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What’s On
Just in case you didn’t know, Safer Melbourn has a website. It’s part of the excellent Village Website, so take a look if you can.
You can read all the latest E-cops messages from our Neighbourhood Policing Team as well as accessing information such as useful phone numbers as well as links to websites concerned with protecting you and your family from crime. Get to know Melbourn’s policing team and how to contact them. Read the latest quarterly policing profile giving you information on what the policing problems are in our neighbourhood and how Cambridgeshire’s Constabulary is dealing with them. You can find Safer Melbourn at www.melbourncambridge.co.uk/safermelbourn/
Cambridgeshire NHW Executive Group Launch of CNHW Executive Group website
Eddie Cloke Chairman of CNHWEG launched the Executive Group’s website on Thursday 16th July. The website, which can be found at www.CambsNHW.org.uk, exists to strengthen communication between the County Group and members of NHW within the Cambridgeshire area.
“Ultimately we want this site to become capable of delivering two way communications and that will be our next objective. Eddie said what he was looking forward to now was feedback from users that could be used to inform the sites development. I want the website to be the natural first place for people to look when seeking information on the County Group’s activities”.
If you have any comments or questions about the site then please contact Brian Mortlock at brianmortlock@aol.com Brian is very keen to hear from you. Neighbourhood policing priorities set at the panel meeting of 21st July are; Anti-social behaviour and anti-social use of motorcycles in the area of Bassingbourn’s recreation ground. Anti-social behaviour in Melbourn with particular attention to the High Street, The Moor and Vicarage Close. Incidents reported in these prioritised areas will receive a higher level police response.
Next panel meeting will be held at Melbourn Village College on Tuesday 20th October. Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm start.
New non-emergency contact number
From June 2009 the Police non-emergency contact number was changed to 0345 4564564. The old 0845 4564564 number will continue to operate until April 2011.
The change is to allow people with call packages giving free local calls to benefit as 0345 numbers are classed as local calls.
Remember - in an emergency when lives are in danger or there is serious risk of injury, when a serious crime is in progress or if a criminal is still at the scene, then call 999. In all other cases, and for general enquiries, call 0345 4564564.
New Melbourn Singers
The Singers begin their autumn session of rehearsals at Meldreth Primary School on Tuesday September 8th at 7.30 pm. Please note that this is a change of venue, as for many years we have used the Music Department at Melbourn Village College.
This is a special year for the Cambridgeshire Choral Society, to which the New Melbourn Singers are affiliated. It is the 50th anniversary of the Society, and to celebrate this event the annual concert takes place in King’s College Chapel on February 6th 2010. This year the programme includes works by the composers Finzi, Rutter and Parry. Andrew Parnell, the professional conductor for the combined choirs has composed ‘Songs for Eternity’ especially for the occasion.
If you enjoy choral singing please come and join us on Tuesday evenings at Meldreth. We would especially appreciate some extra tenors and basses.
For further details contact Sheila Webber (01223 2077550) shewebb1@btinternet.com
Dates for combined rehearsals at Comberton Village College 2009 Sept 12th & 19th / Oct 17th October / Nov 7th & 28th 2010 Jan 9th, 16th & 23rd Feb 3rd February (at Comberton Village Hall) Feb 6th February Final rehearsal in King’s College Chapel.