Issue 68 Winter 2011

Page 21


Melbourn (Melbourn, Gt Chishill, Lt Chishill and Heydon)

To help pinpoint problems and find practical solutions to reduce anti-social behaviour in the village, Melbourn’s Practical Solutions Group (PSG) has recognised that a less formal and more inclusive approach is required to achieve its aims. This group remains multi-agency, and can work with and include Melbourn residents (young and old).

Crime Offence levels in Melbourn have decreased compared to the previous period (30 offences vs. 56 offences) also compared to the same period last year (40 offences). There were 4 violent crime offences in this period compared to 11 offences in the previous period and 10 offences in the same period last year. Two of these offences were domestic related. There were 8 offences in The Moor, three relating to criminal damage and three relating to theft/burglary. Two offences related to the same incident where two males started fighting and one demanded property and assaulted the other when he would not comply.

Non emergency phone number

The new police Service number is 101. This replaces 0345 456 456 4, but this number will remain

101 MINICOM helpline for the deaf and hard of hearing, anywhere in the force area: 01480 422493 RNID TypeTalk is a national telephone relay service which enables, deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing and speech impaired people to communicate, to access the service dial: 0800 515152

Emergency 999

If you are affected by ASB would like to be involved in this worthwhile project then please get in touch by using the contact form at; problemsolving or phone 01763 221323 ASB incidents in Melbourn have decreased compared to the previous period (56 vs. 86 incidents). They have also decreased compared to the same period last year (67 incidents). The Moor continues to be a problem with youths congregating in the area shouting, screaming, driving around in vehicles and on motorbikes in an anti-social manner and generally causing a disturbance.

Priorities Agreed

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Tackle anti-social behaviour associated with vehicle use

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Tackle misuse of green and open spaces in Melbourn

Tackle road safety issues to include excess speed, obstructive parking and use of mobile phones whilst driving. Support South Cambs District Council to reduce ASB in Vicarage Close sheltered accommodation complex.

Next neighbourhood policing panel meeting 18th January 2010 at Bassingbourn Village College Doors open 7pm for 7.30pm start. All welcome

The Parish Council has bought and installed several new salt bins within the Village. However, some people have been using the salt from other bins for their own gardens and driveways. The salt bins are there so that residents can treat public areas; mainly pavements and roads. The salt should not be used for treating areas on private property. Theft of, or from, the salt bins is a criminal offence (s.1, Theft Act 1968). If you see anyone stealing a salt bin, or its contents, please contact the Police. If it is a crime in progress, use the 999 number; if not, then please use the non-urgent reports number: 101.



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