10 minute read

Village News


In the news Village News 5 Melbourn Village Plan 5 Melbourn Village Fete 6 Melbourn & Meldreth Women’s Group 7 Home-Start volunteers 9 Mrs Janice Guest 9

Melbourn Village Plan

Library News 10

Work on the Village Plan report and action plan recommendations is quickly moving ahead to a conclusion. By the time you receive this, the final version of the plan should be available on the website and at strategic locations around the village. We urge you to read it! A digest of the report will appear as an insert in the September edition of the Melbourn Magazine, delivered to every house in the village. In the last issue of the Magazine we reported on the many positive things being started as a result of the enthusiastic body of volunteers now working with the Village Plan Steering Committee and the Parish Council. During March and April a number of different work-groups have been involved with supporting of Stockbridge Meadows and as volunteer litter pickers in the village. There is more on these initiatives below. Melbourn and Meldreth Self Help Group 11 RNLI 11 Other people have expressed an interest in: Royal British Legion 11 • Improving rural footpaths Melbourn Mobile Warden Scheme 13 • • Conservation and sustainability Help to the elderly and other community support projects Melbourn History Group 13 • Melbourn in Bloom. Royston & District Local History Society 15 We haven’t forgotten you! These ideas will be taken forward once the plan Hearing Dogs for Deaf People 15 implementation process is in place. Do you have Sight Loss? 15 We have also now completed a survey of businesses in the village and were impressed with the interest shown by most in being more involved in village life. Many business comments on issues facing the village paralleled those expressed


Every Saturday 10.30am to 12noon

Rombouts coffee & biscuits for 80p at All Saints’ Community Hall

Volunteer workforce in Stockbridge Meadows

through the residential questionnaire. We hope to set up a ‘business forum’ and a directory of local businesses as an outcome from this research.

Meanwhile, the Village Plan Steering Committee has almost completed work on the Village Plan. The Parish Council has reviewed a draft plan document, with copies of the draft also made available for consultation on the Village Website and in printed form at key village locations. We have received much useful comment as a result of this exercise.

One of the extremely valuable elements of the process was the vast amount of narrative comment we received from the questionnaires returned. Although these can’t all be cited in the report they are an invaluable reflection of the feelings of people in the village and will be used to develop policy as we move forward on the recommendations. They will also be provided to the relevant authorities.

This is an exciting time. The Village Plan will fully reflect the issues and ideas collected from the residents, businesses and organisations that make up the community of Melbourn. It is a blueprint strongly indicating the direction in which the village should go on a multitude of subjects, both big and small.

We will be available at the fete to answer any questions and explain the way in which we suggest the actions arising from the plan research are taken forward. In addition, we hope some more of you will join our enthusiastic group of about 175 volunteers interested in improving the many varied aspects of village life.

The task given to the Village Plan Steering Committee is coming to an end. Discussions are now taking place with the Parish Council on the nature and composition of an ‘Implementation Team’ to manage the fifty or so recommendations contained in the final plan document. There will be more detail on this in the next issue of the Melbourn Magazine.

Stockbridge Meadows

Through the Melbourn Village Plan a large and willing volunteer workforce was identified that specifically wanted to be part of the conservation of Stockbridge Meadows. On March 6th this enthusiastic group, following encouragement from and agreement with the Parish Council, organised the first working party of many in a long-term programme to make Stockbridge Meadows even better.

On the day more than thirty volunteers worked at a variety of tasks, including tree-planting, mulching with bark chips and the construction of ‘lizard shelters’ for these very small but special inhabitants of Melbourn. The event was well supported by Parish Councillors in conjunction with the Cambridge Conservation Volunteers, and was supervised by Rob Mungoven, the ecology officer from SCDC. A reporter from Radio Cambridgeshire also covered the occasion. More working parties are being organised during the spring and summer. If you would like to take part please contact Maureen Brierley on 01763 262752 or maureen.brierley@virgin.net

Litter picking volunteers collected an amazing 20 bin bags of litter in Melbourn

Litter Picking

Supported by the Parish Council, and in partnership with the River Mel Restoration Group, a party of volunteers collected an amazing 20 bin bags of litter from the streets and public places in Melbourn on April 9th. This was the first in a programme of regular ‘litter-picks’ again initiated as part of the Melbourn Village Plan project. If you are interested in joining future litter picks please contact Liz Williams on 01763 263107 or elizw_elizboot@yahoo.com Village Plan Steering Committee

Melbourn Village Fete & Music on the Moor

Saturday 25th June 2011 – 1pm till late

It’s that time of year again and the eagerly awaited Melbourn Village Fete & Music on the Moor is just a few weeks away. Hopefully you have seen the posters and fliers or heard all the publicity on the radio, if not check out our web-site www.melbournfete.co.uk for the latest information with some fantastic links to what will be on at this year’s Fete.

As you can imagine, organising such an event takes a lot of time and manpower so if you would like a last minute stall or could spare some time to help on the day, please contact us on our web-site above.

This year the Committee have worked very hard to maintain the high standard we have set ourselves to bring to the village a wide variety of stalls and entertainment throughout the whole day, as well as doing our best to keep costs down, so the whole family can come out for the day without breaking the bank.

We have during the day a selection of rides for all ages from the fairground rides, bouncy castles for the little ones to giant slides and a climbing wall for the older ones, and new for this year a ‘human hamster ball’ for the more adventurous. We have a

full and fun packed schedule for the main arena for all those that would just like to sit down and enjoy watching others get all hot and bothered. The Electralites Majorettes, who are the ‘baton’ UK Champions for the last 6 years and our local cadets marching band, are putting on a couple of displays in the afternoon.

As shown on the front cover, racers will again be competing for the Lawn-Mower Racing trophy, the ‘Melbourn Cup.’ All you lawn-mower fanatics, get your entries in soon, to avoid disappointment! Also again this year, we hope to have an interesting and varied display of vintage/classic vehicles for you to admire.

We also have NEW for this year a BMX bike display from Danny Butler, British Champion, and his team which you should not miss, as well as again NEW for this year, some Sheep Racing. Yes – you did read it right we will have some sheep at the Fete and hopefully around 3pm we will have our own Melbourn Village Fete grand national sheep race. If that was not enough, around 5pm we have a ‘musical dog sit’ competition for some local pet owners to see how obedient their dogs are. Not forgetting the ever popular tug of war and from last year, egg throwing for those that would like to get involved. For the little ones, McSplash are organising some games and dancing throughout the afternoon.

We will also have music on throughout the afternoon with the Memphis Jazz Band and Double Take barber shop quartet from last year as well something new from the youth of the village: we are proud to give some time for Tom/Luke/Luke/Tom (band), The Kill Buljo Acoustic Fist (band) with some fantastic vocals. All-in-all a fantastic music line up for the fete, and the Music on the Moor evening featuring Simon Holmes MVC Band supporting local head-lining act Lipstick Torpedo.

Our BBQ will be serving a varied selection of good quality meats at reasonable prices, keeping up our reputation of value for money. The Bar will have lager on tap and also a good choice of ales and ciders to quench your thirst, not forgetting our ever popular PIMMS which always seems to bring out the sunshine on the day. For the kids we will have a selection of soft drinks. Also as usual, there will be refreshments in the Pavilion, for those who prefer tea and cakes somewhere quiet to catch up with their friends.

With the generous support of all our sponsors, together with the support of all the local villagers who come in their thousands to add to the fantastic atmosphere, this year’s Melbourn Village Fete & Music on the Moor event has all the potential of being one of the best ever.

If you are able to offer your help on the day, volunteers can get in touch on our website www.melbournfete.co.uk or melbournfete@aol.com. Also, any sponsors would be very welcome and will receive a listing in the Fete programme and a link on our website. The sponsorship can be from £10 upwards, all amounts gratefully received, for further details contact Mary at purnell@waitrose.com.

We look forward to seeing you on the day – Saturday 25th June 2011. Brian Collingbourne (Chair)

Melbourn & Meldreth Women’s Group

We meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month (except December) and vary our venue between The Community Hall behind All Saint’s Church in Melbourn and The Meeting Room at Holy Trinity Church in Meldreth. There is no annual membership with a charge of £1 on the evening and an option to contribute to our charity pot, the charity we have chosen to support this year is MAGPAS. All meetings begin at 7.45p.m. ending with a cup of tea/coffee and biscuits, normally finishing by about 9.30 p.m.

Since the last Magazine we have had our Lent Reflection led by Barbara Mackellar and at the time of writing are looking forward to a talk about Journalism by Maureen Moody in April and then our annual Garden Party which is in May this year.

Our meeting on June 28 will be at Melbourn when Pauline Hay will be talking to us about the Mothers’ Union and I am sure this will be an interesting talk. We will also be manning some of the games stalls at Meldreth Fete on June 18th so come and speak to us there. Then in July on the 26th we will have a members’ music evening again in Melbourn, members bring some selections of their favourite music and it always turns out to be a varied and fun evening. August 23rd sees us in Meldreth for our annual outing which will be a short guided walk around Meldreth led by one of the members of The Local History Society. We will start and finish our walk at The British Queen so that we can quench our thirst afterwards!

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me: Pat Smith (Chairman) on 01763 2690103

Village Market

1st Saturday of the month Melbourn Village College Main Hall

If you would like a stall to sell your own crafts please contact: Judith Harradence on 223408 comed@mvc.org.uk

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