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Vernon Corrin Gamon
3.11.1940 – 28.9.2020
Sadly Vernon lost his long fight against cancer and is sadly missed by Moira, his wife of over 55 years, his children, Giles, Rachel and Felix and his 4 grandchildren, Fergus, Hamish, Munro and Bronte. Vernon started work as a trainee mechanical engineer, working on Fylingdale project in N. Yorks and later decided to change direction and move to electrical engineering. More years of study and a move down south to Richmond followed, where he met Moira at the local badminton club. Vernon and Moira married in 1965 and bought a new house overlooking the river Thames near Hampton Court. Both worked and Vernon took a year off to complete his degree. Giles was born in 1968 and Rachel in 1970 and they then bought a dilapidated and large Victorian house in East Molesey in the spring of 1972. Felix was born in December that year, and despite a very demanding job with an engineering consultancy and 3 children under 5 years of age, Vernon set to and installed central heating in time for the first winter, re-wired the whole house, put new fencing up in the garden to stop both the children and the basset hound escaping, and still found time to play squash, continue to sail and develop all his own photographs. He started up his own electrical engineering consultancy in 1974, undertaking work in many far-flung places, from the Ivory Coast, Ecuador, Tripoli, South Korea, Mexico and Abu Dhabi. Vernon was always active and remained so until the end. He built his first sailing boat, an Enterprise, in 1962 which he and Moira sailed on the Thames near Hampton Court and at Island Barn Reservoir.