Issue 107 Autumn 2021

Page 42


in & around Melbourn A Thoughtful Walk and A Beautiful Game “Melbourn Village: Much To Offer” could be the marketing slogan of a property developer promoting an unwanted large scale housing development on Melbourn’s outskirts– while simultaneously working through a planning procedure only property developers and our District Councillors seem to understand. Indeed, it could even be the back-handed compliment to Melbourn that brought about the same District Council’s recent, and now fully implemented, housing policy for Melbourn, seemingly entitled: “Big Bang: Delivering Two Hundred Houses in One Development in One Village”. Instead, “Melbourn Village: Much To Offer” is presented here as a statement of truth, to promote a local walk to all residents who live in Melbourn Village or its surrounding area and who are, perhaps, raising young teenagers. The walk comes highly recommended, having been personally ‘testdriven’ in the company of young teenagers at different times during all kinds of sunny, rainy, blowy or snowy days some decades ago, and on many other recent times walking alone– including as recently as last week. The walk is ideal for stressed parents living with young teenagers as it offers many possibilities with things to point out, thoughts to share, discussion to be had, things to do, possible activities for them– or you– to join in and, perhaps, most importantly, shared memories to be created and stored away. Throw a few useful bits of kit into a kit bag: a football; a few tennis balls; a couple of rackets; a basketball; a rounders bat; a hurley stick; a frisbee and set out. (What’s a hurley stick you ask? Look online at the Irish national game of hurling– perhaps a national championship final from Dublin’s Croke Park– and give yourself a heart stopping adrenalin rush of excitement!) Include a few snacks– hunger is at the root of many day-to-day family arguments while poverty, its much more devastating twin, is something far too many families now find on their doorstep. If a stressed parent today, do invest in this walk and you may also secure a future bonus: my children (now two independent young adults) remind me often of those days and the walks we took around Melbourn, particularly this one. Set out from the gates of the URC cemetery on Orchard Road, opposite the URC church building, and proceed to the junction with Mortlock Street. Turn left, passing the Baptist Church building on your right, and proceed to The Cross. There stands the imposing presence of the country’s established church: the Church of England. The church building dominates the skyline with a tall spire atop a square


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