Issue 67 Autumn 2011

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Matthew Lane Sanderson working on the New Road Cemetery Gates

Invitation to the Opening Ceremony – 17th September – see page 19

...editorial In this issue a synopsis of the Village Plan is included; we are all urged to read this, and consider in what way we can help to realize the Plan. See page 6 for more information. There is a report of the very successful Village Fete, congratulations and thanks to the committee for organising such a fun filled day for the village. See page 9. We also take this opportunity to wish a happy retirement to Avril Mellor, the outgoing Parish Clerk, and to welcome Peter Horley, who will take over from Avril. Elaine Stephenson, the Warden of MVC is leaving the College, her duties will be taken over by Acting Principal Simon Holmes. We wish Mrs Stephenson, the College and the students continuing success in the future. Congratulations too to the River Mel Restoration Group (RMRG), who have won a Conservation and Natural Heritage Award from the South Cambridgeshire District Council for their restoration work. See page 37. Many of us use the sporting facilities at the College. In this issue we are pleased to feature an article telling us how the swimming pool came about. It was a real community effort. See page 57. Our Library is much loved and much used, but the building cannot last much longer. With the shortage of resources available it is up to us, as a community, to ensure that we can maintain this valuable resource, possibly as part of the Old Police site development. See page Library News 5 & 18. We hope that everyone has had a happy, warm summer, and our very best wishes to those who are going on to new schools, further education or new jobs.

Village News feature

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Matthew Lane Sanderson Designer of the New Road Cemetery Gates

Profile Anne Ford Council News Safer Melbourn Nature Education Village Information Important numbers Diary Nature

12 17 21 25 27 31 32 33 37

Gorgeous grasses and Dazzling Daisies River Mel Restoration Group

Church News feature

41 45

Home-Start – volunteer Melbourn Girls – update

Sports & Clubs feature

47 51

Where in Melbourn

Unpicked Meadows feature Melbourn’s indoor swimming pool

Invitation to the Opening ceremony of New Road Cemetary Gates See page 19 for details

Apart from printing, all work on the Melbourn Magazine, including layout and design is produced by volunteers. The cost of production comes entirely from advertising and sponsorship. Melbourn Magazine is independent of the Parish Council NO public money is used. Front cover: Matthew Lane Sanderson working on the New Road Cemetery Gates

53 57 Specialists in fine hand crafted sugar flowers for wedding and celebration cakes


village news Mary Woodcock and Coffee Stop

In the news Mary Woodcock and Coffee Stop Library News Future of Melbourn Library Access Point The Melbourn Village Plan Mrs Janice Guest Melbourn & Meldreth Women’s Group Fundraising for Home-Start Village Fete & Music on the Moor Melbourn History Group Meldreth History Group Royston and District Local History Society RNLI Meldreth (and Melbourn!) Station birthday party Litter Picking at Meldreth train New Melbourn Singers Helping with lifts to youth clubs Melbourn Mobile Warden Scheme

5 5 6 6 7 7 7 9 10 11 11 11

As many people will know, Mary Woodcock started Coffee Stop in November 2002, working hard to set it up and organise it. Thanks to Mary’s efforts it continues to run smoothly. I took over the running in June 2007 with Mary acting as my Deputy until she stepped down in January 2010.

13 13 15 15 15

COFFEE STOP Every Saturday 10.30am to 12noon Rombouts coffee & biscuits for 80p at

All Saints’ Community Hall

Rev. Andrew O’Brien and Mary Woodcock at the Coffee Stop

Mary and Peter decided to move to Westcliff-on-Sea to be near family, and at Coffee Stop on 11th June the Vicar, Andrew O’Brian, presented Mary with flowers and a farewell card signed by many of the people who frequent Coffee Stop every week. Two delicious cakes were made for Mary by Angela Mead, which were shared with everybody present. We all send our very best wishes to Mary and Peter in their new life – they are both missed. Sue Toule, Coffee Stop

Library News The Library continues to be busy. We attended the Summer Fête with various displays aimed at promoting the Library. There was bookmark making for children and quizzes for both children and adults. The Story Time Sessions have been suspended during the Summer Holidays. melbournmagazine


The Sessions are open to parents with pre-school children and will restart on Thursday 8th September. We need more helpers to run the sessions so if you would like to help please contact Eleanor at the Library on Thursday mornings between 10.00 and 10.45am. There is a need for new librarians particularly for the Saturday Sessions. The work is enjoyable as it brings you into contact with people borrowing books and using the computers. It is also the only way to protect the Village Library. We have resisted a proposal to automate the library as we believed this was against the spirit of a volunteer run library. The Library Service accepted that the proposed change was not necessary and would have been costly to install. We remind you that we have increased our opening hours and are now open on Tuesday afternoons from 2.30 to 4.30pm. Our opening times are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 2.30 to 4.30pm. Thursday 5.00 to 7.00pm Saturday 10.00 to 12.00pm Story Time 10.00 to 10.45am. The Library may open on Thursday mornings during Storytime. Mike Stapleton

Future of Melbourn Library Access Point As ever there seems to be a steady stream of helpful people willing to help out. A response from a resident to the Library Access Point’s recent request for a new Saturday morning helper came through almost straight away, which is greatly appreciated. The County Council’s budget cuts mean that a number of Cambridgeshire libraries are facing huge changes. Those best poised to survive are the ones able to reinvent themselves as part of a hub or cluster, which could see groups like Citizens’ Advice or other public services joining together with a library service, plus perhaps a café. Ironically, library usage is going up throughout the Cambridgeshire system, and that includes Melbourn. Melbourn’s Library Access Point has


been standing pretty well on its own feet for the past eight years with very little support from County. But there is a big issue for Melbourn’s library: premises. The portable cabin in The Moor is simply at the end of its life and for the library to continue, the reality is that we – the local community, not the county council – have to find alternative premises.

The Melbourn Village Plan The Village Plan Has Arrived! The Steering Committee for the Melbourn Village Plan is delighted to announce the completion of the Melbourn Village Plan project. In this edition of the Melbourn Magazine you will find your own personal copy of the report, published as a summary. This includes all the recommendations being made and also gives a brief description of how the results were obtained. The summary document contains the complete Action Plan section from a full version of the Melbourn Village Plan report. There are exactly 50 suggested courses of action listed. Each of these contains a simple description of the issue or idea raised as a result of your comments and feedback. We have also proposed a first step towards achieving each of the suggested goals in the Action Plan. In addition, we have suggested the organisation responsible for taking each action forward and when it might be possible to achieve a first step towards the goal. We would like to sincerely thank all residents who contributed to the Melbourn Village Plan. An incredible 1830 of you answered the residential questionnaire, representing 52% of all households in Melbourn. Many clubs, businesses and other organisations also answered detailed enquiries since the project was launched in the autumn of 2009. Without this vital information revealing what the people of Melbourn think there would be no Melbourn Village Plan. We hope you agree the finished report has been worth the effort and time. Your personal copy of the Melbourn Village Plan Summary Report does not contain the detailed background or results from the residential questionnaire and other research. The complete picture can, however, be found in the main report document from which the Summary Report has been drawn. You are encouraged to read the full report. This is available to download from the village website and is on loan from the village library as a hard copy. Copies can also be purchased using the contact details shown at the end of this article. Finally, the Steering Committee would also like to thank Melbourn Parish Council for first suggesting the project, their encouragement and support, the sponsoring of much of the cost of production and for adopting the finished plan, and to the Melbourn Magazine for publicising the Plan.

What Next? A Melbourn Village Plan Implementation Team will be formed from willing volunteers. This team will facilitate the many recommendations in the Action Plan, providing help and guidance where needed. Volunteers for the implementation process will need to be recruited. From the Action Plan section in the Summary Report you will see many opportunities for interested people to come forward and become part of individual projects. Examples are in the management and improvement of pavements and footpaths, development of cycling services, support for the elderly, conservation of wildlife and helping to run clubs and groups. In the case of clubs and groups, support applies to both existing activities and also those currently missing from village life. There are many other opportunities, including involvement in overall management of the implementation process itself. Many people have volunteered already. However, we are particularly looking for people who are prepared to help in specific areas of need. Targeted support is required for all action plan initiatives that are included in the Summary Report where volunteering is mentioned. If you have already volunteered, or are thinking

of doing so now, we would particularly like to hear from you. Should you have a general desire to help out, but with no special or personal interest, you are also most welcome. Perhaps you feel you could guide others in an area you feel strongly about or where you have some expertise. This would be especially useful. A public meeting will be organised. The entire village will be welcome. The meeting will be used to outline the structure and operation of the Implementation Team and ask for volunteers to actively join in. It will therefore be a major opportunity for those of you who are thinking of volunteering for specific areas of interest, or to provide general support to the implementation of the Melbourn Village Plan. There will be plenty of advance publicity for this event. We hope you enjoy reading the report. Please give us your comments – we would love to hear from you. Look out for more news in the next edition of the Melbourn Magazine! If you would like to volunteer or just want to know more please contact – Or, call Sally Arnott on 01763 263231 or 07519791256 Melbourn Village Plan Steering Committee

Mrs Janice Guest I said in the last edition that I would keep you up to date with the fundraising we are doing in Mum’s memory. Edward Dodson ran the London Marathon back in April. He crossed the finishing line in three hours and fifty seven minutes and raised £4775.00. We would like to thank Edward very much for all his hard work. As most of you know we arranged a Charity Summer Ball at the Sheene Mill, Melbourn on Friday 15th July. We had one hundred and eleven guests from all over the country who came to eat, drink and dance to raise money for the Motor Neurone Disease Association. We had a fabulous evening that was enjoyed by all. Along with the money raised from ticket sales we had a raffle, which local companies and friends donated prizes to – I would like to thank you all for your generosity and also to those of you who made monetary donations. In total the evening raised £2800. There has already been enquiries about next year’s Ball, so watch this space. We have a couple more events coming up in the next twelve months including a Choir Concert at Melbourn Parish Church on Saturday 1st October 2011 and a family walk in the local area. We will advertise these on the gates at number 1 Mortlock Street, so do please stop and see what we are up to. Alternatively, please call me on 230831 or email or Erica Mansfield on 261777 for more information. Thank you again to everyone for your continued support of the MNDA and I will report back in the next edition. Mrs Helen Ashworth

Melbourn & Meldreth Women’s Group Since the last issue of the Magazine we have had an interesting talk given to us about some of the work of The Mothers’ Union and we will have shared another evening of member’s music. This was a very sociable evening much aided by the cakes (generously supplied by members), tea, coffee and chatter that we all shared. In August we will have had our walk around Meldreth guided by members of the local History Group and ended up quenching our thirst at The British Queen! We look forward to Canon Linda Church sharing with us her experiences of her time in Canada which she spent shadowing a bishop and that will be on 27th September at 7.45p.m. in Meldreth Meeting Room which is attached to Meldreth Church. We shall be busy organising the Harvest Supper for the Parishes of Melbourn and Meldreth which will be on 30th September in Meldreth Village Hall. As always this is a popular event and so tickets must be purchased in advance from a committee member as numbers are restricted.

On October 25th we meet at The Community Hall behind All Saints Church in Melbourn when we are looking forward to a talk by Hilary Ritchie about the history of Addenbrookes Hospital. On November 22nd I shall be leading an Advent reflection in Meldreth Meeting Room. We do not meet in December and we hold our AGM on 24 January 2012 in Melbourn Community Hall. Once the formal business of electing committee members, receiving accounts and nominating our charity of the year is finished, we share a meal to which members have all contributed. We are open to all women and there is no annual membership fee as we charge £1 on the night, there is also the option of putting a contribution in the pot for charity. Our meetings begin at 7.45p.m. and we vary our venues between the villages of Melbourn and Meldreth. If you would like a copy of our programme please do not hesitate to contact me, the committee contact details are on this and we are happy to try and organise lifts is you need transport. Pat Smith Chairman 01763 260103

Fundraising for Home-Start: International Quilt Raffle In 1991 a group of women living in Dusseldorf started to meet regularly to quilt. In 2011 they were still meeting every 2 years despite most of them having returned to their home countries. The 2011 reunion was held in Melbourne Australia where the Home-Start raffle quilt was started. Barbara, the Scheme Manager for Home-Start Royston and South Cambridgeshire, is part of this group. Hearing about the family work done by Home-Start women from Norway, Germany, Finland, America, Australia, Japan, Austria and the UK decided to make a quilt to help raise much needed funds for Home-Start Royston and South Cambridgeshire. The women bought local Australian fabric, most of which is based on Aboriginal designs and pieced the top of the quilt at a workshop continued on page 9



feature Matthew Lane Sanderson Designer of the New Road Cemetery Gates

Matt working on the Corpus Clock. Inset: The clock outside Corpus Christi College Cambridge, created with Dr John Taylor

I love making sculptural pieces through which people ❝ can travel. I have an early memory, from perhaps a school textbook, of a car driving through a giant redwood tree. I dislike the idea that anyone could cut into such a tree, but loved the scale of the feat. I design natural forms, but also, I am not wholly concerned with copying, I enjoy the natural symmetry and balance nature creates and use this to influence my designs. Gates can be such a simple concept, but require much engineering and proportional balance. I use these structural factors as the basis of my designs, rather than being limited by them. In 2009 I was engaged by Melbourn Parish Council for a rare commission, the design and construction of the cemetery gates. I sort the professional advice of Dr Anne Taylor, representative of Cambridge University Museum of Archaeology. Our aim was to work as a team, historians, residents and artist to realise a unique, sensitive and robust wrought iron structure that will mark the entrance and purpose of the new cemetery at New Road. Anglo Saxon remains and historically valuable artefacts are due to be re-interred in the site, and it is these and many other period features that I used as an inspiration for the metal work. The new gates – 8 metres wide and 3.5 metres high – will allow a horse drawn hearse to enter. The gates are hot forged, riveted and hot dip galvanised for long life, excuse the pun!


Matthew is a designer, metalsmith and sculptor currently engaged upon a number of public art projects across the U.K. His company, based in Cambridgeshire began making ‘Focal Points’ for permanent display and temporary exhibition in 1994 and has become well-known for producing highly crafted, unique and ingenious works in original settings. Although he is a designer it is perhaps his root’s in sculpture that maintains his very selective project choices. He maintains that the quality of design and craft take precedence above all and couples this with an enormous amount of energy and what he calls “playing furiously” in the early stages of research and “physical pressure” in realising the final pieces. Although the works always involve a great deal of labour intensive activity, he somehow maintains the spontaneity and grace of the original concept. Perhaps it is his training in silversmithing and jewellery making that helps maintain the delicacy and beauty in his use of industrial materials and varied choice of scale. He alone designs and builds the sculptures, as they often require the design and manufacture of unique equipment to realise the designs. He is in love with making. His pencils are steel wires and his dreams come with instructions. Although some of his projects have stretched more than seven years, Matt is incredibly prolific, with over 50 permanent works installed, and many smaller private pieces obtained through his bi-annual shows. Matthew believes that ‘Public Art’ is more successful when people can discern that skill and honest hard work have been employed coupled with originality such as the ‘Corpus Clock’ created with Dr John Taylor. His favourite studies describe either ‘kinetic or potential energy’. This choice of scientific wording, an indicator of why he is so often employed to work upon SCI-ART projects. His current projects include an enormous ‘Copper Veil’ structure resembling a clipped box hedge over two storeys tall whose organic structure supports the viewer literally by hand rail as they climb the stairs around it. The foliage comprises 2000 glass rondels dappling the stairwell and entrance foyer of the new Pegasus Youth Theatre in Oxford. St Faiths’ School gates, Trumpington, Cambridge

Home-Start quilt

in Australia. The quilt was then sent to Germany where Verena, one of the quilting group, quilted and finished off the quilt. This double size quilt is the first prize in the raffle with a lap quilt made by Barbara as the 2nd prize and 2 cushions, also made by Barbara, as the 3rd prize. If you would like to purchase a raffle ticket – or to help by selling raffle tickets to family and friends, then do call us at the office on 01763 262262, email admin@hsrsc. or call into our office at Unit 6, Valley Farm, Station Road, Meldreth.

Medals All Round Home-Start Royston & South Cambridgeshire, Sponsored Walk took place on Saturday 21 May and saw 44 walkers step out into the Balsham countryside to help raise vital funds for the charity. The sun shone down as people made their way across the fields and along Fleam Dyke. Personal challenges were set for many, including small children taking part in the 9 mile walk and 2 brave ladies in particular, who strode forth on the 19 mile walk via Great Wilbraham and Six Mile Bottom to arrive back at 5.30pm after a whole day’s walking. Everyone was a winner for the Charity and all medals were very well deserved. Melissa Santiago-Val, a trustee and former Home-Start family, decided to do the 3 mile walk with her family, saying ‘this event was to support families so it made

MSV HS walk group

sense for us all to do the walk, and it was a great family day out too. HomeStart gave us so much support when we needed it most, this is just a way of giving something back. We’ve raised enough to fund training for a volunteer, so a huge thank you to our friends and family!’ The walk is likely to raise in excess of £3500 and the donation lines are still open at Just Giving if readers would like to add their support. Tracy Aggett. 01763 262262 email: Donations to Home-Start Royston & South Cambridgeshire can be made at Thank you for Your Support

Village Fete & Music on the Moor Saturday 25th June 2011 This year’s fete was one of the most challenging and time consuming events the fete committee have ever attempted to organise, but as the rain fell on Friday night when our team were setting things up we/I thought the worst ‘could this be the year the weather spoils all the fun’. I needn’t have worried because as in previous years all our hard work over the year was rewarded again with lovely weather. As always, we were amazed at the number of request for stalls to either sell their wares or, more encouraging for the committee, the local clubs and societies requesting stalls to fund-raise and boost their numbers, all in all we had over 70

Village Fete & Music on the Moor – puppet show



Free Storytime for under 5s! Thursday 10–10.45 am Melbourn Library The Moor, Melbourn (next to Melbourn Village College)

Contact: Eleanor 01763 260924 or library 01763 269956 stalls with a huge variety of items for sale. All the initial feedback the committee received was that the Melbourn based clubs and societies had a very good day, the 3000 plus people that came had a huge variety of items to choose from the 70 plus stalls that attended. One area the Fete committee thought we needed to work on this year was the daytime entertainment, so with that in mind we booked some acts that hopefully would appeal to the whole family. Throughout the afternoon we had some fantastic shows from the eagerly awaited awarded winning Danny Butler mountain bike display team that stole the show with their unbelievable balance and skill on two wheels, but they were nearly up staged by our six woolly friends in the first ever running of the Melbourn SHEEP race. All the sheep were sponsored and the proud winner was sponsored by Norburys, but thank you to all our sponsors without whom we would not be able to do what we did. The human hamster balls also went down ‘or round’ very well all day and late into the evening. The lawn mower racing was a great success again with one of the biggest fields yet, I think some people put some serious man hours in to make those mowers look and go fantastic. We also must have had our largest display of classic cars we have ever seen at the fete, many who came quite a distance, thanks to all that turned up. The central arena was also fully booked up all afternoon with the Electrolytes dance group and the award winning Competition dance squad and Primary Alliance Dance Company (PADCO) from MVC. The unexpected stars of the arena were all the owners


and their dogs that took part in the various competitions from the musical dog sit, to the most ‘look like their owner’ and congratulations to all the many entrants. As for the music we had a spectacular line up all day and into the evening with ‘Double Take’ the barber shop quartet and the ‘Memphis’ jazz band sound echoing around the field all afternoon. The highlight of the day for me was listening to some very talented teenage bands who plucked up the courage to play to their biggest audience yet. With the 59ers backing up Lipstick Torpedo, that brought Melbourn Village Fete & the Music on the Moor 2011 to a spectacular close. Once again, without the huge support from local businesses, whether it is refreshments in the Pavilion served by the parents from Melbourn Playgroup or raffle prizes donated by so many others, or hard earned cash sponsorship, this year’s event would not have been possible, so thank you to everyone. As usual any profits will be used to support worthwhile causes within the village. If you feel your club or association would benefit from funds please e-mail me at or contact the Parish Office who will pass your details on. Lastly, and most importantly, the Fete Committee would like to thank all the many volunteers who gave up their time to help on the day to make this year’s fete the best to date. I would also like to personally thank all the Fete Committee for their time and commitment over the last year because without them there wouldn’t have been a Fete. On that note, if anyone has some spare time and would like to give something back to the village and get involved, please contact me on as next year’s fete is already being planned! And the date is already booked – Saturday 23rd June 2012. If this year’s event is anything to go by we will need all the help we can get so please get involved, even if it’s only an hour it all helps to spread the work-load. Brian Collingbourne, Chairman

Melbourn History Group Occasionally a ‘find’ comes our way in the shape of a piece of Melbourn history and this makes all the research work worthwhile. Tucked away in amongst some old files we found some rather tattered copies of a publication called ‘The Parish Magazine for the Rural Deanery of Shingay’. That needs some explanation but these magazines cover the period from August 1919 to December 1922 and gives news from the parishes of Abington Pigotts, Bassingbourne with Kneesworth, Croydon-cum-Clopton, Guilden Morden, Litlington, Melbourn, Steeple Morden, Wendy-cum-Shingay and Whaddon. In each case the Editor responsible for the news in each parish was the Vicar or Rector. This brings up an interesting comparison with today’s organisation of the same Deanery. Most of the parishes now are ‘joint benefices’ where the Vicar dashes from one parish to another taking services or in some cases deputing the worship to a Reader or Authorised Lay Minister as they are now called. It is also strange to

New to the village …

If you’re new to the village and have not received your FREE copy of the Melbourn Village History Book & DVD, contact Colin Limming on 01763 260072 for more information

see that our friends in Meldreth are not included and must have been in another Deanery at the time, also that Bassingbourn had an ‘e’ tacked on their name in those days. A quick read of some of the issues reveals a very different set-up to today’s Parish Magazines such as Melbourn and Meldreth’s ‘The Melde’. An appeal for bell ringers states unequivocally that men are wanted and no mention of women although today many of our bands are graced by the ladies! Many of the pages are taken up by stories that would not look out of place in a Women’s magazine where fair maidens are faced with romantic dilemmas. But there is a serious side to many of the pages. The issues cover the period after ‘the war to end all wars’ and speak optimistically of lasting peace. Appeals for money to aid ex-servicemen frequently appear, as do mentions of men lately returned from the Forces. A butcher A.W. Bacon of Melbourn heads his advertisement ‘I have served the King – now I can serve you’ that emphasises his recent time in the Army. There are probably few readers still living that remember some of the businesses and shops that advertised. Apart from A.W. Bacon there is mention of Gurney G. Groves who dealt in clothing and whose shop was to be found ‘opposite the Mill’: J.E. Hagger & Son who was a saddler and harness maker; A.R. Coningsby & Son who was a coal and coke merchant, and H. Cranfield who ran the Melbourn Post Office. Some of these names are to be found in the Melbourn history book and will be familiar to some of our more senior citizens. The magazines have now been bound into a hard cover and will find a place in the village’s archives. That reminds me. If you are reading this magazine for the first time having just moved into Melbourn may we remind you that you are eligible for a free History Book. I was reminded of this when I ventured for the first time into Chalkhill Barrow and realised just how many new houses there are in this new development. I have delivered one book up there – are you reading this and wondering where you can obtain a copy? Please ring me and a book will be on its way to you! Colin Limming, 01763 260072.

Meldreth History Group One of the most popular features on the Meldreth History website is Memories of the 108 bus. This Eastern Counties bus used to travel between Royston and Cambridge with stops at Melbourn, Meldreth, Shepreth, Barrington, Foxton Station, Harston and Hauxton Gap. Dennis Watson from Meldreth was one of the drivers and Ida Rosendale was a well-known conductor from 1940 to the late sixties. Please take a look at www. to read the comments already posted about the 108. Once on the website click on the Peoples page, then Memories of Meldreth to bring up the bus. They may jog your memory to add some of your own experiences of travelling on the bus. Once on the website click on the Topics page to bring up the 108. The History Group have produced some new designs for this year’s Christmas cards. Some wonderful wintry scenes of Meldreth are shown which will give much pleasure to buyers and receivers of these cards. A display of these cards can be seen in the window of South Cambs Motors from October onwards. The price for a pack of eight cards is £5 and can be obtained by calling Tim Gane on 01763 260129 Terry Dash

Royston and District Local History Society Meetings are held at Royston Town Hall starting at 8pm. Annual Membership £5. Visitors £2 per meeting. David Allard 01763 242677 or go to Thursday 6th October – The Olympics in London 2012, this once in a lifetime opportunity, illustrated – John Fuller

Thursday 3rd November – James I and Hertfordshire, illustrated Dr Alan Thomson

RNLI RNLI is delighted to announce that in 2013 our next all-weather lifeboat class will be on station. Lifeboats are traditionally named after rivers or stretches of water (as well as benefactors), but in 45 years this is the first time the name of an Irish river has been used – Shannon. (Quite appropriate in a year when our Patron H.M. The Queen, has been visiting the Republic of Ireland – the first monarch to do so since independeence). The Shannon is the longest river in Ireland, and at 240 miles is longer than any river in the U.K. It is home to two lifeboat stations – Kilrush, at the mouth of the Estuary, and Lough Derg on one of the river’s lakes. The new lifeboat will be powered by water jets instead of propellers, which will make it more manoeuvrable and safer to operate in shallow waters. This will reduce the risk of damage to the boat during launch and recovery. RNLI branches all over the country raise money to give our crews the very latest in equipment, and Shannon is the latest reward for their efforts. Royston Branch is working to replace our lost revenues at Duxford – our collection box has now been banished as well as our souvenir selling – and we have been extending our activities around the area. Perhaps you saw us in Royston in July when we held our Flag Day – or came to our stall at the Kite Festival? If so, thank you for your support. We now go on to Steeple Morden Country Fair on 17th September, Bury Lane Farm Shop on 22nd October, and Country Homes and Gardens Centre on 19th November. Our committee is small and these activities place a great strain on all members, so if there is anyone out there who can spare an hour on any of these dates, or who could help us in the future, do please phone me. Any time you can give will be appreciated – no payment of course-but isn’t a boat like the Shannon well worth the effort? Jean Emes (Sec) 01763 245958 melbournmagazine


Profile Anne Ford Anyone who visited the outpatients department at Addenbrookes between 1970 and 1992 will know Anne Ford – or certainly recognise her. Her calm, kindly professionalism has soothed many a nervous patient. Anne was born Alianora Anne Catt in 1929 in Erith, Kent. Her father was a tram driver and her mother was what we call today ‘a carer’. She was an unofficial nurse, as was her mother before her. Anne has two sisters and a brother and attended a convent school until the war started, when she was evacuated to Sevenoaks. They quickly realised that living in Sevenoaks was no safer, so it wasn’t long before she returned home and she remembers seeing the German squadrons flying up the Thames to bomb London. The war interfered with her education and she left school at 16 to do two years training as a nursery nurse. Both her sisters were nurses, so it followed that when the Nursery Schools were closed, she began training to be a nurse at the Memorial Hospital in Woolwich. Although the work was hard, the hours long and the discipline strict, Anne looks back on this time as one of the happiest periods of her life. The nurses lived in and were well looked after. At Christmas everyone was expected to work through, so on Christmas Eve the young girls turned their capes round, red side out, and went round the wards singing carols. The uniform included a small white triangular hat, blue uniform with long sleeves and stiff white cuffs, white apron, buckled belt and black stockings and shoes. After 3 years of training the hat changed to a slightly larger one with a fold at the front and pleats down the back which had to be resewn every time they were worn. Whilst working on the wards the sleeves were rolled up and covered with a frilled cuff, but for going on the rounds they had to be rolled down. She won an award in 1949 as the Best Practical Nurse! After finishing her training at Woolwich she went on to do a two year Midwifery Course, at Bromley and then at Croydon, doing home visits. After seeing an advertisement in the Nursing Standard, Anne and a friend took a job in St. Helier, Jersey, a very congenial posting as the island was quite un-commercialised at that time. When the year’s contract was up, they decided to travel to Canada in 1953. They landed in Quebec and then went on to Leamington. Nursing was very different – more friendly but still with the same starchy uniform and discipline. She learned to play badminton and went skiing for the first time. After several months she moved to the Veteran’s Hospital in Winnipeg where the nurses had the privilege of wearing the Queen Alexandra hat – a great white, starched, winged job! From there she went to Calgary to a hospital run by nuns before returning to Winnipeg to complete a two year course in radio therapy,


a then-new treatment. Throughout her time in Canada she took every opportunity of travelling, visiting Vancouver, the north coast and Niagara. In 1957 Anne met her husband-tobe, John, who was stationed in Canada with the RAF training as a navigator. When he returned to the UK she followed in the Queen Mary and in 1957 they were married in Christ’s Church, Erith. They had two sons, Andrew and Paul. Her godfather, the organist and choirmaster at Christ’s Church, started a group of young bellringers of which Anne was a member and this led her to a lifelong interest in bellringing. She enjoyed church architecture and visited many churches in Kent and Sussex. Her godfather also introduced her to classical music. John’s squadron was eventually posted to Bruggen in Germany on the Dutch border. It was during the Cold War and a very tense time. But the young couple enjoyed the life with Mess balls and Ladies Dining In nights. He was finally posted to Bassingbourn where he served for 2½ years, before leaving the service, which is how they came to Melbourn. The transition to civilian life was hard and sadly the couple separated. Anne had two small boys to bring up so she returned to work. In September 1970 she became a Staff Nurse at the new Addenbrookes Hospital. She eventually transferred to the Outpatients Department and spent 22 years moving round the different clinics. She helped to start up the Diabetic Clinic and was often in charge of the departments. Her sons Andrew and Paul went to school in Melbourn and then onto Hills Road, Andrew went on to University doing Photographic Sciences and after graduating worked at the Home Office. He is married with two children, Thomas and Lucy. When Paul left school he went to work for the continued on page 14

Meldreth (and Melbourn!) Station birthday party Thanks to everyone in Melbourn who made this a true two-village event on July 9th. All of the Spice Hut’s free samosas and all of Gocold’s free ice creams disappeared in no time and I hope that everyone who came along had a good time. A member of the St George’s (Melbourn) Allotment Association has sponsored one of the oak tubs on the station platform, and members helped with providing plants and preparing the new flower and veg garden situated just outside the Spice Hut’s front door. Melbourn Village College students, supported by a volunteer from the Melbourn Village Plan Steering Committee, came over to the station the day before the Station birthday party to do a massive litter pick of the area adjacent to the Melbourn-side platform. MVC students have also made bird boxes on request, which are going to go up around the station building, as part of a biodiversity theme tying in with the flower and veg garden. Melbourn Village History Group have offered to provide frames for a permanent display of historic photographs in the booking office, showing the station early in its history. The whole purpose of this project has been to make the station look good and to bring people together, but also to further the cause of our campaign points – which are listed on the Melbourn Village website – via the Train Operator and the County Council.

Litter Picking at Meldreth train On Wednesday 6th July 2011 we went to Meldreth train station to help Susan van de Ven clear up the litter. There was lots of rubbish from cans to sandwich packets and even a broken knife and fire extinguisher. We filled 13 bags of rubbish. Meldreth Primary school have done a good job as well with the vegetable garden. If people can put their rubbish in the bins there are lots of bins around to put rubbish in. The party on Saturday Callum with MVC volunteers at Meldeth Station

9th July 2011 for the 160th birthday was really good as well there was free ice cream and samosas from the curry take away shop. Representatives from Royston Crow, Royston Weekly News and BBC Radio Cambridgeshire were there to take pictures and interview people who have helped out with making the station look nice for the big day. Thank you to Susan for making the day enjoyable and fun, I had a fantastic time. Thank you, Susan! Callum Jeray of MVC melbournmagazine


Forestry Commission in Wales. He also is married with two children, Emma and Richard. There was another grandchild, Matthew, who was born with a very rare genetic disease whose health unfortunately gradually deteriorated. Anne naturally still finds it hard to talk about this period, but she speaks highly of Hope House where Matthew and the family had respite care. She is full of praise for them and continues to support them. Anne took up bellringing again at All Saints’. In 1985 as a regular church-goer she became a member of the PCC, (a position she still holds). After retiring in 1992 she was able to follow other interests including serving as a room steward for the National Trust at Anglesey Abbey for 10 years. She joined the Cambridge U3A and studied Egyptology and Church Architecture. She joined the Melbourn branch when it opened, participating in courses in Art Appreciation, Music Group, Gardening and Church Visits. Anne developed ME after a series of throat infections and was finally diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, which had troubled her for years. Despite this, her one extravagance is travel, which she has done widely despite her poor health. She has travelled throughout Europe, Oberamergau for the Passion Play, Verona for the Opera. Bosnia (formerly part of Yugoslavia) to see the original bridge at Mostar and has walked the walls of Dubrovnik in Croatia. In Rome she had an audience with Pope John Paul II, whom she said was charismatic. In Prague she found the ‘new’ synagogue very moving, and in Peloponnese and Delphi in Greece, she was able to indulge her interest in archaeology. A trip to Istanbul sparks very fond memories, Anne visited the little-known Nursing Museum at Scutari. She was moved to see where Florence Nightingale had walked, to see a lantern similar to the one she had carried and to see the inspiration for the ‘Nightingale’ wards widely used in hospitals until quite recently – large open 30 bed wards with a nursing station


in the centre, with cubicles and side wards for the seriously ill patients. One of the four turrets of the barracks had been occupied by Florence and her team of 39 nurses – all housed in 3 rooms where many of her belongings are on display. One of Anne’s prized possessions is a prayer book given by Florence to one of her sewing women. Anne’s younger sister Idena had emigrated to Australia with her family on a £10 ticket in the 50’s. It was always Anne’s ambition to visit them and she finally managed to do so in 1992, on the way stopping off in Singapore. During her visit to Australia she saw the Great Barrier Reef, the Pinnacles in Perth and in Canberra she saw the 2nd largest tapestry in the world made by the women of Australia, which depicts all aspects of Australian life and history. In Adelaide she joined a team of bellringers and spent a morning ringing in four churches before going to ring in the cathedral. She also visited Brisbane and Sidney and on the return journey she stopped over in Hong Kong which she loved. Battling with her illness Anne in fact made two further visits to Australia. She travelled with her older sister on a family visit and went on to visit New Zealand. The third time was for a family wedding. Her travels have also taken her to Egypt, China, Cyprus, Russia, Portugal and Jordan. But the trip that made the greatest spiritual impression was her last one, where she went to the Holy Land. She visited all the Holy places, the Paternoster Church, the mount of Olives, Garden of Gethsemane and she saw The Dead Sea Scrolls. She walked the Via Dolorosa and visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Anne renewed her Baptismal Vows by the River Jordan and was sprinkled with water from the river. The miracle of the visit was that Anne kept well and fit throughout the strenuous programme with no aches and pains.

It is wonderful that Anne has been able to fulfil her dreams in this way, and although the reports of all these travels may seem like the life of Riley, there have been hard times. How lovely that she can now enjoy her grandchildren and indulge her wanderlust. Where next? Well, to York next year to see the Passion Play and maybe the Danube, and she has never been to Vienna … an indomitable spirit. Keep going, Anne. Mavis Howard

New Melbourn Singers As part of Cambridgeshire Choral Society, we have an exciting programme planned for the coming season. In January 2012 we shall be giving a concert in Cambridge, where the works to be performed are St. Nicholas by Benjamin Britten and Vaughn Williams’ 5 Mystical Songs. We shall then be joining with Ely Choral Society to perform Elgar’s Dream of Gerontius in Ely Cathedral on 31 March. We practise on a Tuesday evening at Meldreth Primary School from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. If you enjoy singing or would like to give it a try, we would be delighted to welcome new members. Our first practice is on Tuesday 13 September and our first combined rehearsal with CCS is Saturday 1 October at Comberton at 1.45 pm. For further information please contact Monica Gillings (262399) or Adrian Jacobs (243224).

Helping with lifts to youth clubs – without needing to drive! Melbourn Youth Club, which meets Tuesdays from 7:15–9:30 and is open to any child aged 11–16, will from September be offering lifts to youth club through the kindness of volunteer drivers from Royston and District Community Transport. One missing link in the chain is volunteer escorts for the drivers (this is a legal obligation). Might you be able to help out, by taking a slot or two on the rota? If so please contact Susan van de Ven, Tel 261833, or

Refresh your wardrobe at our Frock Swap Tuesday 4th October, 8pm Great Chishill Village Hall Do you have things in your wardrobe which you have loved but which no longer fit/ no longer suit or which you have grown tired of? Guess what, so do we all! Freshen up your wardrobe by swapping those items for some new ones! Tickets are only £7 and include drinks and nibbles. All you have to do is bring between 1 and 10 items, which can include clothes and accessories such as bags, shoes, shawls etc. Clothes should be clean, in good condition and on hangers, and you may bring them to us in advance, or simply bring them along on the night. Peruse our stalls, which will include gifts, cards, handmade bags and jewellery. For more information or to reserve your tickets, please phone Lucie on 01223 870251, or email: All Proceeds to Save the Children

Concerts in aid of NSPCC and Childline Sunday, 18th September at 3.30 p.m.

Thursday, 22nd September at 7.00 p.m.

Autumn Benefit Concert in Bourn Church Phoenix Chorale Performing

Celebration NSPCC Dinner for 25th Anniversary of ChildLine Corpus Christi College, Cambridge

The renowned Cambridgeshire Youth Choir, under the direction of Julian Wilkins, are to perform a selection of music.

Ticket £59.50 includes a pre-dinner drink, 3-course meal with wines and coffee.

In aid of the children’s charity, NSPCC, and Bourn Parish Church of St Helena & St Mary. Adults £15 / £5 children 7–15 years; under 7’s free Info & Tickets: 01954 719745 or Facebook: NSPCC South Cambridgeshire Branch

Guest of Honour: Dame Norma Major, DBE Inspirational Speaker: Sue Minto, Head of ChildLine This benefit dinner is generously supported by Corpus Christi College and co-sponsored by Interlude Performance by Full Score Luxury Hamper Draw Reservations: Tel: 01223 421103

Melbourn Mobile Warden Scheme Can we help you? Can we help a relative? Can we help a neighbour? Who does the Scheme help? The scheme is open to anyone who requests our help including those who live alone or with their families but need the extra support offered by our services. Couples too are most welcome. It is also open to those in sheltered housing, as the scheme offers different, but complementary services. Note: The scheme also offers its services for short periods to cover the temporary absence of relatives who otherwise provide this support.

We offer help with:

• • • • • • • • • • •

Friendship and support via twice weekly visits and daily phone calls Ordering and collection of prescriptions Basic shopping Collection of pensions Setting up Lifeline service Bereavement support Advice on benefits Going to the Post Office to pay your bills Advice on getting repairs done in your home Arranging transport to the hospital or other appointments Just coming round for a chat

What will it cost? We do have to make a small weekly charge for the warden’s services. The fee is only £4 per week (a little more for couples). Margo Wherrell (Mobile Warden) on 01763 260966 Mobile: 07935 315497 Email: Jeannie Seers (Deputy Mobile Warden ) 01763 262651 Mobile: 07808 735066 Email: Melbourn Warden Scheme is a registered charity. melbournmagazine


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MELBOURN PARISH COUNCIL MVC, The Moor, Melbourn, Cambs. SG8 6EF Telephone: 01763 262494 e-mail: Minutes of Parish Council Meetings and Planning Committee meetings are available on the village website Chairman Donald Mowatt 23, High Street SG8 6AL


Vice-Chairman Maureen Townsend 32 New Road SG8 6ER


Clerk & Office Avril Mellor, MVC, The Moor, Melbourn. SG8 6EF 262494 Peter Horley, Deputy Clerk E-mail Website Councillors Val Barrett 2 Station Road, SG8 6DX Irene Bloomfield 78 Russet Way, SG8 6HF Rosemary Gatward 94 High Street, SG8 6AL Jose Hales 23 Elm Way, SG8 6UH Michael Linnette 11 Chapel Lane, SG8 6BN Donald Mowatt White Walls, 23 High Street Andrew Mulcock 1 Lawns Close, SG8 6DR Mike Sherwen 3 Hale Close, SG8 6ET Peter Simmonett 42 Greengage Rise SG8 6DS Christopher Stead 70 Russet Way pm only Maureen Townsend 32 New Road, SG8 6BY Richard Wakerley 32 Chalkhill Barrow, SG8 6EQ Employees Handyman and Caretaker Peter Andrews Emergency mobile. 07778 682245

261227 222558 261225 221058 262534 268388 222940 260070 220363 260743 260959 262247 243312

Village Ranger Keith Rudge, 4 Dolphin Lane, SG8 6AF


Internal Auditor Bruce Huett, 20 Rose Lane SG8 6AD


County Councillor Susan van de Ven 95 North End, Meldreth


District Councillors Val Barrett, 2 Station Road Jose Hales, 23 Elm Way, SG8 6UH

261227 221058

South Cambs M.P. Andrew Lansley

01954 212707

South Cambs M.E.P. Robert Sturdy

01954 211790

The Parish Office is open on Mondays from 9 am to 1 pm, on Tuesdays from 2 pm from 4 pm, and on Thursday from 9 am to 1 pm. The office is not normally open on Wednesdays or Fridays. As the Clerk is sometimes out on Parish business it is advisable to ring 262494 to ensure that the Clerk is available. Meetings of the Planning Committee are normally held on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month commencing at 7.15 pm. Council Meetings are normally held on the fourth Monday of each month at 7.15 pm at All Saints’ Community Hall. The Press Royston & Buntingford Mercury Tom Ship, Media Centre 40 Ware Road, Hertford, SG13 7HU 01992 526639 Royston Crow Heath House, Princes Mews, Royston, SG8 6RT 245241 Fax 242231 Cambridge News David Williams, 3 Melbourn Street, Royston, SG8 7BP 249144 Fax 244502 BBC Radio Cambridge Reception Newsroom

Council news

01223 259696 01223 358510

From the Parish Clerk – Avril Mellor The ‘Unpicked Meadow’ Art Project, which was based in Stockbridge Meadow, commenced in May 2010 and ran for a year. It has now come to an end and a booklet entitled ‘Unpicked Meadow’, which can be obtained from the Parish Office, provides an outline of the project and the contribution made by the residents of Melbourn. The culmination of the project was the erection of three sculptures in the form of cylindrical steel towers which have the theme of spring/ summer, summer/autumn and autumn/winter. They have intricate cut out patterns of leaves, grasses and feathers all of which were found in the Meadow by participants in the project. The sculptures are each a different colour, height and diameter. A wooden companion seat (two seats with a table between) is to be placed in Stockbridge Meadow close the entrance gate. This has been funded by the History Group and is intended for use by the less able so that they can sit and enjoy the views of the park whilst the more able members of the party walk around. There has also been an enquiry by a resident regarding the provision of a seat in the park in remembrance of loved ones. The new gates for New Road Cemetery have now been installed following work to the roadway and the preparation of foundations. The official ‘opening’ of the gates will take place on 17th September. The Council is looking at ways of improving the usage of the Old Recreation Ground and with this in mind is proposing to install a brick built box which will house water and electricity connections. It is also considering the replacement of the metal railings and gate. The village fete has gone from strength to strength and was once again very well attended and everyone I have spoken to enjoyed the event. I know that many residents go in the afternoon and then stay to listen to the live music late into the evening. Mr. Peter Horley, the new Deputy Clerk, is settling into the routine of running a Parish Office. As Peter lives in Cambridge he also has to become acquainted with the village and so has spent some time familiarising himself with the streets and the various Council managed sites.

Dog walking in New Road cemetery It has come to the notice of the Parish Council that a number of dog walkers are using the cemetery either to walk their dogs or to cut through to Summer House Lane (top of Water Lane). The desecration by dogs running over or fouling the graves, is unacceptable. As a mark of respect to those whose family members have been laid to rest in the cemetery, we ask that dogs are not taken into the cemetery (Guide dogs excepted).



Bus subsidy cuts

The Old Police Site – update

The 128 bus, running Monday-Saturday and offering a brief but helpful trip from Melbourn to Royston (leaving Melbourn at 10:55, arriving back at 12:45, is on the County Council list of bus subsidy cuts which means in all likelihood that it will eventually disappear, as did the Number 139. However, an application for Judicial Review has been made against the County Council’s decision to cut 100% of bus subsidies, on grounds of flawed public consultation and equalities obligations. Therefore the process of withdrawing bus subsidies has been temporarily suspended, and the council is planning to ‘review’ the situation. If you are a bus user or have transport needs that are not being met, you should expect to have some kind of communication from the Council – though at this time it is not clear how precisely this will take place. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions – and see the next item (below!) which is directly related.

As reported in the previous issue of the magazine (66), many will be aware that the Old Police Station site (opposite the village car park) was sold by the Police Authority to a housing association for redevelopment. The developers expect to begin work on the site in 2012. At the time of writing no definitive plans have been submitted to the planning authority at SCDC. Discussions have taken place between the Parish Council and developers and plans have been presented to the Council, which suggested the construction of 14 houses to the rear of the site. However, the housing density is likely to be reduced due to restrictions on the site. The Parish Council had made it known that they would not agree to the 20 houses originally suggested. Six flats at the front of the site were also proposed. However, to avoid this the developers have offered to build a community building. This low-level construction would be built almost to the existing line of the present Police Station garages and will lesson the impact on the ‘street scene’. It is important to note that this building is not being given to the village for free – initially we will have to pay it. But with careful management, the building will pay for itself. No costs as yet are available. The developers have agreed to hold a public meeting once they have completed their design for the site. Announcements will be made on the village website and on the notice board at The Cross. It is important to reiterate what was said in the previous article. The community building will not be another village hall, Melbourn already has a number of premises that cater for functions such as parties, receptions etc. This is likely to be the final opportunity for the village to have a central community hub that will house a library, offer public services and allow small groups and clubs to meet. Any updates will be placed on the village website and on the notice board.

Joining up Community Transport and Rail While bus services are in decline, we have active community transport and rail networks. What’s lacking is links to the local rail stations. If you are interested in exploring ways of making better use of community transport in this or other ways – meaning lifts by volunteer drivers, with a small charge toward running costs – please come along to a coffee morning at All Saints Community Room, Melbourn, on 29 September, 10am. Community Transport journeys are charged per vehicle not per person, so the cost can be shared out. If a group of people travel together by rail off-peak, they can get a discount: three or four tickets for the price of two. If you have special concerns about getting over railway bridges, or on and off trains, there may be easy answers. Hope to see some of you then. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with any concerns. Susan van de Ven, County Councillor 01763 261833


Melbourn Car Park – update The central car park in the village is to be improved. The site, leased for 99 years to the Parish by South Cambs District Council (with the option to buy) is to have a face lift. Improvements are to include an additional Safer route to school. Planting will take the form of trees and shrubs, which will be placed in central reservations designed to prevent the misuse of the car park as a race track or for some drivers to do ‘wheelies’. These improvements are expected to start in the autumn.

New Road cemetery burial mound For a considerable number of years Parish Councils have sort to have the ancient remains of the Anglo Saxon cemetery (rediscovered in 2000, now Chalkhill Barrow), returned for reburial. After much discussion with the County Council, Melbourn is to be one of the first villages in the UK to be allowed to re-bury their ancient remains (ancient remains have no owner, the state assumes ownership). Melbourn are initially to have a ‘family’ returned to the village. Further individual skeletal remains will be released for re-burial in the future. Because of its location and proximity to the Anglo Saxon cemetery site, a ‘mound’ akin to other local barrows was thought to be an appropriate feature so has been incorporated within the new cemetery at New Road. The remains will be placed in the ‘mound’ with a simple circular smooth pathway ascending to the top allowing access to all. This will lead on to a small flat circular ‘rest and contemplation’ area with two seats and a ‘Trig point’ referring to significant local and surrounding features. At the start of the pathway, an information display area will give visitors a brief description and history of how and why the mound came about. Matthew Lane Sanderson (see page 8) has also been commissioned to design the seat, Trig point and the information display area. As these details are still being determined, there will be further news and articles in the Magazine and on the village website in due course.

New Road Cemetery Gates – celebrations

The Parish Council invites the residents of Melbourn to the opening ceremony of the gates on 17th September at 12.30pm. An exhibition of Matthew’s work will also be on display at All Saints’ Community Hall from 3pm to 6pm. After two years of hard work the New Road cemetery gates are now in place. Considerable thought has been given to the entrance of the cemetery, both in design and cost. The council felt that a modern cemetery should have a modern entrance. Although a traditional lych-gate had been considered, the cost was estimated to be considerably more than the £30,000 paid for these unique purpose-designed gates. In 2009 the Parish Council commissioned a local but nationally renowned sculpture/designer Matthew Lane Sanderson (see page 8) to produce the design. Matthew puts a great deal of time and thought into his projects. For the cemetery gate design, he carefully researched the history of Melbourn (thanks largely to the Melbourn History Group’s book ‘A glimpse into Melbourn’s past’) and worked closely with Cambridge County Council Archeology team, who were closely involved with the original excavation and analysis of the Anglo Saxon burial site at Chalk Hill Barrow. His design incorporates features of both Melbourn’s past and the Anglo-Saxon presence, whilst still being relevant to our community in the years to come. This main entrance, with its arching span over the pair of main gates is tall enough to allow a horse drawn cortege through. There is a pedestrian side gate to the left of the main gates, which provides for disabled access. A small car parking area for visitors is available outside the gated area. The Summerhouse Lane – Water Lane entrance, will also be a ‘protected’ entrance.

Matthew carefully researched the history of Melbourn thanks largely to the Melbourn History Group’s book ‘A glimpse into Melbourn’s past’.

Metal components for the cemetery gates



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Policing in Melbourn

• Potential sites for metal thefts, and those previously victims

Everyone who lives or works in the Melbourn area has the chance to get involved in setting the policing priorities for their neighbourhood. By attending your regular (usually quarterly), neighbourhood meetings you can raise any concerns or issues you have in your neighbourhood with police and local authority representatives. Priorities set at the July panel meeting at the last meeting for the Bassingbourn and Melbourn panel, held on 19/07/2011 include, tackle anti-social behaviour associated with vehicle use and misuse of green and open spaces. Support South Cambs District Council in reducing ASB in Vicarage Close sheltered accommodation complex. Over the next few months we will work with partner agencies and the community to tackle these issues as we work to make your neighbourhood a safer place.

• Tackle

Priorities set during the previous period Tackle anti-social behaviour associated with moped/motor cycle use in the High Street in the vicinity of the Car Park and in adjoining streets. Tackle road safety issues including excess speeds, obstructive parking and use of mobile phones whilst driving.

• •

We’ve been working hard to tackle the issues that you’ve told us are a problem in Melbourn. Below, you can find out more about what action has been taken. Action taken to tackle these priorities includes Implement Measures to Reduce Incidents of Theft of Metal across the Neighbourhood. Neighbourhood officers conducted a survey of all churches across the panel to identify vulnerability, security and previous offences and liaised with our Community Safety Team to assess the best way of utilising crime prevention support. The most vulnerable churches were identified and given increased patrol attention. Houses in these vicinities were visited in person to raise awareness which was supplemented by e-cops messages. Neighbourhood officers developed a ‘Prevention Pack’ outlining protective options and these were hand delivered to a designated person at each church. Heightened awareness in the communities increased the reports of suspicious vehicles which provided useful intelligence. However, none were found to be targeting churches or otherwise committing offences at the time.

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of such offences, have received additional patrol attention. Road Safety Issues to include Excessive Speed, Obstructive Parking and Use of Mobile Phones whilst Driving. Speed enforcement and monitoring on Cambridge Road. Safety Camera Van deployments took place on the A505 and on the A10 Melbourn.

All available South Cambs NPT resources were deployed on a Speeding Day of Action across the area supported by the Special Constabulary. The enforcement activity during this period saw in excess of 588 vehicles checked resulting in two drivers being reported for summons, forty-nine tickets being issued, nineteen drivers receiving words of advice and forty-nine warning letters being sent out. Anonymous information was received regarding a delivery driver using his mobile phone was acted upon with the local company being very appreciative of being notified and promising to deal with the driver internally.

Visit your police by appointment Would you be willing, if appropriate, to visit police by appointment? That’s our next question on the ‘have your say’ forum. The force introduced an appointments system two years ago and in January this was extended to include police ‘surgeries’, inviting victims and witnesses to attend police stations across the county for non urgent matters that do not require police attendance at a crime scene. Feedback from those that have used the new system have been positive.


0345 456 456 4

MINICOM helpline for the deaf and hard of hearing, anywhere in the force area: 01480 422493 RNID TypeTalk is a national telephone relay service which enables, deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing and speech impaired people to communicate, to access the service dial: 0800 515152

Emergency 999 melbournmagazine


The purpose of the surgery system is to enable the public to visit police at a time convenient for them while at the same time saving operational hours for emergencies and crime investigation. The intention is to make the service as flexible as possible to meet the needs of the public while reducing the amount of hours officers and staff spend travelling between jobs. We want to know, if it was appropriate, would you be willing to attend a ‘surgery’ appointment at a time convenient to you at your local station or would you still prefer to wait for a home visit? Have your say – visit our website and add your comments.

Meet Police Officers Bassingbourn/Melbourn Surgery: 16 September 2011 18:00–20:00 Location: Melbourn Village College. A chance to meet officers from your Neighbourhood Policing Team and discuss issues of concern in your area. Neighbourhood Panel Meeting: 18 October 2011 19:30– 21:30 Location: Melbourn Village College, SG8 6EF. Come along to meet your Neighbourhood Policing Team and express your views on crime in your area. Bassingbourn/Melbourn Surgery: 18 Novemeber 2011 18:00–20:00 Location: Bassingbourn Village College A chance to meet officers from your Neighbourhood Policing Team and discuss issues of concern in your area.

Trading Standards – a spotlight on energy We all want to do our bit to save energy around the home – to be ‘green’ and to save money. However, at Cambridgeshire County Council’s Trading Standards Service we have seen an increase in queries from residents about ‘cold callers’ selling energy saving schemes, particularly loft insulation and solar energy, so below we offer some advice to help you. Solar Energy Before you start it’s worth taking a look at the information provided by the Energy Saving Trust on www.energysavingtrust. or speaking to an advisor on 0800 512012. For supplier/installer information, the Microgeneration Certification Scheme can provide a list of members online or by calling 0207 0901082. Membership is not compulsory, but you will need to use a member if you plan to use the Feed-in Tariff scheme (a government-backed initiative paying you for the electricity you generate). Obtain three quotes to ensure the price and projected savings are competitive and realistic. Arrange a technical survey, rather than a sales visit, so the quote is accurate, and ensure all quotes are in writing, detailing what’s included. Once you’ve chosen your installer read the contract carefully and ensure their claims about savings and maintenance costs are included before signing so that you have evidence of what you were told. Remember! If you sign an agreement at home for solar energy, you should be given 7 days to cancel. If you need advice on this, ring Consumer Direct on 0845 4040506.


Loft and cavity insulation When it comes to insulation, the Energy Saving Trust can provide information on grants and offers that can help you cover the cost of it. They can also provide a list of installers. It is advisable to use a member of the National Insulation Association, the Cavity Insulation Guarantee Agency or the British Board of Agreement, ideally who has signed up to a professional code of practice and provides a 25 year guarantee.

Reducing your energy bills Start by checking with your current gas and electricity supplier that you are on their best rate. Then compare the prices of other suppliers in case you can get it cheaper – switching supplier could save you around £237 a year if you haven’t changed before. You can compare prices on Consumer Focus’s weekly pricing factsheets at or by contacting Consumer Direct on 0845 4040506 for a paper copy. Also, most suppliers offer cheaper tariffs for ‘vulnerable’ customers, so it is worth enquiring about these ‘social tariffs’ if you are over 60, are on means tested benefits or are on low income. In addition, your District Council could offer you advice on how to reduce the amount of energy you use in your home by offering a home visit, or you can get tips by calling the Energy Saving Trust. Support if you are struggling to pay your energy bills If you are struggling to keep on top of energy bills, seek help from your local Citizens Advice Bureau, either in person or on the phone on 08444 111 444. Finally, if you feel that you have been mis-sold any product or service – energy or otherwise – or have any other kind of consumer issue, contact our partner Consumer Direct for advice.

Retuning TVs Viewers will need to retune their Freeview set top boxes and TVs (and Top Up TV and BT Vision boxes) on 31 August, 14 September and 23 November to keep watching the full range of digital channels you currently receive, unless the set top box has auto-retune. You will see captions on-screen reminding you of the need to retune on the run up to these dates. Guidance on re-tuning is available from If you are watching satellite or cable services, this does not affect you. The set top boxes that the Helpscheme provided to eligible residents are auto retune so people shouldn’t have any problems with them but, if they do require help and went through the Helpscheme they can call the Helpline on 0800 4085900 and someone will talk them through what they need to do over the phone or they will send someone out as part of the aftercare they get. (There is no charge) For those people that were not eligible or are already watching digital television and need help retuning the best advice is to call Digital UK on 08456 505050 who can talk people through how to retune their TV over the phone and their number is charged at local rate.

Get advice From a Citizens Advice Bureau Citizens Advice Bureaux offer free, confidential, impartial and independent advice from over 3,500 locations. These include high streets, community centres, doctors’ surgeries, courts and prisons. Our advice helps people resolve their problems with debt, benefits, employment, housing, discrimination, and many more issues. It is available to everyone. Advice may be given face-to-face or by phone. Most bureaux can arrange home visits and some also provide email advice. A growing number are piloting the use of text, online chat and webcams. Search for your local bureau to see the full range of services it provides. Royston Citizens Advice Bureau Town Hall, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 7DA Telephone 08444 111444 Cambridge Citizens Advice Bureau 66 Devonshire Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB1 2BL Telephone Adviceline 0844 848 7979 www.cambridgecab.

Streamlined service to help bereaved relatives People across the UK dealing with the difficult situation of the death of a relative will be able to check if they’re eligible for help with funeral costs or for other benefits in just one phone call. In the past a grieving relative may have had to spend hours on the phone, often having to repeat the same information to different parts of the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). The new Bereavement Service at the DWP will help bereaved relatives with pensions and benefits advice at a time they need it most. At the time of death, over 80% of people are on a DWP benefit or pension, and of those, over 60% are in receipt of more than one benefit from the Department. The Service collects all the information the DWP needs to know about the deceased, carries out a quick eligibility check to find out which benefits the surviving relative may be entitled to and takes claims for Bereavement Benefit and Social Fund Funeral Payments over the telephone. Under the service, notification of a death can be shared with several local and central government organisations, including DWP, which between them cover 24 different services such as DVLA, the Passport Service and HMRC. Telephone 0845 606 0265. Textphone 0845 606 0285

Maternity Action Advice Line Have you just found out that you are pregnant and want to know what your rights are at work? Do you think that you are being discriminated against at work because of your pregnancy?

To help pinpoint problems and find practical solutions to reduce anti-social behaviour in the village, Melbourn’s Practical Solutions Group (PSG) has recognised that a less formal and more inclusive approach is required to achieve its aims. This group remains multi-agency, and can work with and include Melbourn residents (young and old). If you are affected by ASB would like to be involved in this worthwhile project then please get in touch by using the contact form at; problemsolving or phone 01763 221323

Wondering what benefits you are entitled to whilst you are pregnant and once the baby’s born? Maternity Action’s Advice Line provides expert advice and information to help you understand and take up your rights and entitlements throughout your pregnancy, maternity leave and return to work, including: Maternity and paternity pay and leave Health and safety at work during pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding Rights during maternity leave Returning to work – requesting flexible hours and parental leave Benefits and tax credits for pregnant women and new families Entitlements to health care and benefits for women from abroad Call the Maternity Action Advice Line on 0845 600 8533 to talk to our advisers. (Calls cost up to 4p per minute with a max 10p set up charge from a BT landline. Mobile and other network rates may be higher.) The Advice Line is open Wednesdays 5pm-9pm; Thursdays 12–4pm; and Fridays 8am–12noon. Your call is confidential. Website;

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TaxAid TaxAid is a charity that helps people on low incomes with their tax affairs. TaxAid helps people on low incomes to understand the bits of the tax system that apply to them (safely ignoring the confusing 98% that don’t), pay only the right amount of tax and help them resolve crises when things go wrong. TaxAid is unique as a charity providing free, independent, advice across the range of tax issues that impact on people on low incomes helps the most disadvantaged 20% of unrepresented taxpayers on low incomes who cannot afford

Next neighbourhood policing panel meeting 18th October at Melbourn Village College Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm start. All welcome



professional advice uses its unique experience in advising to influence government and HM Revenue and Customs in cases where the tax system is unfair, inefficient or reduces incentives to work trains high street advice agencies to recognise the problem, deal with the first step and appropriately refer. TaxAid runs a national helpline, face-to-face services in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Newcastle, Plymouth and Shropshire (via Telly Talk), and also gives advice via email. Our website is designed to make tax understandable to any taxpayer. Helpline 020 7803 4959.

Money = Love? There is so much more behind the meaning of money than simply, pounds, shillings and pence. It represents a feeling of being valued in relationship terms. It is one of the areas where couples and families can have the most arguments – it becomes a flashpoint because it is a symbol. Money is rarely discussed in some relationships and so develops into a source of tension. If one party is in debt and the other is unaware of this, it can become like a third person in that relationship, and a lot of time and energy is then spent in keeping the debt a secret. In a lot of cases, issues over finances can become battles for power. When relationships break down this can be very apparent. You may want to cause hurt and pain by demanding money from your ex to make them experience the hurt and pain you have felt at losing them. Money as a symbol of love Our value system and how money matters should be handled is influenced by our childhood and family. Money can be used by members of the wider family network to underline their feelings of who does and does not belong inside the family. Giving money can be symbolic – there is always the fear that someone else is loved or more important than you. Gifts may be unequal or withheld, almost as a way of saying that a particular child – for example – does not exist. People then behave unfairly because they themselves have been subjected to unfair treatment. Generosity can be just as much a weapon as meanness. Giving lavishly can mean overcompensating for guilt. Money is no substitute for care and attention, so throwing money at a situation to pay off obligations and clear a conscience means everyone tends to go on feeling loss and to go on making demands. On the other hand, when overwhelmed with anger about another’s stinginess or if you feel you are not being given enough cash, what you could actually be saying is you have lost something that you value – love and affection. That is


Tax Help for Older People T.O.P. – TaxHelp for Older People is a service originally provided through the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group (associated with the Chartered Institute of Taxation) but is now provided by Tax Volunteers, an independent organisation, to make free professional advice on personal tax available to older people who could not otherwise afford to pay for it. If you have any queries, contact TOP on the helpline 0845 601 3321 or 01308 488066 or write to: TaxHelp for Older People Pineapple Business Park, Salway Ash, Bridport, Dorset, DT6 5DB. E-mail Website;

what you really want back and you could be trying to fill an emotional hole by asking for money. The cost of parenting Then there is the issue of becoming parents, which is an expensive business. Not only with the loss of one salary, but even without childcare, the costs could be as much as £20,000 per child. Just as adults use money, so do children. It can be a focus for children who need to find a place to make their anxiety and anger heard. Children may play their parents off against each other when all a child really wants, again, is proof of attention and love. A survey conducted by Relate showed that most arguments about money come down to spending priorities. Differences will appear in a relationship but issues can be worked through. However, most people with a joint strategy and experienced help can work through their financial difficulties. If you suspect that money is an issue in your relationship, don’t bury your head in the sand, it is far better to confront this sooner rather than later. What To Do If Money Is Becoming an Issue? If you suspect that money worries are becoming an issue in your relationship – don’t bury your head in the sand, it is better to confront this sooner rather than later. Most arguments about finances come down to differences in your spending priorities. Try to avoid discussions about money becoming a battle for power in your relationship. Money cannot be used as a substitute for care and attention. Don’t despair – remember that differences in value systems and spending priorities can be worked through. Relate Cambridge offers confidential counselling for individuals, couples and families who are experiencing relationship problems. For further information please visit our website or to make an appointment please phone 01223 357424.

Nature Fungi need Friends!

Fungi have never been more under threat than they are now. With habitat loss to roads and buildings, agricultural ‘improvement’, and seemingly indiscriminate use of fertilizers and fungicides, and now climate change, fungi, along with other wildlife, have been having a hard time. The current craze for ‘wild’ (that is to say ‘free’) food fuelled by the media could be the last straw for many of our fungi. Indiscriminate picking is not only damaging to the fungi, excessive trampling destroys plants and other wildlife which depends upon them. Fungal habitats need to be protected, but it is hard to protect what cannot be seen for most of the year. Fungi have always attracted curiosity, and sometimes fear. Their sudden and unexpected appearance, weird shapes and bright colours make them seem magical, and they have often been associated with fairies and witchcraft. They have fascinated storytellers and children for generations, and have played an important part in our folklore. Storybook illustrations of mushrooms are amongst our earliest childhood memories of fungi, and may colour our attitudes to them in later life. Do toads really shelter from the rain under toadstools, or fairies dance in fairy rings?

Who has heard the music of Trompettes de Morts the Horn of Plenty. In fact, fungi are neither plants nor animals, but constitute a separate kingdom, together with mildews, moulds, yeasts, and other, often microscopic organisms. Like animals, they are unable to make their own food, Anthurus Archeri but must obtain organic matter from other living or dead organisms. Fungi affect all aspects of our lives; without them we would have no bread, beer, wine or antibiotics. Autumn leaves would pile up for ever and never decay. Many of our trees and crop plants would become sickly or even die, since they depend upon a symbiotic relationship with soil fungi to obtain nutrients from the soil. In turn, many fungi are equally dependent on forest trees, so when woods are cleared or replanted with conifers, these fungi disappear. Fungi are also responsible for a few diseases of humans and other animals, and for many diseases of our crops and other plants, such as the Rust on Meadowsweet pictured.

The South Cambridgeshire Fungus Recording Group The Fungus Recording Group grew out of the Melbourn Mushroom Club, which was formed in 1995 by a group of people who had attended an evening class, ‘Fascinating Fungi’ at Melbourn Village College. Fifteen years on, we are still meeting regularly. Forays are run in conjunction with the Association of British Fungus Groups (ABFG) and the British Mycological Society (BMS). We aim to raise the profile of fungi and highlight their importance in natural ecosystems by organising forays, occasional lectures, exhibitions, and exchange visits with our French neighbours, La Société Mycologique Lopéenne. We foray throughout the year, even on Boxing Day, although dry Summer periods are not very fruitful! Forays are normally held on Saturday or Sunday mornings from 10.30 and last for up to 3 hours. We are currently a small group, with usually less than 10 members and friends attending most forays, so new members are welcome, however much or little they know, and whether their interest is in fungi, conservation, recording, photography, or natural history generally. Children are particularly welcome, provided that they are accompanied by a parent or other responsible adult. Dogs are not always welcomed by landowners – please check. For details of events, visit our website at: http://freespace. Club_Events.html John Holden

Rust on Meadowsweet



The Alzheimer’s Society The Alzheimer’s Society works with those who are confused or forgetful, their carers, family and friends. We are here to provide information, support and help with understanding the difficulties that arise during the journey. We help people develop coping strategies to deal with those difficulties and create opportunities for people to meet others in similar situations. We are currently running a number of services across Cambridge and Ely. These vary between peer support groups, lunch clubs and drop in sessions. If you would like more information you can contact us on Alzheimer’s Society, Cambridge and Ely Office, 01223 863854 or alternatively you can pop into one of the Cambridge Drop In sessions which are held every Monday and Wednesday at St Columba’s Church Hall, Downing Street, Cambridge. There are many ways you can support and help us lead the fight against dementia. From making a monthly donation, signing up to one of our fundraising events, volunteering in your local area or getting involved in our campaigning issues. Call our Helpline number 0845 300 0336 for dementia information and support

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Community Education Julie Harradence Little Hands Karen


01763 260964

Melbourn Playgroup Jane Crawford 07842 151512 Notre Ecole Janet Whitton


Primary School Headteacher Gary Casey


U3A (Univ. of Third Age) Chairman Arthur Alderton 260399 Village College Act. Principal Simon Holmes 223400

Melbourn Playgroup We have made it to the end of our first summer in our new room and we are busier than we have ever been! We are looking forward to September which already has full sessions on some of our days although we hope to fit many more new children as the year goes on. In July we said goodbye to all our pre-schoolers who are now moving up to the Reception class at the Primary School but that only means a move around the corner so they should still be able to say hello as often as they like! We take children from two and half until school age in flexible sessions which cost £4 per hour with funding for the over threes. If you are interested in starting your child with us please have a look at our website: Melbourn Out of School Club We have continued to grow in numbers throughout this year and are looking forward to welcoming many new children in September as we have had several enquiries from the parents of new Reception children. In our last week at Moos before the summer holidays we celebrated with a party every day to show the parents and children how much we appreciate all their efforts. At Moos, we have also been lucky enough to have the help of several Melbourn Village College students who are involved in Duke of Edinburgh awards and Sports Leaders who have all been a great hit with the children and they should return to help us in the autumn term. Opening hours: 3:30pm – 6:00pm Each day (term time only) Call us on 01763 223459 or email:

Warden’s Reflections

Adult Learning in Melbourn has closed Melbourn Village College has to closed its Adult Learning Department, due to continuing low numbers.

Melbourn monthly village market has also been cancelled

At a time when so much of what we read about young people is negative and often focused on what is, after all, the minority of individuals, I wanted to reflect on my time as Warden at Melbourn Village College and the vast majority of our students. The young people I interact with on a daily basis are not the headline grabbing trouble-makers, or the disrespectful hoody-wearing youths – they are the remarkable, enthusiastic and committed young adults that you probably recognise in your own children. These are the people who turn out for their sports team whatever the weather; rehearse again and again for concerts; dance their way to national finals; speak confidently at public speaking events; strike gold in the national Maths Challenge; work alongside professional scientists at Cambridge University and act as mentors to their peers and younger students. They sit on the School Council, debate decisions about the future of the College and are even involved in the appointment of teaching staff. But these are what I call the ‘front-of-house moments’ when the college is on show – what about the day-to- day routine moments? I am regularly on duty at break and lunchtimes and one of my overwhelming memories will be of the lunch queue where students wait patiently and good humouredly. The Dining Hall is not a cacophony of noise, but a civilised eating place where students enjoy each others’ company. Similarly outside on the back field groups of students sit, chat and laugh or play in one of the numerous games of football taking melbournmagazine


place – and not just with their own year group but as mixtures of age groups and a real community. These are students who bother about others less fortunate than themselves, who consistently raise over £2000, in two hours, on Charities Morning; care passionately about the environment and the future and readily take part in House assemblies on topics that are important to them. As an assembly audience they are respectful and supportive. It is the students, together with a committed staff who genuinely see students as individuals that makes Melbourn special. I’ve taught in six schools and I still believe that this one has the best balance between challenge and support. I’m always delighted when visitors speak of the calm and purposeful environment they witness as they walk around the College and the politeness of our students. Melbourn is not the biggest school in the area, doesn’t have the best facilities or the most money but if your son or daughter is happy to come to school every day and the Year 11 students continue to leave having out-performed their peers in other schools and moving on to the post-sixteen destination and course of their choice, then I leave the college knowing that we have done a good job. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all students, staff and parents for making my time at Melbourn so memorable. I wish everyone a restful summer and hope that you all return in September ready to embrace the College’s next phase of development as an Academy. Elaine Stephenson

Worlds Biggest Chemistry Experiment On Wednesday 22nd June some KS3 students took part in the World’s Biggest Chemistry experiment. The Global experiment has been set up to unite students around the world, by getting them to participate in activities that highlight the role that chemistry plays in issues of water quality and purification, where they live. Melbourn Village College students experimented on the purification of water; they looked at how efficient sand/ gravel filtration is in water purification, and designed and set up solar stills.

A sea of change at the ‘new look’... DOLPHIN High Street, Melbourn

The tide has turned at the Village Local … Business is brisk at the Dolphin pub, in the village of Melbourn, following a substantial makeover earlier this year. The development brought together both traditional classic and contemporary new looks, with new signage and planting on the outside and many new features on the inside. In addition to the refurbishment, a new team took over the running of the business, who are now comfortably settled in and ready for their first Autumn in the pub. Steve and Kerry Harrington brought with them a wealth of experience together with a love of food, customer service and hospitality. An all new Winter menu will be introduced early in September, featuring an array of Famous Pub Classics. In addition there will be several changes to the wine menu, including warming tipples for the colder weather. Food is available all day everyday from 12 noon until 9pm including Saturday and Sunday, with a traditional Roasts on Sunday. With Autumn, just around the corner, the Dolphin is the ideal stop-off, with ample parking and a large well kept garden, why not pop in for a glass of mulled wine, a refreshing Pint of Real Ale or a chilled glass of your favorite wine. There really is something for everyone at the new look Dolphin.

d in with the New, Its out with the Old an ntial makeover... sta sub following a New management team All New Menu nks range New wine list & summer dri ning beers Greene King award win from 11am Open all day, everyday (12 noon Sunday) m 12 noon until 9pm Food served all day, fro

THE DOLPHIN 105, High Street, Melbourn, SG8 6AP Telephone: 01763 226004 • Email:


Food Technology Food is often a new subject to students when they enter year 7 and an introduction to healthy eating and nutrients is covered, with practical work including a smoothie, flapjacks, muffins, scones and vegetable couscous. Theory work includes comparing home made and shop bought products and designing a fruit crumble. Students develop their knife skills, measuring and estimating skills, personal organisation, and the ability to work in a team and learn to take responsibility for their own ingredients. This year the College has introduced a new course in year 10: Level 1 BTEC General Cookery in Hospitality which enables students to move on to CRC for a level 2 hospitality course. The course is based on a high standard of practical work with the units covered being healthy eating, basic food preparation, use of kitchen equipment, food commodities, customer care in hospitality and health and safety.

The MVC Competition Squad is a dance group made up of seven students from each year group. Auditions are held in October and students are chosen based on their dancing abilities, their attitude, their commitment and their effort and behaviour in lessons. They won the Cambridgeshire Dance Festival ‘Energise’ in December 2010, PAD Co (Primary Alliance Dance Company) is a free dance club for all students in years 4, 5 & 6. It is open to all primary schools in the local area and meets once a week in the Melbourn Village College Dance studio.

The Mathematics Department The year 9s were very successful with their end of year exams. 94% acheived at least a level 4 with 85% achieving level 5. Most impressively 34% of the students have moved up by 3 levels or more in their first 3 years at Melbourn Village College. A group of 19 students in year 10 have taken their GCSE maths this year, and will be taking an AS in the Use of Mathematics. 70 students in years 7 & 8 took the Junior Mathematical Olympiad. They achieved 17 silver and 24 bronze. Congratulations to Joe Morley Year 9 who has been chosen to take part in the Autumn 2011 Masterclass run by the Royal Institution Mathematics Masterclasses.

Melbourn Maths Challenge MVC Competition Squad and PAD Co

Students from Foxton, Melbourn and Meldreth primary schools had the opportunity of participating in the Melbourn Maths Challenge. The pupils competed against children from around the world answering mental arithmetic questions followed by completing the national curriculum questions.



Year 6 Induction day 2011.

Year 10 Rounders tournament

In June 70 year 6 pupils from the the local primary schools came to the college for the day. The pupils were in their form class for the day and they had a chance to experience ‘a day in the life at Melbourn’. The pupils took lessons in Maths, Performing Arts, PE, English, Food Tech, Science and Languages and also had a chance experience the excellent lunches dished up by Mrs Gregory and her hard working team. We are looking forward to welcoming the new pupils in September.

Year 11 girls attended the recent rounders tournament at Linton Village College. The team was placed in a difficult pool with Games against some of the top rounders teams in South Cambs. We had winning results against Netherhall, Bottisham and Chesterton, but unfortunately lost to St Bedes and The Leys, the eventual winners. The player of the tournament was Kate Woodland.

Junction Youth Music Project Melbourn Village College is partnering with the Junction as part of Fiver Unplugged, an acoustic folk music project funded by Youth Music. A group of our talented year 10 students had a taster workshop after school at MVC with professional folk musicians in May. The full project launches next academic year with opportunities for any students age +13 years to have afterschool music workshops and to take part in masterclasses at the Junction.

History ‘Stand and Deliver’

Record Breakers Throughout the summer on Wednesday evenings pupils have been taking part in athletic matches across the county. Although most of the work we do in school is about mass participation it is also nice when individuals achieve such high standards. Two pupil have broken school records: Alice Galloway 100m in 12.68 and the 200m in 27.00 seconds. James Fowkes Shot 10.17m and the Javelin 30m30cm The college would also like to celebrate the sporting achievements of pupils in key stage four who have represented their district or county by awarding them school colours. This year we have a range of excellent performances. Congratulations to them all. Alice Galloway – Athletics; Georgia Hickman – Swimming; Toby Sowery – Karting; Jack Staley – Football and cricket; Jo Maude – Football and Cross country; Edward Brown – Football; Byron Lawrence – Football; Liam York – Football; Matt Davis – Basketball

Diving Another pupil who has achieved a very high standard in his sport is Daniel Goodfellow. He has recently won a bronze medal at the European Junior diving championships in Belgrade.

Overall sports award The overall sports award for the pupil who has reached the highest level of achievement in one or several areas of sport goes to a year 7 pupil. He has started to play for Ipswich Town FC and will hopefully break into the first team within a few seasons. This year the sports person of the year award goes to Byron Lawrence.

The GCSE History students aka ‘Coopers’ recently made television podcasts to demonstrate their knowledge of subjects such as Trial by Ordeal, Highway men and Vagabonds. These projects were scripted, directed, filmed, acted in and edited by the students. The finished podcasts were then uploaded to the MVC History youtube channel, as well as to the MVC History.

Royston Arts Festival and Year 9 Year 9 students are taking part in the Royston Arts Festival producing art with artist Jo Chapman. Art work will be exhibited alongside work at Roysia and Greneway Middle schools at Royston Museum and Art Gallery from October 1st to November 4th 2011. You will be able to see the work that comes out of these sessions at our Youth Art Exhibition as part of the Festival. This year’s festival runs from 29 September – 2 October and with around 60 events offers something for everyone.

Notre Ecole As always we have been very busy at Notre Ecole. In the children’s groups, we chose ‘Jacque et le Haricot Magique’ as the story for our play this year following on from our spring topic about plants and growing things. The children worked hard making props, learning their cues and perfecting their lines and at the end of the term the play was performed to the children’s families and friends. It wasn’t all hard work though. We found time to play various games around the ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ theme. The children also enjoyed watching the sunflowers that they had planted in the early spring grow to a respectable height. In fact they had to be replanted into larger pots a few times but the children were rewarded when they produce some lovely flowers in June. In the adult beginner class we have been concentrating on French needed for shopping for clothes. Group members have extended their vocabulary and also learnt some new adjectives continued on page 35


Village information What goes in the BLUE BIN? YES • Plastic bottles • Plastic bottle tops & triggers • Plastic packaging (pots, tubs and trays) • Plastic bags • Plastic film (clean food wrapping) • Glass bottles and jars • Food & drinks cans • Aerosols • Tin foil & foil trays • Cartons (e.g. Tetrapak) • Cardboard • Greeting cards • Wrapping paper (paper only) NO • Expanded polystyrene • Pyrex • Flat glass • DVDs/CDs • Plastic toys • Light bulbs and fluorescent tubes

Household Waste and Recycling Centres Milton

Items that are accepted

Butt Lane, Milton Tel: 01223 860674 • 9am–8pm Mon to Fri • 9am–6pm Bank Holidays, Sat & Sun • 9am–4pm Mon to Sun (1 October–31 March)

• Green waste • Hardcore (bricks, rubble) • Paper • Glass • Scrap metal • Waste oil • Fridges/freezers • Car batteries • Textiles • Cardboard • Plastic • TVs and computers (incl. monitors) Please Note: The sites will only accept waste from household sources.

Thriplow Gravel Pit Hill, Thriplow Tel: 01223 839001 • 8am–5pm Mon to Fri • 8am–5pm Bank Holidays, Sat & Sun (Summer) • 8am–4pm Mon to Sun (1 October–31 March)

Melbourn Bus Timetables Note: These times have been taken from the companies website, but are subject to change, please telephone the company for updates, or check the village website, Parking & Transport.

Bin collection MELBOURN 3*September 9 September 16 September 23 September 30 September 7 October 14 October 21 October 28 October 4 November 11 November 18 November 25 November 2 December 9 December 16 December 23 December 30 December

Black bin Green & Blue Bin Black bin Green & Blue Bin Black bin Green & Blue Bin Black bin Green & Blue Bin Black bin Green & Blue Bin Black bin Green & Blue Bin Black bin Green & Blue Bin Black bin Green & Blue Bin Black bin Green & Blue Bin

* Saturday Collection

For an update on collections visit: default.htm?location=72

n For more informatio rge and collections of la phone household items tele 03450 450 063

Commercial service operated by Stagecoach in Cambridge

Cambridge - Foxton - Melbourn - Royston

Service 26


Cambridge, Drummer Street, Bay 7

From: 23 October, 05 Notes :

Cambridge, Trumpington Road, Leys School Trumpington, Maris Lane Harston, Village Hall Foxton, Memorial Shepreth, Tylers Melbourn, Car Park

Royston, Bus Station

Royston, Tesco Royston, Burns Roadoperated by Stagecoach in Cambridge Commercial service

































































08:59 09:05 09:07 09:11 09:20

Then at these mins hour



Royston - Melbourn - Foxton - Cambridge


MONDAY A Runs viaTO HillsSATURDAY Road and Long Road


Notes :

Royston, Burns Road

Royston, Bus Station

Melbourn, Car Park Shepreth, Tylers Foxton, Memorial Harston, Village Hall Trumpington, Maris Lane Cambridge, Trumpington Road, Leys School

Cambridge, Drummer Street, Bay 6

Service 26 From: 29 August, 04







































































07:40 08:20B 09:50






Then at these mins past each hour





Local Bus companies

BStagecoach On Saturdaysinand on Monday to01223 Friday during school holidays, buses may arrive in Cambridge Cambridge 423578 – Huntingdon & District 01480 up to 10 minutes earlier.


453159 – Alans Bus & Coach 01763 245073



IMPORTANT NUMBERS Police (non emergency) 0345 456 4564 Crimestoppers Freephone 0800 555111 Neighbourhood Watch Steven Cambery Cambs Registered Trader Sceme 01223 221921 Telephone Preference Service 0845 070 0707 CAB Royston

08456 889897


0800 1111


08457 909090

Hospitals Addenbrooke’s Royston

01223 245151 01763 238020


Camdoc NHS Direct (queries 24hrs)

01223 464242 0845 4647

Services Anglian Water 08457 145 145 Gas emergency 0800 111 999 Electricity 08007 838838 South Cambs District Fire & Rescue Service 01223 376217 Transport British Rail Enquiries Stagecoach Cambus

08457 484950 08706 082608

Melbourn Magazine Ann Dekkers Editor 261144 Mavis Howard Parish Profile 260686 Eric Johnston Distribution 220197 Peter Simmonett Production 220363 & Village website Anne Lambert Information Collection 261480 Colin Limming Proof reading 260072 Brenda Meliniotis Village Diary 261154 & Proof reading Roger Mellor Advertising 220463 or 220363

EDUCATION Melbourn Playgroup Jane Crawford 07842 151512 Childminding Group Sec. Vacancies Co-ordinator Heidi Hardwidge 221625 Library LAP Mike Stapleton 269956 Little Hands Nursery School 260964 Out of school times 01223 503972 Notre Ecole Janet Whitton 261231 Primary School Headmaster Gary Casey 223457 U3A (Univ. of Third Age) Chairman Arthur Alderton 260399 Hon Sec Hilary Docwra 222486 Mem Sec Arthur Alderton 260399 Village College Acting Principal Simon Holmes 223400 HEALTH Age UK Cambridgeshire 01223 221921 Blood Donors 0300 123 23 23 Chiropodist 263260 Citizen’s Advice Bureau 238020 Community Care Val Trueman 260191 Dentist 262034 District Nurses (Primary Care Trust) 01223 846122 Home-Start 262262 S Cambs PCT 35 Orchard Road Child & Family Nurses 262861 Melbourn and Meldreth Self-Help Jayne White 220250 Car Scheme 245228 Orchard Surgery Appointments 260220 Dispensary 261246 For repeat prescriptions send email: Osteopath Kath Harry 261716 St John Ambulance Robert Jakubiak 220507 LOCAL CLUBS Air Cadets 2484 (Bassingbourn) Squadron 249156 Tony Kelly Mon & Wed evenings 7 – 9.30 p.m. Army Cadets Ted Neathey 01223 248001 Tuesday evenings at The Moor 7.15 to 9.30pm Bellringers John Gipson 262846 Bridge Club Howard Waller 261693 1st Melbourn Rainbows Abigail Roberts 261505 Brownies 1st Melbourn Stephanie Clifford 220272 Brownies 2nd Melbourn Samantha Pascoe (Brown Owl) 261400 Cambells (Handbells) Eira Martin 261221 Dramatic Society Kathy Wholley 223805 email: Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Stuart Morris 208634 Gardening Helen Powell 245887 Guides Hilary Marsh 261443 Mothers’ Union Anne Harding 260759 Melbourn & District Mushroom Club Helene Davies 01954 789 947 or m.07903 456 628 Melbourn History Group Colin Limming 260072 Melbourn Mushroom Club John Holden email: Melbourn Pottery Club Maggie 01223 207307 National Trust Colin Limming 260072

We shall be pleased to receive contributions in any form, articles, poems, drawings, photographs, letters etc., pertaining to Melbourn. Please send any contributions to the Clerk, at the Parish Offices, MVC, The Moor SG8 6DX, marking them ‘MELBOURN MAGAZINE’ or you can email them to

Apart from printing, all work on the Melbourn Magazine, including layout and design is produced by volunteers. The cost of production comes entirely from advertising and sponsorship. No public money is used.

New Melbourn Singers Adrian Jacobs 243224 Photographic Club Bruce Huett 232855 Ramblers Dave Allard 242677 Royal British Legion Patrick Parkinson 262617 Royal British Legion Women Elizabeth Murphy 220841 Royal National Lifeboat Institution Jean Emes 245958 Royston and District Local History Society David Allard 242677 Royston and District Round Table 221398 Royston Lions Janet Daniels 260009 RSPB Doug Radford 208978 SOAS (Supporters of All Saints’) Doreen Johnston 220197 St George’s Allotments Assoc. Bruce Huett Youth Club Amanda Bernard 223407 Women’s Group Pat Smith 260103 PLACES OF WORSHIP All Saints’ Church Rev Andrew O’Brien Melbourn Vicarage 260295 Curate Mary Price 261569 Churchwardens Christine van Vliet 223063 Mike Galley 260127 Community Hall booking Colin Limming 260072 Baptist Church Rev. Stuart Clarke 261650 Secretary Guy Manners 01223 872298 United Reformed Church Minister Rev. Duncan Goldie 260747 Secretary Peter and Eirwen Karner 262346 Hall booking Beryl and Barry Monk 246458 Churches Together Helen John 261147 SPORT Badminton Steve Jackson Bowls Elaine Cooke Croquet Janet Pope Football Club Simon Gascoyne Jazzercise Linda Warner Judo Derek Coult Melbourn Community Sports Meldreth Tennis Club Sue Davies Swimming Club Jenny Brackley Squash Club Nick Sugden

248774 221571 248342 261703 241527 225004 263313 220174 244593 261064

WARDEN & SHELTERED HOUSING SCHEMES Dial-A-Ride 01223 506335 Mobile Warden Scheme Warden – Margo Wherrell 260966 Deputy – Jeannie Seers 262651 Neighbourhood Watch Scheme Stephen Cambery 261520 Vicarage Close Warden Eileen Allan Lead Sheltered Housing Officer Monday to Friday 9–1.30 263389 John Impey Way Jeanette Holland 269596 Southwell Court 262121 Moorlands 260564 Vicarage Close & John Impey Way, also covering Elin Way every other week. 9–5 Monday to Friday Eileen Allan Mobile 07876791419 01763 245402

Adverts should be supplied as finished artwork and must be at the sizes below. Please send artwork to We print 2200 copies of the Melbourn Magazine which is delivered free to every house in the village four times a year. Note: colour advert space is limited, please contact us for further details. The current rates for advertising in the Magazine are as follows: Size per… Width x Height 1/4 inside page (79 × 128 mm) 1/2 inside page (163 × 128 mm) Full inside page (163 × 262 mm)

Annum £76 £132 £261

Colour £113 £188 £375

Adverts must be supplied as high resolution jpgs or 300dpi Tif or eps.

For further information on advertising please telephone 220363 or 220463. Remittance or cheques should be made to Melbourn Parish Council.


The closing date for the next issue is Friday 14th October 2011 which will appear in December, listing events in December, January and February.


Fri 2 Sat 3

Sun 4

Tues 6 Wed 7

Thu 8 Fri 9 Sat 10

Sun 11

Tues 13

Wed 14 Thu 15 Fri 16 Sat 17 Sun 18

Mon 19 Tues 20 Wed 21

Thu 22 Fri 23 Sat 24

Sun 25

Mon 26 Tues 27 Wed 28 Thu 29 Fri 30

Holy Communion All Saints 10am Story Time U5’s Melbourn Library 10–10.45am Royston & District Local History Soc Royston Town Hall 8pm Coffee at URC 10.30am Coffee Stop All Saints Community Hall Women’s British Legion Stall 10.30am Melbourn Village Market MVC 10-12.30pm River Mel Restoration Group. Meet at Meldreth 9.15am Holy Communion All Saints 8.00am Holy Communion URC 11.00am MVC Car Boot Sale 10am–1pm contact Irene Bloomfield 222558 Baptist Church Communion 6pm New term starts Toddler Plus Baptist Church Hall 9.30am (term only) Craft Club Baptist Church Hall 9.30am (term only) Coffee Break Baptist Church Hall 10.30am-12. Royal British Legion Vicarage Close 7.30pm Holy Communion All Saints 8.00am Story Time U5’s Melbourn Library 10-10.45am Coffee at URC at 10.30 Coffee Stop All Saints Community Hall 10.30am Cambs Historic Churches Trust sponsored cycle ride for the fabric of the churches Family Communion All Saints 9.45am Service URC 11.00am Meldreth Annual Car Show Holy Trinity Church Meldreth from 2–5 pm Evensong All Saints’ 6.30pm Toddler Plus Baptist Church Hall 9.30am (term only) Mother’s Union ‘Illustrated Talk on the link between Ely and Vellore (India)’ Dr Shirley Hall Meldreth 2.30pm Melbourn & District Photographic Club meet weekly at Foxton Village Hall 7.30pm Melbourn & District Gardening Club All Saints Community Hall 7.30pm ‘Cambridge Colleges and their Gardens’ Rodney Tibbs Craft Club Baptist Church Hall 9.30am (term only) Coffee Break Baptist Church Hall 10.30-12.00 Holy Communion All Saints 10am Story Time U5’s Melbourn Library 10.00–10.45am Coffee at URC at 10.30 Coffee Stop All Saints Community Hall Link - Murang’a Stall URC Harvest Festival and Scarecrow Display Holy Communion All Saints 8.00am Family Service All Saints 11.00am Harvest Thanksgiving Service URC 11.00am followed by bring and share lunch. Evensong All Saints 6.30pm Royston & District Family History Society All Saints Community Hall 7.30pm Toddler Plus 9.30 am Baptist Church Hall (term only) Craft Club Baptist Church Hall 9.30 am (term only) Coffee Break Baptist Church Hall 10.30–12.00 U3A monthly meeting 2.45pm MVC Holy Communion All Saints 10.00am Story Time U5’s Melbourn Library 10–10.45am Coffee at URC at 10.30 Coffee Stop All Saints Community Hall 10.30am The Bookshelf River Mel Restoration Group Melbourn 9.15am SOAS Quiz Evening All Saints Community Hall 7.30 p.m. Family Communion All Saints 9.45am URC Service 11.00am Evensong All Saints 6.30pm Table Top Sale on the green at Beechwood Avenue 261801/260938 for details 10.00am–1pm Parish Council Meeting 7.30 p.m. Women’s Group ‘Shadowing a Bishop in Canada’ Meldreth Church Meeting Room 7.45pm Coffee Break 10.30–12.00 Baptist Church Hall Royal British Legion Women’s Section Vicarage Close 7pm Holy Communion All Saints 10.00am Story Time U5’s Melbourn Library 10-10.45am Coffee at URC 10.30am Parish Churches Harvest Supper Meldreth Village Hall 7.30 p.m.

OCTOBER Sat 1 Sun 2

Tues 4

Wed 5 Thu 6

Fri 7 Sat 8 Sun 9

Tues 11

Wed 12

Thu 13 Fri 14 Sat 15 Sun 16

Mon 17

Tues 18 Wed 19

Thu 20 Fri 21 Sat 22 Sun 23

Mon 24 Tues 25 Wed 26 Thu 27 Fri 28 Sat 29 Sun 30

Coffee Stop All Saints Community Hall Mothers’ Union Cake Stall Holy Communion All Saints 8.00am Holy Communion URC 11.00am MVC Car Boot Sale 10am–1pm contact Irene Bloomfield 222558 Evensong All Saints 6.30pm Baptist Church Communion 6pm Toddler Plus Baptist Church Hall 9.30am (term time only) Melbourn & District Photographic Club meet weekly Sept – Apl at Foxton Village Hall 7.30pm contact Bruce Huett 232855 Craft Club Baptist Church Hall 9.30am (term time only) Coffee Break Baptist Church Hall 10.30am-12. Holy Communion All Saints 8.00am Story Time U5’s Melbourn Library 10-10.45am Royston & District Local History Society Town Hall 8pm Coffee at URC at 10.30am Coffee Stop All Saints Community Hall 10.30am Family Communion All Saints 9.45am Service URC 11.00am Evensong All Saints 6.30pm Toddler Plus Baptist Church Hall 9.30am (term time only) Mother’s Union 12.00 noon lunch followed by discussion ‘Bye, Buy Childhood’ All Saints Community Hall Melbourn & District Gardening Club All Saints Community Hall 7.30pm Craft Club Baptist Church Hall 9.30am (term time only) Coffee Break Baptist Church Hall 10.30-12.00 Reflective Service URC 7pm Holy Communion All Saints 10am Coffee at URC at 10.30 Coffee Stop All Saints Community Hall 10.30am The Bookshelf River Mel Restoration Group meet Meldreth 9.15am Holy Communion All Saints 8.00am Family Service All Saints 11am Service URC 11.00am Evensong All Saints 6.30pm MVC staff training day + Open Evening Royston & District Family History Society All Saints Community Hall 7.30pm Toddler Plus 9.30 am Baptist Church Hall (term time only) Craft Club Baptist Church Hall 9.30 am (term time only) Coffee Break Baptist Church Hall 10.30-12.00 U3A monthly meeting 2.45pm MVC Holy Communion All Saints 10.00am Story Time U5’s Melbourn Library 10-10.45am Coffee at URC at 10.30 Coffee Stop All Saints Community Hall 10.30am SOAS Russian Evening All Saints Community Hall 7.30pm Family Communion All Saints 9.45am Service URC 11.00am Evensong All Saints 6.30pm Half term. – to 28th .Parish Council Meeting 7.30 p.m. Women’s Group ‘A History of Addenbrooke’s Hospital’ Hilary Ritchie Melbourn 7.45pm Coffee Break 10.30-12.00 Baptist Church Hall Royal British Legion Women’s Section Vicarage Close 7pm Holy Communion All Saints 10.00am Story Time U5’s Melbourn Library 10-10.45am Coffee at URC 10.30am Coffee Stop All Saints Community Hall 10.30am Family Communion All Saints 9.45 am Service URC 11.00am Evensong All Saints 6.30pm

Melbourn Library

Open at the following times: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 2.30 to 4.30 pm 5.00 to 7.00 pm Thursday 10.00 to 12.00 am Saturday


Toddler Plus Baptist Church Hall 9.30am (term time only) Melbourn & District Photographic Club Foxton Village Hall meet weekly 7.30pm Wed 2 Craft Club Baptist Church Hall 9.30am (term time only) Coffee Break Baptist Church Hall 10.30-12.00 Royal British Legion Vicarage Close 7.30pm Thu 3 Royston & District Local History Society Royston Town Hall 8pm Fri 4 Coffee at URC 10.30am Sat 5 Coffee Stop All Saints Community Hall 10.30am MVC Christmas Fayre Sun 6 Holy Communion All Saints 8am Holy Communion URC 11.00am Baptist Church Communion 6pm Evensong 6.30pm All Saints Tues 8 Toddler Plus Baptist Church Hall 9.30am (term time only) Mother’s Union AGM followed by Cakes and Chat Steeple Morden Village Hall Melbourn & District Gardening Club All Saints Community Hall 7.30pm Wed 9 Craft Club Baptist Church Hall 9.30am (term time only) Coffee Break Baptist Church Hall 10.30–12.00 Reflective Service URC 7pm Thu 10 Holy Communion 10am All Saints Story Time U5’s Melbourn Library 10-10.45am Fri 11 Coffee at URC at 10.30 Sat 12 Coffee Stop All Saints Community Hall Sun 13 Remembrance Day Service All Saints 10.45am Family Communion All Saints 6.30pm Tues 15 Toddler Plus Baptist Church Hall 9.30 (term time only) Wed 16 Craft Club Baptist Church Hall 9.30 (term time only) Coffee Break Baptist Church Hall 10.30-12.00 U3A monthly meeting MVC 2.45pm Thu 17 Holy Communion 10am Story Time U5’s Melbourn Library 10-10.45am Fri 18 Coffee at URC at 10.30 Sat 19 Christmas Bazaar All Saints Community Hall 12 noon River Mel Restoration Group Melbourn 9.15am Sun 20 Holy Communion All Saints 8am Family Service URC 11.00am Evensong All Saints 6.30pm Mon 21 Royston & District Family History Society All Saints Community Hall 7.30pm Tues 22 Toddler Plus Baptist Church Hall 9.30 (term time only) Women’s Group Advent Reflection Meldreth Meeting Room 7.45pm Weds 23 Craft Club Baptist Church Hall 9.30 (term time only) Coffee Break Baptist Church Hall 10.30-12.00 Royal British Legion Women’s Section Vicarage Close 7pm Thu 24 Holy Communion 10am All Saints Story Time U5’s Melbourn Library 10-10.45am Fri 25 Coffee at URC at 10.30 Sat 26 Coffee Stop All Saints Community Hall 10.30 Meldreth Tree Festival Sun 27 Family Communion 9.45am All Saints Meldreth Tree Festival Service URC 11.00am Evensong All Saints 6.30pm Mon 28 Parish Council Meeting 7.30 p.m. Tues 29 Toddler Plus Baptist Church Hall 9.30 (term time only) Weds 30 Craft Club Baptist Church Hall 9.30 (term time only) Coffee Break Baptist Church Hall 10.30-12.00 DECEMBER Sat 3rd MVC Christmas Fayre

Winter 2011

All copy for the December , January & February Issue should

be in before 14th Octobe r.

Village information continued Orchard Surgery – Dispensary Monday to Friday 8:30 – 1pm and 3pm – 6pm Phone 01763 261246 Telephone requests are not accepted For repeat prescriptions you can: Fax 01763 262968 or email:

• •

Allow at least 48 hours (two working days – excluding weekends and bank holidays) for repeat prescriptions to be ready. Do not leave your request to the last minute. Prescription/medication depending on eligibility can be collected from the Surgery


Tesco in Royston

Please let the dispensary know where you wish your prescriptions to be sent. This will remain your choice until we are informed otherwise.

Prescriptions requested before 12pm Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

will be ready after 10am Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday

Prescriptions requested before 4pm Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

will be ready after 3pm Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday

Prescriptions requested after 4pm Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

will be ready after 10am Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Melbourn Health Visiting Team Drop in clinics for parents and babies are held as follows: Melbourn clinic every Wednesday between 9.30 and 11.30am at: 35 Orchard Road, Melbourn. Telephone 01763 262861


Sue Hempstead 8a Romsey Terrace, Cambridge. CB1 3NH Telephone 01223 416 141 Office Mon-Fri 9.30am-12.30pm.

A drop in advisory session is held at

Vicarage Close Community Room, Thursdays from 2pm to 4pm,

22nd September

26 January 20012

27th October

23 February

24th November

22 March

22nd December

26 April

See the following website for more information Battery exchange and retubing. We do not do hearing tests

CAMSIGHT Cam Sight’s visually impaired group meet on the 1st Wednesday of the month every month except in August, at the Vicarage Close centre, Melbourn from 2 until 4pm. We offer a warm welcome with speakers, outings, up to date information and equipment demonstrations. Come and see what’s on offer, join us for a cuppa and a chat. Call 01223 420 033 for further information

Learn French in a friendly atmosphere *French for Children Games, role-play, songs etc. Every Wednesday from 3.45pm to 4.30pm Every Thursday from 4:15pm to 5:00pm *French for Adults All levels, Conversation Every Wednesday from 8.00pm to 9.00pm GCSE lessons available by arrangement. Individual lessons also available. Tel. Marine – 01763 222876 or Janet – 01763 261231 mob-07533 443153 mob-07791 853448 (Enhanced CRB clearance recently completed) to describe clothes. They have practised asking for assistance in a shop and how to give their opinion about clothes. We have also spent some time revising the French for places around town and giving and understanding directions. In the more advanced conversation class some of the topics discussed have been the French and their leisure activities, the rebuilding of the Globe theatre in London and Kate and William’s visit to Quebec and they have also taken part in a quiz about historical dates. September and the beginning of the school year is always a good time to start learning a new language so why not join one of our groups? We are a French native speaker and a graduate of European Studies with French. Please call either Marine on 01763 222876 or Janet on 01763 261231 for further details.

U3A (University of the Third Age) U3As are self-help, self-managed lifelong learning co-operatives, open to everyone not in full time work, but as the name implies, consisting of mainly older people. The learning experiences are for fun, not for qualifications, and you can brush up a language, play sport or do yoga, share your music or art preferences, discuss books and poetry, study local history or churches, go on long (or short) walks, bird watch, paint, share your collecting, gardening or textile passions, join a quiz or Scrabble group. Or, start up a group to share your own interest/skills! Melbourn and District U3A currently has over 30 interest groups supported by members from many surrounding communities and if you would like to join or know more please contact Arthur Alderton 01763 260399

Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) As previously there will be a choice of two courses which will be held at Royston Town Hall on Tuesday mornings from 10am–11.30am. The courses, which last for 10 weeks, often including a trip are: Opera Verdi and Puccini Introduction to Geology

Melbourn Youth Club Every Tuesday 7.30–9.15pm at Melbourn Youth Centre – Cost 50p Enquiries please contact Michelle on 07833481527

Tutor: Peter Bleasby Tutor: Dr. Christopher Woolston

Enrolment will be held at Royston Town Hall on 13th September 10am–11am with the courses starting on 20th September. The cost is £45 with payment by cheque payable to WEA Royston being preferred. Carol Bradshaw 01763 268678.

Local Arts Mailing List Do you want to know what’s going on locally? The local arts mailing list will include details of events and workshops linked to the arts in its widest sense (drama, art, music, dance etc). To join and receive occasional email updates contact Kirstin Bicknell by emailing with the word subscribe in the title. If you have a local arts related event or workshop, you’d like to promote then contact Kirstin with the event details.



You talk, we listen Specialist Dental Partners is a fully comprehensive, modern family dental practice. Based on Melbourn Science Park, the practice offers the full range of treatments, from simple to complex dentistry.




Gorgeous grasses and Dazzling Daisies

Discovering the late-flowering members of the daisy family on the Systematic Beds

The Systematic Beds, which group plants in their families, are fascinating at any time of year. In most botanic gardens, systematic (or ‘order’) beds are long and rectangular but in Cambridge, they are all irregular, curving island beds. The visual effect in the height of summer is a great kaleidoscopic mosaic of flowering plants covering some three acres. In late summer and early autumn, the beds devoted to grasses (Graminae) and the daisy family (Compositae) are stunning. The grasses occupy several beds in the central oval that is devoted to monocotyledons – plants that germinate with one seed leaf, such a lilies, grasses and alliums – which constitute about 20% of all flowering plants. They make a tapestry of tactile textures from the feathery plumes of many different varieties of Pampas Grass (Cortaderia) to the soft bristly ‘caterpillars’ of the Pennisetum flowers and the hazy sprays of Panicum. The golden and silvery tones create a muted metallic shimmer in the air, accompanied by a gentle rustling as the lightest breeze rustles through. It is impossible not to run a hand over the soft, billowing awns! The central oval of monocotyledons are surrounded by the dicotyledons – those plants that germinate with two seed leaves – that make up 80% of flowering plants. On the north side, you will find a dazzling display of late-flowering members of the daisy (Compositae) family in a sizzlinghot palette: lemon-yellow perennial sunflowers, tangerinecoloured Tithonia and bright pink Cosmos. The Botanic Garden is open 10am–6pm through the summer months. Admission is £4 (£3.50) or join the Friends & help the Garden grow! To discover this week’s Plant Picks from the Head of Horticulture, please visit the website at

River Mel Restoration Group Chalk streams such as the Mel form some of the world’s most beautiful and iconic rivers. They are found almost exclusively in the south and east of England and are home to some of our most loved and endangered native wildlife. These streams are unique in that they are fed by springs from underground aquifers that are naturally replenished during periods of rainfall. Unfortunately, a trend towards lower rainfalls and increased abstraction for public water supplies in recent years has had a detrimental affect on these rivers. Here in Melbourn the effects of this summer’s drought resulted in river levels that were 12–15 inches below those of the previous year. This resulted in exposed banks of silt and has put pressure on the wildlife that depends upon the river for their survival. This situation would have been markedly worse if the Environment Agency had not supported the river flow by pumping in water from aquifers elsewhere in the region. Rivers such as ours are now threatened by climate change and over use of water due to a growing population. This situation was brought home to us in rather an unexpected way at this year’s Hampton Court Palace Flower Show where the WWF’s 50th anniversary garden was designed to highlight the importance of the UK’s chalk streams and to promote river protection and water conservation. This stunning

Lose of water in our natural chalk stream habitats




ways. Not only was he a serving committee member, he and Anne have provided storage for all our materials during the time we have been working in Meldreth. All his friends in the Group send their deepest sympathy to Anne and the rest of Don’s family. It is a tribute to Don and other members of the Group that the River Mel Restoration Group has just won a Conservation and Natural Heritage Award from the South Cambridgeshire District Council for their restoration of the river Mel. The Group is particularly pleased to receive this award as it recognises best practice examples of landscape enhancement, habitat creation and community conservation initiatives. The award was presented by Rob Mungovan, the Council’s Ecology Officer, during a visit by Councillors to see at first hand the improvements to the river.

A chalk stream habitat at Hampton Court Palace Flower Show

garden recreated a natural chalk stream habitat which closely mirrored that of our own river Mel. Its visual message was strong, with the central stream suddenly disappearing down a giant plug hole at our feet. This was a powerful reminder that these special habitats are under threat from our overuse of water. We were surprised to learn that each of us uses approximately 150 litres of water a day in such ordinary tasks as cooking, washing and flushing the toilet. It is good to know that we can all help maintain our local rivers simply by taking a more responsible attitude to our own personal use of water.

Working Party Dates: Saturday 24th September – Melbourn Saturday 15th October – Meldreth Saturday 19th November – Melbourn (RiverCare Litter Pick meet 9.45am) Saturday 10th December – Meldreth All working parties meet at 9.15am for a 9.30am start and we endeavour to finish by about 12.30pm. In Melbourn we meet at the Pavilion on the Recreation Field and in Meldreth at 14 Flambards Close. For further information, please contact or telephone Maureen Brierley on 01763 262752. Steve Hawkins and Ann Barnes

Tribute to Don Braggins We have been deeply saddened by the death of Don Braggins a founder member of the Group. Don was an enthusiastic and committed member of the Group, whose wisdom, experience and enthusiasm will be greatly missed. Although latterly he was unable to attend working parties he continued to support the Group behind the scenes in many

Natural Heritage Award Councillors visiting the River Mel group



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United Reformed Church News Congratulations to Gwen and Derrick Thurley whose 90th birthdays were in July. We wish them every blessing.

Harvest Festival and Scarecrow Display For many years we have celebrated harvest at Melbourn United Reformed Church with traditional Harvest Festivals. Over the last few years we have opened up the church still further by holding our Harvest weekends. These have included wonderful floral and produce arrangements, music and Scarecrow displays. This year our Harvest Weekend will be held over 17th– 18th September, when we are looking forward to seeing lots of imaginative and artistic displays and arrangements. On Saturday afternoon the talented pianist Matthew McCombie will play in the church; there will be refreshments and some children’s activities in the hall. On Sunday we have our Harvest Service at 11 am, followed by a Bring and Share lunch and sale of the produce. Please do come and join us for some or all of these events and support a good cause at the same time. The charity we have chosen to support this year is Tools With A Mission (TWAM), and as part of our efforts we will be collecting tools no longer needed in the U.K. which can be refurbished and sent to countries where they can be used. Suitable tools and equipment can be brought to the church over the weekend. Please get in touch for more details (Peter and Eirwen Karner 01763 262346) or consult the full list available from the TWAM website.

Songs of Praise ‘The Big Sing’ On Sunday the 11th September a group from Melbourn will be joining with 5000 other people in the Albert Hall for the Songs of Praise Big Sing. This is the third Big Sing we have participated in. Previous recordings have included Christmas carols, which is a bit strange in September, and a great time is had by all.

Operation Christmas Child (Shoebox Appeal) This year we will again be collecting shoe boxes for Samaritans Purse to distribute to children in deprived areas in Eastern Europe and Africa. We send the boxes off from Melbourn in mid November and in recent years we have sent over 100 boxes, that equals 100 children with big smiles on their faces in situations where there isn’t much to smile about!

Looking ahead – Christmas Bazaar On Saturday 3 December Melbourn URC will be holding its Christmas Bazaar at 10 am in the Church Hall. Lunch from 12.30. A warm welcome to all. melbournmagazine


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Supporters of All Saints (SOAS). An appreciative audience in All Saints Church enjoyed a concert by Stephen Cleobury, Director of Music at King’s College Chapel in Cambridge, who shared the programme with the Cavendish Quartet. Organ music followed by individual pieces from the Quartet followed one another and the concert ended with all the instruments coming together in a glorious finale to a splendid evening. The audience enjoyed a glass of wine before leaving speaking with appreciation of the artists. The Open Gardens Day in June could have had as its theme ‘Don’t raid on my parade’ because it did just that. Weeks of glorious weather and then on that Sunday much rain. It could have been a disaster but many brave souls turned out and toured the gardens in the village that the owners had lovingly tended for this occasion. A good profit was made but it is galling to think how much more might have been made has the sun shone. We shall try again next year and hope for better fortune. The Concert by the Hertfordshire Constabulary Choir will have come and gone before this issue is read but we hope that the reputation that they enjoy will mean we sell a lot of tickets. The autumn programme is taking shape with a Quiz in All Saints Community Hall on Saturday 24th September at 7.30 a.m. If you want to make up a team let us know but if you are on your own I am sure we can find a space for you with other friendly people.

Your Life, Your Choice Information about adult social care in Cambridgeshire is now available on a new, easy-to-navigate website, developed by the County Council, called ‘Your Life, Your Choice’ – The aim is to ensure that everyone in Cambridgeshire who is: looking for information about adult social care; already receiving support; or caring for a friend or family member; has access to information at a time and in a format that suits them. In addition to the website a set of Your Life, Your Choice branded leaflets, providing information about adult social care in the county, will be available from libraries. Access to the website is also available in libraries together with help on hand for anyone requiring assistance with sourcing information. The website provides information about sources of available help and support – including independent financial information, and information about care homes and housing options. It can also help with: keeping independent; getting out and about; keeping safe; health and wellbeing; employment and volunteering opportunities; and being a carer. A self-help guide about equipment and adaptations will be available soon. Look out for the Your Life, Your Choice logo in libraries and CAB AdviceHubs or access information and advice directly at Information about the ‘Shaping our Future’ vision can be found on the County Council’s website at

On Saturday 22nd October one of our members will be presenting ‘A Russian Evening’ with an authentic Russian menu. It follows other similarly themed evenings we have enjoyed in the past where French and Dutch food has been presented. Make a note in your diary now. Membership of SOAS will cost you £3.00 per person or £5.00 for a household. In these days of rising prices I think it sounds like a good bargain. Colin Limming, 01763 260072

SOAS 100 Club The May draw was made by Rev Andrew O’Brien on 2nd June when the membership stood at 76. The winner of the first prize of £24.50 goes to Ruby Wilson (69) at 40 Orchard Rd and the second of £12.50 goes to Avril Mellor (27) at 93 Beechwood Ave. The June draw was made on 4th July by Mike Rawlings. There were 76 members. The first prize of £25.40 goes to Terry Shaw (33) at 4 Spencer Drive and the second of £12.70 goes to Jane White (73) at 8 Mortlock Street. The July draw was made by Mike Rawlings on 6th August. There were 76 members. The first prize of £25.40 goes to Ray Pritchard (22) at 3 Ash Grove and the second to Rita Edmonds (43) at 15 The Lawns.

All Saints Community Hall’ Bookings for the Hall are coming in at a steady rate as local (and not so local) clubs and organisations plan their autumn and winter programmes. It is good to report that a certain amount of ‘juggling’ is taking place to ensure that everybody is able to enjoy the facilities. A new water heater is being installed in the kitchen to replace the rather cumbersome urn and to provide hot water at the touch of a button. The old urn was not only weighty but the steam from it tended to ‘flake’ the ceiling. The new heater will be a boon to those using the kitchen. Once the comparatively quiet month of August has passed the Hall and car park will once again be busy with the many bookings. Most frequent among these are children’s parties where the facilities of the Hall lend themselves to indoor games, and the well-equipped kitchen can cope with the variety of refreshments now needed to make a party go with a swing. There is also room outside for children (under adult supervision) to gather. If you would like to make a booking at any time contact us on: or ring 0763 260072 Colin Limming, Bookings Secretary.

The Word of God from David Burbridge God’s dear Son is the image of the invisible God, for by Him were all things created, that are in heaven and in earth, visible and invisible, dominions, principalities and powers, all things were created by Him and for Him. He is before all things and by Him all things consist. Colossians 1 v 15–17 melbournmagazine


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feature ‘My experience of joining Home-Start as a volunteer’ I was already aware of the work of Home-Start as originally the office was in the same group of buildings I had worked from. I recall staff with their ‘funky trolleys’ often heaving them up the stairs as there was no lift. By casually chatting in passing I understood some of the nature of their work and realised what an important service it is. I had also heard Health Visitors talking and I had been involved caring for three mothers in a nursing capacity who spoke about their Home-Start volunteers. I had always thought I would look into it once I finished working full time. I saw the ‘Supernannies need not apply’ poster in the library and liked the approach and thought it didn’t sound too daunting as I am certainly not a super nanny. On telephoning the office, I spoke to the administrator, whom I knew slightly and she explained when the preparation training course was likely to be. The Scheme Manager’s visit was fine, I felt comfortable as it was not too formal but obviously she needed to cover everything and I was pleased to have had the visit to work towards getting started. The application and CRB forms were okay to fill in, I don’t remember having any difficulty. The preparation training course was so impressive! It really was, so well prepared complete with a file and name badges. I realise what a lot of hard work goes into the preparation of so many folders for everyone. The amount of information available is huge and it’s so good that we now have that file to look things up or to recall information as needed. From the first session we were made to feel welcome and valued. It was good to meet the whole staff team including the Scheme’s Chairman. Ingenious ways were thought up to make the training fun and memorable. I liked the ways we were split into varying groups which meant we had all spoken to everyone and the way in which the Co-ordinators joined in with the groups for some exercises. The games were clever too, particularly the ball throwing to remember each others names – what a clever idea rather than just going round asking each other. We weren’t so

clever at the more complex one of throwing the ball to the left of the person you named, that was a step too far for some brains, mine included, fun though. I liked the openness of the staff team at Home-Start who felt able to share experiences of their own and I feel that encouraged the new volunteers on the training course to share their experiences too. I think all the volunteers felt able to voice their doubts and concerns to the staff team without feeling awkward, they were acknowledged and discussed without any fear of ridicule and this was down to the staff. It felt safe and non-judgemental. By the end of the course, I think we all felt we had been well prepared in theory. We were all aware of the need to communicate regularly with our Co-ordinators and we would get any support needed from them as and when required. We were aware of the way Home-Start operates. The certificates we were presented with and the lunch with all the Home-Start staff and their Chairman was a lovely touch and much appreciated. I am now looking forward to being matched as a volunteer with my first Home-Start family.

Melbourn Girls In the last issue of the Magazine (66) we published a photograph taken at the swimming pool in Royston by Cyril Rayment just prior to WWII. Robert Ellis replied to Mr Rayment giving a correction. The girl in the middle is not Helen Taylor, it is Gladys Cooper. All the girls were born in 1924, and Helena Ellis (Robert’s mother) kept in contact with them. Sadly Rhona died five years ago, while Joyce is still living in America, and has visited Melbourn many times. Gladys, the elder of the girls, moved away to the south coast and Helena lost contact with her. Reg Bunting survived the war and lived into his 70s. He and his wife had one daughter and died within days of each other.



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October 4 Club Evening: Photographic Software 11 Competition: Projected Images 18 Lecture: Barry Freeman: Earth and Skies; Monochrome landscapes 25 Competition – Melbourn Trophy

Bowls Malcolm Davey 262704

Bridge Club Howard Waller 261693 1st Melbourn Rainbows Abigail Roberts 261505 Brownies 1st Melbourn Stephanie Clifford 220272 Brownies 2nd Melbourn Samantha Pascoe 261400

Cricket Martin Winter 262733

Croquet Janet Pope 248342

Football Club Andrew Edwards 223109

Dynamos Football Club Les Morley 07739 593771

Gardening Club Helen Powell 245887

Judo Derek Coult 225004

Melbourn Sports Centre Graham Johnson-Mack 263313 Photographic Club Bruce Huett 232855 Ramblers Dave Allard 242677 Royston and District Round Table Michael Seymour 221398 Squash Club Nick Sugden 261064

Swimming Club Jenny Brackley 244593

Tennis (Melbourn) Dave Liddiard 07508 995 781

Tennis (Meldreth) Sue Davies 220174

Ramblers’ Association – Royston & District We normally have an all day walk every Sunday and morning walks on Tuesdays or Thursdays, frequently on both days during the autumn, winter and spring. For details see posters in Melbourn or Royston library or go to and click onto groups and then on to Royston. Prospective new members are welcome to come on three walks before deciding to join. David Allard 01763 242677.

Melbourn and District Photographic Club This long standing club of local photographers from Melbourn and the surrounding area meets weekly from September to April at Foxton Village Hall. 20010/11 was a successful year with an increase in membership and participation. We have been taking a summer break from meetings so we can concentrate on taking photographs for the 2011/2012 season. Meetings are from 7.30 to 9.30 on Tuesdays and provide a varied programme of prints and projected image competitions (internal and with local clubs), practical sessions and lectures by specialist photographers on a variety of subjects. However perhaps as useful are the informal conversations over coffee when members share their photographic experiences and tips on techniques and local photographic opportunities. The provisional programme to December 2011 is: September 13 Welcome evening 20 Lecture: Jane Goodall 27 Club Evening: Photographing Cambridge at Dusk

November 1 Club Evening: Review of Dusk Photographs 8 Competition: Prints 15 Lecture: Richard Revels: Britain’s Wonderful Wildlife 22 Competition: Projected Images 29 Competition: Prints December 6 Club evening: Critique of Competition Submissions New members, of any skill level, will be warmly welcomed at our first meeting of the new season on Tuesday 13th September 2010. For further information please ring Bruce Huett on 01763 232 855.

Melbourn and District Tennis Club Come and join us at MaDTC… Free court hire Play all year on 3 floodlight hardcourts Advanced booking rights – 7 days, by phone Free club night session Reduced rate on coaching programmes /holiday camps Find people to play in the tennis ladders Play team tennis in the Cambs Leagues Entry to the Wimbledon ticket ballot Free British Tennis Membership includes ratings and rankings for competitive play Enjoy a full coaching programme provided by Set2Play All new members will get a ‘tennis welcome’ from the Set2Play coaches.

• • • • • • • • • • •

For further information please contact Dave Liddiard Phone: 07508 995781 or E-mail: Or contact the Melbourn Sports Centre reception.



We are a warm, friendly, family run home conveniently situated close to the station and town centre of Royston. If you would like to find out more about St George’s, please call us for a brochure or drop in for a chat. 42 Kneesworth Street, Royston, Herts. SG8 5AQ Telephone: 01763 242243 web site:


1st Melbourn Brownies Well what a packed spring we have had, during Royal wedding week we had a Hen party where we all dressed up in our best frocks and tiaras, and had a pampering evening including face packs, pedicures and manicures, mocktails and nibbles. We have been doing our season’s badge, which includes talking about hibernation. The Brownies made a book about animals that hibernate, and have made rain gauges to read every day and make a diary of the measurements. The girls also made reflectors for their coats for the winter. Prior to Fathers Day the girls did hand prints on drinking glasses and made cards. We had a campfire in one of the leader’s gardens and sang camp fire songs and cooked bananas with marshmallows and chocolate in tin foil on the fire. On the 16th of July a few of the girls went canoeing in Cambridge and had great fun, a few of them got wet, and, at the end of an hour and a half and a down pour they were allowed to jump in. If you fancy having fun with us and you are between 7 and 11 please ring Steph 07888831140. Brown Owl, Eagle Owl, Nightingale, Little Owl and Squirrel.

We shared our ever-popular trip to Jarman Park for ice skating and swimming with the 2nd Melbourn Guides and Barrington Guides, and we will camp for a week in August at our favourite site near Norwich. We will start the term in September with a full unit and a waiting list. If you would like to know more about becoming a Guide or a leader, or if you have any skills or hobbies which you would like to share with us, please contact Hilary Marsh, 01763 261443 or email:

Melbourn Dynamos Football Club

1st Melbourn Guides Fun and fundraising, fresh air and exercise: the 1st Melbourn Guides have certainly been keeping busy this summer. Most of the girls chose to organize their own sports activities for the first half of the term, enjoying kick rounders, silly sports challenges (including 400 metre egg and spoon relay!), and football. Meanwhile the senior patrol was challenged to create, cost and promote non-alcoholic cocktails to sell at the Melbourn fete. They did a brilliant job, and raised nearly £40 for the Guide Friendship Fund. The sports theme continued after half term with a paralympic sports competition; the girls attempted blindfold dressage, and seated shot putt, boccia, and beachball volleyball. A survival themed evening saw our group out on the Rec, filtering muddy water from the river Mel, and using compass points to learn which way to build an emergency shelter. More outdoor skills were enjoyed the following week when we collected firewood and toasted marshmallows over small campfires. The camp theme continued with tasters of square lashing, tent peg bashing, and bed rolling.

Our new 2011–12 football season is now well underway with a busy training and match schedule for all our young players. MDFC is a friendly community football club and we give boys and girls the opportunity to play regular football regardless of their experience or ability. Our squads train weekly and play matches at weekends in the Royston Crow Youth League. Our younger members play 7 a side football on small pitches, moving through to 11 a side on bigger pitches for the older players. MDFC is now 8 years old and is going from strength to strength. Starting out with a handful of local children and parents in 2003 we now have approximately 180 children aged 4 to 15 years signed up to our club. Our Under 12 team is pictured below after one of their matches! We always welcome new players, with or without football experience, to join our squads. If you are a boy or girl aged



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4–15, interested in playing football, please contact us to find out more. For the younger ones aged 4–5 years, we run a ‘Dynamites’ Saturday morning ‘pay as you go’ fun football session in Melbourn. All welcome. If you are interested in finding out more about MDFC, please contact Nicky Patel on 07951 590139 or email us on

WANTED! Girls aged 11–13 (School Years 7/8)

We are building a girls squad, coached by a fully qualified FA coach. If you know of any girls who might be interested in playing football, please contact Nicky Patel on 07951 590139. All of our coaches are CRB checked and qualified to a minimum of F.A. Level 1 standard. We are also recognised as a Charter Status Club which means that we have all the correct people and practices in place to operate in line with government requirements.

Melbourn and District Gardening Club Are you interested in gardening? Why not join the Melbourn and District Gardening Club on a regular or occasional basis. We meet at 7.30 on the second Tuesday each month, at the Community Hall, behind All Saints Church (near traffic lights, lane by telephone box) So far this year we have had talks and slides, on Wild South Wales with wonderful photography of The Gower Peninsula. Different ways of looking at fences, using colour and texture; A pictorial visit to The Gibberd Garden, Harlow, with 80 sculptures, glades, groves and pools; Self Sufficiency from Your Garden, with lots of ideas and advice, whether you had a huge plot or pots; A practical Hanging Basket demonstration; Hint and tips on How to Cheat in the Garden. We had a very successful coach outing to Hever Castle, Kent in mid June. Our local outing at the end of June, was to South Farm, Shingay-cum-

Wendy, where we had a guided tour of the gardens followed by tea and cake. 13th September 2011 Cambridge Colleges & Their Gardens – Rodney Tibbs 11th October 2011 Nice & Smelly – Audrey Barker – Hopleys Plants 8th November 2011 7.30 AGM 8pm Alnwick Gardens Northumberland 13th December 2011 Annual Christmas Event – Evening visit to Scotsdales Garden Centre with talk and shopping with discount, date to be confirmed. Christmas Social Event New members and visitors very welcome. For more information – contact Helen 01763 245887 or Angela 01763 262793

Where in Melbourn?


Images from around the village. B




Do you know where these pictures were taken are? Answers on page 63.



Jazzercise combines jazz dance, resistance training, Pilates, yoga, cardio box and Latin style movements into a fun and effective total body workout. All ages and abilities welcome

Melbourn Village College W ednesday: Jazzercise 7.15 pm Greneway School, Garden Walk, Royston Tuesday: Bodysculpt 6.15 pm Jazzercise 7.00 pm Thursday: Bodysculpt 6.40 pm Jazzercise 7.30 pm Seth Ward Community Centre, Buntingford Thursday: Jazzercise 6.15 pm For more information call Linda on 01763 241527



Unpicked Meadows Riverside Park, Stockbridge Meadows I hope you’re enjoying the new sculptures by artist Jo Chapman in Melbourn’s Riverside Park, Stockbridge Meadows. Funded by developers section 106 public art money, the project was managed by local Arts Development Manager Kirstin Bicknell for Melbourn Parish Council.

Each unfurling leaf bud green is a fragile lantern lit Birds’ song echoes through clear sky while green grass lays so still There is a universe in one grassy patch of spring At the bridge I found a grey feather softly blowing

As shadows grow, long living beings cling to rays of setting sun Snow when it comes will build palaces of ice on trees, branches, fields

You can see photos from a year of workshops, which went with the project at The artworks incorporate imagery of leaves, feathers and wild flowers as well as lines from the seasonal renga poems inspired by the workshops throughout the year. A publication including the poems, photos and activities to do in the Meadows is available. Collect your copy from the parish office. For more information about the project contact Kirstin Bicknell, Arts Development Manager, phone 07770 643165, email

Arts Development If you are part of a group interested in working with an artist, hosting an arts event or if you run an arts related group and need some support then contact your local Arts Development Manager, Kirstin Bicknell. She can support with everything from marketing and fundraising advice to contracting an artist. melbournmagazine


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Kirstin is part of the StART partnership between village colleges and South Cambridgeshire District Council. StART run a number of district wide initiatives including an equipment bank and mobile cinema for community groups to hire. See their website for more information or contact Kirstin, phone 07770 643165, email

Collision Carnival Project

➧ Antiques

Over the summer, a series of carnival workshops took place around the District funded by South Cambridgeshire District Council culminating in the London 2012 Open Weekend event, Parklife, at Milton Country Park, which attracted thousands. In Melbourn a giant puppet was created by families at Melbourn fete, which took part in the Parklife carnival parade. Also in the parade were young people from Meldreth Manor, who had created fantastic puppets with artist Ricki Outis, which attached to their wheelchairs with colourful streamers. A mini carnival parade happened in Melbourn’s Vicarage Close. Year 10 students from MVC had a samba workshop and led a parade of students from the College around Vicarage Close. Young people from Melbourn Village College created carnival costumes with artist Ricki Outis to make the event a fun and colourful affair. Ricki also visited the Vicarage Close coffee morning and ran a costume workshop with residents. She was assisted by a group of MVC students who thoroughly enjoyed chatting to residents. Watch this space for more community arts projects!

➧ Pet Supplies.

Royston Arts Festival – Crossing the Line

➧ Fresh Fruit and Veg, Fish

direct from Great ➧ Yarmouth, Bread and Cakes, ➧ Flowers and Plants ➧ Groceries, Jewellery

(Gold bought for Cash) ➧ Picture Framing ➧ Plastics ➧ Swimming Pool Supplies ➧ Kitchenware

Have you seen our new Furniture Stall? Why not give your old furniture a new life – have it sprayed or sanded, House Clearance also available – see Fred and Kay for more details, every Wednesday and Saturday.

Royston Arts Festival teamed up with StART for a project crossing county lines. Artist Jo Chapman ran workshops in Roysia and Greneway Middle Schools and Melbourn Village College on the theme of this years’ festival, ‘Crossing the Line’. Jo brought a suitcase of items to each school, which students used with their own items to create colourful assemblages. Students swapped items into the suitcase so each school was using materials donated by the others. The art works created by the students will be on display in the Youth Art Exhibition as part of the Festival. Last year the exhibition attracted nearly 400 hundred visitors over the Festival weekend and this year Royston Museum and Art Gallery have agreed to host it for a full month (October 1 to November 4). Entrance is free. So do come along and see their work. This year’s festival runs from 29 September – 2 October and with around 60 events offers something for everyone. Most of it is free with over 300 free workshop places covering local music, how to dance the jitterbug , write a bestseller, play African drums or make a hit TV series. There will also be the chance to join in at our Strictly 40s Big Band event (in aid of Help for Heroes and the Royal British Legion) and dress up for the Rocky Horror Picture Show. Full details of the Festival will be available online soon (visit for details.



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Melbourn’s indoor swimming pool In celebration of its 20th birthday and an example of commitment from the community of Melbourn this is the story of Melbourn’s indoor swimming pool. The indoor swimming pool available for use by all today, built on the grounds of the Village College is only there because members of the community got together and took a project through to a successful conclusion.

This is a brief history of how we got our pool! In the summer of 1987 a group within the community were discussing the lack of a swimming pool in Melbourn. From this kitchen table chat a meeting of like-minded people got together. Towards the end of that year, the reactions of the Governors and the County Council were sought to the possibility of a pool being built on the College campus. A questionnaire was produced and distributed by College students who were known as ‘Drifters’ delivering the ‘Drifts’ community magazine to every household in the 13 villages within the catchment area. This was the forerunner of the Melbourn magazine which you are now reading. This questionnaire, when returned showed overwhelming support for a Pool. The next step was to have a proposed plan drawn up (done by Mike Livings) and to investigate the grant situation. At this time, we were looking at a pool costing about £400,000 to build. A Public Meeting was called in February 1988 and again, the community showed their support by a very strong representation, which meant moving from the smaller Common Room to the Main Hall which was filled to capacity. Royston Carnival Sunday 12th June 1988

Rod Yallop, David Childerley (centre) and Sue Cane

It was from this than the Melbourn Community Swimming Pool Association (McSpa) was born and our first Statement of Policy set a target of ‘a pool on site by May 1993’ (and we actually achieved just that) As the project progressed and having explored every possible avenue we realized that costs were clearly beyond our reach. However, through a chance conversation between R Taylor and a firm of architects, the Arthur Quarmby




Partnership from Huddersfield, who were undertaking a feasibility study for the Sports Council regarding the provision of small rural pools, an opportunity presented itself. So we set about to persuade the Sports Council (with home made bouef bourguignon) that we should be their ‘live’ project. Presentations were made to local Parish Councils and SCDC by Bob Tulloch, a constitution was pulled together and Charity Status sought. Fund-raising began in earnest. In July 1988, we were one of four short-listed to be considered as the ‘live’ project for the Sports Council, and in October we were told we were the one. So it was ‘full steam ahead’ with meetings to discuss the final design; how much grant would we receive? Valerie Tookey held the project together liasing with all the parties involved. Fund raising was stepped up as MCSPA then had only 2 years in which to raise about £90,000. There were jumble sales, pantos, 200 clubs, fashion shows, sponsored bike rides, most charitable pub competition, assault course runs, auction of promises, stalls at carnivals and village fetes, discos, stop the watch etc. et. Which were all organised by Sue Cane and our fund-raising committee – many of whom are still an active part of the community. On July 24th 1990 sod cutting took place enabling building to start the following month – and culminating in the official opening in September 8th 1991. It sounds all very straight forward but there were hurdles and problems, highs and lows,

Cambridge Cancer Help Centre Do you have cancer? Are you caring for someone with cancer? Have you lost a loved one to cancer? Cambridge Cancer Help Centre is there for you, offering support and understanding. Taking that first step to visit us may not be easy, but once you step through our door you will be assured of a warm and friendly welcome. The Centre also welcomes families, carers and friends. Many of the people there will have experienced what you are going through. Why not pay us a visit? We are open on Mondays from 10.00am to 1.00pm and Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 10.00am to 4.00pm, or telephone us on 01223 840105 and speak to our Coordinator, Ann Dingley You will find us at The David Rayner Centre, Scotsdales Garden Centre, 120 Cambridge Road, Great Shelford, Cambridge, CB22 5JT.

World’s Biggest Coffee Morning is 21 and you’re all invited Macmillan Cancer Support’s flagship event, World’s Biggest Coffee Morning has reached it’s 21st year and we are asking you to join us and help those affected by Cancer by hosting your very own celebratory Coffee Morning. WBCM is the UK’s third biggest one day fundraiser. Last

but the community determination and drive kept the project on target and we have been rewarded with the splendid facility we have today. So 20 years on and the facility is still there. MCSPA continued to operate and manage the pool using again lots of members of the community who volunteered to staff the reception and lifeguard. With the development of the Fitness Suite and other sporting facilities Melbourn Community Sports was created. Since then due to financial viability the management has reverted to the Village College. There are many people who helped and you may well be one of them, but mention should be made of the late Mary Course who fought our corner valiantly when we needed to go back to SCDC for additional funding when building costs rose. Also David Childerley then Head of Community at the College. Recognising the 20 year anniversary, this article is written by Val Tookey, Sue Cane and Gillian Morland. Val kept the project on track from beginning to end, Sue Cane who led the fundraising team and Gillian Morland who did the publicity, some of which is reproduced for you to see with this article. The local History group have a DVD of the building of the pool should you like to see more. Twenty years ago this Dream became a reality. It just goes to show what a community can do when it puts its mind to it. We have a wonderful asset for all ! Do not forget it is there and how it got there in the first place! !

year 751 people hosted a coffee morning in Cambridgeshire raising more than £130,000. Together 43,000 people registered to hold a coffee morning across the Uk, raising over £8million. This year the event takes place on Friday 30th September and we’re aiming to celebrate in style and hope you can join us. There are 2 million people living with cancer in the UK, so we need to raise even more money to pay for our vital cancer support services. Taking part in World’s Biggest Coffee Morning is really simple – choose a date that suits you, choose your event and send out invitations to raise the vital money to support people affected by cancer. More importantly WBCM is a chance to get friends and colleagues together to have fun. Whether it’s a traditional coffee morning at home, work or school, or something different altogether – a garden party, pub quiz, or karaoke night – the main thing is getting together with friends and knowing that your collective efforts are making a huge difference to people affected by cancer. Register at or for more information contact:

Michelle Pullen, Fundraising Manager on 01480 408982 email:





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The Cambridgeshire Registered Trader Scheme can help by providing you with a list of traders who have been checked by Cambridgeshire Trading Standards. lf you live in Cambridgeshire, are aged over 60 or have a physical or learning disability, you are eligible to use this Scheme. Telephone Age Concern, Cambridgeshire on 01223 221 921.


Type of business

Absolute Solutions Amber Osteopathy

Bathroom Design and Installation Osteopathic & Sports Injury Clinics

Bannold Bretts Bury Lane Farm Shop Butlers

Tel. No.


Type of business

Tel. No.

01763 261777 01462 742942

Melbourn Flooring

Flooring, Tiling & Home Interiors

01763 262413

Melbourn Garage

MOT and Servicing

01763 263344

Landscaping Materials Plumbing and Heating Fresh produce, Coffee shop Taxi and Car Service

01954 231666 01763 260007 01763 260418 01763 212223

Michael Eastern

Personal Trainer

01763 249254

M&M Books

Second hand & rare books

01763 849789

Molly Maid

Cleaning Services

01462 896123

Cambridge Building Society Cambourne Self Storage CAMTAD Carters Shoes Cheap Storage Child Nursing Team Cooper, P.L. & Sons Ltd Creative Building Landscape

Building Society Secure Storage Deafness Advisory sessions Shoes – wide choice Secure Storage Family Health Advice Flooring Specialists Building design & Conversions

01763 217510 01954 717444 01223 416141 01223 264930 01763 262344 01763 262861 01763 260918 01763 802003

Meridian Lawncare

Lawn care company

01763 242909


Garden Centre

01763 260537

Dan Alder David Hall

Painting & Decorating Bespoke furniture

Fieldgate Nurseries Fowlmere Village Hall Frogend Pet Supplies

Prince Property Improvements Property Repairs

01763 269565

Pinney, Moore and Co.

Financial Advisers

01954 234370

Redgate Plastering


07588 472691

Riding for the Disabled Association

01223 290807

Roots Designs

Building Surveyor

07795 337046

07843 621885 01763 261010


Carpet Cleaning

01223 832928

Rubber Roofing company

Roofing Solutions

01763 869035

Fruit, vegetables, flowers & plants Hall Facilities Pet supplies

01763 260737 08704 649200 01763 263342

Rule, Jeremy

Funeral Service

01763 242560

Simon Robinson

Picture Frames

01223 873123


Kennel & Cattery

01763 260624

South Cambs Motors

Motor Car Servicing

01763 260246

Specialist Dental Partners


01763 261129


Gas, Heating & Plumbing

01945 428757

Sprint Printers

Printers and Copiers

01763 263339

Harry, Kathleen. B.Sc.Hons. Home Start Home Store

Osteopath Family Support Bathroom & Tiling

01223 842978 01763 242919 01763 245888

St Georges

Nursing Home

01763 242243

Taylor & Co

Chartered Accountants

01763 248545

Jazzercise J&M Carpet Care Jeremy Ashworth Julie Newby

Dance based Fitness Carpet Cleaning Electrician & Property Maintenance Beauty Therapist

01763 241527 01954 780999 01763 230831 01763 208387

The Letting Centre

Letting Agency

01763 263039

The Spice Hut

Indian Takeaway

01763 262425

Thomas, Chris

Professional Cleaning

01223 836002

Tony Buch

Guitar Lessons

01763 262938

Law Storage Leech, C.A Little Hands LM Homeopathy

Secure storage Butchers Nursery School Health & Wellbeing

01223 874629 01763 260255 01763 260964 01763 290282

Tree Tops

Small tree work

01223 208733

TW Painting & Decorating

Painters & Decorators

07811 957257

Urban Plastics

Plumbing, electrical supplies

01763 262337

Mel-bourn2Swim Melbourn Community Sports

Swimming School Sports Centre

01763 262344 01763 263313


Letting Agency

01763 242528

Wrights Mower Centre

Garden Machinery Supply & Maint.

01763 263393



A Lordship Farm; B All Saints’ Church; C Opposite Greenbanks; D Opposite All Saints’ Church; E 77 High Street; F Opposite Melbourn garage.

Where in Melbourn?

Cambridgeshire Registered Trader Scheme


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