feature Melbourn’s celebrations for the 1977 Silver Jubilee
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I became a South Cambs District Councillor and a Parish Councillor in May 1976, and the first job I was given was to form a committee to organise the Silver Jubilee celebrations in Melbourn for the following year. That is called being thrown in at the deep end! There was no funding, so we had to swiftly think of some fundraising activities and the programme we came up with was quite impressive. I have a copy in front of me. I think now that the range of activities was awesome: a Treasure Hunt, Combined School Concert, Jubilee Entertainment (admission 50p), Disco to choose the Carnival Queen, Pet Show and Baby Show (never again, do not go down that road!), Under 5’s Fun Day, Whist Drive, Scouts Camp Fire, Bowls Drive, Single Wicket Competition, Sports Day with Tug of War, Best Kept Garden, Flower Festival, Over 60’s party and of course the Jubilee Ball, music by Tom Collins, the Carnival Procession and much more. We also held an Elizabethan Fayre. This was a great success and we raised a lot of money – everyone threw themselves into dressing up with great gusto; I wonder how many people remember it? We had stocks in the churchyard with wet sponges to throw and lots of stalls. Barry Russell (husband of Carol the hairdresser) made a series of shields spelling out ELIZABETHAN FAYRE and two Beefeaters – these were placed around the edge of the green round The Cross and were used in various ways for many years afterwards. We also had Melbourn Jubilee Mugs and teapot stands for sale – who still has one? At the Under-five’s Fun Day we provided clowns, balloons,
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