3 minute read
From the School Council
Andrew Michelmore AO
As we move into the second half of 2021, the School Council’s energy is focused on a task that will guide our School throughout the coming decade: the creation of our 2030 strategic plan.
This new strategic plan will articulate the future direction of Melbourne Grammar School. As such, the plan must be intentionally ambitious, capturing the combined desires and intentions of our School community. The creation of the plan is a moment to push beyond what we know we are capable of and find out what we might achieve as we continue to contribute to all aspects of Australian life.
Led by Headmaster Philip Grutzner, the first step in this process has been the gathering of information and input from across our community. Extensive consultation has taken place with students, staff, Old Melburnians and parents. Ms Natalie Charles, Principal of Mentone Girls’ Grammar School and another new Council member, is an exceptional educator and leader. In addition to her deep understanding of educational ethos and intent, she has a very strong appreciation of how this is applied at Melbourne Grammar School. Natalie taught English and Literature at Melbourne Grammar School from 1998 – 2016. She also held numerous leadership roles during that time, culminating in Head of Staff from 2013 - 2016. Natalie’s perspective and advice will be welcomed by all members of the Council.
The Council’s final new member is the Rev’d Dr Alex Ross, who joins us as the new Archbishop’s Alternate. Appointed by the Archbishop, Rev’d Ross brings experience gained through ministry roles here in Melbourne and in the UK, and an education which includes time at the universities of Oxford and Cambridge. We are delighted to welcome Rev’d Ross and look forward to his contribution to the spiritual life of our School.
We farewell our outgoing Archbishop’s Alternate, the Right Rev’d Bishop Lindsay Urwin, and express our gratitude for his impressive contribution to the Council over many years. Rev’d Urwin has been a vital contributor to the Council through his ability to bring fresh perspectives on our work, which is essential to our success.
The Council is now considering the results of this consultation process, and will work with the Headmaster to prioritise the findings. The resulting document will set out a vision for Melbourne Grammar School that spans the next ten years, including specific detail on what we aim to achieve over the next three to four years.
Another significant point of focus for the Council is the continued financial stability of our School. As we rose to the challenges of 2020, Melbourne Grammar was fortunate to be able to draw on its history of prudent financial governance and management to continue working toward our goals, and to provide added support to those facing severe financial impacts. Now, our focus is to ensure this financial stability continues through decision-making that prepares our School for future shocks and an ongoing period of uncertainty worldwide. This financial modelling will be an integral part of the strategic plan.
The Council is pleased to welcome three new members as we embark on these projects. The first, Ms Sally Draper, brings vast experience from the building sector as the Director of her own architectural practice. A past parent and member of our Buildings and Grounds committee for a number of years, Sally understands the activities of Melbourne Grammar specifically, and brings knowledge gained working on a multitude of educational and institutional projects during her 30-year career. In terms of our strategic plan, Sally will have an important role to play in ensuring building components are delivered in an efficient, timely manner. Andrew Michelmore AO Chair of Council