds was a round the world ticket – for one! They must have made a good impression because when the format of the programme changed and each contestant was paired with a celebrity, they were called back and David was paired with Cheryl Baker. Then he appeared on Mastermind both radio and TV. It is an urban myth that David was the winner of Mastermind, but he certainly put up a good show. On radio, he got through to the second round – his specialised subject was Roman Britain but in the second round his subject was supposed to be 20th century British battleships but somehow it was turned into the history of the British Navy and David came unstuck. On the TV show, his chosen subject was the French West Indies where he had taught for a year. Yes, that was another surprise. After four years at Hertford Grammar teaching Spanish, French and occasionally melbournmagazine


Little Foxes Baby & Toddler Group Little Foxes is a friendly, fun, good value, baby & toddler group. The baby & toddler group provides a great opportunity to meet other mums and for the children to play together. It is run by mums & child carers for babies and children up to 5 years old. There is a baby area, dressing up clothes, trikes, trampolines, duplo, cars, dolls, etc. There are creative activities, song & story time and refreshments for the adults & children. Foxton Village Hall Hardman Road Foxton Tuesday (term time only) 09.30 – 11.00

£1.50 per session

Meldreth Pre-School Reg.Charity no.1034965

Village Hall Meldreth High Street We are a friendly, non-profit making Pre-School. We offer Morning, Lunch Club and Afternoon sessions to children between the ages of 2 and 5 years. We offer a high staffing ratio, whilst maintaining competitive rates. £8.20 per session, £3.00 for Lunch Club We accept Government Vouchers (which makes sessions for the over 3’s free) For more information please Contact: Pre-School Leader, Jane Cable on 07952 295655 during Pre-School Hours (Mon/Tue 9-3, Wed/Thur/Fri 9-12.30) or telephone The Admissions Secretary, Yasmin Croxford on 01763 220246


History and English, he applied for an exchange year and was given Guadeloupe. His exchange partner lived in David’s flat in Hertford but as he had left his wife behind David could not stay with her, so shared a nice concrete house with one of his partner’s relations. Just as well it was a solid house because they endured a really dreadful Hurricane, Hugo, which cut a swathe through the island and their concrete home actually remained standing. He had thought he was going to teach English, but in fact there had been a mix up and what the West Indian teacher had been teaching was Business Studies in English. So David had to swat up on business studies and managed to get through the year, very often being just one page ahead of his students in the text book! The school buildings were beautiful – it was a French Lycee – and the pupils were all races, colours and creeds but all of them very laid back and cheerful. During this time David took the opportunity of visiting Cuba, Puerto Rico, Venezuela and Mexico – drinking in the local culture and history. And everything got filed in that meticulous filing cabinet of a brain. Part of the deal of the exchange was that he should carry on teaching for another whole year back home, but in fact he stayed for 6 years. Yet he never quite got back his enthusiasm after his travels and at Christmas 1996 everything was changed for him. His parents were by now living in Hale Close. David was taken seriously ill with pleurisy and pneumonia. He was off work for some 9 months and eventually he resigned from the school. When he finally felt fit enough to work again, he took a job on the Science Park, going back into the world of commerce. Not to go into too much detail, one of his tasks was to telephone European hospitals to get data for a comprehensive register – his languages being brought into play. When new buildings were going up in the Science Park the company became temporarily homeless and David was looking for a job again. Going to the old Melbourn Post office for a stamp he found an enormous queue, so hopped on his bicycle and went down to Meldreth where he propped his bike underneath the small ads. And there he saw the job at the station. I doubt whether the railways have ever had such a highly qualified applicant and of course, David got the job. Originally the plan was to have two people working doing three days each. His partner was a woman, but she did not take to the job and eventually David took over Monday to Friday with Saturdays as overtime. As he put it, Saturday puts the jam on top of the cream on the scone. He really enjoys the job. He is helpful and knowledgeable and has often saved us money by working out the best way of getting around on the railways in the most economical way. If trains are delayed (which does not happen very often nowadays, he says) he will provide tea and coffee for stranded passengers. When my grandson was at the Perse and started to use Meldreth station, David asked my daughter for his details and entered them in his ‘little book’ so that if anything went wrong on his patch, he would know how to get hold of her. He didn’t have to do that, it is all part of his caring nature – the old Form Master coming out.

He told me a number of funny incidents, a dear old lady getting off the train looking a bit bewildered and asking ‘is this Wimbledon?’ David telephoned her relatives in London and told them mother would be about five hours late! Another time a train was late because the driver had been attacked by a swan – but he never did get to the bottom of that tale. A short while ago there was a suggestion that the station would not be manned on Saturdays, but the local people were up in arms about that and they petitioned successfully to keep David on duty.. Very gratifying, he said modestly. I asked what happens about getting a ticket after David has knocked off at 1.15 – apparently you can get a ‘permit to travel’ from the ticket machine and then pay your fare at the other end. Unsurprisingly, David loves travelling and has recently spent holidays in Seville, Madrid, Buenos Aires, Santiago, Nice – mainly countries where he knows that he can speak the language. He also enjoys the cuisine in these foreign parts and says that he enjoys cooking. The lure of the greasepaint has faded with the years, although he still likes to go to the theatre where possible. But rising early each morning to be at the station on time sadly means that more often than not he has to be in bed early. So next time you buy your cheap day return to Kings Cross, just ask David about any General Knowledge clues you may be stuck on in your crossword – he is bound to have the answer! Mavis Howard



All Saints’ winter flower festival


The first weekend in February saw a great deal of activity at All Saints’ Church, with a large number of people working together to produce a wonderfully artistic floral display. Entrance to the show was free, yet the third bi-annual Flower Festival managed to raise over £1,500 for the church , money raised by donations and the sale of excellent refreshments, plants and craft. The snowdrops (the motif which is used to publicise the event) on the southern approach obliged by blooming on time and the porch was decorated to welcome visitors. The event had been flagged up by the Daily Telegraph – so visitors came from far and wide. Rosemary and Rebecca Gatward masterminded the exercise (Rebecca doing much of the organising by email as she is at present working in Michigan!) but there was strong support from the Church Flower Rota ladies and local flower clubs. Husbands were roped in to help with construction work, willing helpers supplied tea and sandwiches and held ladders whilst tall arrangements were fixed – it was a real team effort.

Photographs by Mike Sherwen


It would be invidious to pick out any particular pieces as each one was impressive in it’s own right, but Julie Woods altar pieces were extremely elegant and exotic whilst Rebecca had brought a flavour of American Happy Holidays to her flowers. An elegant tea party with floral cup cakes sat near a celebration of the Quatercenenary of the King James Bible and a representation of Aladdin and his genie made one smile. A winter beach, the winter solstice, skating on the fens and winter birthdays, birds and weddings were all there together with a glimpse of the Olympic ski slopes. The weekend was brought to a moving close by a well attended a celebration of Candlemas with the prettily decorated candelabra softly lighting the church.

Nature Spring delights

Carpets of spring-flowering bulbs are an exhilarating sight and this year at the Botanic Garden, we hope to see for the first time the results of a year-long project to encircle the original 1846 Garden with a spectacular show of spring bulbs. The move of the Botanic Garden from a small city centre site to its current 40 acre site was achieved through the energies of John Stevens Henslow, Professor of both Botany and Geology, teacher and mentor of Charles Darwin. Despite Henslow’s best efforts, the University sanctioned the planting up of only the western half of the site, which opened to the public in 1846. A winding peripheral path encloses a great variety of plantings and is flanked by an excellent tree collection, laid out in family groupings. This established tree cover provides the perfect light woodland conditions for establishing our beautiful new bulb belt. The first phase of the project was completed in March last year when Friends of Cambridge University Botanic Garden helped plant 5000 in-the-green snowdrops. Large-flowered Galanthus elwesii and Galanthus ‘S Arnott’ were planted in drifts, giving way to the simple, single-flowered Galanthus nivalis under the Hazel and Birch collections, now festooned with catkins. These combine beautifully with bright yellow winter aconites (Eranthis hyemalis) and pastel-coloured early Crocus. continued on page 30

River Mel Restoration Group The bad weather this winter has kept us out of the river on several occasions, as well as causing us to postpone our planned River Care Community Litter Pick at the end of November. However, we have not been idle, as we have been able to carry out some bank side work that had been recommended by the Ecology Officer and approved by the Parish Council. We have coppiced some bank side hawthorns along a short stretch of the river along the woodland path between the Recreation Field and the A10 bridge. This particular short stretch is favoured by water voles, therefore we have used the cut branches to create a dead hedge. This hedge serves a dual purpose; the first is to protect the bank from erosion and second to give water voles some protection from predators. The coppicing will rejuvenate the hawthorns,

Photo by Marcus Harpur

so prolonging their lives as well as providing more light which will enable the adjacent larger trees to flourish. In January we celebrated the second anniversary of the start of our project in Melbourn. The two years seem to have passed very quickly and we have achieved a significant amount of work thanks to our volunteers and the support that we receive from the community. Even so we were surprised and delighted when we were presented with a Community Service Award by the Melbourn Parish Council in December. We hope that all of you that have supported us in anyway feel able to share in this award.

continued on page 30



Spring delights continued

These are succeeded by a spectacular show of wild daffodils, which were scattered and dug in last autumn in their thousands. First the fresh spring grass is studded with the delicate and diminutive Narcissus pseudonarcissus lobularis, stars of creamy, twisted petals backing yellow trumpets. These delightful daffodils are followed by the old-fashioned Pheasant Eyes (Narcissus poeticus recurvus), a late-flowering daffodil with a small bright orange cup surrounded by reflexed, white petals. Planted en masse, the fresh scent will fill the air. To mix up the colour palette, we are also establishing a large patch of inkyblue Camassia to complement the Magnolia collection, and purple-chequered Snakeshead Fritillary and a trial patch of the wild yellow tulip, Tulipa sylvestris will add to the Steam Garden plantings. Together, these should make a show-stopping and long-lasting spring display. Spring-flowering bulbs are typically woodland plants and take advantage of rising temperatures and lengthening days to bloom before the trees leaf up. The selections for the bulb belt are all wild species, and have been planted in interlocking natural drifts to entice visitors around the 1846 Garden. The new show will complement the well-established communities of thousands of primroses, cowslips and wild Tenby daffodils (Narcissus pseudonarcissus obvallaris) that flank the Fairway of the eastern part of the Garden that was developed as funds became available in the 1950s. The many blooms will also provide vital early nectar and pollen for bees and other insects encouraged into activity by warming temperatures. As the trees come into leaf in late spring, the long grass meadows shoot up to cover the fading blooms and foliage. This enchanting project was made possible through generous gifts to the Garden’s Giving in Memory Fund. Do visit this spring, and let the bulb belt brighten your day!

The Botanic Garden is open 10am – 5pm in March, and until 6pm from April - September. Admission is £4 (£3.50) or join the Friends & help the Garden grow! To join the onehour highlights tour led by an expert Garden Guide that leaves Brookside Gate at 11am on the first Saturday of every month, telephone 01223 336265 to book a place (£7, £3 for Friends). Or bring the children along to one of our drop-in First Saturday Family Fun workshops. The elegantly appointed new Garden Café has just re-opened, and serves homemade, locally-sourced and delicious food. For news and events, detailed information about the Garden or to discover this week’s Plant Picks from the Head of Horticulture, please visit the website at:

Juliet Day, Development Officer, Cambridge University Botanic Garden

River Mel Restoration Group continued

The dates of our forthcoming working parties can be found on either the River Mel pages of the Melbourn Village website or directly via www.rivermel. com.

Dates Saturday 19th March. 14 Flambards Close Meldreth 9.15am for 9.30am start Saturday 2nd April. RiverCare Community Litter Pick Pavilion on Recreation Field Melbourn 9.45am for 10am start Saturday 9th April. Pavilion on Recreation Field Melbourn 9.15am for 9.30am start Saturday 30th April. 14 Flambards Close Meldreth 9.15am for 9.30am start Saturday 21st May. Pavilion on Recreation Field Melbourn 9.15am for 9.30am start


Village information What goes in the BLUE BIN?

Household Waste and Recycling Centres Milton

Items that are accepted

YES • Plastic bottles • Plastic bottle tops & triggers • Plastic packaging (pots, tubs and trays) • Plastic bags • Plastic film (clean food wrapping) • Glass bottles and jars • Food & drinks cans • Aerosols • Tin foil & foil trays • Cartons (e.g. Tetrapak) • Cardboard • Greeting cards • Wrapping paper (paper only)

Butt Lane, Milton Tel: 01223 860674 • 9am–8pm Mon to Fri • 9am–6pm Bank Holidays, Sat & Sun • 9am–4pm Mon to Sun (1 October–31 March)

• Green waste • Hardcore (bricks, rubble) • Paper • Glass • Scrap metal • Waste oil • Fridges/freezers • Car batteries • Textiles • Cardboard • Plastic • TVs and computers (incl. monitors) Please Note: The sites will only accept waste from household sources.

NO • Expanded polystyrene • Pyrex • Flat glass • DVDs/CDs • Plastic toys • Light bulbs and fluorescent tubes

Thriplow Gravel Pit Hill, Thriplow Tel: 01223 839001 • 8am–5pm Mon to Fri • 8am–5pm Bank Holidays, Sat & Sun (Summer) • 8am–4pm Mon to Sun (1 October–31 March)

Melbourn Bus Timetables Note: These times have been taken from the companies website, but are subject to change, please telephone the company for updates, or check the village website, Parking & Transport.

Bin collection MELBOURN 4 March 11 March 18 March 25 March 1 April 8 April 15 April 23 April* 2 May** 7 May* 13 May 20 May 27 May 4 June* 10 June 17 June 24 June * Saturday Collection

Black bin Green & Blue Bin Black bin Green & Blue Bin Black bin Green & Blue Bin Black bin Green & Blue Bin Black bin Green & Blue Bin Black bin Green & Blue Bin Black bin Green & Blue Bin Black bin Green & Blue Bin Black bin ** Monday Collection

For an update on collections visit: default.htm?location=72

n For more informatio rge and collections of la phone household items tele 03450 450 063

Commercial service operated by Stagecoach in Cambridge

Cambridge - Foxton - Melbourn - Royston

Service 26


Cambridge, Drummer Street, Bay 7

From: 23 October, 05 Notes :

Cambridge, Trumpington Road, Leys School Trumpington, Maris Lane Harston, Village Hall Foxton, Memorial Shepreth, Tylers Melbourn, Car Park

Royston, Bus Station

Royston, Tesco Royston, Burns Roadoperated by Stagecoach in Cambridge Commercial service

































































08:59 09:05 09:07 09:11 09:20

Then at these mins hour



Royston - Melbourn - Foxton - Cambridge


MONDAY A Runs viaTO HillsSATURDAY Road and Long Road


Notes :

Royston, Burns Road

Royston, Bus Station

Melbourn, Car Park Shepreth, Tylers Foxton, Memorial Harston, Village Hall Trumpington, Maris Lane Cambridge, Trumpington Road, Leys School

Cambridge, Drummer Street, Bay 6

Service 26 From: 29 August, 04







































































07:40 08:20B 09:50






Then at these mins past each hour





Local Bus companies

BStagecoach On Saturdaysinand on Monday to01223 Friday during school holidays, buses may arrive in Cambridge Cambridge 423578 – Huntingdon & District 01480 up to 10 minutes earlier.


453159 – Alans Bus & Coach 01763 245073



important numbers Police (non emergency) 0345 456 4564 Crimestoppers Freephone 0800 555111 Neighbourhood Watch Steven Cambery Cambs Registered Trader Sceme 01223 221921 Telephone Preference Service 0845 070 0707 CAB Royston Childline

08456 889897 0800 1111


08457 909090

Hospitals Addenbrooke’s Royston

01223 245151 01763 238020


Camdoc NHS Direct (queries 24hrs)

01223 464242 0845 4647

Services Anglian Water 08457 145 145 Gas emergency 0800 111 999 Electricity 08007 838838 South Cambs District Fire & Rescue Service 01223 376217 Transport British Rail Enquiries Stagecoach Cambus

08457 484950 08706 082608

Melbourn Magazine Ann Dekkers Editor 261144 Mavis Howard Parish Profile 260686 Eric Johnston Distribution 220197 Peter Simmonett Production & Village website 220363 Anne Lambert Information Collection 261480 Colin Limming Proof reading 260072 Brenda Meliniotis Village Diary & Proof reading 261154 Roger Mellor Advertising 220463 or 220363

Education Melbourn Playgroup Jane Crawford 07842 151512 Childminding Group Sec. Vacancies Co-ordinator Heidi Hardwidge 221625 Community Education (activities from toddlers to adults) Julie Harradence 223408 Library LAP Mike Stapleton 269956 Little Hands Nursery School 260964 Out of school times 01223 503972 Notre Ecole Janet Whitton 261231 Primary School Headmaster Gary Casey 223457 U3A (Univ. of Third Age) Chairman Arthur Alderton 260399 Hon Sec Hilary Docwra 222486 Mem Sec Arthur Alderton 260399 Village College Warden Elaine Stephenson 223400 Health Age Concern 01223 506002 Blood Donors 0300 123 23 23 Chiropodist 263260 Citizen’s Advice Bureau 238020 Community Care Val Trueman 260191 Dentist 262034 District Nurses (Primary Care Trust) 01223 846122 Home-Start 262262 S Cambs PCT 35 Orchard Road Child & Family Nurses 262861 Melbourn and Meldreth Self-Help Jayne White 220250 Car Scheme 245228 Orchard Surgery Appointments 260220 Dispensary 261246 For repeat prescriptions send email: Osteopath Kath Harry 261716 St John Ambulance Robert Jakubiak 220507 LOCAL clubs Air Cadets 2484 (Bassingbourn) Squadron 249156 Tony Kelly Mon & Wed evenings 7 – 9.30 p.m. Army Cadets Ted Neathey 01223 248001 Tuesday evenings at The Moor 7.15 to 9.30pm Bellringers John Gipson 262846 Bridge Club Howard Waller 261693 1st Melbourn Rainbows Abigail Roberts 261505 Brownies 1st Melbourn Stephanie Clifford 220272 Brownies 2nd Melbourn Samantha Pascoe (Brown Owl) 261400 Cambells (Handbells) Eira Martin 261221 Dramatic Society Kathy Wholley 223805 email: Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Stuart Morris 208634 Gardening Helen Powell 245887 Guides Hilary Marsh 261443 Mothers’ Union Anne Harding 260759 Melbourn & District Mushroom Club Helene Davies 01954 789 947 or m.07903 456 628 Melbourn History Group Colin Limming 260072

We shall be pleased to receive contributions in any form, articles, poems, drawings, photographs, letters etc., pertaining to Melbourn. Please send any contributions to the Office of the Parish Clerk, Council Offices, 28 Station Rd, Melbourn SG8 6DX, marking them ‘MELBOURN MAGAZINE’ or you can email them to

Apart from printing, all work on the Melbourn Magazine, including layout and design is produced by volunteers. The cost of production comes entirely from advertising and sponsorship. No public money is used.

Melbourn Pottery Club Maggie 01223 207307 National Trust Colin Limming 260072 New Melbourn Singers Adrian Jacobs 243224 Photographic Club Bruce Huett 232855 Ramblers Dave Allard 242677 Royal British Legion Patrick Parkinson 262617 Royal British Legion Women Elizabeth Murphy 220841 Royal National Lifeboat Institution Jean Emes 245958 Royston and District Local History Society David Allard 242677 Royston and District Round Table 221398 Royston Lions Janet Daniels 260009 RSPB Doug Radford 208978 SOAS (Supporters of All Saints’) Doreen Johnston 220197 St George’s Allotments Assoc. Bruce Huett Youth Club Amanda Bernard 223407 Women’s Group Pat Smith 260103 Places of worship All Saints Church Rev Andrew O’Brien Melbourn Vicarage 260295 Curate Mary Price 261569 Churchwardens Christine van Vliet 223063 Mike Galley 260127 Community Hall booking Colin Limming 260072 Baptist Church Rev. Stuart Clarke 261650 Secretary Guy Manners 01223 872298 United Reformed Church Minister Rev. Duncan Goldie 260747 Churches Together Helen John 261147 sport Badminton Steve Jackson Bowls Elaine Cooke Croquet Janet Pope Football Club Simon Gascoyne Jazzercise Linda Warner Judo Derek Coult Melbourn Community Sports Meldreth Tennis Club Sue Davies Swimming Club Jenny Brackley Squash Club Nick Sugden

248774 221571 248342 261703 241527 225004 263313 220174 244593 261064

Warden & sheltered housing schemes Dial-A-Ride 01223 506335 Mobile Warden Scheme Warden – Margo Wherrell 260966 Deputy – Jeannie Seers 262651 Neighbourhood Watch Scheme Stephen Cambery 261520 Vicarage Close Warden Eileen Allan Lead Sheltered Housing Officer Monday to Friday 9–1.30 263389 John Impey Way Jeanette Holland 269596 Southwell Court 262121 Moorlands 260564

Adverts should be supplied as finished artwork and must be at the sizes below. Please send artwork to We print 2200 copies of the Melbourn Magazine which is delivered free to every house in the village four times a year. Note: colour advert space is limited, please contact us for further details. The current rates for advertising in the Magazine are as follows: Size per… Width x Height 1/4 inside page (79 × 128 mm) 1/2 inside page (163 × 128 mm) Full inside page (163 × 262 mm)

Annum £76 £132 £261

Colour £113 £188 £375

Adverts must be supplied as high resolution jpgs or 300dpi Tif or eps.

For further information on advertising please telephone 220363 or 220463. Remittance or cheques should be made to Melbourn Parish Council.


The closing date for the next issue is Friday 15th April 2011 which will appear in June, listing events in June, July and August

MARCH Tue 1 Toddler Plus Baptist Church 9.30-11.30am Photographic Club - Foxton Village Hall 7.30pm Wed 2 Craft Club Baptist Church Hall 9.30am Coffee Break Baptist Church Hall 10.30-12.00 Thur 3 Holy Communion All Saints’ 10am Story Time for U5’s Melbourn Library 10-10.45am Royston & District Local History Society Royston Town Hall 8pm Fri 4 Coffee at URC 10.30am Sat 5 Coffee Stop All Saints’ Community Hall 10.30 Village Market at MVC main hall Art Work Preview Stockbridge Meadows 2-4pm Sun 6 Holy Communion 8am Evensong 6.30pm at All Saints Baptist Church Communion 6pm Mon 7 Melbourn Bridge Club Vicarage Close Tue 8 Toddler Plus Baptist Church Hall 9.30am Mothers Union Melbourn & District Gardening Club All Saints’ Community Hall, The Gibberd Garden Wed 9 Craft Club Baptist Church Hall 9.30am Coffee Break Baptist Church Hall 10.30-12.00 Reflective Service URC 7pm Thur 10 Holy Communion 10am All Saints Story Time U5’s Melbourn Library 10-10.45am Fri 11 Coffee at URC at 10.30 Meldreth Local History village hall 7.45pm Tom Doig - Victorian Photographs Sat 12 Coffee Stop All Saints’ Community Hall 10.30am Sun 13 Family Communion 9.45am Evensong 6.30pm both at All Saints Tue 15 Toddler Plus Baptist Church Hall 9.30 Wed 16 Craft Club Baptist Church Hall 9.30 Coffee Break Baptist Church Hall 10.30-12.00 U3A monthly meeting Thur 17 Holy Communion 10am Story Time U5’s Melbourn Library 10-10.45am Fri 18 Coffee at URC at 10.30 Slide Evening at URC Pat & Ken Crane 7.30pm Sat 19 Coffee Stop All Saints’ Community Hall 10.30am The Bookshelf River Mel Restoration Group Flambards 9.15am Sun 20 Holy Communion 8am Family Service 11am Evensong 6.30pm all at All Saints’ Mon 21 Royston & District Family History Society All Saints’ Community Hall 7.30pm The Old Bailey to California Tue 22 Toddler Plus Baptist Church Hall 9.30 Women’s Group Melbourn 7.45pm Barbara McKellar on Lent Wed 23 Craft Club Baptist Church Hall 9.30 Coffee Break Baptist Church Hall 10.30-12.00 Royal British Legion Women’s Section Vicarage Thu 24 Holy Communion 10am All Saints Story Time U5’s Melbourn Library 10-10.45am Fri 25 Coffee at URC at 10.30 Royston & Saffron Walden NT Assoc AGM Royston Town Hall 7.30pm Talk by Chris Harcombe of Wimpole Hall Sat 26 Coffee Stop All Saints’ Community Hall 10.30 SOAS Royston Choral Society ‘In Concert’ at All Saints’ 7.30pm Sun 27 Family Communion 9.45am Evensong 6.30pm both at All Saints’ Tue 29 Toddler Plus Baptist Church Hall 9.30 Wed 30 Craft Club Baptist Church Hall 9.30 Coffee Break Baptist Church Hall 10.30-12.00 Thur 31 Holy Communion 10am All Saints Story Time U5’s Melbourn Library 10-10.45am

APRIL Fri 1 Sat 2

Coffee at URC 10.30am Coffee Stop All Saints’ Community Hall River Mel Restoration Group Community Litter Pick Melbourn 9.45am MVC Jumble Sale at the school 9.30am-12.00 Sun 3 Holy Communion All Saints’ 8.00am Evensong 6.30pm Mothering Sunday Family Service 10.30am Baptist Church Baptist Church Communion 6pm Mon 4 Melbourn Bridge Club Vicarage Close Tue 5 Toddler Plus Baptist Church Hall 9.30am Melbourn & District Photographic - Foxton Village Hall 7.30pm Wed 6 Craft Club Baptist Church Hall 9.30am Coffee Break Baptist Church Hall 10.30am-12. Thur 7 Holy Communion All Saints’ 8.00am Story Time U5’s Melbourn Library 10-10.45am Royston & District Local History Soc. Town Hall 8pm Fri 8 Coffee at URC at 10.30 End of term Swimathon Melbourn Sports Centre Sat 9 Coffee Stop All Saints’ Community Hall 10.30am River Mel Restoration Group Melbourn 9.15am Swimathon Melbourn Sports Centre Sun 10 Family Communion All Saints’ 9.45am Evensong All Saints’ 6.30pm Mon 11 Annual Parish Meeting Tue 12 Mothers Union 260759 Melbourn & District Gardening Club All Saints’ Community Hall 7.30pm Wed 13 Craft Club Baptist Church Hall 9.30am Coffee Break Baptist Church Hall 10.30-12.00 Reflective Service URC 7pm Thur 14 Holy Communion All Saints’ 10am Story Time U5’s Melbourn Library 10-10.45am Fri 15 Coffee at URC at 10.30 Sat 16 Coffee Stop All Saints’ Community Hall 10.30am Sun 17 Holy Communion All Saints’ 8.00am Churches Together walk around Melbourn Mon 18 Royston & District Family History Society All Saints’ Community Hall 7.30pm Wed 20 Coffee Break Baptist Church Hall 10.30-12.00 Thur 21 Story Time U5ís Melbourn Library 10-10.45am Maundy Thursday Service All Saints’ 8pm Fri 22 Good Friday Service URC 10am followed by coffee and hot cross buns Good Friday Service All Saints’ 12noon - 3pm Sat 23 Coffee Stop All Saints’ Community Hall 10.30am Service of Light for Easter All Saints’ 8pm Sun 24 Family Communion All Saints’ 9.45am Easter Day Worship URC 11am Tue 26 New term begins Toddler Plus Baptist Church Hall 9.30am Women’s Group Meldreth 7.45pm Freelance Magazine Journalism Maureen Moody Wed 27 Coffee Break 10.30-12.00 Baptist Church Hall Royal British Legion Women’s Section Vicarage Close 7pm Thur 28 Story Time U5ís Melbourn Library 10-10.45am Fri 29 Public holiday - Royal Wedding Day Coffee at URC 10.30am Sat 30 Coffee Stop All Saints’ Community Hall 10.30am Bible Soc. Plants and bric-a-brac stalls River Mel Restoration Group Meldreth 9.15am Royal Wedding Tea Dance All Saints’ Community Hall

MAY Sun 1 Holy Communion All Saints’ 8am Evensong All Saints’ 6.30pm Baptist Church Communion 6pm Tues 3 Toddler Plus Baptist Church Hall 9.30-11.30am Wed 4 Craft Club Baptist Church 9.30am Coffee Break Baptist Church Hall 10.30 Royal British Legion Vicarage Close 7.30pm Thur 5 Holy Communion All Saints’ 10am Story Time U5’s Melbourn Library 10-10.45am Royston & District History Society Town Hall 8pm Fri 6 Coffee at URC 10.30 Sat 7 Coffee Stop All Saints’ Community Hall 10.30 Tea Party Celebration Stockbridge Meadows 3-5pm Sun 8 Family Communion 9.45 Evensong 6.30pm both at All Saints Mon 9 Melbourn Bridge Club Vicarage Close every Monday contact Howard Waller 01763 261693 Tue 10 Toddler Plus Baptist Church Hall 9.30-11.30am Mothers Union 260759 Wed 11 Craft Club Baptist Church 9.30am Coffee Break Baptist Church Hall 10.30 Thur 12 Holy Communion All Saints’ 10am Story Time U5’s Melbourn Library 10-10.45am Royston & District Local History Society Town Hall AGM 7.30pm followed by History of London 8pm Fri 13 Coffee at URC 10.30 SOAS Musical Evening Stephen Cleobury Musical Director of Kings College Chapel Sat 14 Coffee Stop All Saints’ Community Hall 10.30 Christian Aid Cake Stall Sun 15 Holy Communion 8.00am Family Service 11am Evensong 6.30pm All Saints’ Mon 16 Royston & District Family History Society All Saints’ Community Hall 7.30pm The Coprolite Diggers Tues 17 Toddler Plus Baptist Church Hall 9.30-11.30am Wed 18 Craft Club Baptist Church 9.30am Coffee Break Baptist Church Hall 10.30 Melbourn & District U3A monthly meeting Thur 19 Holy Communion All Saints’ 10am Story Time U5’s Melbourn Library 10-10.45am Fri 20 Coffee at URC at 10.30 Sat 21 Coffee Stop All Saints’ Community Hall 10.30 River Mel Restoration Group Melbourn 9.15am Meldreth Croquet Club Open Day behind The British Queen Meldreth from 10.30am Sun 22 Family Communion 9.45am All Saints’ Evensong 6.30pm both at All Saints’ Tue 24 Women’s Group Meldreth 7.45pm Garden Party Wed 25 Craft Club Baptist Church 9.30am Coffee Break Baptist Church Hall 10.30 Thur 26 Holy Communion All Saints’ 10am Story Time U5’s Melbourn Library 10-10.45am Fri 27 Coffee at URC at 10.30 Sat 28 Coffee Stop All Saints’ Community Hall 10.30 Sun 29 Holy Communion 8amAll Saints’ Evensong 6.30pm both at All Saints’ Rogation Walk 3pm meet at Holy Trinity Meldreth Mon 30 Half term

Summer 2011

All copy for the June, July & August Issue shou ld

be in before 15th April

Village information continued Orchard Surgery – Dispensary Monday to Friday 8:30 – 1pm and 3pm – 6pm Phone 01763 261246 Telephone requests are not accepted For repeat prescriptions you can: Fax 01763 262968 or email:

Allow at least 48 hours (two working days – excluding weekends and bank holidays) for repeat prescriptions to be ready. Do not leave your request to the last minute.

Prescription/medication depending on eligibility can be collected from the Surgery


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will be ready after 3pm Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday

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will be ready after 10am Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

CAMSIGHT Sue Hempstead 8a Romsey Terrace, Cambridge. CB1 3NH Tel 01223 416 141 Office Mon-Fri 9.30am-12.30pm.

A drop in advisory session is held at

Vicarage Close Community Room, Thursdays from 2pm to 4pm,

24th March

25th August

28th April

22nd September

26th May

27th October

23rd June

24th November

28th July

22nd December

See the following website for more information Battery exchange and retubing. We do not do hearing tests


Cam Sight’s visually impaired group meet on the 1st Wednesday of the month every month except in August, at the Vicarage Close centre, Melbourn from 2 until 4pm. We offer a warm welcome with speakers, outings, up to date information and equipment demonstrations. Come and see what’s on offer, join us for a cuppa and a chat. Call 01223 420 033 for further information

Community Education Julie Harradence 223408 Little Hands Karen on 01763 260964 Melbourn Playgroup Jane Crawford 07842 151512 Notre Ecole Janet Whitton 261231 Primary School Headteacher Gary Casey 223457 U3A (Univ. of Third Age) Chairman Arthur Alderton 260399 Village College Warden Elaine Stephenson 223400

It’s Not Too Late to Book! Melbourn Village College offers a wide range of classes including:

• Jewellery Making Beginners;

Jewellery Making Intermediate; Cross Stitch; Knit, Crochet & Sew; Sugarcraft; Badminton; Ballet for Children; Adult Tap Dancing; Word & Excel for Beginners; Driving Test Theory Workshop; Skin Care & Make-up; Nail Care & Manicure; English as a Second Language; British Citizenship & Culture; Beginners Italian; Beginners French; Beginners Spanish; Ceramic Jewellery & Ceramic Tile Making

• • • • • • • •

(italics – new class for this term)

Call Julie on 01763 223408 Or email

Melbourn Playgroup We have had a very busy few weeks moving into our new premises at the Primary School. The welcome we have received from all the teachers, the staff, the builders and especially Mr Casey, could not have been kinder or more generous. In our first few days we have found that the children have settled into our new home without any trouble at all and we have been kept busy with all the family members and new friends who have stopped to say hello over the fence. Our new After School club is the next challenge for us. It will run at the Primary School from 3.30–6.00pm during the school term and is open for children from 3 to 11 years. We are likely to be looking to recruit staff for the After School club soon, so if you are interested in a job, or if you are interested in enrolling your child either in the Playgroup or the After School club please have a look at our website www. or phone us on 07842 151512.

MVC We are delighted that the newly published League Tables show Melbourn Village College as being the 3rd most successful school in Cambridgeshire on the CVA measure, which takes into account the progress of all students. The score of 1017.3 places the college in the top 25% of schools nationally and means that a student at Melbourn achieved significantly more than if they had gone to an ‘average’ school (CVA is calculated so the ‘average’ is 1000). In fact, comparing their top 8 subjects (including English & Maths) would show an increase of 3 grades by being at Melbourn compared to an ‘average’ school. The percentage of students achieving 5 or more A*–C grades at GCSE including English & Maths (66%) has increased significantly from 52% in 2007. Of course this measure, unlike CVA, cannot reflect whether high ability students are suitably stretched (since it counts grades C and A* as equivalent) or whether sufficient support is given to those who find learning difficult. The new English Baccalaureate measure has been criticised in some parts for being retrospective. At Melbourn all students have been able to take the English Baccalaureate subjects, and those who did were very successful, but our belief in freedom of choice and the wide offer we have given our students at Key Stage 4 has meant that our score is lower than it could have been if we had forced students to take particular subjects. The success of our policy has shone through in the high satisfaction levels of our Year 11 leavers and their excellent results. Parents can be assured that all the staff at the college are fully committed to ensuring this success continues into the future. Following the recording breaking GCSE results we were proud to welcome back and celebrate the success of our students who achieved 90% A*–C grades with a presentation evening at the end of November. Each subject had nominated an outstanding student and the Governors Prize for outstanding achievement overall went to Matthew Way and for outstanding progress to Georgina Waldman. In addition to their superb academic achievements, our students have been engaging in learning outside the classroom on trips, through fantastic performing arts productions and some excellent sports performances. melbournmagazine


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Students in Year 8 went on a trip to Rhineland last summer exploring History as well as German language and Year 7s travelled to Boulogne. We’ve had a host of other opportunities in every subject for our students to show their talents from our Science group winning a Crystal Growing Competition run by Cambridge University to our gifted and talented Maths students attending events at University of Hertfordshire. We’ve had dazzling dance, music and drama showcases and our gold sports ambassadors even met Olympic athletes at a conference at the Oval!

Charity Success Charities Morning, which took place on the last day of winter term, was a great success. There was a brilliant mix of stalls by students for students, from ‘Guess the Name of the Teddy Bear’ and ‘Smoothy/Juice Bar’ to ‘Treasure Hunts’ and ‘Penalty Shoot Outs’. All the students had a great time, whether they were running a stall or walking around visiting stalls. In total the students raised an amazing £1327.30 which will be donated to the four charities chosen by each House. Newton – The Oncology Centre Research and Development Fund at Addenbrookes, Franklin – Headway, Lewis – Wateraid and Darwin – Cancer Research.

Performing Arts

and performing at local primary schools. GCSE music students took part in a new electric opera with Cambridge University and also performed Christmas carols at Moorlands getting everyone into the festive spirit. Meanwhile our dancers spent a day with an Indian Bhangra group and performed that evening at Cambridgeshire Event, Dance Vision. The performing arts are a valuable way for young people to increase confidence. In a survey last year students noted how participating in performing arts helped them gain skills useful for other subjects as well as life skills. We’re looking forward to a packed 2011 with more concerts, performances and showcases and hope to see you soon at one of our events!

Over 100 students took part in MVC at the Musicals, a sparkling evening of dance and music featuring some fantastic performances. Our students also shone in our ever popular Christmas concert and in an autumn drama showcase evening, featuring work created in drama clubs and GCSE improvisation work Our musicians went on the road again in our ‘Band in a Bus’ project visiting



Poetry Festival We’ve had a busy few months in English at MVC. We were lucky enough to host a performance by the poet John Hegley last term. Our students were inspired by his dramatic reading to make enthusiastic contributions to our KS3 Poetry Festival in mid-December. All students in years 7, 8 and 9 took part either as writers or perfomers. This term as our GCSE students are preparing for their final assessments our KS3 classrooms have been filled with the words of Chaucer and Shakespeare. We are currently preparing a group of our students to take part in the BBC’s School Report in March, we hope to hear their reports on Radio Cambridgeshire and possibly national radio or television. The following pieces of work give a tiny flavour of the range of writing skills that our students are developing. Jeremy’s short story was written to develop the skill of creating a character that the reader is interested in and cares about. Edward’s poem was written while his class were studying Poetry from World War I. Annie’s letter is a powerful and well-argued demand for boys and girls to be treated equally by education journalists.

Kantesh Tsor Kantesh Tsor was born on stardate 16,578IY on the mining colony of Nova 5. At the age of fifteen he joined the Arial Defence Program. Here he learned the art of defence as he excelled in training operations for the mining base. His tactical brilliance was quickly noticed by the instructors and visiting officials, and at the age of eighteen he was sent to the Tactical Training Institute on the Imperial Represent World. The Tactical Training Institute, or TTI, proved his mind and he quickly fell in place with the hierarchy five forms above him, the only ones able to outwit and beat him in a tactical simulation game. He was admired, especially after an incident eleven months into joining the institute when he saved a cargo fleet he was travelling with from space pirate attack. After the fleet commander was killed he took control of the command ship and using his inspiring influence, he made ultra effective use of the few weak defensive lasers they had to destroy the pirate ship. During his tuition at the TTI he took a great interest in the working of Imperial starships, he loved to tinker with starship designs and in 16,603IY at the age of twenty-five he won an academy award for designing a long range (interplanetary) communication system. He left training aged thirty and was sent to command the 68th Company of the Imperial Guard on the outer rim of the explored galaxy. The men quickly learned to trust him and to follow him without question. He guided them to their strengths and weaknesses. That was good because he’d need all the help he could get.


The Hivers struck the planets on the outer rim without warning. After mass communication failure the planets of the outer rim were viciously assaulted. It is claimed that the skies were choked with the blackness of millions of bio-pods fired from the thousands upon thousands of ships that swarmed the sector. Twenty eight colonies were lost within a week, as millions were consumed by aliens, their genocidal bloodlust never quenched. Surviving satellites revealed that colossal structures appeared on the planet surfaces, breeding millions of new bio-creatures and weaponry to consume the rest of the galaxy. Kantesh and his men were amongst the next to be hit and, as the greatest ever hit to mankind drew ever closer, he and his men prepared themselves for the inevitable monstrous invasion. Jeremy Bridle, 8 Franklin Edward was inspired to write the poem below by his study of the poets of the Great War. We studied the way that poets use rhythm and how the rhythm can be broken at times to emphasise particular words or ideas. Edward has played around with rhythm to great effect in his very powerful piece of writing.

The Survivor I stood atop a mighty hill, Gazing over no man’s land, I looked down upon dead foes, With bloody gun in hand. The last soldier of a horrible battle, My friends lay dead down there, We fought side by side, Defending England, fighting for what we share. I close my eyes and remember, The enemies’ last expression, Before I took their link to this world, In one quick, deadly session. The ringing in my ears recalls, The deafening blizzard in the air, The sound of a hundred bullets, Killing old and young; they who forever will stare. But were this war stayed somewhere else, Nothing would change; it wouldn’t matter, The chance of life or death,

For in war it would be the latter. Yet here I stand, Alone, to deal with the sorrow, The pain of loss and desperation, But the war goes on to the nest tomorrow. The solemn duty is mine, To bury my allies who passed, To put them to rest, to peace, But the dug outs won’t last The trenches stretch on for miles, Beyond where the eye can see, Beneath are soldiers in their dozens, Face down in the mud – leaving only me. I hope one day I can return, To that country I call home, Away from fighting and war and battle, And the trenches I don’t wish to roam. But I shall never forget my brothers, And the burden I now bear, The lives I ended, the families I broke, My life is now a nightmare. I take my first step down the hill, And wonder if I would’ve chosen a different path, Would I have chosen differently, To stay in England’s sweet hearth? But sorrow of sorrows, To war I did choose to go, And now there is no way to change, What transpired so long ago. And now after all I have seen and done, How can I ever go back? Go back to the life I once did lead, Surely impossible from the mount of this stack. ******** And though it was many years ago, I can still remember when…. I stood atop a mighty hill, Gazing over no man’s land, I looked down upon dead foes, With bloody gun in hand. Edward Mallen, 9 Darwin Journalist Sue Palmer wrote an article in the Daily Mail last year entitled ‘Homer Simpson was right’ We must let boys run riot (They’ll never learn any other way). The article described boys as badly behaved and girls as passive and wellbehaved and then went on to say that the education system disadvantages boys. Annie wrote the following erudite response to her article.

Dear Sue Palmer I am writing to you in response to your article ‘Homer Simpson is right! We must let boys run riot (They’ll never learn any other way)’ because I found it interesting and thought-provoking and because education is a very important part of my life. It seems clear to me that you want to stimulate discussion and you have certainly managed to stimulate a response from me because, although I agree with you on many points, I am completely horrified that you consider it necessary to insult my entire generation in order to make your case. I want to explain to you why, as a fifteen year old student, I cannot let stereotypes and generalisations worthy of Homer Simpson himself go unchallenged. Although there may be some merit in noticing that there are real differences between boys and girls, I believe that by claiming these as the major influence on academic and career success you miss the most important point, which is that students of either gender have common and overlapping educational needs. We all deserve a decent education not just a quick fix. Perhaps you will find it predictable that I am female, as, if I am to believe your article, most teenage boys, scarred and hurt by their early failure to keep up with the ‘naturally docile’ and ’teacher-pleasing’ girls and exhausted by the struggle to survive in the female-teacher-infested primary school swamp will be, on average, far too busy pursuing ‘cool’ gangland culture to bother about the state of their education. Alternatively, perhaps my deliberate exaggeration of your ideas will give you some insight into how unhelpful I find your misrepresentation of me, my friends and my classmates when there is a really serious problem that we all need to tackle. Your article identifies this problem as failure to meet the educational needs of the boys. However, I believe that what we are dealing with is an urgent need to improve the entire education system for everyone involved. How can a model based on Mr and Miss Average Stereotype help any of us who have to deal with real issues in the real world? Please let me tell you a little about myself. At the age of four, contrary to your image of ‘pretending to be grown up or sitting quietly at tables drawing and doing puzzles’ my most vivid memory is of getting stuck in the play tunnel and wailing loudly until I was eventually discovered and rescued. My primitive behaviour seems to put me in the category of an unruly ‘shrieking’ boy despite my pink bow! More recently I must confess that I am not known for my hand-raising or note-taking technique and the disorganisation of my folders has been known to make my parents weep. So, for obvious reasons, I find myself unable to agree that there is something about gender alone which can predict academic behaviour or career success. In general, my understanding is that the extent to which Nature (in the form of the presence or absence of the Y chromosome) dominates Nurture (in the form of everything that is expected of, accepted by and taught within society) has never been established. From my own observations, the differences in academic attitudes, abilities and achievements can be much greater between two individual boys or two particular girls than many boy/girl pairs. It all depends on where you look and often, what you want to find. In an article entitled ‘Addressing Gender and Achievement: myths and realities’ (DCSF 2009) it is pointed out that ‘many boys achieve highly and many girls under perform’. I believe that evidence like this highlights the danger inherent in working from stereotypes. If we focus on the problems of some mythical ‘average’ student we will probably fail to deal with the real issues that affect individuals. For example, if I was to fit the stereotype of your article then I’d be at the front of the class ‘intent on the teacher’s analysis of Pride and Prejudice’ while my friend Fred sneered at my goody two shoes attitude from the back of the class. In actual fact, Fred fits much more closely to the finding of the DCSF study that ‘the vast majority of boys enjoy English as it stimulates their learning and development skills’”. It is not me who cares the most about Elizabeth Bennet’s motivation and elegant use of language and if you tried to solve Fred’s ‘problem with English literature’ you would be trying to fix something that was not broken. I think it is worth pointing out that it can be very misleading to use unreferenced ‘expertise’ to support a claim as I believe you do when you support your characterisation melbournmagazine


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of the ‘natural destinies’, ‘yearnings’ and physical capabilities of males and females by relying heavily on the findings of unspecified ‘evolutionary biologists’. I cannot believe that these claims have been made by any serious scientist at any time. The DCSF’s report, from the office of the Minister for Education, is based on thorough research and states “there is little evidence to suggest that neurological (‘brain-sex’) differences result in boys having different abilities/ ways of learning to girls’ and, perhaps more seriously, that if we ignore the fact that neurological research ‘remains in its infancy’ and jump to conclusions about boy/girl differences we will ‘fail to meet the needs of many boys and girls’. I believe the DCSF’s reasoned and reliable response is far more accurate than your article and has highlighted the key faults in your logic very concisely. To me, offering unreferenced ‘scientific’ justifications is not unlike stereotyping because it is interpreting small fragments of information and claiming that you have a complete picture rather than accepting that these are only small areas of shading in a complex landscape. However, as I stated earlier, there is much in your article with which I agree. For example, you make a very good point when you discuss the value of play as a way of learning which allows children to make mistakes in an undamaging way. Of course this is the case, and I believe that by abolishing the SATs for seven year olds the entire educational establishment of this country has already recognised that paper based learning and competitive testing is not the best way forward for small children. I also agree that the media has a negative effect in gender stereotyping very young children and creating sexist role models for impressionable young minds to emulate. However, I fail to see how an article that falls into the precise trap that it criticises can solve the problem. Like you, I believe it would be more balanced if there were more male teachers in primary education but, again, I fail to see how this justifies blaming female teachers for all the flaws in the educational system. Primary teachers have to work to a curriculum. I think

it would be interesting to know the gender ratio of the people who wrote this before deciding who to criticise. Female teachers are doing their best. I wonder if female teachers fail to let boys take risks because they are female or because they have to fill in endless risk assessments as demanded by the government? Incidentally, I seem to remember hearing a male head teacher explain why he had banned ‘conkers’, because the risk was too great. Finally, I feel I must point out that it is deeply insulting and highly offensive to say that boys ‘often prefer a violent gang culture to any educational goods on offer’. Only a minority of boys get involved with violent gangs and the reasons for this cannot possibly be as trivial as saying to yourself “Oh, I’m a boy, I don’t like school, it’s cooler to be in a gang”. I hope I have shown that this kind of mindless stereotyping is dangerous. How can an article like yours challenge misguided ideas in society when it is full of misconceptions? In ‘How does gender difference come about?’ (DCSF 2009), the dangers of conforming to stereotypes by attempting to ‘alter the curriculum to make it boy friendly’ are made clear. The DCSF’s view is that if we ‘reinforce the idea that only some activities and behaviours are gender appropriate’ we ‘limit rather than enhance pupil’s engagement with the curriculum’. By your reasoning, this means that if we really want boys to join gangs then we should help them to disengage from their studies by basing education reforms on gender stereotypes. As Homer might say: ‘D’oh?’. Yours sincerely, Annie Hawkins Ref Addressing Gender and Achievement: myths and realities DCSF 2009

MVC Art Art Students at MVC have been working on a range of projects, year 7 are learning independent working through the introduction of specially designed MVC Artist sketchbooks. Years 8 and 9 having been researching other artistic cultures and art forms, year 8’s work based on Mehendi whilst year 9 have been exploring the Mexican Day of the Dead Gifted and Talented students have been asked to take part in the MVC Art Challenge based on their own visit to the Fitzwilliam Museum. Each student has been asked to visit the museum and pick their favourite piece of work to base their own art work on. We have been shown work by Rebecca Green who has taken some outstanding photographs and is going to develop them on her computer for her final piece, and we have been assisting Erin Tidey in her pottery vase based on work she viewed in the museum. We’re hoping to hold an exhibition of the fantastic work our students have produced.

Maths Challenges at MVC It has been a very busy time in the maths department since our GCSE results came out in August where we achieved 77% A*–C and 34% achieved an A* or A. This is our second increase in a row and the best results we’ve had for at least 10 years. The GCSE specification has changed this year with a greater emphasis on the real life application of mathematics. Mr Holder has been running the Jaguar Maths in Motion Challenge after school and all of year 7 has had an opportunity to try this during lessons. We also have 5 students in years 8 & 9 going to Cambridge and Hertfordshire University taking part in the Royal Institute Mathematics Master classes. A special mention must go to the year 7 students taking part in the National Cipher Challenge. This is open to students from year 7 to 13 and our team were joint top on challenge 4. It is a very difficult challenge which they have attempted with great enthusiasm and hard work.

Year 5 Sports Festival The Year 5 Winter Festival took place in October at Melbourn Village College. The Sports Leadership Academy students prepared to teach a range of skills to 8–9 year melbournmagazine


olds. At this festival, we offered: tri-golf, rugby, football, netball and quicksticks (mini hockey). The children came from several different primary schools and had a go at each activity. They played for 20 minuets then moved onto the next skill. To prepare for the festival we asked some professional coaches to come in to teach skills to the children while we assisted. We had a gold coach and a rugby coach; this gave the children a more intense experience. They received a more enriched idea of the sports. On the morning of the festival we got everything set up and assigned members of the academy to run skills sessions or assist the coaches. The children arrived, were split up and sent to a skill. The morning went quickly and before we knew it they were all done. Our gold ambassadors gave a goodbye and thank you speech and the children went back to school. Overall the festival went very well and was successful. The children got a variety of experiences and learnt many new skills. Everyone in the academy is looking forward to the next festival.

Food for Thought Year 8 and 10 Food students have displayed their practical skills to the rest of the College this term. Firstly, to celebrate European Day of Languages Year 8 students; Katherine Webb, Katie Francis and Joe Dixon produced over 100 crepes which were made to an authentic French recipe supplied by M. Trousset. The crepes were served with sugar and lemon and were a great hit, especially with Year 10 boys. Congratulations to the Year 8 students for working under pressure for the whole of their lunch hour. In October the Year 10 Food and Nutrition GCSE students produced a variety of tray bake cakes as part of National Baking Week to raise funds for Concern World Wide a charity which provides support to some of the poorest counties of the world. Concern organises help programmes for education, training, health and agriculture.


An agricultural programme would: Help bring positive changes to some of the poorest people in the world Target poorer areas within countries and focus on them making things better in the long-term, not just short term fixes Help improve people’s ability to lift themselves out of poverty and increase their capacity to cope with unexpected disasters

• • •

We raised £88.00!

Celebrating Success At the end of November we had our Presentation Evening where we distributed this year’s GCSE certificates and award subject prizes. The evening was the most well attended ever and was a fitting end for the year group that achieved 90% A*–C grades. The subject prizes went to the following students: The Governors Prizes for overall outstanding achievement went to Matthew Way and for outstanding progress to Georgina Waldman. In addition we have the Middlemass Prize for Science. This award is in memory of John Middlemass – a former Governor and generous sponsor of the College. The award is a bursary given to the highest achieving science student going on to study science at a sixth form college. The bursary also supports the students if they then go on to read a science at university. I know that the recipients of this award in the past have been very appreciative of this financial support with their studies. This year we were delighted that the award was presented by John’s daughters, Suzzane and Karen, both ex-students of the College and for the first time was awarded to two students – Matthew Way and Elizabeth Kreit. It was lovely to see a growing number of our current students also attending the evening and it certainly gives them something to aspire to in the future. Additional Science – Jodie Busani; Applied Science – Daniel J Smith; Biology – George Baker; BTEC Construction – Adam Wright; Chemistry – Evangeline Scott; Dance – Yasmin Broadbent; Drama – Ellie Iggulden; Electronics – Jack Pettit; English – Chiara Cooper; English Literature – George Baker; Fine Art and Textiles – Amelia Aveston-Viner; Food and Nutrition – Kersha Douglas; French – Stacey Kane; Geography – Joseph Roberts; German – Victoria Waterton; Graphics – Amy Lloyd; History – Adam Morley; ICT BTEC – Jack Pettit; Maths A G Foulston Award – Matthew Way; Media Studies – Claire Kelly; Music – Amy Lloyd; PE – Lauren Andrews/Adam Wright; Physics – Jack Pettit; RE and Ethics – Bethany Wells; Science – Kersha Douglas; Spanish – Stuart Tucker; School Sports Colour Award – Emma Whitaker; Highest Achievement in Youth Award – Sarah Cooper

University of the Third Age (U3A) The Third Age Trust is the national representative body for the U3As in the UK. U3As are self-help, self-managed lifelong learning co-operatives for older people no longer in full time work, giving opportunities for sharing learning experiences for fun, not for qualifications. Melbourn and District U3A currently has 29 such groups, ranging from Art Appreciation to Yoga with a great deal between. Membership stands at around 470, and covers a number of surrounding villages. If you are interested in joining please contact Arthur Alderton (01763 260399) for details of membership.

Melbourn & Meldreth Churches Together Forthcoming events all welcome to join in Palm Sunday April 17th -Walk round Melbourn. With the help of Noah, the parish church’s donkey, in the afternoon we will be having a walk of witness round Melbourn. Time and route of the walk to be announced.

In the last few years a few dedicated collectors have managed to cover about half of Melbourn and it would be great if this year we could cover more. If anyone could help by giving out and collecting envelopes in a street (perhaps their own) I would very much like to hear from them. I can be contacted by telephone or email. Please leave your name , contact details and in which street you would like to collect. Helen John Tel: 01763 261147

Easter April 22nd – 24th

United Reformed Church News

All four Churches will have various services.

Shoe Box Appeal

Saturday April 30th Royal Wedding Tea Dance in the Melbourn Community Hall.

We celebrated Shoe Box Sunday on 21st November when, as our picture shows, Duncan blessed the 124 boxes collected from churches within the Linked Pastorate, Barrington Bunnies and friends in Fowlmere before they commenced their onward journey to the more deprived areas of Eastern Europe and Africa.

Details to be announced Sunday May 29th Rogation Walk Meeting 3pm at Holy Trinity Church for a Rogation walk ending at Melbourn Baptist Church for a bring & share Tea. Posters for all the above will appear nearer the time on all church notice boards and also on prominent places in the villages. Helen John Tel: 01763 261147

CHRISTIAN AID May 15th – 21st 2011 As I write this it is one year on since the Haiti earthquake disaster and yet more flooding is being reported in Australia. Each year seems to bring more disasters. Christian Aid is an international development charity which work with people of all faiths and none, in around 50 countries. Mainly in South America, Africa, India, Middle & Far East. Not only do they work with disaster victims but they are also working constantly to help communities to be self-sufficient in fresh water, sanitation & food. When a disaster does strike they are usually the first on the spot to help with local people already working near disaster areas. As in past years we will be doing a street to street collection in Melbourn.

Sound System Following agreement at the Church Meeting of Wednesday 15th September, our new sound system was installed by Keith Monks Sound Systems during the week commencing Monday 1st November. Thanks to Ken for his help and sound advice (pun intended!) throughout the long process from formulating our requirements to the installation of the chosen system. melbournmagazine



There will be a period whilst we get used to using the system and discover what works best for us, both individually especially for those with hearing aids and as a congregation, as well as understanding how to use the microphones to best effect.

Supporters of All Saints Saturday 26th March. Royston Choral Society ‘In Concert’ in All Saints Church a 7.30 p.m. An evening of songs and music from this talented group of musicians and singers. Early booking advisable. Tickets (£8.00)from George Howard (01763 260686) to include a glass of wine and nibbles. Saturday 13th May. Stephen Cleobury, Director of Music at King’s College Chapel in Cambridge, presents an evening of organ music and will be accompanied by a singer. All Saints Church 7.30 p.m. Details of tickets fro George Howard Tel: 01763 260686.

Sunday 12th June. The SOAS Open Gardens Day this year will be on Sunday 12th June between 1.30 p.m. and 5.30 p.m. with teas being offered in All Saints Community Hall. We are inviting all our previous garden hosts to take part again but if you would like to be a garden host please contact George Howard on 01763 260686 or mail him at: Colin Limming Tel: 01763 260072.

SOAS 100 Club The December draw of the SOAS 100 Club was made by Rev Andrew O’Brien on 31st December. There were 77 members and the first prize of £25.60 goes to Mrs JT Warden at 10 Thatcher Stanford’s Close and the second of £12.80 to Mrs ZB Hawkin at 21 Greenbanks. The January draw of the SOAS 100 Club was made by Rev Andrew O’Brien on 31st January. There were 74 members. The first prize of £24.70 goes to Mrs PR Mitchell at 3 Meadow Way and the second of £12.40 goes to Hilary Warboys at 4 Beeton Close.

SOAS Winter Quiz results The first prize of £10 in the SOAS Winter Quiz with a score of 87/89 goes to Mr CJ Mallett at 16 Springwood Avenue, Stirling – and the second of £5 with a score of 85/89 goes to P Saunders at 31a Orchard Road, Melbourn

All Saints’ Community Hall Available for at hire at reasonable rates during the day/ evening. The Hall offers screen facilities in the large hall, a separate smaller room for meetings. A fully equipped kitchen and disabled facilities. For enquiries and bookings or 01763 260072

400th Anniversary of the publication of the Authorised Version, in English, of the Holy Bible. From about AD 400 Church leaders had used a Latin version of The Bible produced by Jerome from the Hebrew of the Old Testament and the Greek of the New Testament. In the 14th century, John Wycliffe, Rector of Lutterworth, produced an English version from the Latin. He was opposed by the Church leaders, as they maintained that only they had authority to reach religion. Every copy of Wycliffe’s translation had to be hand-written. His assistants suffered severe opposition, but the power of The Word of God, understood and affected minds wherever it was read. About 1500, John Colet defied the authorities by reading the English translation publicly in St. Paul’s Cathedral. Graduates at Cambridge were receiving news of Martin Luther’s attempts at Wittenberg, Germany, in 1517 to show that the established Church needed to be reformed in its understanding of The Word of God. One of these graduates, William Tyndale, visited Luther, and then had the New Testament printed in English at Worms, the town where Luther’s famous defence was made in a Roman Church Court. Tyndale’s New Testaments were smuggled into England, but he was betrayed and killed in Holland. Later, Henry VIII authorised the use of an English Bible in every Church. An English Bible produced in Geneva became accepted in many parishes here, but other versions began to appear. Bible translator Coverdale was chaplain to King Edward VI, but the Pope resumed control of Churches when Queen Mary succeeded Edward in 1553. Opposition hardened against increasing numbers of people protesting against the teaching of the Church after reading The Bible for themselves. Over 300 consequently met their deaths by burning, including 25 from Cambridge, all treated as heretics. Upon the death of Queen Mary, the Protestant Queen Elizabeth I was crowned in 1558. A more thorough return to what the actual words of The Bible revealed of our Creator then developed into the great 16th century Reformation. Several versions of The Bible in English were produced, but early in the reign of James I, a conference was held at Hampton Court on 1st November 1605 at which James presided. This resulted in our Authorised Version being published in 1611, to be the standard version used in all churches. British laws come to be based upon the Bible, and the authority of the Church became subordinate to The Bible. Eventually, under the joint monarchy of William and Mary The Toleration Act was passed in 1689, enshrining the right of any person to proclaim an understanding of The Bible publicly without a licence from the Church. Thus was born the principle that none has the right to silence another’s conscience, or act threateningly against a person voicing his or her thoughts. Based upon The Bible, Britain became a peaceful and prosperous nation of worldwide influence for good for 350 years. David Burbridge.

The Word of God It is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment. Christ put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. He was offered to bear the sins of many, and unto those who look for Him, shall he appear unto salvation. Hebrews 9, 26-28 melbournmagazine


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Bowls Malcolm Davey 262704

Bridge Club Howard Waller 261693 1st Melbourn Rainbows Abigail Roberts 261505 Brownies 1st Melbourn Stephanie Clifford 220272 Brownies 2nd Melbourn Samantha Pascoe 261400

Cricket Martin Winter 262733

Croquet Janet Pope 248342

Football Club Andrew Edwards 223109

Dynamos Football Club Les Morley 07739 593771

Gardening Club Helen Powell 245887

Judo Derek Coult 225004

McSplash Joanne Greene 263313

Melbourn Sports Centre Graham Johnson-Mack 263313 Ramblers Dave Allard 242677 Royston and District Round Table Michael Seymour 221398 Squash Club Nick Sugden 261064

Swimming Club Jenny Brackley 244593

Tennis (Meldreth) Sue Davies 220174

1st Melbourn Rainbows The autumn term began with the introduction of our new Rainbows and then a discussion about our summer holidays. As part of our harvest celebration, the Rainbows created their own scarecrows with concertina legs. Many fabulous scarecrows were made, but they were all far too lovely to scare any crows I’m afraid so not much use to the farmers for protecting their crops. We created a ‘junk’ orchestra, using our instruments to produce music for a good old sing-song and a bit of a dance as well. The girls held their own Antiques Road Show bringing an antique from home to tell all of the other Rainbows about. They told us how old their object was, what it was and where they had got the item from. It was a wonderful evening with many varied objects. Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who allowed the girls to bring to the evening, these valuable objects to share. For bonfire night we made chocolate apples covered in sprinkles, made our own firework pictures and then finished off the evening around the camp fire with some of our favourite songs. (I should say it wasn’t a real camp fire

but Violet created a fantastic artificial one, flames and all.) We decided to have an etiquette evening where the girls learnt how to set a table and fold napkins. They sat down to a meal of jacket potato followed by dessert where they were encouraged to use their knife and fork correctly. Christmas was soon upon us and we decided not to think of ourselves, but of others. Over a couple of weeks the Rainbows decorated terracotta pots and then planted within them miniature cyclamens. These were given to the community which we hope they enjoyed as much as we enjoyed making them. We were also very lucky to have a visit by Cambells of Melbourn who entertained us with carols and then we finished the year with a Christmas party. It has been a very exciting and busy year for Rainbows, and we are looking forward to what the New Year will bring. Although we do have quite a long waiting list, if your daughter wishes to become a Rainbow, please call Abigail Roberts, Unit Leader on 01763 261505.

1st Melbourn Guides Ten million Girl Guides celebrated the end of our Centenary, and two thousand of us packed into Ely Cathedral on October 20th for our singing, dancing finale. Through November and December we themed our autumn term programme to fit traditional events. On Bonfire night we staged a little play to enact the Gunpowder plot, with some girls dancing as fireworks afterwards. On Armistice Day the girls learnt skills they would have been taught in the World War II, such as first aid, morse code, and simple cooking. On Remembrance Sunday twenty girls attended the parade and church service, and the following



weekend we raised an impressive £80 for the church bazaar. In late November we had an evening of salsa dancing, and then our very own talent show at which the girls sang, danced and played music. For Christmas the girls learnt to make a flower arrangement, and then attempted to sew a felt decoration. Most girls soon gave up and resorted to using glue, but the results were still very creative! We finished the term by singing carols and a few of our less risqué campfire songs to the residents of Moorlands Residential Home. Both Guide Units in Melbourn are full and have waiting lists, but if you would like to know more about becoming a Guide or a leader, or if you have any skills or hobbies which you would like to share with us, please contact me on: 01763 261443 or email:melbournguides@ Hilary Marsh

2nd Melbourn Guides Since forming in Easter 2010, Girlguiding’s centenary year, 2nd Melbourn Guides has been going from strength to strength. With a now full register and a number of girls on the waiting list, our weekly meetings provide lots of fun and new opportunities for all of our members. After the excitement of the summer’s camping, autumn term activities included


baking, building giant marshmallow towers and a visit from students of the University of Cambridge to show us some explosive science! The term concluded with a Christmas treat – a trip by train to Cambridge for ice skating and swimming on Parker’s Piece. After some time practising (and a few bumps!) everyone had learnt to skate well enough for us to enrol several new girls on the ice. The spring term looks set to be just as exciting, with plans for a Chinese new year celebration, visit from a martial arts specialist and a joint hike and sleepover with 1st Melbourn Guides. We are also in the process of setting up a senior section group for the older guides (age 13+), which members may move to when they feel ready. If you are interested in becoming a guide, leader or senior section member, or would like to help in any other way, please contact us on 2ndMelbournGuides@ Fiona Llewellyn-Beard

Melbourn Dynamos Football Club! It was a full and exciting match schedule that welcomed the start of the season for MDFC’s eight football squads, with

team players aged between 6 and 15 years. Then came the snow and ice in November, bringing a temporary lull in the schedule in the run up to Christmas. The New Year thaw brought a well rested and excited bunch of teams chomping at the bit to get stuck back into the training and match schedule again. We are a friendly community football club offering boys and girls the opportunity to play regular football regardless of experience or ability. All our squads train weekly and play competitive matches at weekends in the Royston Crow Youth League. The Club is now nearly 8 years old and is going from strength to strength. Starting out with a handful of local children and parents in 2003 we now have approximately 180 children aged 4 to 14 years signed up to our club. Our Under 11 squad is pictured below. All of our coaches are CRB checked and qualified to a minimum of F.A. Level 1 standard. We are also recognised as a Charter Status Club which means that we have all the correct people and practices in place to operate in line with government requirements. We always welcome new players, with or without football experience, to join our age group squads. If you are a boy or girl aged 4–15, interested in playing football, please contact us to find out more. For

the younger ones aged 4–5 years, we run a ‘Dynamites’ Saturday morning ‘pay as you go’ fun football session. All welcome. If you are interested in finding out more about MDFC, please contact Nicky Patel on 07951 590139 or email us on:

URGENTLY NEEDED! Under 12 Boys (School Year 7) We are in URGENT need of new players to join our U12 (School Year 7) boys squad straight away. Please contact Les Morley on 07739 593771 Girls aged 11–13 (School Years 6/7/8) We are building a new girls squad, coached by fully qualified FA coaches. If you know of any girls who might be interested in playing football, please contact us on the number above.

Melbourn and District Gardening Club Are you interested in gardening? Why not join the Melbourn and District Gardening Club on a regular or occasional basis. We meet at 7.30 on the second Tuesday each month, at the Community Hall, behind All Saints Church (near traffic lights, lane by telephone box) Coach outing to Hever Castle & Gardens, Kent Saturday 11th June 2011 Pick up Melbourn & Royston This year our coach outing will be to moated Hever Castle in Kent. Childhood home to Anne Boleyn, tragic queen to Henry VIII. Begun in 13th Century converted to comfortable Tudor home c.1505. A 35 acre lake, with traditional rowing boats. Rose Gardens with 3,000 roses. 110 metre herbaceous border. Yew hedge maze and splashing water maze. 4 acres of formal gardens. A walk around the entire lake, seeing birds and wildlife, takes about an hour. Non members are welcome to join us.

8th March: The Gibberd Garden Harlow – Richard Ayres 12th April: Self Sufficiency From Your Garden – Nigel Start 10th May: Practical Demonstration of Hanging Baskets Mill End Nursery Rushden 11th June: Coach outing to Hever Castle and Gardens, Kent – childhood home of Anne Boleyn New members and visitors very welcome. For more information – ring Helen Tel 01763 245887 or Angela 01763 262793

Melbourn And District Photographic Club Responses to the Village Plan Questionnaire in the summer of 2010 indicated that there was a large number of people in the village who would like to join a Camera Club. Please come and join us! You are very welcome to visit us any Tuesday evening from September to April at 7.30 p.m. at Foxton Village Hall and “test the water”. The club has been in existence for many years and enjoys meeting new members so we can share skills and experiences. There is a varied programme of competitions, talks and practical advice. Meetings are from 7.30 to 9.30. The highlight of the spring programme is the final of the Melbourn trophy to be held on Saturday 19th March at Foxton village hall. Prints produced by club members during the year will be on display and the trophy will be awarded to the winner of a knockout competition between local clubs. The competition concludes on this evening with judging of the entries from the finalists. This is an exciting event with entries of very high quality. The rest of the spring programme comprises: 1 March: Club evening: Composition and the use of colour 8 March: Inter club competition 15 March: Competition: Projected image of the year 22 March: Talk - Doing the Lambeth Walk: an alternative view of London

29 March: Competition: Print of the year 5 April: Talk - Judging 12 April: AGM New members, of any skill level, will be warmly welcomed. For further information please ring the secretary Bruce Huett 01763 232 855

Bridge Club It is pleasing to report that the Bridge Club continues to grow. Monday nights at The Vicarage Close Community Centre regularly have between 20 and 32 members meeting. The atmosphere is still relaxed and friendly, and we are still encouraging both experienced and newcomers alike. Come without a partner and we will guarantee a game. We intend to hold an Individual Competition, and also to give everyone a better opportunity to do well by introducing a handicapping system based on average scores. We welcome new members of all ages from students onwards. Contact Howard Waller 01763 261693

Melbourn Sports Centre The Winter Review The winter months have seen an influx of new members to our fitness suite here at Melbourn Sports Centre, all working hard toward their personal fitness goals or to lose the remnants of the Christmas season’s traditional over-indulgence. To help them achieve this, we’ve set up a number of gym challenges; pop in to learn more and maybe try some yourself! If the fitness suite is not for you, then why not try one of our fantastic exercise classes such as boxercise, core stability, body sculpture or our new running club? Need to learn to swim or want to improve your technique? Then how about having one of our experienced qualified instructors help improve your swimming by joining one of our popular lesson plans. Finally, we welcomed ‘Set 2 Play’ tennis coaching to our site, run by Rob Ellis and Dave Liddiard, who are both experienced LTA tennis coaches. They have been putting players both young



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and old through their paces! For more details or to book your place, please contact Dave Liddiard at ‘Set 2 Play’ on 07508 995781 or email dave@set2play. April We’ve got a bumper bag of Easter activities this year, including our OFSTED registered PlayScheme, where children will be treated to trampolining, swimming and creative crafts. Other holiday activities include Swimming Crash Course and Trampolining Taster sessions. April 2010 also sees the return of our charitable Swimathon, with all participants raising money for the Marie Curie Cancer Care Trust. We’d love to have as many entrants as possible; teams of up to five are welcome as well as individual swimmers. The Swimathon takes place on Friday 8th and Saturday 9th April. For further information, please see Reception or visit our website at May We welcome back the outdoor sports and tennis season, and we will hopefully be offering season tickets for the use of tennis courts this year. Further details will be available in the spring. Later this month, we will be running our children’s holiday activities once again, with Play Scheme and a mixture of indoor and outdoor activities available. June For something a bit different this Father’s Day, how about treating your Dad to his own gym membership or purchasing a

gift voucher for our other activities here at Melbourn Sports? It’s a great way to help a loved one get fit! Plus why not start planning your summer sports early, with our holiday courses like the Children’s Pentathlon and Swimming Crash Course? Bookings taken from May onwards. Other activities on offer this spring and summer include: Friendly Fridays, where members of the public can come down with an existing fitness suite member and try out the gym for free! Our usual popular swimming lessons, both group and private A range of exercise classes including Yoga, Pilates & Swim-Clinic (pool training session) Indoor and Outdoor Court Hire ACTIVITY OF THE SEASON – HATHA YOGA This relaxing yoga course is a great way of releasing tension, relax the breathing & calm the mind. The course, which is ideal for all ages & abilities, consists of warm-up exercises, followed by yoga postures (asana), relaxation, breathing and meditation. Go on – give it a go! Tuesday 09.15–10.35 (Block bookings only) For further details on these or any other activities, please drop in, call 01763 263313 or go online at www. We look forward to seeing you this season! Graham Johnson-Mack Melbourn Sports Centre Manager

Meldreth Croquet Club Open Day Saturday 21st May If John Prescott can do it I’m sure the people of Melbourn can – playing croquet that is. Meldreth Croquet Club is holding an open day on Saturday 21st May to give people an opportunity to try their hand at playing croquet. There are two forms of the game, association and golf, the same basic skills are needed for both but ‘golf’ is less complicated. Club members will be on hand to give instruction, help and encouragement so you can have a go at either or both versions of the game. We will start at 10.30 and there will be sessions available throughout the day. We play on the lawn behind the British Queen in Meldreth High Street. So not only can you have a go wielding a croquet mallet you can also see (and sample) the considerable improvements that the new owners have made to the pub.

The Ramblers’ Association Royston and District Group Our walks programme continues right through the year. For details visit our website: www.ramblers-herts-northmiddlesex. or contact David Allard (01763 242677). Email: or Lesley Abbiss (01763 273463). There is also a poster displaying walks for the current month in both Melbourn and Royston libraries. We have walks on Sundays, which are normally 5–7 miles in the morning and a similar or shorter walk in the afternoon. Some Sunday walks are Figures of Eight making it possible to do only the morning or only the afternoon. Half-day walks are held on Tuesday or Thursday mornings (sometimes on both days). Our evening walks will resume on 25thApril and are held weekly on a different day each week. Prospective new members are always very welcome and may come on three walks before deciding whether to join.



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Unpicked Meadows Public Art Project Riverside Park, Stockbridge Meadows A Quick Recap… It’s been almost a year since Artist Jo Chapman was chosen at a public Artist Selection Evening for a year long public art project for the Meadows. Her brief was to create a year long public art project with visiting artists and workshops to engage the local community and to inform a final art work. Rather than an artist coming to the village for a day or two to create a work without knowing the village, Jo has been commissioned to spend time finding out about the Meadows and meeting people through creative workshops before producing a final piece. The project was launched back in May 2010 with visitors creating wooden plaques, painting or writing haiku poems. These plaques were joined by ones created by Orchard Manor and Melbourn Primary School and have been mounted to form a welcome wall for anyone entering the Meadows to see. Over the summer the ARTIVAN was launched, a project space to meet, make and exhibit work. Jo took a two berth stripped out caravan and Melbourn Village College students redesigned the inside and outside. We’ve had workshops in stick lizard making, clay fruit, print making and outdoor adventures with guest artists including Liz McGowan and Mark Haywood over the summer. This was followed by the launch of the Stockbridge Tapestry in which villagers of all ages were asked to contribute a fabric section to communal banner like art work. The resulting tapestry reflects the seasonal changes in the Meadows and individual responses to nature and can be seen at the art work preview event. Over the winter sound artist Holly Rumble worked with a small group of local people to produce a piece of sound art based on the names of birds that migrate to and from the Meadows. The sound art piece was performed in the ARTIVAN in the Meadows by candle light as part of the winter lantern parade. The parade was a beautiful event in which local families were invited to create a tea light lanterns and join Melbourn 1st Brownies walking from All Saints Community Centre to the Meadows and back. They were met by Lola, a magical puppet from Comberton, who is part of the Festival 2012 Imagination our Nation project taking place nationally. The Meadow was lit with glo sticks and tea lights – a truly wonderful event!

Poems for the Seasons in the Meadows Local poet Clare Crossman led a renga poetry project, a form of Japanese social poetry writing over the year. She has woven together individual haiku created in May for the

spring renga, hosted a summer renga party in the Meadows and visitors to the Meadow in October contributed their autumn verses. Finally in winter, villagers were invited to come and write poetry in their sleeping bags with hot chocolate to keep warm! The result is a series of poems written for Melbourn with contributions by a whole host of local people. The poems will also inspire the final art work with elements from them featuring in some way in the final art works. There will be a publication about the project including all the poems, contact Kirstin Bicknell for details.

The Final Art Work Preview Saturday 5th March, 2pm – 4pm So after a year of art in the Meadows with over 700 participants of all ages taking part, Jo Chapman is creating a final art work based on her experiences of the environment and contributions from people she’s met in Riverside Park over a year. Come over to the Meadows on Saturday 5th March, 2pm – 4pm, for a preview of the designs for the art work. Following the preview event the designs will be available on the project website.

Tea Party Celebration for Art Work Unveiling Saturday 7th May, 3pm – 5pm A Year on from the Unpicked Meadow project starting, the final art work will be revealed with a celebration tea party on Saturday 7th May. Join us in the Meadows for music, afternoon tea and the unveiling of the art work. See the project website for more details.

Key dates: Saturday 5th March, 2pm – 4pm Preview Exhibition Saturday 7th May, 3pm – 5pm Tea Party Celebration of Final Art Work. See the project website for more details. Keep up to date with the project by joining the local arts mailing list to receive occasional updates. To subscribe please email For more information about the project contact Kirstin Bicknell, Arts Development Manager, phone 07770 643165, email

Arts Development If you are part of a group interested in working with an artist, hosting an arts event or if you run an arts related group and need some support then contact your local Arts Development Manager, Kirstin Bicknell. She can support with everything from marketing and fundraising advice to contracting an artist. Kirstin is part of the stART partnership between village colleges and South Cambridgeshire District Council. StART run a number of district wide initiatives including an equipment bank and mobile cinema for community groups melbournmagazine


to hire. See their website for more information or contact Kirstin, phone 07770 643165, email

Local Arts Mailing List Do you want to know what’s going on locally? The local arts mailing list will include details of events and workshops linked to the arts in its widest sense (drama, art, music, dance etc). To join and receive occasional email updates contact Kirstin Bicknell by emailing with the word subscribe in the title. If you have a local arts related event or workshop, you’d like to promote then contact Kirstin with the event details.

Answers to A Christmas Quiz The quiz was based on the Twelve Days of Christmas and the answer was as follows: Day One. A partridge in a pear tree - £10 for a sapling + £50 for the partridge = £60. Day Two. Two turtle doves - £100 + repeat of day one so total = £160. Day Three. Three French hens - £150. + previous days = £310. Day Four. Four calling birds - £200. + previous days = £510. Day Five. Five rings @ £40 each - £200. + previous days = £710. Day Six. Six geese a laying - £300. + previous days = £1,010. Day Seven. Seven swans a swimming - £350. + previous days = £1360. Day Eight. Eight maids a milking. These work 8 hours @ £25 = £200 apiece but don’t forget if they are milking we need eight cows @ £50 each. This adds another £400, which makes £2000. + previous days = £3,360. Day Nine. Nine ladies dancing @ £200 makes £1800 + previous days = £5,160. Day Ten. Ten leaping lords cost £200 each makes £2000. plus previous days £7,160. Day Eleven. Eleven pipers @ £200 makes £2,200 but we need to hire 11 sets of pipes at £20. each giving £220. This day costs £2,420 + £7,160 = £ 9,580. Day Twelve. Twelve drummers cost £2,400 plus £240. for their drums but don’t forget to add in the previous days giving a total of £12,220. Grand total £60 + £160 + £310 + £510 + £710 + £1,010 + £1,360 + £3,360 + £5,160 + £7,160 + £9,580 + £12,220 = £41,600. Congratulations to David Indaco who gave the only correct answer but brave tries from Pat Ames and Judith Ward.


Dan Alder Painting & Decorating

13 Rupert Neve Close Melbourn Nr Royston SG8 6FB

Mobile: 07843 621885

what’s on Cambridgeshire Choral Society Cambridgeshire Choral Society which includes ‘New Melbourn Singers’ are now rehearsing for their performance of HANDEL’S ‘MESSIAH’ 2nd April 2011 at West Road Concert Hall Cambridge Conductor Andrew Parnell Hope to see you there! For tickets contact Monica Gillings 01763 262399.

Meldreth Annual Spring Gardens Sunday 10th April 2011 from 1.30 until 5.30pm. A chance to visit several very pretty spring gardens TEAS and other activities at the Church. Organised by the Friends of Holy Trinity Church Meldreth

Tavern Gallery Meldreth March: George Meliniotis oils/acrylics April: Barry Pratt ceramics May: MESCH group of Textile artists For more information see website

Fourth Annual Safari Supper !!! Saturday, 25th June 2011 An advance notice of the date of this year’s Safari Supper. Yes, we know that it is the evening of the Village Fete but for those people who will not be dancing the night away on the recreation ground it may well be an attractive alternative! These events have been greatly enjoyed by those who have taken part in the past – for more information ring me 260686 or Jane Brett 260306

The Open Gardens National Directo Calling all Cambridgeshire Open Gardeners Two keen gardeners have hit upon a novel solution for publicising charity Open Gardens events – a website dedicated to town and village Open Gardens. Run by volunteers, free from complex advertising, simple to use and with a clever search facility, the site allows people to find out about Open Gardens events in your local area or indeed at the other end of the country. The website supports the smaller event organisers, those volunteers who bring together gardeners and gardens, plant enthusiasts and hobbyists, Hosta lovers and Pelargonium fanciers – the melting pot of Middle England that is Open Gardens. For the humble town or village Open Gardens organiser, the site offers a real opportunity to get much needed publicity. Contributing information is also very simple – fill in you event details, press a button and your event is there for all to see. For people who enjoy visiting gardens open for charity, the site gives full details of events happening in your area. Go to for more information.

In March TV in Melbourn (Anglia) is going digital and the analogue TV signal will be switched off. On 30th March, BBC2 analogue is switched off and on 13th April, the remaining analogue channels are switched off. For advice on the digital switch over telephone 0845 50 50 50 or visit



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feature David Brunsdon

It was lovely to see David Brunsdon’s profile in the winter edition of the magazine, but I can add a little bit to his history as well. I used to travel regularly on the Cambridge to Royston bus, in the days when it still ran through the villages, and so got to know David quite well. One day I was talking to him and mentioned Hope Folly – he spun round in astonishment and said ‘What do you know about Hope Folly?’, I said ‘I used to live there.’ He said ‘I used to work there!’. When I first moved to Hope Folly, on Whitecroft Road, Meldreth, with my parents and brothers, we were told that it had been built as a gas works - serving Melbourn with gas for a short time, then was a jam factory, and then had various roles, including a prisoner of war camp – housing German Officers, flats (where several of the locals, who later were awarded council houses, lived for a time) and, shortly before we moved in, a mushroom farm. The mushrooms were grown on compost in the rooms going back from the windows (marked ‘x’ on the photograph), making all of these totally uninhabitable for ever after; which meant that we actually lived in the left hand side of the house, which had originally been the ‘works’ side of things – so we had a very large lounge, dining room etc.! (Later we built a new bungalow, then demolished the old building) David had worked at the mushroom farm in his youth – and said that he thoroughly enjoyed his time there. He explained that when they used to clear out the old compost they squeezed the lorry into the front garden between the road and the hedge, took out the corridor window, circled in the photograph, and just shoved everything out into the truck; and then loaded the fresh compost in by the same route and replaced the window (we always wondered why that window was so loose!), it shortened the job from a couple of days work of trekking the stuff up and down stairs to a matter of hours! I was chatting to him recently and he was mentioning the (now banned) pesticides that they used to spray liberally all over the place without any thought of ‘Health & Safety’!

(He can probably tell a lot more and hopefully this piece will encourage him to fill in some of the details). Hope Folly House was demolished around about1969 and two bungalows now occupy the plot, one of which retains the name Hope Folly (for posterity). Hilary Ridout

Mr Sky, I Want a Word With You! I want to know, Mr Sky, why you go from a beautiful blue sky, with not a cloud to be seen for miles and miles, and the sun is like a big ‘orange’ shining through, and then you go and spoil it all? You then start drawing in your various clouds, starting with your Cirrus clouds, high in the sky like a white veil. Sometimes it is your Cumulus clouds you draw in … OK, I will let you off with your Cumulus clouds, as they look like cotton wool balls, floating around the sky, which can look quite pretty and even if they go in front of the sun, they are not in the way too long. However, sometimes you change these cute little, harmless looking, cotton wool balls, into Cumulonimbus clouds and then your paint drips all over the place, in the form of rain and we, the people below, get WET!! Why don’t you leave things as they are? You also draw in your Stratus clouds, like flattened sheets across the sky. They sometimes stay in the same place for ages and then, as if that is not enough they too eventually drip all over us! Now, please give over doing this! Do you not realise that, when it is a Bank Holiday, we would like blue sky and sunshine and not being daubed with rain! When it is fete day, gala day or sports day, the people have worked so hard for many days beforehand, to make that one day a success. It appears you give them reasonable skies to do all that work beforehand and then, on the actual day, you rain all over them! We all like to sit in the garden when you do let us have a reasonable bit of sky untouched by you and just soak in the sun. However, by the time we have dressed appropriately, collected a nice cold drink and put out our deck chairs, you have decided to paint a big black cloud in front of the sun! Now, what is all that about? Mr Sky, we need you and the sun to keep us healthy and warm. Unfortunately, you are not always there for us in our own land. So, we have to move or go on holidays to climates which should guarantee you being good but these days that is not always the case either. This is why I am having a word with you in the hope that you will understand how, what you do, affects all of us people below you. Please Mr Sky all we need above us is the colour blue and orange. Thank you for listening. Mrs J Flaherty





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Cambridgeshire Registered Trader Scheme The Cambridgeshire Registered Trader Scheme can help by providing you with a list of traders who have been checked by Cambridgeshire Trading Standards.


Type of business

Absolute Solutions

Bathroom Design and Installation

Admiral Homespace

Tel. No.


Type of business

Tel. No.

01763 261777

Little Hands

Nursery School

01763 260964

Flat Roofing & Conservatories

01480 456789

LM Homeopathy

Health & Wellbeing

01763 290282

Amber Osteopathy

Osteopathic & Sports Injury Clinics

01462 742942


Swimming School

01763 262344


Landscaping Materials

01954 231666

Melbourn Community Sports

Sports Centre

01763 263313

Black Horse

Local Pub & Restaurant

01763 226046

Melbourn Flooring

Flooring, Tiling & Home Interiors

01763 262413


Plumbing and Heating

01763 260007

Melbourn Garage

MOT and Servicing

01763 263344

Bury Lane Farm Shop

Fresh produce, Coffee shop

01763 260418

Meldreth Pre-School


07952 295655


Taxi and Car Service

01763 212223

M&M Books

Second hand & rare books

01763 849789

Cambridge Building Society

Building Society

01763 217510

Molly Maid

Cleaning Services

01462 896123

Cambourne Self Storage

Secure Storage

01954 717444

Meridian Lawncare

Lawn care company

01763 242909


Deafness Advisory sessions

01223 416141

PC Home Call

PC Repair

01763 294449

Cam Valley Orchards

Fruit Farm Shop

0777 461 685


Babbies & Todlers

01223 830791

Carters Shoes

Shoes – wide choice

01223 264930


Garden Centre

01763 260537

Cheap Storage

Secure Storage

01763 262344

Prince Property Improvements Property Repairs

01763 269565

Child Nursing Team

Family Health Advice

01763 262861

Pinney, Moore and Co.

01954 234370

Cooper, P.L. & Sons Ltd

Flooring Specialists

01763 260918

Riding for the Disabled Association

Creative Building Landscape

Building design & Conversions

01763 802003

Riverside Guest House

Guest House

01763 226062

Fieldgate Nurseries

Fruit, vegetables, flowers & plants

01763 260737


Carpet Cleaning

01223 832928

Fowlmere Village Hall

Hall Facilities

08704 649200

Royston Bed Centre

Bedroom Furniture

01763 243111

Foxton Pre School

Pre School

01223 8728779

Rubber Roofing company

Roofing Solutions

01763 869035

Furniture Bitz

Discount Outlet

01763 242616

Rule, Jeremy

Funeral Service

01763 242560


Kennel & Cattery

01763 260624

Ryecroft Data

Design & Instant Digital Print

01763 208640


Gas, Heating & Plumbing

01945 428757

Simon Robinson

Picture Frames

01223 873123

Harry, Kathleen. B.Sc.Hons.


01223 842978

South Cambs Motors

Motor Car Servicing

01763 260246

Home Start

Family Support

01763 242919

Sprint Printers

Printers and Copiers

01763 263339

Home Store

Bathroom & Tiling

01763 245888

St Georges

Nursing Home

01763 242243


Dance based Fitness

01763 241527

Taylor & Co

Chartered Accountants

01763 248545

J&M Carpet Care

Carpet Cleaning

01954 780999

The Letting Centre

Letting Agency

01763 263039

Jeremy Ashworth

Electrician & Property Maintenance

01763 230831

The Spice Hut

Indian Takeaway

01763 262425

Julie Newby

Beauty Therapist

01763 208387

Thomas, Chris

Professional Cleaning

01223 836002

Kingsway Golf Centre

Golf Course and Supplies

01763 262943

Urban Plastics

Plumbing, electrical supplies

01763 262337

Law Storage

Secure storage

01223 874629

Wrights Mower Centre

Garden Machinery Supply & Maint.

01763 263393

Leech, C.A


01763 260255

Financial Advisers

01223 290807


Magazine Advertisers

lf you live in Cambridgeshire, are aged over 60 or have a physical or learning disability, you are eligible to use this Scheme. Telephone Age Concern, Cambridgeshire on 01223 221 921.


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