Issue 102 Summer 2020

Page 44

Review No One is too Small to Make a Difference Greta Thunberg

As the world currently faces uncertainty in the form of a virus, people are now faced undeniably with the level of impact humans have on the environment which has been highlighted following the need for self-isolation and social distancing. Rivers running cleaner and CO2 emissions down, we’ve proven to ourselves that we can in fact make a difference, it’s just unfortunate that it took an imminent crisis to spell it out. With the rise of groups such as Extinction Rebellion, school strikes and protests the younger generation are refusing to accept the potential fate that they could be left with. One of the strongest voices comes from Swedish activist Greta Thunberg, at 17-years old she’s already led and participated in several global protests as well as addressing numerous international audiences. The book No One is too Small to Make a Difference documents Thunberg’s public addresses from September 2018 at a climate march in Stockholm to her address at the Houses of Parliament in April 2019. A small book with a huge message, this collection of Thunberg’s own words reinforces our need for immediate change and drastic action from governments, corporations and individuals. Essentially, the kids are not alright, they’re angry and fed up. The Swedish activist speaks for thousands when she states “you need to listen to us, we who cannot vote. You need to vote for us, your children and grandchildren.” Children are pleading for us to look into the future and to vote Author Greta Thunberg


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