Issue 65 Spring 2011

Page 55

what’s on Cambridgeshire Choral Society Cambridgeshire Choral Society which includes ‘New Melbourn Singers’ are now rehearsing for their performance of HANDEL’S ‘MESSIAH’ 2nd April 2011 at West Road Concert Hall Cambridge Conductor Andrew Parnell Hope to see you there! For tickets contact Monica Gillings 01763 262399.

Meldreth Annual Spring Gardens Sunday 10th April 2011 from 1.30 until 5.30pm. A chance to visit several very pretty spring gardens TEAS and other activities at the Church. Organised by the Friends of Holy Trinity Church Meldreth

Tavern Gallery Meldreth March: George Meliniotis oils/acrylics April: Barry Pratt ceramics May: MESCH group of Textile artists For more information see website

Fourth Annual Safari Supper !!! Saturday, 25th June 2011 An advance notice of the date of this year’s Safari Supper. Yes, we know that it is the evening of the Village Fete but for those people who will not be dancing the night away on the recreation ground it may well be an attractive alternative! These events have been greatly enjoyed by those who have taken part in the past – for more information ring me 260686 or Jane Brett 260306

The Open Gardens National Directo Calling all Cambridgeshire Open Gardeners Two keen gardeners have hit upon a novel solution for publicising charity Open Gardens events – a website dedicated to town and village Open Gardens. Run by volunteers, free from complex advertising, simple to use and with a clever search facility, the site allows people to find out about Open Gardens events in your local area or indeed at the other end of the country. The website supports the smaller event organisers, those volunteers who bring together gardeners and gardens, plant enthusiasts and hobbyists, Hosta lovers and Pelargonium fanciers – the melting pot of Middle England that is Open Gardens. For the humble town or village Open Gardens organiser, the site offers a real opportunity to get much needed publicity. Contributing information is also very simple – fill in you event details, press a button and your event is there for all to see. For people who enjoy visiting gardens open for charity, the site gives full details of events happening in your area. Go to for more information.

In March TV in Melbourn (Anglia) is going digital and the analogue TV signal will be switched off. On 30th March, BBC2 analogue is switched off and on 13th April, the remaining analogue channels are switched off. For advice on the digital switch over telephone 0845 50 50 50 or visit



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