11 minute read
Sat 1st Coffee Stop’ in Vicarage Close, 10.30 – 12 noon Mon 3rd Homestart Course, Queen’s Road Methodist Church, Royston 9.30 a.m. – 12.30p.m. Tue 4th Photographic Club: Inter-Club Print and Slide battle. Melbourn/Saffron Walden/Letchworth Judge, Barrie Hatten Wed 5th Coffee Break; Baptist Church Hall 10.30–12 noon Thu 6th Royston & District Local History Society Royston Town Hall 8 p.m: On the road in 1910, illustrated. Peter Ibbett World Book Day Fri 7th Friday Coffee at URC Women’s World Day of Prayer URC Sat 8th ‘Coffee Stop’ in Vicarage Close, 10.30 – 12 noon, with British Legion Cake Stall Primary School Quiz Night, 7.30 p.m. Tue 11th Gardening Club, 7.30 p.m. at MVC: Wimpole Past, Present and Future, Mr Waites, Head Gardener. Photographic Club: Print of the Year (2007/2008) Judge, Liz Hatten. Wed 12th Coffee Break; Baptist Church Hall 10.30–12 noon URC: Reflective Service led by Mrs Penny Flynn, 7 p.m. Fri 14th Friday Coffee at URC Sat 15th ‘Coffee Stop’ in Vicarage Close, 10.30 – 12 noon, with Table-top Sale in aid of Church Hall Photographic Club: Melbourn Trophy Final at Foxton. Judge, Barbie Lindsay. Meldretg Pre-School Easter Fair. Village Hall 12-2 p.m. Wimpole Hall and Estate re-open Tue 18th Photographic Club: An evening with Andy who? Andy Hanson. Wed 19th Coffee Break; Baptist Church Hall 10.30–12 noon Melbourn & District U3A, 2.45 at MVC: Beryl Lawry talks about “Bangladesh; the early years”. Thu 20th Maundy Thu 8p.m. at Baptist Church. Communion Service ‘Journey of Jesus begins’ URC Service: 7.30 Bassingbourn All Saints’ Church: Holy Communion & washing of feet, 8 p.m. End of School Term Fri 21st Good Fri 9 a.m. Walk of Witness, Churches Together, beginning at Sheen Mill 9 a.m. Baptist and URC Churches; 10 a.m. at Melbourn URC Church Baptist Church, 1 to 4 p.m. ‘Journey of Jesus – Experience’ All Saints’ Church: 12 noon – 1 p.m. Church open for prayer 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. All Saints’: Led Devotion Come and Sing: Rutter Requiem in All Saints’ Church. Practice 3 p.m.Performance 7.30 p.m. Sat 22nd ‘Coffee Stop’ in Vicarage Close, 10.30 – 12 noon. Sun 23rd Easter Day Baptist church: Family service 10.30 a.m. – 11.30 a.m. “Journey of Jesus – Lives” URC Church Service 11 a.m. All Saints’ Church: 8 a.m. Holy Communion, and 9.45 a.m. Family Communion Denny Abbey Farmland Museum: Great Easter Egg Trail Tue 1st Photographic Club: AGM Wed 2nd Coffee Break; Baptist Church Hall 10.30–12 noon Thu 3rd Royston & District Local History Society: 8 p.m. Royston Town Hall: Digging up Robert Sayle, illustrated. Alison Dickens Denny Abbey: as March 27th Fri 4th Friday Coffee at URC Sat 5th ‘Coffee Stop:Vicarage Close, 10.30 – 12 noon Tue 8th Photographic Club: Slide of the Year (2007/2008) Judge, Dr John Law Wed 9th Coffee Break; Baptist Church Hall 10.30–12 noon Fri 11h Friday Coffee at URC Sat 12th ‘Coffee Stop‘ in Vicarage Close, 10.30 – 12 noon, with Link Muranga Stall Lifeboat Day in Royston Denny Abbey 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. Garden Willow Weaving Workshop Tue 15th Photographic Club: Wed 16th Coffee Break: Baptist Church Hall, 10.30 – 12noon Melbourn & District U3A 2.45 at MVC: Chloe Cockerill on “The Lion and the Unicorn, British Monarchs and their Heraldry” Fri 18th Friday Coffee at URC Sat 19th ‘Coffee Stop’ 10.30 – 12 noon, in Vicarage Close, Stall for sponsored Great Wall of China Trek in aid of Scope ‘Spring Fayre’ Melbourn Primary School 1 – 4 p.m. Sun 20th Denny Abbey 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.: Japanese Felting Workshop Tue 22nd Tennis Club Year begins 7.45 p.m. Women’s Group: Wed 23rd Coffee Break; Baptist Church Hall 10.30–12 noon Fri 25th Friday Coffee at URC Royston & Saffron Walden NT Association: Barry Kaufman-Wright “Landscapes of Britain” Royston Town Hall 7.30 p.m. Sat 26th ‘Coffee Stop’ 10.30 – 12 noon, in Vicarage Close. Sun 27th Bowls Club Open Day Denny Abbey: Life drawing Workshop,10 am–1 pm Wed 30th Coffee Break; Baptist Church Hall 10.30–12 noon
The closing date for the next issue is 1th may which will appear in June, listing events in June, July and August
march continued
Mon 24th Denny Abbey Farmland Museum: Great Easter Egg Trail Wed 26th Coffee Break; Baptist Church Hall 10.30–12 noon Thu 27th Denny Abbey: Drop-in Children’s Holiday Activity Day Fri 28th Friday Coffee at URC Royston & Saffron Walden NT Association: AGM with a talk by Jenny Jordan of the Trust’s Regional Office. Saffron Walden County High school sports centre, 7.30 p.m. Sat 29th ‘Coffee Stop’ in Vicarage Close, 10.30 – 12 noon
Melbourn Library
Open at the following times:Monday, Wednesday and Friday 2.30 to 4.30 pm Thursday 5.00 to 7.00 pm Saturday
Fri 2nd Fri Coffee at URC Sat 3rd ‘Coffee Stop’ in Vicarage Close, 10.30 – 12 noon Tue 6th Photographic Club: Wed 7th Coffee Break; Baptist Church Hall 10.30–12 noon Thu 8th Royston & District Local History Society: Royston Town Hall: AGM 7.30 p.m. 8 p.m.‘The Chinese Gooseberry Man’ A travelling Theatre Presentation by Geoff Hales. Fri 9th Fri Coffee at URC Photographic Club: Sat 10th ‘Coffee Stop’ in Vicarage Close, 10.30 – 12 noon Wed 14th Coffee Break; Baptist Church Hall 10.30–12 noon Fri 16th Fri Coffee at URC Sat 17th ‘Coffee Stop’ in Vicarage Close, 10.30 – 12 noon May Ball at Barrington 7 p.m. Cambridgeshire Choral Society Concert, at the University Concert Hall, West Road, 7.30 p.m. Tue 20th Photographic Club: Wed 21st Coffee Break; Baptist Church Hall 10.30–12 noon Melbourn & District U3A 2.45 at MVC: Robert Fromow describes Westminster Abbey and its history Fri 23rd Friday Coffee at URC Sat 24th ‘Coffee Stop’ in Vicarage Close. 10.30 – 12 noon. Tue 27th 7 45 p.m. Women’s Group: Wed 28th Coffee Break; Baptist Church Hall 10.30–12 noon Fri 30th Friday Coffee at URC Royston & Saffron Walden NT Association: Alan Murdie with tales and experiences of “The Ghost Club”. Royston Town Hall 7.30 p.m. Sat 31st Coffee Stop’ 10.30 – 12 noon, in Vicarage Close.
Melbourn Magazine All copy for the June, July and August Magazine should be in before 16th May Copy due six weeks before the following publication date Autumn September 1st Winter December 1st
Wed 4th Coffee Break; Baptist Church Hall 10.30–12 noon Thu 5th Royston & District Local History Society: On the Road in 1910, illustrated, Peter Ibbett. Royston Town Hall, 8 p.m. Fri 6th Friday Coffee at URC Sat 7th ‘Coffee Stop’ 10.30 – 12 noon, in Vicarage Close with British Legion Cake Stall Tue 10th Gardening Club: Wimpole Past, Present & future, Mr Waites, Head Gardener.MVC, 7.30 p.m.
Orchard Surgery – Dispensary
Monday to Friday 8:30 – 1:30 and 2:00 – 6:00 Phone 01763 261246
Telephone requests are not accepted For repeat prescriptions you can: Fax 01763 262968 or email: prescriptions.orchardsurgery@nhs.net • Allow at least 48 hours (two working days – excluding weekends and bank holidays) for repeat prescriptions to be ready. • Do not leave your request to the last minute. Prescription/medication depending on eligibility can be collected from the
Surgery Co-op Tesco in Royston
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Prescriptions requested before 12pm Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Prescriptions requested before 4pm Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Prescriptions requested after 4pm Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday will be ready after 10am Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday
will be ready after 3pm Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday
will be ready after 10am Thursday Friday Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Sue Hempstead 8a Romsey Terrace, Cambridge. CB1 3NH Tel 01223 416141 sueh@camtad.freeserve.co.uk Office Mon-Fri 9.30am-12.30pm.
A drop in advisory session is held at MOORLANDS, THE MOOR, MELBOURN NO APPOINTMENT IS NECESSARY from 2pm to 4pm,
27th March 24th April 22nd May 26th June 24th July 28th August 25th September 23rd October 27th November
Battery exchange and retubing.
We do not do hearing tests
Visually impaired and thought you could never use a computer? Even if you have never used a computer before, we would love to hear from you! Guide, an all in one computer programme with speech and large print software, can enable you to: Write letters and documents Scan and read books and letters. Magnify handwriting, diagram & pictures. Surf the internet. Play CDs & MP3s Use a calculator Come for a demonstration at your local Community Access Point, which is at: Meldreth Sheltered Housing Please call Camsight on 01223 420033 for more information Funded by Cambs. LSC, Neighbourhood Learning in Deprived Communities Funding and administered by Cam Sight and CP Learning Trust
new minibus fund, a new A3 printer for the technology department and new waders for the geography department. Our thanks to all involved in these events. We are looking forward to arranging more successful events; please keep an eye on the Melbourn Village College website for further details: www. mvc.org.uk
Notre Ecole
This half term (January and February) the children at Notre Ecole have been learning the French for various foods. We began the term by sampling Epiphany cake and learning about the traditions associated with “la Galette des Rois. Then we practised the French words for fruit that we already know and learnt some new words too. Next we learnt how to ask for a range of snacks in a café and also discussed in French whether the food was good for us or unhealthy. We finished the half term by celebrating “La Chandeleur” and sampling some French pancakes.
The adult beginners’ group has also worked around the theme of food. We have learnt some useful phrases to help us when visiting French restaurants and the French for a range of food that we might want to order. We have practised asking for “some” and talked in some detail about what we eat for breakfast, what we would eat if we were rich or on a diet.
In the more advanced adult conversation group, they have discussed amongst other topics, Epiphany around the world, as well as revising various grammar topics, especially reflexive verbs.
If you or your child would like to join us, please call Marine on 01763 222876 or Janet on 01763 261231 for further details. We are a French native speaker and a graduate of European Studies with French and we would love to see you at one of our groups.
University of the Third Age
The U3A started again in the New Year with a full programme for the learning groups and the calendars and diaries of the members are fast filling up. The monthly meeting speakers are booked for 2008 and almost all of 2009 with some familiar faces but also some new guests on a wide variety of subjects. Every third Wednesday in the month sees us at the Village College where we are very well looked after by Irene Bloomfield the Site Manager and her staff. We owe them a great debt of gratitude and it makes the planning of our monthly meetings so much easier. If you are still wondering about the U3A and what it has to offer you why not give one of our monthly meetings a try? We meet at the Village College at 2.45 p.m. and you will be met by one of our “greeters” who will direct you towards a cup of tea and a biscuit in the Common Room followed by the actual meeting in the Main Hall at 3.15 p.m. If you decide that you would then like to join and find out more about us you will only have to ask for a list of study and learning groups plus a monthly newsletter with details of the next monthly meeting. The details of the annual membership subscription will be explained to you and any questions you may have will be answered.
Taken when learning the French words for various garments. We played musical ‘Pass the Clothes Basket’. At the end of the game they told us, in French, what they were wearing.
Notre Ecole
Learn French in a friendly atmosphere *French for Children *French for Adults “Games, role-play, songs etc.” All levels, Conversation” Every Wednesday Every Wednesday from 3.45pm to 4.30pm from 8.00pm to 9.00pm Every Thursday GCSE lessons available by from 4:15pm to 5:00pm arrangement. Individual lessons also available. Tel. Marine - 01763 222876 or Janet - 01763 261231
At present we are urgently looking for someone to take over the Toy Library. If you feel that you can take this on please contact Sheridan Dunkley, 12 Portway, Melbourn Tel 261261
Adam was walking around the garden of Eden feeling very lonely, so God asked him, “Adam, what is wrong with you?” Adam said he didn’t have anyone to talk to. God said he was going to give him a companion and it would be a woman. God told Adam that this person would cook for him, wash his clothes, would always agree with every decision Adam made. God continued, “She will bear your children and never ask you to get up in the middle of the night to take care of them. She will never nag you and will always be the first to admit that she was wrong when you’ve had a disagreement. She will never have a headache and will freely give you love and compassion whenever you need it.” Adam asked God, “What would a woman like this cost me?” God answered, “An arm and a leg.” Adam thought for a moment and then asked, “What could I get for just a rib?” The rest is history.